i wish this were true.
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Yes it is.
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oh they cry alright...they just don't let people see. it takes a man to be able to cry openly.
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When I was little, I believed this to be absolutely true, just cuz I'd never seen a boy cry. The first time I ever saw a boy cry was in kindergarten. I was 5 years old at the time. I just stared, very confused because I just didn't think they did that. Turns out that kid cried a lot. His dad was an alcoholic and throughout the years I knew him the situation got continuously worse, until about 4th or 5th grade, but I guess that's why he cried so much. I think he became an alcoholic too in high school. Did a lot of drugs too, I wonder how he's doing now?
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hes probobly crying
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but i just keep on laughing
hiding the tears in my eyes
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johnny west
(- -) : : : : : :
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johnny west
Shit! Blather ruined my crying face! SHIT!
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usually, when i cry, its only half of crying either there are sobs, and absolutely no tears, or nothing but a slow stream of tears, falling out of the eyes of a calm, quiet expressionless face... most often the latter, thank god, i can just turn away and nobody notices only the former when hysterical sometimes people figure out that i am bothered, by my silence, but they still dont think i am crying also, super cool song by the_cure
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my throat knots. And then, i know everything has gotten to me, again. People say not to bottle emotions, but who wants to hang out with someone who talks openly about every little thing that is bothering him at that moment. Not me.
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I would say I'm sorry If I thought that it would change your mind But I know that this time I've said too much Been too unkind I try to laugh about it Cover it all up with lies I try and Laugh about it Hiding the tears in my eyes 'cause boys don't cry Boys don't cry I would break down at your feet And beg forgiveness Plead with you But I know that It's too late And now there's nothing I can do So I try to laugh about it Cover it all up with lies I try to laugh about it Hiding the tears in my eyes 'cause boys don't cry I would tell you That I loved you If I thought that you would stay But I know that it's no use That you've already Gone away Misjudged your limits Pushed you too far Took you for granted I thought that you needed me more Now I would do most anything To get you back by my side But I just Keep on laughing Hiding the tears in my eyes 'cause boys don't cry Boys don't cry Boys don't cry robert smith and the cure
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oh they cry alright.. just not usually on the outside
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i like boys who cry. if they wear their heart on their sleeve that's ok too. i promise not to bruise it. as lond as they promise not to bruise mine...
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....er that was sposed to be "long"...
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hmmmm...boys dont cry? i dont know if thats true. Cuz i've surprisingly never seen a guy cry...is that sad or what? i mean, sure i've seen little boys cry cuz of things, but i've never seen an actual guy cry cuz of something emotional or anything like that
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then you aren't around the right guys at the right times
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i guess your right
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tell it like it is, robert. tell it like it is.
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my boy cries with joy. i can tell when he's been touched by someting deeply, because i will turn to him, and there will be tears silently coursing down his beautiful face. i think thats grand.
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i do
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but men do.
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i once had to tell my guy friend something bad... he cried, and i understood.
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black-dyed gel product
I cry like a little bitch sometimes. It's reprehensible. Like when I heard about what happen thursday night when I wasn't there. I cried myself to sleep when I found out. It was not my finest moment.
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I've needed to cry for about 10 years, but I couldn't. All sorts of lame shit would happen, and I just COULD NOT cry. it was like borrowing money from someone who you already owe a lot of money to. I just got worse and worse. then my cat that I've had for 18 years died, and I cried for hours and hours, cried until I almost puked. that's sort of a strange story, huh? sorry (a)
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I'm sorry S'Bob, but I have to inject my verbal milk. Why is some guy that would cry in front of his girl.."the right guy"? I mean honestly what's so appealing about watching someone cry anyhow? Is that the apex of sensitivity indicators or something? Is there no other way to judge a man's heart than by requiring that he become a blubbering idiot? Men do cry. We cry inside. Sometimes it leaks to the outside and when it does, real men feel no shame, but we dry our eyes all the same. See when you have a wife and kids that depend on you for strength, support and guidance, your circumstances require you to present a strong, unafraid face. Not for the sake of your ego, for real men don't need to stroke their own egos. They get all the validation they need from the looks of pride on their loved one's eyes. No we don't cry in front of them for their sake. So that they can continue to live their lives happy, secure and content in the knowledge that everything is alright. Even when it isn't. Why deprive them of their happiness for something that you're going to have to handle anyhow? Why not wait until after it's fixed? Men don't cry in front of people because when the chips are down, folx tend to trust the person who appears most calm and in control. It's hard to feel as secure that everything will be alright when you still have the images of the guy who's supposed to take care of everything bawling his eyes out, still fresh in your mind. Difficult indeed. Want emotional outbursts? Two alternatives: Women and children...take your pick, they're both naturals.
