misstree welcome to the boxing ring.
i do a lot of arguin'. some would say it clutters blathes; there are occasions i agree with them. so i'll occasionally import arguments that are getting pretty off topic here to be dealt with out of the way of, well, everything else that goes on hereabouts.
if you have a bone to pick with me, well, i love pickin' bones, bring it here and we'll see what we can do. all i ask is that things remain at least minorly civil, and if you're going to be doing this whole joust, make sure you have a horse to ride on; don't just call me an idiot or whatnot, call me an idiot over something specific. and don't worry about offending me, if you manage to offend me then you've probably just made my week.
and if anyone else wishes to use this space, please feel morethanfree, it's all free reign around here, anarchy at its finest, so do as thou wilt.

first up, continued from how_old_are_you, just an observation said: "haha.. and spelling it misstree is any diferent from spelling it slyver?" on 031230

indeed it is. one of the very common and overused themes in the big bad world of gothdom is not only assigning oneself a pretentious apellation (metals and gems, animals, and celestial bodies being among the most common choices), but spelling it in the most ostentatious way possible, using y whenever possible and altering letters to get that "unique" feel. so fucking sterotypical i can feel the bats flying out of my ass already. i have known more shadows and dragons and lord this and silver that and wolf or moon the other than i could shake a shortsword at, and for the most part each one of them has been entirely caught up in giving the appearance of being elite and mysterious and ohsosophisticated, and in the end been little more than a mask, at least that i could detect. now, this is also with a good base of comparison with other people who do not go by birth names, but were a bit more creative in their nomenclature-- spin, algernon, ratbastard, coppertop, bedbug, el, blue, and a score of others, (and yes, that's what people call them in real life, not just netnames,) not even considering the particulars of chosen names among swordfighters.

now, one of the myriad reasons that i chose the name misstree is because of its simplicity. people have been calling me tree for over ten years now, and it bears a close resemblance to my birth name. but simply using "tree" as a netname is a bit impractical, so i had to tack something on to it. not fond of numbers, and i sure as hell wasn't going to give myself some hullabaloo title, "Empress Tree of the Lands of Honey and Nonconsensual Sex". so "miss," tinged with a bit of irony, as i'm sure as heck no lady and barely even a miss. the resemblance to the word "mystery" was just another thing that tickled my fancy, and wouldjalookitthat, it stayed.

are there similaritites i'm not percieving? if so, please do enlighten me, but i am simply not seeing it.
Fatal Flower well darlin', i've bought some tickets to the battle royale. Is there a coat check room?

i'm a jouster, not a boxer.
you may know who I am already it was just an observation, as the name suggested, no need to get on your high horse over it, unless I've missed something, you've not discussed the resons behind your netname elsewhere, hence, the OBSERVATION was just as is.

I feel no need to fight anything out, or win or lose; if it makes you feel any better, I conceed, you are quite correct, and have the most laudable reasons for choosing your netname, and of course, sylverwhateverhisnameis didn't think at all when choosing his/her name, it is simply a name to inspire the goth elite, to make himself sound more gother than thou. Unlike such wonderous names as 'hostess of the apocalypse' etc.

anyway, I have no desire to get too into the boxing ring spirit, so, I conceed. your name is so much better than any other. oh, and what a worthy argument you choose to fight over.

predicted response will tear into my statement that "I feel no need to fight anything out", and possibly resort to take cheap shots at me for not using my 'real' name. ah well. Cya.
misstree naw, no cheap shots, no harm done in not scrappin'... i like to argue for argument's sake, and one of my biggest problems with blather is when it sounds like i'm all getting my dander up, you can't see how much i'm grinning. i do have a little of that "aw, shucks" feeling, i do enjoy a good roll in the language, but you have every right not to argue with me. *le_sigh* and yeah, i think i might know who ya are, but identities tend to matter little to me. i'd lick ya no matter who you are. and i wasn't looking for win_or_lose, just a chance to roar briefly, and if anything came back that would cause a correction in my programming, all the better.

invitation stands for anyone who wants to get up on a soapbox and holler back and forth with me... i don't bite, really... well, i don't break skin when i bite...
Broken Blood Vessel Don't trust her! She does break fragile membranes.

