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realistic optimist
can't wait to get goin on this next year! the next order of business will be to determine who wants to camp, and who wants a hotel. meanwhile, i thought it might be fun to start a discussion regarding blathercon_events.
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Nirvanic Blind
okay, im sure im seriously late but this is kinda scary. i can't believe everyone's actually talking about getting together. well, i guess its probably okay for you people because you've probably known each other on here for a while. id probably develop some social anxiety because of the akwardness and then fade into the background a complete mess. no wait, thats what the old me would do. hey this is bad ass idea. im in. i will now go read the other blathercon announcements to make sure i know whats going on.
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realistic optimist
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Death of a Rose
okay people, I think I'm seeing a trend here. Unless someone actually makes some decisions about blathercon 2004, then the rest of you are lost and confused about whether or not you'll be able to attend. I for one will be travelling to portland no matter what (I've already threatened Mr. RO with that promise, I'm sure he'll be moving sometime soon. :-). So I'm going to give Mr. Real and Mr. E and Mr. White and Mr. Orange and Mr. Black........hmmmm....oops....got off on a tangent there.....where was I.... oh yeah.......give em a kick in the pants to get them going (you know you waaaant it!....hehe). But the rest of you must abide by the decisions made or forever remain tongueless (I know its an empty threat, but boogers to ya). Commitment people, that's all we ask. Let's make a actual convention, it can be done.....no....it must be done, and it will be. Whether it winds up being four blatherers gathered around a camp fire or 30 of us dancing far into the morning, time is counting down. Let's go RO, let's go! M to the I to the S to the S to the T to the R to the E to the E............yay Mr. E. .
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yes, yes someone to take charge. thank you. thank you. baaah!
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there was no sarcasm intende din that blath. sorry if it came out that way
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realistic optimist
it's been tough makin the phonecalls to teh parks with no phone service. but i should be done making arrangements this week. i got only two emails from people regarding what type of park they would like, and they wanted what would wind up working out best anyway. i will have a more detailed post about that later this week. mr.e and doar, please email me. i'd like to meet this week and hammer some stuff out.
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typical......so fuckin typical........ I have no patience.
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Together we fall, divided we stagger a bit.
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And so it is, the Blather_Gods have taken notice...
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realistic optimist
yes, the blathercon is still rolling along! lack of phone or internet service is not enough to keep me from trying to get you wonderful people out from behind those monitors to frolic in pr0tland! ==CAMPING INFORMATION== for those who wish to camp, the cost is $16 per night, with an additional non-refundable $6 reservation fee tacked on. So, if you were to arrive July 23, then camp that friday night, saturday night, and sunday night, and leave on monday, the cost to camp would be $54 for the 3 nights per site. The sites must be reserved in advance, and so eventually, i will need to set a deadline and collect funds from those wishing to camp so i can ensure a tent site for all who wish one. ** if anyone needs hotel accommodations, please let me know so i can find something which suits your needs ** ~~ expect to receive emails soon with attatchments you will need to print, fill out, and mail back. if you don't have access to a printer and would rather i snailmail you stuff, just let me know ~~ and as always, if you have any questions or input, please do not hesitate to email me or even call.
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Mr. Marksman
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if Sondra goes, i'll go
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realistic optimist
you can call me sondra, if that helps.
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i would really like to come. i have to get the ok from the hubby, but im sure he'll let me! so its july? and we'er camping? iv got the money where do i send it?
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Death of a Rose
ship mr. optimist an e-mail and he'll supply you with the details. cheerio
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Could I get the dates again? I am going to try my hardest to go. If I do go, Bobby will come. Bobby-would you be willing to split gas costs with me? Also, I'd like the dates because if I do come, my boyfriend wants to go to Portland too if the dates fit into his schedule. Would anyone mind a non-blatherskite coming along?
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realistic optimist
girl_jane, it is all right if your boyfriend comes, as long as he won't impede events. He will need to sign the same waiver i am drafting and sending to attendees. amber, it's no problem, just a misunderstanding on my part. perhaps we shall meet at blathercon :)
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realistic optimist
and to clarify / restate: blathercon will be held july 23-26 in portland, oregon.
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Death Ducking
oooooo...impede just dribbles off the lips now. hehe
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Yeah-what's the word on this?
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As you probably assumed, I won't be going. I actually have a real reason, too. I'll be in Europe on those dates. P.S. Bobby, sorry for the mixed tape delay. I have it; will send.
