unhinged we choose hate again

flowerock. We chose it a long time ago, now it's just confirmed.
He's bad, but she's bad too.
Still not good, but not surprising.
Hard work ahead.
u24 so sorry for y'all. 161109
unhinged don't feel sorry for us. all sides brought us here and too many didn't have the balls to demand justice. this is what neoliberalism has brought us...the ignorant and hateful would rather support neofacism.

let's keep electing republicans and cutting education. great plan guys
() (Oh! this is what it feels like to wake up in an alternate universe.) 161110
unhinged i lived in the trump universe for 30 years. after i watched the koch brothers buy my governor i got up and left and moved to somewhere where i elected a socialist to city council that stops the city from spending 133 million on a police precinct cause we are in the midst of a housing/homelessness crisis.

in the past eight years a lot of us left the midwest for the progressive pastures of the west coast. and just like i feared the midwest turned red. but that is not the only reason that shillary had hundreds of thousands less votes in detroit and milwaukee than obama did four years ago.

don't you dare blame the voters for giving us nothing to vote for

the democratic party of 2016 is the republican party of 1980...we all know how that story ends. we are living it right now

WAKE_UP america. find better politicians. demand better politicians. vote out corporatist buffoons. or it could very well be

unhinged (although honestly i'd rather have a big booty ho in the Whitehouse than a heartless billionaire any day) 161110
flowerock. 8 don't know whether to cry or clap but that was well said unhinged.

Alcohol sales were high at work today for sure... everyone is comfort eatong, drinking, and marching... a little bit of lighting the streets in fire and blocking the highway too. In Oakland last night people found themselves in clouds of tear gas near leaving resturaunt and stores near the protesters. So it goes. Lots of work ahead of us.
unhinged thanks

ive been crying at the drop of a hat the past few days.

the book cultivating compassion by jeffery hopkins is helping me keep my heart from contracting into a ball of anger and bile
unhinged my brother told me about the craziness in oakland yesterday. there several protests here too. there was a shooting near one of the protests which is also near my work yesterday too. five shot, two of them in critical condition. there is a heavy amount of drug activity on that corner so the shooting was probably related to that but usually the drug dealers wait to shoot each other until there's less people downtown... everyone is on edge. my mother finds the protests ridiculous. i think the protests are long as people aren't killing each other 161110
flowerock. I'm feeling that our misery is their victory. We have to enjoy what good is left and live joyfully and passionately. We have to be aware and present and available to protect those in need of protecting and continue progressing as a whole regardless of the political state. I realize that sounds easy and it's not, but it is necessary. I'm not opposed to expressing rage and grief, but those should not be all we have. 161112
macquaria I know it's not quite the same but waking up on brexit day here in the UK was like waking up into an alternative universe where hate and fear had succeeded and being hateful to anyone the general public deemed 'unbritish' seemed to be legitimised.

I've never been so ashamed of my country than for that. It's caused rifts between families, friends and neighbours. The scaremongers have now denied any responsibility and have either left their positions or have been promoted, which is kinda galling.

Nigel Farage has also been sticking his oar into your politics with his xenophobic views which makes me sad.

The only way I can get some comfort from this is to realise that ideas can be very powerful and perhaps with enough input from the cogs, the zeitgeist can change and affect the machine.

With love to my global blather friends.
unhinged you thought you were fighting the establishment choosing trump and he wants to make newt Gingrich secretary of state and rudy fucking stop and frisk guliani attorney general

you fucking morons
smallhours A thought:

Racism has been a real and serious issue long before this election. Even under a black president, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, and so many more are dead while their killers walk free. Not to mention the daily non-homicidal racism that doesn’t make headlines. There's no way Hillary would have done a better job of fixing that. But if she had been elected instead of Trump, none of this dialogue would be happening at the level it is. White America would still continue denying that racism still exists. Now there are discussions, articles, arguments, protests - a movement has been mobilized and shows no signs of stopping.