Lord Melbatoast damn blather_black_hole blathes.

all i meant to say was that i love you.

of the Lands of Grappa and Lambshanks
Lord Melbatoast but it should still link. hrm.


of the Lands of Bunched Skivvies
Lord Melbatoast empress_tree_of_the_lands_of_honey_and_nonconsensu al_sex

of the Lands of Lack of Attention Paid
misstree is a miscreant and insidious corrupter mmmmm.... bunched skivvies... do they have hello kitty on them?

fragile membranes are made to be broken, how else is one supposed to collect souvenier bruises? m' personal flavorite is when you can see each individual tooth mark. and running my hand over it the next day at work. and grinning like a chessy cat with the warm afterglow of sleeplessness and excessive amounts of nookie and delicious little christmas presents in hello kitty skivvies. and... i'll just stop there, before i promise stories on the rambling_roof...
you know. roar opportunity understood. firm handshake of still friendsness. If I really 'didn't want to fight it out' I wouldn't have risen to the challenge, so there's some of you in me.

u24..... I mean... that anonymous guy oh and the hidden grin thing amused me. yes, it is unfortunate that any PS's to the effect that we aren't really being all that serious would by their nature, detract from the blathe itself.

oh, and I'm not Mr Toast, but you probally knew that..
misstree from: unhinged_never_called_me
then: disclaimer
now here.

yeah, i post that shit because i think that other people might be interested (i got sick of telling stories in long distance phone calls), and i put a disclaimer at the head of it so that if people aren't interested they can bugger off straightaway rather than poke further out of curiosity.

i don't post a bunch of dramadrama bullshit that has absolutely no interest to anyone else except in seeing how much you and molly can be bitches to eachother. though it may have interest to other people besides just the two of you, i somehow seriously fucking doubt it. i can't tell you how to look at blather, but i won't shut up about things lasting forever here, i'll fucking scream until i'm blue in the face that shit like that has no reason for being here, that i don't want to be happily trolling through recent and suddenly fall to my knees retching because drama literally fucking nauseates me.

yeah yeah yeah, blather_is_blather, weakest fuckoff ever, basically means that you and i both have the right to say what we want. what does that add to the sum total argument? a lame excuse to ask me to shut up. nope, sorry, i won't.
misstree okay, thinking a moment, maybe i'm being unfair. there are times that i am wrong or act out of line. though i'm not convinced that this is one of them, well, endless_possibility.

is there one reason, other than that it started here, that you should be having that discussion here?
unhinged so basically you are using blather as a messageboard to save money on your longdistance bills...

and who has a bigger following than who

and blah blah blah

my point was that i don't tell you what to post or not to post because i don't care if you write your sex life all over here cause that is the point. i don't own this place and neither do you. whether you like it or not, it is a sum total of the people that write here. but we all know what a self-admitted raging horny bitch you are.

blah blah blah
misstree no darling, neither of the bills were mine. i was using that to explain what reversed my initial decision not to share the writings, as there was apparent interest. other factors involved, beside the point at the moment. (as an even further aside, i have to say that it entertains me that one of the flavorite tactics of all but a few 'skites is to attack another's posts... see the schadenfreude bullshit for prime examples of judging someone's argument by the person.)

whose butt are you pulling "bigger following than who" out of?

i never said i owned blather, but i have on multiple occasions expressed interest in seeing quality writing hereabouts. yes, in this particular instance i am a blather_purist; i still see no reason why that type of oneperson to oneperson dramadramabullshit has any place here whatsoever, and you still have yet to provide one other than "i'll write what i like." i've even offered you possibilities; if perhaps there were someone else involved, if perhaps it was a thoughtless continuation because it began here; if perhaps the writing itself was something you considered creative enough to hold interest for anyone other than the two people bitching about all this useless ytown crap. but nothing.

darling, please, for the last time, is there any fucking reason to have that dramadramabullshit here on blather? i'm trying to throw you a bone but you're just not catching it.
stork daddy blah blah blah...i'm pretty...blah blah i'm pretty.

