GirlNamedLover best friends forever.
thinking about you makes my tummy hurt.
I wish I could puke you up and be done with it.
I never blame anything on anyone, because its usually my fault.
but this time Im making an exception.
this is all your fault.
and theres nothing I can do.
and it hurts.
more and more every damn day.
I thought it was supposed to get easier with time.
you know how when you get a finger or toe amputated, it still feels like it hurts even though it isnt there.
thats how I feel.
I would rather have you here with me all infected and bleeding and falling off than be away from me.
but its never going to go back to the way it was.
you arent my best friend.
I dont have a best friend.
and this time it isnt my fault.
and Im sorry Im not going to give up everything that means anything to me.
thats not the way it works.
youre not the only one who is 'in love'
you have no fucking idea.
you dont even know what love is.
you thought jenn was love.
that makes me feel real fuckin shitty because this is all happening for no reason.
none of its true.
youre just too stupid to see it.
and I hate you for it.
Ive cried every single day since you left me all alone.
every day.
you think YOU cant look at ME without hurting?
do you have any idea how I feel?
theres no way.
Ive never hurt more than this in my entire life.
and you should be proud of yourself, because thats a big accomplishment.
you know how much I hurt when my old best friend hated me.
because you were there to help me with it. you were my real best friend.
remember how upset I was because I didnt have a best friend?
yeah, well this is the same thing. except a million times worse because I cant do anything about it.
you make me fucking sick.
I make myself sick.
Im going to go puke up all the memories of you.
maybe Ill pass out on the floor.

anything is better than how I feel now.
farmfish oh blatha, you dee bomb baby, i be jest lovin' ya. 021106
p2 especially
if you're constipated
what's it to you?
who go