bye, gotta fly i would have blathed on subtltey had i had time!
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if i'm lucky, i won't post anything else tonight. and this is not meant as a complaint about my overblathering. Just remember that underblathering_is overrated.
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just remember that blather_pollution is underappreciated, and quality is more important than volume. also, please remember the very low chance that anyone cares that you're leaving for a night even on the night that you do, much less years down the line. blather_is_forever. (helpful_hints_for_the_slightly_dense)
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oh, here we go again. Your helpful hints are just like unwanted unsolicited advice. blather_is_blather. and you call it blather_pollution. So we, as in you, are going to get snobby about the quality vs. quantity issue. I may have more blathes than you, but certainly less than some other folks here. And who is to judge what makes one blathe higher quality than another. Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. The bottom line is that saying something like goodbye i'm leaving for the evening, is to you, so idiotic that you feel it's a waste of blatherspace. I don't think anything here is a waste of space, as long as you aren't purposing trying to hurt someone. Maybe if I posted a dozen variations of "goodbye" over the course of a week, that might be annoying. But maybe only to people like you that ACTUALLY CARE about judging me. It seems that freedom of speech is not one of your deeper beliefs. Or just that you feel that have an expertise in blather_etiquette. I'm not going to let your critisism make me want to leave blather any more than the dozens of other reasons I say I want leave. I don't want to become like the Howard_Stern of blather. I am both loved and hated here. I want to contribute to people's enjoyment of blather, without being harrassed over what I should or shouldn't say. I know that by expressing my opinion, i am giving you a perfect oportunity to attack me. But please realize that what you say in anger is directed towards a real person with feelings, not just a machine. Perhaps you can show some respect towards me as a human. If not, than I can tell you that I really don't give a shit anymore....
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makes a good point
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and you do
Maybe if I posted a dozen variations of "goodbye" over the course of a week, that might be annoying
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unwanted *and* unsolicited? well i'd better just right fuck off then! i didn't realize i was causing so much distress by inserting other viewpoints into your tiny little self-absorbed world. well, a job's a job, best get back to it. i, as in me, am going to get brutally honest about the whole quality vs. quantity issue. as in you have all of one and none of the other. you treat this place as a chat room instead of a creative construction, and you seem to see that as a good thing; i'd be interested to hear why. and yes, art comes down to opinion, but things that are purely temporal (like goodbyes) or have all the creative effort of a high schooler's classroom notes are not art unless you shit on them and paste them to a wall, at least in my teeny tiny little opinion. you think purposely trying to hurt someone is a waste of space, i think purposely ignoring concepts of quality because "underblathering is overrated" is a waste of space. seem to be at an impasse then, aren't we? and i hate to break it to you, but you *do* post a dozen versions of goodbye every week. it's not annoying because i care about judging you; it's annoying because i see your insipid shit everywhere i go. so, rather than be annoyed, i try to educate. i believe in freedom of speech; i also believe in taking responsibility for your actions, and attempting to live your live with a certain amount of quality. last but not least, honey, i do respect you as a human being. that's why i have a special two-by-four that i use to try to get you to wake up and stop being an empty headed dramaskite attention whore. i wouldn't tear into you if i didn't care, but by the same token, don't go thinking yourself too special; if there was anyone else who was consistently in need of unsolcited advice as badly as you, you'd just have to learn to share my affections.
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So you think I view this as a chatroom? That I don't use this as a place to express my creativity. You have that impression of me, so won't even bother reading my blathes that are of an abstract nature. AND I do write them. I also happen to be write things that are non-fiction as well. Blather_is_Blather and is meant to be both. I share personal thoughts, and interesting observations about events that happen to me. That's why I write twice as many things as you. That's why I talk to strangers and try to make friends and aquaintances. Let blather be a focused source of creativity for you. That will be your blather_world. But this is mine. If you can't mold it into what you want it to be, find a place in blather where you aren't annoyed by people like me. And while you're at it, go complain about the other 50% non_artistic stuff you see here. By the way, hold the rest of your opinions to yourself. I no longer want to read anything you have to say. There are definately some unreconcilable compatibility issues between us. To continue this argument is to go around in circles. WE WILL SIMPLY NEVER AGREE ON THIS SUBJECT. CASE CLOSED!
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yet another repeater
from: is_blather_cheating: i know it's annoying. unfortunately i can get away with murder here. but realy i hate to annoy such pleasant people. maybe i'm confused. i don't know what i want from my current relationship. it's all too obvious that i've got problems. blather is not an appropriate place to figure that out. and i am sorry if this has been quite an obnoxious display of hormones. from: my_enemies: i'm the rebel cyberslut who really doesn't belong here. i can't really write poetry, and i don't want to. from: in_separate_beds (re excessive blathering): to be honest, i need to talk to my real live therapist about this. i don't think my behavior right now is normal for me.
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white wave
goodnight is a more suitable transition. and like it or not, i will be coming back...
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white wave
maybe I should just leave blather forever and ever.
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I admit it all. I stole white_wave's name. I am a 15 year old, that likes to play games, and make people feel bad. Thank you, white_wave for giving me something to do, because I am really bored.
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it was one of the mannerisms we adopted from him 'buh bye' many people laugh when i end telephone conversations his way and i'm not sure why. but i have been told that i appear cold and angry to the world. maybe saying 'buh bye' doesn't fit that somehow. when we talk to each other we rarely say 'buh bye' because we both know who the other got it from. often, especially now, we don't like to be reminded of him.
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until next time kids
what's it to you?