misstree, your arguments are ridiculous. why does writing have to be intentionally beautiful? writing needn't even a clearcut intentionality in its seeking to communicate something (although i'd agree then that it wasn't perhaps being used as efficiently as it could be ((the problem with efficiency is that to be absolutely sure and unambigious about what is being communicated you have to limit your writing to fairly uncontested and narrow subjects which is why most of the clear writing you'll read is in business documents))). when i write something, am i always aware of what i'm intending, or are not parts of my psyche that i may not have access to directly also capable of words or their suggestion. are you so aware of where each word comes from or why it is chosen, or even why you have the urge to say it to someone else. all of the ambiguity i'm suggesting that lies behind what a clear communication in language is, however, somewhat besides the point, as even if a writer intends clearly one thing when writing, that intended meaning is not its only worth as often what another person takes from it, intended or not, is just as rich (perhaps the reader is seeing what the author didn't know they intended). unhinged and molly were giving us all a crossection of their lives in how they spoke to each other. this is perhaps something they intended or did not intend but i enjoyed it either way. the suggestion of betrayal, of a smalltown, of drug dealer boyfriends were all posts from which we could spy into what for someone else could be a very real experience (if they didn't craft the whole thing). i don't know how you could miss the artistic worth of someone else's conversations as it's voyeurism at its finest (something i'm sure you're into in its less noble forms you sicko). if you come here to learn about life, confessional writing, whether directed or neccessitated by the actual lives of the author, is a rich source of information. what an archaeologist wouldn't give for a written conversation between two people from a distant time. now i'm glad you don't appreciate it, but don't act as if you're the only one coming from a justifiable position. blather is blather isn't such a weak stance after all. since neither of you can do anything other than create more drama and bitching about each others posts, blather is blather is not only a reality both of you shoulder, but also how things should be seeing as i obviously wouldn't want you dictating what blather should be anymore than you'd want unhinged to. it's probable that the reason we all come here is that blather is blather in a world where unfettered expression (something you seem pretty high on) is often limited by outright laws or their more subtle cousins, social norms. and as for a disclaimer making one form of personal journal entries more appropriate than another, i ask only this: a disclaimer helps who? are you being parented on this site? do we really need labels like xxx or scenes of violence or adult sexuality to save your precious time? why don't you just read the first couple of sentences and in the same time it would take to read a disclaimer you can decide for yourself if it's where you want to be. using blather well is your responsibility and no one else's. i'm glad i can finally argue with you about something. i personally feel the reason you dont' get a lot of arguments coming through here is because it's a rarity you say something that's not vapid or is worth further discussion.

haha...anyways...blah blah blah i'm pretty
unhinged actually the whole who has a bigger following than who was something i interpreted from what you said about what you say about your writing being interesting to more than two people...that kind of implies that you would believe that there are more than two people here that read what you have to say and there aren't more than two people that read what i have to say. but silly me, implying meaning into people's arguments and words when that's really all i have to go one.

see: longsleeves for further illustration of what an assuming idiot i am when it comes to arguing with people.

and i don't need you to throw me a bone. but i refuse to be attacked in a hypocritical way. as i will say for the third time, i don't care what you think of my writing. but i will not tolerate someone attacking me for something that they also do. blather is not your little clique as much as you have tried to make it that way. i've been here for awhile. someone telling me that i'm a dramaqueen and that i need to shutup doesn't really affect me much.

and like a former skite told me today 'blather IS drama' and it's nice to see you perpetuating that fact.

but i think this page is really about all of us bowing down to the well-thought out rage of misstree. i concede. threw my bone. done.
unhinged (and storkdaddy...yeah that really was my life in youngstown sadly enough. one of my best friends dating a ghetto drug dealer, most all of my friends serious addicts. sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll. right on.) 040106
misstree dammit, stork, i was when you would show up over here, and when you do, you actually find the bone i was missing. gonna argue anyway, though.

i never said that writing had to be pretty, efficient, or even interesting. i ask for Quality, i ask for Value, for something that communicates something of worth. am i the final judge on what has worth? hell no. will i refrain from stomping and hollering about my opinoin of it? i wouldn't be me if i didn't. you consider a crossection of irrelevant drama worthwhile. well, darlin', i'll leave you to your opinoin; i personally abhor drama so strongly that it does literally nauseate me. people can't keep their noses out of other people's butts, and they cause drama and stress and unpleasent complications to other people's lives about it. for what? for the feeling of poking at someone else's life because it's there, and it's easier than poking at their own. because other people live and think differently, which is of course Wrong. i gave up drama games when i gave up my concerns with what other people think.

i'll grant you that i can see where some would consider it voyeuristic entertainment, but can't that be had in any school cafeteria, any message board, any WB programming? forgive me if i try to pretend that i can find more Value-filled entertainment and thoughts here than hearing cats hiss at eachother. if you look real close, you can find archaelogical value in advertising; shall we start that here as well? you want a real cross-section of true american culture, surf some chat rooms, play some neopets. i'd rather not start hearing about whose pet battled who and what new painbrush someone is saving up for, i'd consider it an inappropriate use of blather, and probably stomp and shout some more. would i use force to stop someone from saying any damn thing they pleased? nope. but i'll sure as hell try to make a difference in their thoughts. whether or not i actually do is up to them.