Even over a week later, I am still overwhelmed with nausea and embarrassment for what happened. I never in a million years would have wished this fate on our country, and voted against it. That said, Hillary represented the status quo and I don’t think anyone would say that things were close to okay for racial minorities even before last Tuesday. Is it possible we got what we needed, instead of what we wanted?
smallhours (what we needed being a wake up call to acknowledge and stand up to racism and xenophobia on a large scale) 161116
unhinged the dialogue we get to have about race_in_america under trump isn't about philando or alton or tamir. instead we get to talk about why he nominated a man that was leading a white nationalist website to some vaguely important security advising position. or that Mr stop and fucking frisk might be attorney general and how other leaders have to plead with trump not to do that because throughout his campaign he hasn't understood why associating with white nationalists is bad and seems to have no clue about constitutional rights and legal precedent...

do you honestly believe that that is the dialogue this country NEEDS on race?
unhinged (shillary would not really have advanced any progress on race, i agree. but trump makes children afraid and emboldens white nationalists to hold up white power signs outside of predominantly black schools. easy for white people to say trump solidifies the opposition. all opposition does is convince the other side that they need to fight) 161116
Hybrid Dining Utensil Oh man...

I love it when people who claim to be any kind of progressive parrot tired-ass Republican slurs and reward the 25 years of sexist, tinfoil hat horseshit that the GOP heaped on that woman since she first offended them by not being an empty headed Stepford wife of a first lady

That "Shillary" "Hitlery" noise wasn't particularly cute, funny or clever when the right-wing knuckle-draggers were spitting it back then, and even less so from the crowd who seems to think their "dank memes" are a fair substitute for rational policy stances

I want to laugh at the almost hilariously dismissive attitudes of people who couldn't put aside their need for ego validation long enough to be pragmatic about shit about how a qualified if somewhat flawed politician is "just as bad" as the racist, fascist nightmare shitshow looming over us now.

Oh, I know...all the salty little Verucas who wanted their illusory socioeconomic policy pony NOW even if that meant pushing other more vulnerable groups to the back of the proverbial bus weren't suitably "inspired" to worry about that and now want to be indignant about an outcome where they're arguably more complicit

Those who forget the lesson of the 2000 election have doomed us all to repeat it

But like every sequel, it'll be bigger, shittier and even less coherent.

And don't worry, you're safe(r than you realize), when they come for me I won't ask you to speak up
fates_spinning_names Out of context (in a way) but worth listening to:

"At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees; then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity"

Chico Mendes
unhinged's all the liberals faults that trump won. we didn't vote for trump or hillary . i am tired of incrementalists telling me im childish and stupid for demanding more than failed neoliberalism from both sides.

the fact that trump is a fascist doesn't negate the fact that hillary was a corporate shill. i am tired of people telling me that's all I should expect
No . 161121
Hybrid Dining Utensil So then you're saying that all the assorted old people, brown people and LGBTQ people who are gonna get the shittiest end of the stick under the incoming cavalcade of dumbfuckery can just eat that shit with a rusty fork because "zomg neoliberalism" or what the fuck ever

"Fuck your existential jeopardy...what about meeee? If I can't get it the way I want it, your suffering is totally worth it"

Nice, yes, that's very progressive
unhinged no. that is not what i am saying at all. i didn't vote for either of them because i live on the west coast so i didn't have to vote for the lesser evil.

i am a woman with a gay black best friend. i am scared to death of trump and pence.

but if you think hillary was progressive you don't know what progressivism is. if you are using being progressive as an insult you don't have much intelligence either.

voter suppression and the electoral college are why trump won. the fact that obama has done next to nothing to help the middle class and hillary was a republican in democrats clothing is why trump won. quit blaming liberals. it makes you sound stupid.
The Foon? So, what...were the rest of us supposed to get behind some laughable third party dilletantes with no legislative backing who only show up during the general elections as single-issue (if even that) attention whores?

Jill Россия Сегодня Stein? Lol. I think she spent too much time near the Wi-Fi

Gimme a fucking break.

And hey -News flash: I'm sure Obama could have gotten a lot more done if, oh... you know...

Congress and the Senate weren't overloaded with thinly veiled racist obstructionist koch_suckers who made it public that they were out to ratfuck him from day one

("It's not enough to stave off a second Great Depression, we need our ponies NOW, goddamn it, and screw the logistics")

Voter suppression, yes, agree wholly with you there, the Bush appointees on the Supreme Court gutting the Voting Rights Act, extensive Republican gerrymandering at the state levels, onerous, Kafkaesque requirements for additional forms of ID

The rust belt and the traditional industries which sustained it ain't coming back, anybody promising otherwise is pandering to a folks longing for a time warp that isn't likely to happen any fucking time soon

And for being "a Republican" in Democratic disguise, it's kinda funny how much of a throbbing hate-on actual Republicans have had towards her since '92

the same people who've elevated calumny to high art to deflect from their litanies of destructive avarice and douchebaggery accused her of murder and conspiracy on par with Lady Macbeth, who have conveniently misrepresented the power and general role of the office of Secretary of State so as to pin their own cheap assholery like the cuts to embassy security funding.