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KingSuper, I had a similar experience. MY grandmother died when I was 14. I didn't cry. For 14 years until the time that I was 28 I never cried. Then one day I was in the bathroom and I started to recite a poem that I had written after she died. Peaceful Place Time and time again I see A peaceful place that waits for me Though far it seems in times of strife This peaceful place brings to my life A shining beacon of hope and when I'm down it lifts me up again Much like Pandora's straggling guide A hope that stirs a smile inside This is my peaceful places part My peaceful place within your heart Then I thought of her and cried and cried and cried. I didn't come out of the bathroom for an hour and a half. Felt better when it was over though. (And I didn't even have to do it in FRONT of people in order to feel better...go figure!)
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I'm sitting at my desk now, staring at my monitor, tears streaming down my face. I look around quickly, assuring myself that my tears are for my benefit alone. Then I look back at the words on the screen and more tears come. "Having been locked in the lice-infested closet for 4 months, the 8 year old was unable to recognize a television set or a picture of the sun. When asked if she knew her age, she responded that she thought she was two." I know the tears will stop eventually, and when they do, I'll get on with my life. Until then this one's for you little girl...from me...to you.
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i went numb when my mother died i shed a few tears but did not truly break down and cry until we were leaving the cemetery after her burial a few days later everyone else had their time to cry but the reality of it did not truly hit me until we had turned to leave i fell to my knees and wept
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i can't believe no one has mentioned the amazing movie about the real story of brandon tina. go and watch it if you haven't a clue what i am talking about...
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in all the years i had known him, i had never seen him cry, until... Dr. Sensitive sat us down in a private room, and looked directly at him, "you have 6 months to live, if that long...so, live it up! play golf, go to wrigley field, take a vacation!" i looked over at him. he just sat there calm, almost annoyed with her, and i thought, he's questioning her diagnosis, so i questioned her too. you see, him and i were so optimistic, to the point of being irrational. i didn't believe her. if hearing something like that, and it not even shake him, then i thought it would never happen. no one could ever be that strong! we left her office, in a weird silence. we picked up some chinese take-out, rented some silly movies (the only one i remember was about some Parrot?), and we went home. after watching the 'bird' film for about 45 minutes, he said, "what was the name of this movie again?" i couldn't tell him, because i was trying to hide my tears, while nestled into his side. he grabbed my cheek to turn my face up to his, and as he touched me, i felt the wetness from his fingers. i instantly touched his hands, and then looked at his face. tears were streaming down his face, as if from a fountain. this is when the realization hit me that it wasn't going to be okay...that he was really going to die, and he knew it. i broke down into these horrific sobs, and he matched my tears, drop for drop. in-between sobs, while clenching me in a death grip, all he kept saying was, "i don't want to die, i don't want to die..." we sat there cuddling each other for hours, eventually crying ourselves to sleep. (he died 6 months later, to the date) you know, sometimes boys cry too...
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Just not all the time and for no particular reason like the fairer sex.
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I've learned that crying is like farting - usually if you feel like doing it, you should. however, in certain places (like your cube at work) its hard to do it and not get busted, which makes everyone uncomforable even though it's perfectly natural. Since the who cat dying thing, I cry anytime I feel like it, at least a tiny bit. especially if I'm alone. it feels even better than farting. I cried over an episode of Evangelion:Neon Genesis just the other day. (a) big baby
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oleander did a cover of this song, too... Logan cried in front of me. No big deal. Imade nick cry...azch cry...I don't know its not strange to me I guess. but maybe it depends on who you are around and all. maybe I just attract guys that are comfortable with, or do a lot of crying. or maybe I just make them cry and thats the only time they do. yeah right.
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when it comes down to it. i try and fight it, yet i rarely succeed. I end up with a few tears streaming down my face trying to make it look like they arent there and not caring that they are, or if anyone really noticed. I dont feel embaraced or ashamed, and definetly not less manly. i just feel like i need to let something out and crying is a way to vent it. theres nothing wrong with a guy crying but still i try and be the strength i try and be there for other people and if they think i am not emotionally stable how can they cry on my shoulder. now that i think of it probably most of my girlfreinds and my freinds have watched me cry. i dont break down and bawl my eyes out though. its just a few simple tears that stream down my face. followed by some sniffles.