and as for the disclaimers, i do it as a courtesy. i'd rather see something saying, "hey, this is a diatribe on the rather odd ovulation cycle of river otters, bugger off if you're not interested" than get halfway through thinking it might develop into a descriptive nature piece or somesuch. i especially disclaimer such things because there are people in the world who don't view sex and suchnot the same way as i do, and would prefer to avoid reading about it altogether. add that to the fact that i don't think that it's a subject that should be taken so very casually and consider that a goodly number of my disclaimers include bits of "don't try this at home, you could end up preggers or dead," and i'll sit tight on my stance that they have a reason for being there--not to make what you call journal entries and i call telling stories more legitimate, but because i think they serve a purpose and thus add Value.

personal attack ignored, darlin', 'cause you're my favorite bastich, and you did answer my last request of finding a purpose for such blathes. point conceded.

unhinged, i see now where you pulled the following thing from, completely not my intent; merely explaining why i felt it would be worth posting.

i'm happy that you're unaffected by me calling you a dramaqueen, as i like to see people indifferent to the jibes of others; though i didn't say that such drama eruptions were an inherent part of your personality, as i don't judge people on one post, especially when it's part of a much larger volume of work that doesn't display the same tendency. i said that that blathe was dramadramabullshit, not you. and you say that i do the same thing; well, in certain respects that must be true, as i do post here, which would be the same thing; i do crosstalk with people, which would be the same thing; i haven't, however, noticed in myself a tendency towards bringing real-life catfight bullshit to tumble into the blue. it was kept to one page, i do have to admit that that's a bonus, but it's still a violent allergic reaction.

yeah, y'all *better* bow down before my well-thought out rage! ahem....................

i do have to say one thing, because this whole running my mouth about my opinoins is a two way street... and it's not always other people i have the opinoins about... i was a bit pissy this morning... a bit overreactive (a bit?)... i think doar might have really had a point with the whole tuesday_goth_night thing... and stork daddy's comment about the Value in voyeurism flipped on a light in my brain that shifted a few other things... what i'm saying is that i was an uncalled for bitch... i offer my apologies, and i understand completely if you don't accept them... you can't smack someone in the face and say "oops! my bad."... but i do have to acknowledge that i have acted wrongly and attacked unreasonably... and you did unfairly bear the brunt of the thing, as MollyCule was perpetuating it herself... but i did bad and i regret it... now if you'll excuse me, it takes me a while to get such monumental pride rebuilt, and if i don't start now i'll never have ready in time for this evening's wrecking balls. i'm sorry. take it as you will.
misstree one last little thing... (mercurial? nah.)
i don't even know what the fuck a blather_clique would be, much less how one would go about forming or manipulating them. there are people i am fond of. there are people i am notsomuchso fond of. and two that i just outright dislike (though neither posts very much at all, and i mostly ignore them). if i'm missing something, again, the floor is yours, but i can't let shitflinging like that stand uncontested.
stork daddy what is more worth writing down than people's lives? it is the empiric laboratory in which all philosophies and poetry is formed and put to use. that you don't see the story in an argument between two friends is more a comment on your inabilities than it is on their lack of value. i agree you have a right to argue all day long about what is of value and what isn't, but really that's just an argument for the concept that blather is blather. to concede that blather is not subject to your personal opinion is to concede that your personal opinion is of equal value with whatever rants someone else puts up here in shaping and defining blather. you can put a disclaimer up all you want that says its your personal expression and no one else need heed it but that's uneccessary, the very form of blather ensures this function. the fact of the matter is, you have made value judgments without ever even defining what your values are. to say something isn't worth blather, without saying what makes something worth blather is a pretty incomplete argument. either way though, you're going to get back to the fact that blather is worth what its constituents want it to be worth, direct democracy style. after all, no offense, and i'm sure, in fact positive many feel the same way about me, but there are aspects of your writing i would prefer didn't take up space, but i don't go and rain on your parade about it, because the only value i think we should have here in blather is respect for each other's expressions. like i said, however, the function of blather is really that of a free-for-all, so even that value is something i myself try to maintain but do not try to force on others. 040106
unhinged *blinks*

looks around at this blathe

and this is not catfight bullshit? obviously it's not real life....

and i can think of at least two people that follow you around like little puppy dogs and/or proclaiming everlasting love and other triteness along those lines.