please do elaborate for me on the subject. Enlighten me. Gimme specifics

And no, InfoWars is not any kind of valid. Those fuckers have spent way too much time huffing their own "chemtrail"...if I want to know what the interdimensional lizard banking cabal is up to, I'll drop a fuckton of acid and ask them my damn self

"But I've got a(n) [insert Minority here] best friend..."
Really? You had to throw that one out there? Jebus, That's right up there with "but I'm a quarter Cherokee on my grandma's side
rhymes with ronny rest you're the one hiding behind a pseudonym, when anyone with some deep blather history can pretty easily piece together who you are based on your writing style. if you're going to sling shit and paint yourself as a political know-it-all, your words might have a bit more bite if you didn't take the coward's way out.

just saying.

funny thing, too: you claim to be anti-trump. here you are engaging in some of the same kind of bullying that helped get him elected, albeit on a smaller, more personal scale.

and if you think yelling at someone in a well-hidden corner of the internet is solving any of the world's problems, i've got a homemade time-travel device i'd like to sell you.
unhinged i get it; the fact that im white makes my concern compassion and empathy for my friends and human beings in general null and void. the fact that ive been with my best friend in several situations over the years where both of us got hate flying at us for having the balls to be together in a small town or a rest stop mcdonalds means i couldn't possibly understand what nonwhite people go through. everyone suffers white or not by somehow in this country we all got caught up with who suffers more so we can ignore the fact that white or not inequality is at an all time disgusting high and anyone that cares about fixing that is a big fat crybaby because trump.

have you ever been to the rust belt? i grew up there and lived there for 30 goddamn years. so don't tell me grow up the jobs just aren't coming back. come to youngstown buffalo cleveland and look at this shit before you throw rocks at people that couldn't bring themselves to vote for the woman whose husband destroyed their livelihood and their dignity. this isn't about policy; this is about what policy does to people.

like bill clintons beautiful crime bill. which hillary supported with a beautiful speech about how black young men are super predators. or his deregulation of the telecommunications industry that brought us the mega corporate media machine that gave trump billions of dollars of free media. was/is hillary a teabagger? obviously fucking not but cutting people off welfare and praising a company that doesn't allow their workers to unionize and practically screaming at a rally about how Americans will never have universal healthcare makes her a goddamn republican. period.

we all know politicians lie. we all know the corruption is systemic. but what happened here a few weeks ago isn't my fault asshole. it's Hillary's fault for not stepping foot in wisconsin during the general election. it's hillarys fault for going after republican votes instead of assuring the rust belt that she would kill the tpp. it's hillarys fault for blaming the wikileaks on the goddamn russians instead of at least owning up to them. it's hillarys fault for giving debbie wasserman shultz a goddamn position on her campaign after the DNC had to fire her for being a corrupt asshole.

those of us that voted for obama because we wanted change are not to blame for trump.

all the people that voted for trump because their lives have been destroyed by shitty free trade deals crammed down their throats by corporatist democrats that claim they support unions are not to blame for the fact that they just couldn't support another politician that wrote the next goddamn free trade deal.

if these crazy fuckers get away with all their right wing shit i could very well be punished too since i had an abortion. so don't act like trump and pence are just water off my back because I am white. and don't alienate the people in this country who will lead the fight against all the crazy shit trumps cronies will try to cram down ALL of our throats in the next four years.

we are all afraid. blaming the other is what got us into this mess. quit saying that the people that want a better system and a better life are the ones to blame.
unhinged (i woulda voted for Hillary if i still lived in a swing state fyi) 161123
unhinged and i am also so fucking sick of the argument that obamas corporatist blow jobs to the banks and his republican healthcare plan were because of the obstructionist congress. he said he would fight for the working class and then he let 50% of all the wealth generated from the recovery go to the top 10%. he made the bush tax cuts permanent. he is allowing the police at standing_rock to put people in cages so the oil companies that gave him money can destroy native burial sites and the water supply of millions to make more money. Obama led this country from the center right and most of us are still sitting here waiting for all the change he promised. if you think obama is a saint cause he had a d next to his name in the senate you are delusional. if you think obama going around making speeches about how we need to pass more free trade deals while hillary was claiming the democratic party platform was all the proof we needed that she would kill the tpp when she nominated a vice president that is right to work had nothing to do with why hillary lost the rust belt you live in your own empathyless bubble.