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Boys are children it doesn't bother me if a child cries. But if this crying child tries to pass himself off as a man, he is obviously just childishly trying for attention.
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Wait acctually I cried as recently as 2 years ago on 2 seperate occasions but that was about the time I started going crazy. hmmm. I think I can blame it on the insomnia or maybe because I punched the brick wall too hard. The other time I broke out in tears for no reason this is when I decided I needed to drink more and that I was going crazy. Don't bottle up any emotion or they'll all mix togther and come out as one huge ugly monstrosity and beat the shit out of your sanity. Staying sane is good. So is alcohol.
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l o s t
except when your prayin to the porcelain god.
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How dare she? Just because she's female shes xxxxx allowed to have emotions. _______I shed a tear, and I'M the one's whos __InSenitive? "Don't you ever think of how I feel?" She says to me. All the fuckkkkxking time. Why do you think I'm crying you bitch. Reproach me for caring. And she calls herself "hypersenitive". Yeah ok whatever. Its that another word for mxxxmental? Fuck her. Sugar and spice is not the same as smater and more caring and benevolent. "You don't understand me. Nobody does." But what her fucking point. I try to. Isn't that what its about? Trying to understand each other. Did she once take a look at me? Why does every relationship seem to start off with them caring about me so much, right until I let myself care back a little. Then, the instant that they're certain that I'm hooked, they start to hurt me. Fuck her. I'm allowed to cry. I won't let her be righteous just because she's a girl. Do I look like clint eastwood to her? She want me to blame. EVERYBODY JUST WANTS TO XXBLAMXXE ME. The only people looking for love are those who aren't strong enough to be alone. Well I don't want to take anyone's burden. I will, when I start to care about them. I just wish I knew what I was getting into. So fuck her. I'm never going to be with someone who doesn't really want me again. Boys don't cry. They're too insensitive. Girls are morally surperior, because they understand feelings so much better. The xxhell they do. Fuck that.
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it's good to cry. it helps.
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"i'm not looking at your stupid house. i'm looking at you."
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Played over and over at work today.
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i've seen them cry. and luckily he let me comfort him. he thanked me for being there. this is the movie that made me want to be a film maker.
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"Ancient Pagan" (male)
Psychology and other realms of knowledge have revealed that human males are actually more sensitive than human females and that this culture's artificial expectations of males (i.e. boys don't cry etc.) actually damage men's & boy's psychological health and promote emotional insecurity. Women are more psychologically healthy as a result of our society's expectations that GIRLS CAN BE MORE EMOTIONAL THAN BOYS! All this was on Prime Time Live or some other news program a few years ago. Let me add that in the Eighteenth Century it was a show of civility and elevation for a man to publically cry at the opera house or upon hearing a poem or lover. Don't trust this freaky, beef-chewing, robotic male, anti-human establishment stereotype! Men, like women, have undergone centuries of oppression!
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men are capable of crying they just don't most of the time like many of you said men feel the need to look more secure and not cry I myself have not cryed in a few years at least not more than one or two tears at a time I just realized that crying doesn't solve anything but there have been times when I have probably needed to cry but I couldn't bring myself to do it I just put on a brave face and faced my problems
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i have found things to cry about, but i haven't cried in WELL over a year. i can't bring myself to it. i've tried. it didn't work.
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sometimes a tear rolls down my face, and I don't know why.
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I saw my brother cry for the first time when he was "going crazy" over the summer and I would have given anything so that he wouldn't be sad and mad and confused anymore. He's much better now. Other than that, I haven't seen any boys cry. John would always cry on the phone over the summer when we were dating, and I always felt badly when he did because my maladroit words could not heal him. Now as I look back, I find him very emotionally insecure. I heard that you cried on your bed after reading Perks for the first time. That touched me, I can imagine what your bed looks like but I can't imagine your face when you cry. I think you still do.
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carcharodon carcharias
hey, man, don't blame it on the beef-chewing i'm a carnivorous sonofabitch but when some things hit me a certain way i'm bawling like a baby i got very suddenly and unceremoniously dumped by a girlfriend a while back and she was the only one who never saw me cry over it, because this time i wan't going to give her the satisfaction i stayed inside, took a couple of days off of work, i cranked up the CD player i bought a couple pints of haagen-daazs and two fifths of jack daniels and i cried my fucking eyes out
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"dont cry, your a big boy now" "big boys dont cry" i forced myself to stop crying at about 6 in yr 2/3. Mainly cos of the stick u get. but i still cry. not cos of hurting myself n stuff. but ive had arguments where ive shouted so much (and with so much meaning?) that i cried because of it. crying is good anyway, it gets rid of toxins or sumthin that makes u feel better. (dont quote me on that).
