Dr. Schmogg Never post using someone else's name.

Never assume your point of view is better than another's.
cube If we were to never assume that our point of view was better, we would have no debates, nothing to defend, and progress would grind to a halt...

Just think Doc, you'd still be treating everything with snake oil...
sabbie and her servants always wipe your mouth after you type.
make sure your fingernails are clear - you dont want other blatherites to see yesterdays dirt do you? sit neatly, ankles crossed and dress modestly at all times.

joy? another cup of this quite exelent tea please. this cup has grown quite cold.
Dr. Schmogg Point well taken, cube³. I suppose what I was trying to say was that we should be tolerant of others who have different points of view. I'm not saying that we shouldn't debate, just not get our panties in a wad when someone disputes us. Use civil and logical debate rather than ad hominem tactics. (Now, this is ONLY if a blatherer wishes to follow good Blather etiquette ... if he/she is feeling like making waves, he/she should just ignore these rules and let the shit fly.) 011229
Photophobe_likes_swearing_today Isn't the point that anything goes?

Fuck etiquette!

IF you think that my opinion is idiotic, fucking tell me! Or don't! Whatever!

Revised blather etiquette

rule 1: fuck this! stop reading these rules already!
Dr. Schmogg Exactly!

Why do you think I started this blathe???

Etiquette is a choice.

It always will be, thank god.
Strideo etiquette? is there a cure for that?
kss never schmogg with your mouth open. 030826
meta meta 060223
z don't litter. 060224
u24 when embarking upon a new concept, do it sparingly. if kx21 limited itself to five or less newslinks a day, people wouldn't mind so much, ditto a15qiaggd0, sakhalin, user24s_test_page, meta, marked.... add your favourite annoyance here. 060224
u24 as illustrated by the reference to myself, it takes time to learn this. 060224
u24 actually, i should say references, as I am also marked. and was "randomly recent!". and I meta. 060224
z point well taken. 060224
u24 adds paste! as an example of tolerated randomness. 060224
u24 also adds auto_cross_reference_system and blather_spell_check 060224
z always respect first. 060307
*ahem* indeed! 060307
oren Tolerated? I, for one, enjoy the acrs and bsc posts. Am_I alone in this opinion? 060307
oren If I_am, that's okay, of_course. I_have always considered myself atypical in what amuses me. 060307
z i enjoy both too. 060307
Quadratic Equestrian There is nothing at blather I haven't enjoyed, including the rudeness. 060307
u24 oren; that's what i mean;
'tolerated' did not imply "but only just", instead 'accepted, allowed, encouraged' etc.
oren Ah. I_was not aware that there were other meanings for the_word, but I looked it up and you are absolutely correct, u24!

1. To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.
2. To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others).
3. To put_up with; endure.

I've always used number three. Maybe I_can start applying the_other two. It'll be tough!
sock puppet theatre you enjoy acrs because it's one of your socks. 060308
u24 the third sense is the more common. 060309
- - 070629
Srideo also see: blather_ettiquette
what's it to you?
who go