whirligirl Heroically Unified Multiple Personalities 000802
Kaskarkaminski Heaven's Utopia; Man's Panacea 000802
my karma ran over your dogma i warned him to keep his dog away from my leg

he didn't listen

smelly little flea-bitten beastie learned the first law of canine Ærodynamics...

dogs were not meant to fly except in designated pet carriers
EECP I don't like this word. It encourages feelings of disgust in me. Why take something beautiful that is a natural biproduct of love and put such a disgusting title to the thought. Semantics can really suck sometimes. 001214
seven inch nails Deja Vu 001229
click mesquito bite tits 020521
creamylicious yum 040730
what's it to you?
who go