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realistic optimist
hiya folks! life has been crazy hectic lately, sorry for the lack of updates. i went from being jobless and broke to having three jobs and being broke. my internet is shut off, and so is my phone at the moment, but i will spend this weekend organizing my mass email campaign. i will be organizing transportation and sending out antilawsuit waivers (gotta love the necessity of that). anyway, if anyone has any questions or special needs, i've cleared out my yahoo account, and you can email me there until i am able to pay for my internet again. cydsid@yahoo.com
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realistic optimist
ok, i've finished writing the blathercon_liability_waiver please print it out, sign it, and mail it to: Realistic Optimist 4812 se 28th ave #502 portland, OR 97202 i also have some new information regarding a bus route that goes sithin a couple miles of the campsite at which we will be staying, however, this bus is essentially a commuter route, and thus only runs on weekdays. for the rest of the event, we need to decide if we want to rent a van for a transportation shuttle between the campsite and portland or whether one of you would be willing to take that responsibility upon yourselves. i'm still trying to squeeze some pennies out a few sponsors to help support such necessities, whether it be gas money for one of you, or money for a rental. we are going to need another headcount soon to get a better idea of how many of you plan on attending blathercon, and by the end of the month, i will need those of you wishing to camp at champoeg to mail me a check so i can reserve a spot for you. if you have any questions or ideas, feel free to email me at the email provided here.
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i do wish i could go. i had already abandoned it--along with blather for the most part. I'm like the grown up stepdaughter that scarcely visits and anyway everyone is too busy with the new baby of the family to take notice. uhm....yes. but I am meeting Paste! in august, which is the most nervewracking thing ever.
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karl the weed
haha i wish i could go! that would be great, but i dont think the idea of paying for a trip to meet a buch of people that ive met over the internet would appeal too much to my parents. not top mention id probably drive you all crazy... take LOTS of pictures!
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magic eight ball says unlikely. Too broke, too busy, no one to ride with. I'd only go if I could ride with girl_jane, silentbob, megan, or misstree (us midwestern geeks)
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realistic optimist
-==WOOHOO==- blathercon is just around the corner! i still need confirmation emails and camping fees from some of you skiteroos! -==MUSIC==- don't hesitate to bring instruments, by the way. additionally, i have an electric bass/amp, a PA, 2 mics, a hand drum and a blues harmonica. -==CAMPING==- The campsite at Champoeg is really nice, i can't wait for Blathercon to take it over! i will be camping in boise, idaho for a week starting tomorrow, but i promise to plug back into the internet at the library when i get back to check emails and further coordinate with those who need it. -==Transportation==- hopefully the ride board will work for most of your wishing to carpool out here! If anyone who is driving can help transport people from the campsite, please let me know. -==RSVP==- please let me know ASAP if you are attending, and in what way i can be of assistance to you! says: help make BC2004 the best blathercon ever!
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realistic optimist
hello, fellow skites! blathercon 2004 is almost upon us! have you mailed realistic optimist your campsite fee for champoeg? have you rsvp'ed? do you have words? [ blather ] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is your last chance to RSVP for blathercon! There won't be any spots reserved at the campsite for you if you don't let me know you want one in the next 48 hours. i need to know when you plan to arrive so i can help coordinate your arrival and safe passage to the campsite at champoeg. i'll repost the weblink to the campsite here: http://www.reserveamerica.com/jsp/commonpage.jsp?goto=/usa/or/cham/newindex.html also, please let me know what camping supplies you may already be bringing so i can plan based on what we do and do not already have. i've got most stuff covered, but it's always nice to know what we're working with! finally, i will post a phone number you may use to coordinate with me if emailing me at cydsid@yahoo.com or posting to blather doesn't quite work for you. of course i need to go all the way back to my apartment to find it (it's my roommate's cel phone number). i look forward to meeting all of you this coming weekend. please don't hesitate to let me know if i can accommodate you in any way. has mad love for y'all
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you better take a ton of pictures! and mebbe leave an empty space in the middle so that i can paste my picture in there and pretend i was there too...
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realistic optimist
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realistic optimist
if'n y'all need to reach me in the coming days to coordinate travel or accommodations, you may reach me (as stated above) at cydsid@yahoo.com or if you need to reach me by phone, you may call my roommate at the following number, and leave a message for cyd: (503) 957-8202.
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why do we need 2 organize a meeting when we already know so much about eachother from simply blathering? u know, we should have a blather chatroom!!!! or we could have a blather email list or phone tree or something.