it is not the fault of the hard left that wants true equality of opportunity in this country that hillary lost. it is not the fault of the hard left that the leadership of the democratic party has led this country straight into a soft oligarchy and most of us right or left want our goddamn republic back
unhinged 161124
unhinged this must be progressives' fault too
public domain perhaps this
is a
of bloodletting.
to draw out
the sickness
and return balance.
a wise man
once told me:
it’s going to get worse
before it gets better.
be strong.
the world loves you.
unhinged 161211

and nancy pelosi thinks the democrats don't need a new direction
unhinged if your rent is too high, thank obama (and thanks to one of the last things he did is president there is no relief in sight)
unhinged and now our islamophobia is spreading across the border



smallhours Voted Bernie in the primaries, then voted Hillary, hoped for a silver lining when Trump won, now just hoping for a reaction in the 2018 congress elections.

West Coast privilege will only get you so far. I wasn't too affected by the election either. But the people that have been affected needed us to vote for the one chance of keeping him out. Why did you rail so hard against that?
unhinged cause she was a fucking cheater. period. because her husband destroyed the town i grew up in. because she was a fracking republican that only accepted gay marriage in 2013 and spent the nineties justifying her husband's horrible crime bill that currently has millions of people in jail. because at every juncture, she chose WAR WAR WAR. because she wrote the goddamn tpp. the democratic party picked the wrong candidate. their super delegates (at least the fucking republicans let their voters choose their goddamn nominee) didn't do what they were supposedly created to do (all the polls said bernie would have solidly beat trump so according the fricking dnc chair they should have chose him instead, but the clintons ran the party like mobsters and made sure that everyone that went against them knew they would be destroyed)

yeah,i know it's my white priviledge that makes me want better than the lesser evil. it's also my white priviledge that has made the democratic party neoliberal irrelevant assholes *rollseyes*

all the shenanigans the dnc has played all across this country in the past six months only continue to prove their irrelevancy. keep blaming it on the voters. the tea party whackos will only get a further grip on this country in 2018. cause instead of admitting they fucking cheated and they have rigged the system against progressives in every way and continue to do so with the dnc chair race and party chair races across the country, now they are screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA so that hillary can go on tv and say how it wasn't her fault she lost.

gag me

with a spoon
minnesota_chris werd 170611
J A S M I N E in_all_seriousness, Trump is someone who inherited a bunch of money, squandered it, and has crawled out of the hole by taking advantage of loopholes available only to the rich and by perpetrating the kind of infomercial-level scams that would get less-well-connected individuals jailed or banned from doing business. He doesn't represent the American work ethic; he's the antithesis of it. 170612
J A S M I N E Trump would have not been in office had Bernie_Sanders rightfully win the primary. A righteous man never wins in babylon. Technically it was The DNC who played a huge role in trumps coronation of the whitehouse in the first place 170612
J A S M I N E Your whole system is obviously corrupt!!!! 170612
unhinged most of us are well aware how fucked up our system is and that bernie woulda won if the DNC hadn't fucked the whole country with their cronyism. that's what happens when you live in an oligarchy...the rich and powerful stay rich and powerful no matter what they do and the rest of the people suffer. and they wonder why voter turnout was so low *rollseyes* 170612
amy and purplely apostrophe while i would have really held my nose to vote for Hillary because of her hawkishness, i would have hoped (only) that she would have played a left-moderate role in military operations due to her knowledge and wisdom in that area.

i voted for Stein because if Hillary won my state she wouldn't need my vote (and that happened) and since i live in a Trumpish area, i felt i needed my vote counted in the tallies as merely, an alternative to the hopeless, decrepit, deluded, and mean-spirited Trump-vote. i did not vote for Stein as a viable candidate because i find her to be hyperbolic - exaggerating, not curvy- on a lot of issues and apolitical, uncompromising, at least in gaining support and believing in the cool-kid model of America (that model ain't true, IMO).

all that said, here's what i really really want to say. I've been reading a May 2016 New Yorker. Bernie has just lost the primaries and has said that he might stage a little uprising at the convention (which didn't happen; he actually spoke at the convention - a real politician)

bear with me here's three paragraphs from Amy Davidson May 2 2016, p 20.