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i think beliefs like boyz dont cry are one of the things in this world that screw up men the most...and make them so ridiculous as people alotta the time. feeling isnt something to be avoided
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Typical, Typical straight boy statment....result of a fat chauvinistic father trying do hold on to his youth by living vicariously through his sons, telling them they must be "macho" and play football to earn his "respect"! (i say "respect" because it is against the straight father handbook to say LOVE!)
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driving home it hit me, and i pounded on the steering wheel until i thought my fists were liquid. and i heard low twisting sounds leaving my throat that couldn't be my own. cars struck onward on all sides of me, streaking by blurry like they would in a downpour. i dreaded that i'd have to leave that car, i had strange fantasies that this was my fate, some hades tale with no clear moral from greek mythology, that i was doomed to drive the earth screaming out forever the soul that had grown in my stomach, sewn itself onto my guts and the insides of my hands where bone meets sinew. i was resigned to drive for all eternity, my screams trapped in closed off windows, my eyes a storm that others must pass through.
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endless desire
boys don't cry? oh but they do.
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Jane Doe
I watched you cry the first time you told me you loved me. I watched you cry ever since the night you said we needed time apart. I watched you cry when I walked away: You let me go. It was painful for me, too asshole. I would have followed you anywhere; you were my other half. I watched you cry when you realized your mistake; I've found my true love now, and you still cry.
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forget boys...big girls don't cry either...the last time i cried properly was when i came back from a friend's mother's funeral...it was a little scary, they were gut-wrenching, keening sobs of misery for the broken shell of a girl i had just said good-bye to and the realisation that someday i would be the same empty shell, waving at someone else leaving my driveway, with a gaping hole in my soul nobody and nothing can ever replace. i wish i could cry; i haven't been able to for months now.
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once it was all crashing down, tumbling in a roar of thunder. the tears always seemed to come easy at that point. always when i needed them... so i allowed them to wash away the grime. then, just at once, it all stopped. they wouldn't come, it was like i had ran out. i tried, i wished, i pleaded for the sense of cleanliness that they always had fufilled before. at that point i knew i had become what some people might call... jaded. what does that mean? do you not feel? does the world hold less value to you anymore? for me it was like a human shell that had gone numb from cold. so much punishment that, in its own way of self-preservation, blocked off the way of emotion. sure, the feelings were still there, way down deep... nobody could touch them, not even i... as much as i tried. years later, still not a drop to come, something broke. i don't know if it was the excitement, or the pain, or just everything at once, but i broke down. i fell, my legs wern't able to hold me. the only time in my life i couldn't stand on my own. i had to have help to get to a proper seat. i sat there and cried, everyone else departed... one at a time, except for me. i was still there, confused and lost. stuck in a vain attempt of denial. time passed, medications came and went. life went on. everyone now and then, something big would happen and i'd be able to cry... but overall it seemed that it went away again. not so far this time though as i could still feel it nagging at me sometimes. something else changed the way i thought about this later. her. in knowing her, i have come to cry in so many different ways and reasons that i didn't know or understand that it scares me. i also found that there are different types of crying. for one theres anguish. that gut-wrentching feeling of pain that you wished would go away. wished that it would wash away in the coming tide. then theres that other type. i cry when i relate. its those primal feelings. even if you've never had certain things happen to you, but you see them happen or you hear about them... through reading or even watching a movie whatever (i'm bad about crying while watching movies) you know what i'm talking about. its been bad lately. i'll think about something or the like and i'll just feel this whelling, like a rising of the sun... slow and piercing. i'll even think about it. 'why do i feel this way?' or 'this shouldn't have this effect on me.' but i can't deny what hold that has grasped me. i'll feel it and it comes. its like a catalyst. using something else to envoke a reaction. almost, but not quite. the feelings are genuine. just not mine. i can imagine the thought in my head and they seem real to me. its addicting in a way. being able to clean yourself of those toxic feelings that you have bottled inside. even if they're gone in an instant. they were still there and you felt them. thats all that matters. even if you don't understand why you did it. i have found that most of the times that i've cried in recent years i didn't understand why. so confused. so many things running around in my head. maybe its just the breaking point. i don't know if i agree with that point about guys being actually more emotional than girls. guess it really don't matter though.
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Maybe boys don't cry but men do?
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i cry, sometimes. it's an alone thing. it doesn't work when people are around.
what's it to you?