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you know can you imagine as many people that are as super fucked up as half of these yahoos on this site all coming together in a camp ground all you'll need is Jason with a fucking machete and your horror movie will be complete. holy crap i can't wait to hear it on cnn when some social deviant (aren't we all) goes asshat ballistic on someone it's gonna be soooo black
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oh and i almost forgot something else mean i was going to say don't forget to lie to mommy and daddy when they ask where youre going.. considering 90% of this site is angst-filled adolescents -- dont you dare say your going out IN THE WOODS with a bunch of STRANGERS from the INTERNET who probably are STARK FUCKING INSANE like meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehahahahahahah
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realistic optimist
hrm. i'm guessing from your rhetoric that you don't plan to attend, black. if this is, in fact the case, perhaps you could blathe your venom in "antiblathercon" or somesuch, and leave this blathe for those actually interested in attending or obtaining information regarding the convention. ;p
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we should create a blather mailing_list. if you wish to post ur email, please go there.
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realistic optimist
i really don't want to post my feelings. so i guess i'll just say it makes me less sad than my social experiment, but it does definitely make me sad to know, not that no one is in attendance to blathercon, but that only misstree actually let me know in a realistic sense if she was going to or was not going to attend. and when someone as flighty and hedonistically oriented as she is setting the bar for social grace, it's difficult not to be bitter. but unfortunately for this continued moodstate's persistance of being, and fortunately for something else, i can't hod a grudge unless i'ts something undeniably eee-vile. so damn you bastards, cuz i'm sure i'll be back as soon as i have internet again. tewdlez.
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yo! dude, I tried shipping you e-mails and they all got returned "undeliverable". If you ever get your cell phone back, give me a ring, okay?
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bummer in the summer can't believe nobody is going really sorry i can't be there
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that's too bad. It's hard to travel cross country, what with the economy and gas prices and all. I did say I was probably not coming.
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realistic optimist
i kept posting my new email over and over. it's still cydsid@yahoo.com and all of my posts the past 45 days or so have been linked to that new email. all those posts about not being able to afford internet or cel phone are still valid. they don't pay me very much money to go around door to door begging for money to cleanup the environment and to fight the Bush administration's insanely irresponsible energy, air, and forest policies. (ie. rolling back all of the roadless conservation act protections for our national forests to force the governor of each state to petition ex timber lobbyists now in the bush administration in charge of our forests for every little protection they might want instead; rolling back the clean air act to install the unfortunately named clear skies act, which would take away the toxic categorization for the most toxic non radioactive substance we know of: mercury, and such policies comprising the worst environmental record for any presidential administration in the history of the united states.) anyway, no worries, doar. i guess my blathercon t-shirt will be even more of a rare item than i had predicted!
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so did it ever actaully happen?
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yes tell all the blathesque_gossip
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does anyone want to come to my house, say, end of August like?
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Sage, who (co?)-built Blather, was apparently quite interested and amused at the blathercon concept. We should send an invitation thataway...
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the bouncer
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no one was able to make this work. RO did do some incredibly hard work trying to facilitate this though. I felt quite bad for not being able to attend. :(
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Thanx for trying RO. maybe when I'm rich I can afford to fly you all out and put you up in a convention center.
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REAListic optimIST
it was fun planning such an event. i was especially excited about the masquerade ball where everyone would dress up as either their blather name or their own favorite blathe. and visiting the biggest bookstore in the world was not as fun without all the 'skites. but i realized the week before the event that it was destined to be a lonely affair, so i didn't cancel my plans to go to reno that weekend. i was nicknamed reno suave from that trip because of how easily i wrapped reno around my finger, so i suppose i don't regret blathercon's failure that much. anyway, thanks LS and DOAR for the well wishes.
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i would still like this to happen sometime, while i'm still alive.
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me too. and I promise that the next time someone wants to me meet me, I won't stand them up.
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me meat!
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Reviving this. Maybe a little less formal this time. I'll be in SoCal between Dec. 23 - Jan. 1 of this year (2008). Who else will be? Let's do some blatherconning somewhere easy (like the beach, even though it will be freezing).
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wish i had known about this earlier. i might might might be able to come but i'm not sure i have the time/cash to get down there and get back.
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I'm not holding my breath for blathercon Montana, but if it happens, let me know!
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ever dumbening event planner
here are the numbers to aim to top: blathercon_vancouver and maximum_skiteage best of luck. i'd be there if i weren't total swamp-o-rama. cuz i gots so-cali peeps.
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e.d. if they ever have another we should carpoo(l)
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stork daddy
I vote Oakland.
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(my brother lives in the east bay now. oakland sounds good to me)
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ever dumbening
the cruise director lives in the mountains now, so come get mile high, or don't, cuz i'm grumpy and alone and fuck it.
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smurfus rex
Don't tempt me...the East Coast sucks
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I wish I had the money to come see y'all. The midwest is sooooo dull.
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when does it stop snowing in the mountains?
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When? I'll tour my way there. Might need a bath by Oakland, though.
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Is blathercon on this year or still cancelled because of covid?
what's it to you?