yeah, i usually don't bring dramadramabullshit to blather. cause 'wasting' blather space annoys the fuck out of me too but hey WE ALL have filled up blather with what others may perceive as horrible indiscretions. and all i ever wanted was for you to back off my ass anyways. people who like to pick fights over something that i'm kind of sensitive about(cause obviously i was a little sensitive to make the drama in the first place), when in two seconds i can see their arguement as hypocritical, make my claws come out.

yeah, i used to bitch and moan. chrity, the_truth , niska ...i've had my rolls in the bitchy hay but i've since seen the uselessness in internet rage and trying to conform the people around me to my ideals. so i'm sitting quietly in one little corner of the blue (and let me add how little that actually is considering we are bordering on 40,000 pages these days) which fact of matter you DID NOT have to concern yourself with. and all i ever said was back off and all i ever got was more bitching.

so yeah, i see the apology and i kind of accept it because i have been know to be a little begrudging to those sorts of things especially when my life has been making my heart hurt lately.

and i knew when i tried to cut myself off from this page at my last post i wouldn't do it. damn, i need to stop with that last word shit.

i guess my reallife persona is somewhat opposite of your raging gothness. i haven't showered in a few days, my brother thinks i should get my hair dreaded, been smoking the reefer, and most of all, i'm more on the live and let live shit instead of raging my way in everyone's faces.

but like i said before, i concede my argument.

nomme love_you_all 040106
u24 ;-) hey misstree, fuck you. 040312
misstree fuck you in the ear with a spoon right back, bay-bee. and let me wiggle it around and get the grey matter nice and soupy so i can scoop it out while i'm at it.

if you knew how passionless and deadpan that was from this end, i dunno, you'd look at me funny. or something. shit. is it bad that i'm more in the mood for people to punch me in the head than to actually react to anything?
Doar rotate on the scapel!

Need a smack right now to get some things out of my brainbox.
mt will a brainstraw help? 040312
Doar as long as you make those saxxy slurping noises, with generous amounts of the tongue sliding over your lips inbetween slurps, and side dishes of lip smacking.


Oh and please use a clothe napkin as we here at "Grey Matter Slush Inc." are instituting a new environmentally responsible action plan.
Doar oh....and blah...blah blah

(just for old times saki, drink deeply ya nutters)
u24 maybe you've been reacting too much lately? I am just guessing.

to explain the fuck you, I thought you might have needed something to yell at. bitch.
misstree in a way, i do need someone to yell at. and in a way, you're right, i have been reacting to a lot of things lately, but the problem's been that i'm reacting to my reactions and it's just turning into this big recursive mess that just leaves me confused and hurt. but anger or hollering isn't the direction i need to vent, at least unless it's directed at the reactions that are causing this whole brainmess.

sorry. bad at being a bitch right now. blame it on a chewy_bastard.
stork daddy if you want, you can punch me as hard as you'd like. you can knee me in the face and stomp my head against the ground, or soccer kick it even. 040315
misstree hmm.
that kind of brutality is almost tempting enough to stir me out of thick_slick_sick apathy. if i could stomp and holler and call you everyone else's name and make no sense even to myself as i vented, if i could backhand you and say you're a heartless dick, shove you down as a called you a superficial, egotistical twat, kick you in the ribs as i said you'd better fucking leave me alone, and then pound on your fetally curled form as everything that i've ever wanted to scream and rage about came bursting out of me at top speed, i think that would make me feel better. i'd even try to avoid putting my boots in your kidneys because you were being so nice to me.
what i really need is a punching_bag. seriously. one that can stand up to a t-ball bat.
sameolme umm...Coke...damn, wrong page again 040315
mt but i thought it was pepsi? 040315
sameolme some issues shouldn't be discussed in public places. It is ispep but, to the masses I pretend to prefer ekoc. nudge nudge 040317
stork daddy yeah...i think i could go for that. don't forget to fishhook my mouth while you pry at the ribs you just broke. i won't bite you because you already knocked out my teeth. also, please knee my in the groin repeatedly. thank you. 040317
blather is blather per misstree's advice i'm here. because what makes it okay for people to shout obscenities, but not okay to write something besides artsy fartsy crap. do you think people on blather are any more interested in who you hate than someone who changes a poetic topic into a chat. is hatred and obscenities that entertaining? i could go read the bathroom wall if that's what i was interested in. 040416
meta meta 060303
? does this count as meta? why? 060304
? does this count as meta? why? 060304
u24 because you're a fag. 070410
im a fag so it is 070411
blather lover sometimes I really love blather 080123
motherfucker fuck you, blather lover! 090127
Queensbury rules put 'em up!!! 091216
what's it to you?
who go