misstree please don't post anything here, i'm trying to keep it pure info.

blathercon will definitely be in portland, orgeon, and will likely be in late july or early august--dates still being looked into.

if you might be able to go, PLEASE SIGN UP TO THE MAILING LIST as soon as possible, or if you prefer, email me at the addie linked here. this is where we're doing our official head count, which will affect how good of a deal we can work out with a hotel, plus telling us what we need for activity spaces. if you like, you can sign up to recieve no messages or only special announcements, and the members list is available only to the moderators.

the bigwigs on this are realistic_optimist, death_of_a_rose, and myself. feel free to contact any of us, or mail to for all three at once.

current related pages are blathercon, blathercon_attendees_location, blathercon_locale, and blathercon_tally.

more info as it arrives.

misstree one last thing, if you know how to contact inactive 'skites, please pass the word along. thanks. 031122
Hatta B. Sed graphite_salsa 031122
Mr. Marked . 031123
. bump 031123
marked (that wasn't me)

. . 031123
. . 031124
u24 031126
REAListic optimIST that looks sweet, u24 :) 031126
Death of a Row (yes a whole row) did you make that 24

flabtastic m'man!
u24 :)

I was bored, and I figured that any decent 'con' had to have a logo.

glad u liked.
u24 (PS: as usual, nothing other than MS-PAINT was used) 031126
death of a rose i'll maybe print some business cards for the blatherconites or maybe even these could be used for the badges....hmmm.. 031126
u24 nametags would be pretty cool, or 'welcome to blathercon' cards to get signed by everyone, or something.. 031126
misstree 'scuze me guys, but kick this to blathercon_discussion, pretty please?

see: blathercon_questionnaire to give input! a few questions over there, we need feedback to settle some preliminaries.
bumped . 031127
bumped . 031128
REAListic optimIST we would like to organize a blathercon attendees discussion. how does next saturday, december the 6th sound? can you guys be around? if so, when? 7pm est too early? too late? 031128
REAListic optimIST hrm i suppose i could be more informative, and explain that this would be a yahoo chat discussion so we could talk in a closer approximation to realtime, and not clutter up blather (too much) with our discussion. 031128
misstree bump for the CHAT DISCUSSION THIS SAT, DEC. 6TH around 7PM EASTERN via the yahoogroups website. email with questions how to sign up/log in/chat/dance the watusi. 031202
realistic optimist if'n you can't show exactly at 7 pm est show when you can, and we will log your opinions and contributions. 031202
girl_jane I won't be able to show at all on Saturday. I've got to run the fly rails for a show. Sorry!

Anyway, you know my opinions :)
misstree there is the possibility of a choice between portland and illinois. see blathercon_discussion or the yahoogroup for more details. 031203
bumpy . 031207
misstree it's now or never, folks, the OFFICIAL VOTING FOR BLATHERCON LOCATION is upon us!

Portland, Oregon is the location of the original plan, realistic_optimist has a wonderful agenda lined up, and it appears that both camping and hotel accomodations will be available. Things To Do should be easy to find, the surrounding geography is some of the most varied and beautiful in the U.S., and though it hasn't yet been confirmed, there's the chance that we could lure ye olde blather_gods out if it was there.

Champaign-Urbana, Illinois is the other location being offered, with me (misstree) heading it up. The activities would not be as varied or stunning, and there is not much hope of a hot tub. Both camping and hotel accomodations will be available, but the most likely camping spot may involve a group effort to do a bit of labor at the place, as it's more of a commune than a campground. Things To Do would be more limited (and likely weather-dependent), but they do exist, and if Kalix center can be secured, we'd be in the backyard of a gorgeous estate chock full of english gardens and rolling hills and statues.

Portland is the original location, but a few dozen 'skites were saying they could only make it if it was in the midwest, so an alterate is being offered. Either one would be late July to early August.

Okay, now about that OFFICIAL VOTING thing i mentioned. send an email to with your preference of location, whether you would be able to go to the other, and any comments you can think of. Votes will be tallied from Email Votes Only on Wednesday, December 17th, and the location announced soon thereafter. This will also be the official tally, so even if you have no opinoin, send an email.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to email me or r_o (who can be found at This will be cross-posted to the blathercon list and other assorted emails that have been collected. If you don't get an email, let me know.

p2 forever?


is evangelizing_evil

u24 I vote China. 031208
misstree emails re the LOCATION VOTING (see above) have been sent; if you didn't recieve one, email me at 031209
. . 031210
. . 031210
bumpity . 031213
misstree your very last chance to VOTE FOR LOCATION will be tonight and tomorrow... votes will be calculated sometime thursday morning... so if you have an opinoin, best get it out... 031216
misstree voting is officialy closed... out of 12 votes, 8 were for portland, 4 for illinois, and most of the illinoisans said that they could make it to pr0tland, but it would be a pain in the butt. well, get your hemmeroid rings ready, flatlanders, 'cause we're going to the west coast. realistic_optimist is officially gonna throw us one heck of a shindig, probably involving yurts and hot tubs. woo hoo! 031218
mt oops... miscounted... that was 9 for oregon, 3 for illinois. 031218
bump bump . 031219
EECP I have notified one of the "blather gods", as you call them, of this page. I don't know if he will have time to check it, or if he plans on coming to the event. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I am slightly curious about the possible turnout of the event. I think the idea could be successful but the idea of people traveling to the west coast just to hang out with 11 other people that blather doesn't seem balanced. I would hope that more people than who voted would participate. Anyway, if you have any question feel free to mail me at the address attached to my name. =)
misstree and thanks for passing the word on. :) 031220
misstree um... ya... first one didn't send... i was saying that there were people who expressed definite resolution to attend that didn't vote, a good number of them... i'd bet that we'll end up with over 20, but i never bet more than ten cents. 031220
. bumpity bump hump 031226
somebody . 040113
realistic optimist blathercon_questionaire 040114
time warp .. 040211
Death of a Rose just another ______ in life's highway. 040225
realistic optimist updates in blathercon !! 040306
what's it to you?
who go