ever dumbening gee, i always thought we did a pretty good job of cross referencing the things that needed it. and i've never been one to question the actions of the blather_gods. but this is the stupidest thing they've ever invented. silly me, i thought they were--aside from blather_spell_check, a useful service--leaving us to our own devices.

Just One opinioN?
go toot i agree.
this is stupid
bbbbbbbbbblah! YYYYES! stupid
stupid stupid
unhinged actually, i find it quite funny

some of you should be glad the blather_gods are tolerant
poopy pants i wonder if the auto cross reference system person started the system just to see if someone would start this blathe and cause another blather controversy. but then they could ahve just thought it would be funny, and therefore cool. 011210
poopy poopy pants poopy pants 011210
oren I'm wondering how anybody could fall for Mr. ACRS' little ruse.

Come on ... it's not really an automated system! Think about it. It's just someone having fun in their own unusual way. It's someone's way of blathing, and at times is quite amusing.

I find it to be poking fun at automated systems in general, and how ridiculous they can become.

Carry on, mysterious blather! Your work is not finished!
auto Norm system Look at me I'm a robot! Bzzzz bzzzz, beep beep beep! Danger Will Robinson danger!

auto Norm system Emotion sensor overload. Micro chips scrambling, blather functions ceasing. Is this what you humans call love? Beep, beep, beep... Good bye cruel world! 011211
Norm Oh man was I ever high last night. 011212
god lucky bastard 011212
ClairE I love you. 011218
Norm I love you too 011219
? silentbob, birdmad or psyborg

I think it's one of you three.
or maybe jennifer 030805
jane see:

User24 auto_cross_reference_system is cool, I like the concept, otherwise random words linked together. nice. 030806
endless desire what or who is it? 031213
not auto cross reference system;name=auto%20cross%20reference%20system 031213
Frank this is one for the records boys 041013
Finger Blather_Search_Engine 051009
senor wences yea, he's back with all his socks. we sure missed you. not. 051015
dog Secret_Code 051015
u24 thankyou. 060224
meta meta 060224
what's it to you?
who go