But there are legitimate concerns about the role of money in politics that go well beyond quid-pro-quo bribery, such as the effect that being in a closed conversational circle with wealthy donors can have on a politician's world view and priorities. Sanders, though he might do so less derisively, has a right to raise them. Clinton's mistake has been to treat discomfort with money in politics as discomfort with her. Blind defensiveness on this point poses a risk not only to the Clinton campaign but also to the Democrats' future as the party championing campaign-finance reform. George Clooney....... agreed the sum was "obscene". On that, he said, Sanders "is absolutely right." But Clooney straighforwardly defended the fund-raising as a corrosive but necessary means to counterattack the Republicans, at least until a better system is in place for all.

Clinton could try to do the same. Instead, she mostly seems frustrated that Sanders has maintained his image as an economy-class-flying ascetic, when his campaign has raised, albeit mostly from small donors, an extraordinary amount of money -- forty-six million dollars in March, compared with twenty nine and a half million for Clinton -- and has spent it profligately. As of last month, the campaigns had each raised about a hundred and eighty-five million dollars. Clinton, though, according to the Times, is also backed by seventy-six million dollars in super-PAC money.

Trump had raised close to fifty million dollars, most of it in loans from himself. He speaks at every opportunity about how he is self-funding his campaign (which is not entirely true; he's had about twelve million in contributions) and about how easily politicians can be bought. He has said many times that he purchased Clinton's attendance at his wedding with a donation to her family's foundation. (She has said that she thought the wedding would be "entertaining.") Listening to the tales Trump would spin in a general election about "Crooked Hillary" won't be fun. Clinton needs to find her voice on the question of campaign finance -- to talk more about money, not less-- because valid doubts about the integrity of the system are fuelling Trump's campaign, too. That won't change if Bernie is gone.


so, that was prescient. but what concerns me is Trump's campaign was/is run on the premise- here. you get something for nothing (i.e. no campaign donations) Trump's life is run on this premise. The seed money is his dad's. Whoever he was. We don't know about him as much as we know about Trump's resorts. Enjoy!

I'm not saying there are no free lunches in life. But in politics I am saying that you don't get something for nothing. And I would ask yourself if, at this stage in the game, if Bernie is giving you something for nothing, you know like a feeling. hope. camaraderie. when what is needed is committment and careful choices and sacrifice of your retirement vacations. or whatever. maybe it's the crappy job you choose to do, or the stance you are able to take on basic income versus endless unwinnable war. discussions about money are important. that the DNC would thwart Bernie's campaign? not surprised! money can't go down the drain. what should they have done.

there are no activists, only activism. money talks. where's the seed money, if it looks like the politician is nothing but a promise. where was Obama's seed money? Michelle, the south side of Chicago, and Princeton. it certainly wasn't his parents. i don't know, Mr. Trump. not Kenya. why do you think that.

sorry for the verbosity.
unhinged not only has the dnc failed on campaign finance they've doubled down on their failure. they fail to see that the money doesn't matter. it's the optics of the money that matter. because we all know we live in an oligarchy now. and that the democrats prop that up just as much as republicans.

both parties in this country are a joke. the hypocrisy of our government has become so immoral and disgusting i want to spit on a regular basis.

we need a new party. NOW
smallhours Completely agree the DNC sucks and we need a new third party. But it needs successful local elections scaling upwards, and not a hail mary on election day that ends up fractionalizing the common denominator. It’s one of many should-be’s in a world that can’t operate on idealism.

I’m back to hoping this will all just create the backlash that we have so greatly needed. I don’t want Trump to be impeached just for Pence to fill in. I want Trump shout at the top of his lungs all that’s wrong with our outgoing generation, and for the incoming one to hear it.
z parliamentary democracy, anyone? 170810
smallhours I'll take two. 170811
unhinged anybody defending neonazis or klan members right now needs their head examined

and these violent assholes on the left are no better. that is exactly what allows trump to take the cowards way out and say we need peace from all sides. you are no better than nazis you morons
smallhours does tolerating intolerance make you tolerant, or just as bad? who decides where the line is drawn between the two? 170813
to smallhours: 170817
unhinged tolerance implies intolerance. ive always bristled against that word for that exact reason

where i grew up being an asshole was not tolerated
unhinged this is what happens when you vote for democrats:
unhinged 'the only people that wag their fingers at me for not voting for hillary are people that grew up in cul de sacs'


at this point, i can't even say 'where is FDR when we need him?'

i mean really

i think i need to just flee this country already
ergo Stand and fight 180125
ergo In these dark times 180125
unhinged this guy is standing and fighting:

and youtube has demonetized and censored the shit out of him and the government has made him register as a foreign agent
N Fuck thhhrjjrjjjrjj jjj 190720
what's it to you?
who go