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ha! I can clearly see that wasn't posted in 2010! ...
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Just popped back for a quick walk down memory lane. So much has changed, but it still it feels like coming home and being enveloped in a familiar old blanket.
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blown cherry
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Hello olds friends Old and getting older Happy to have been here for The journey together
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Still Twitchin'
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Slouching towards Bethlehem
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epitome of incomprehensibility
Here! Happy New Year.
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Happiness and fortune to all in this blessed/cursed 2020 (vision and all) year, you make your own definition. I don't speak much here anymore, but I do wish all of you blatherskites success in whatever endeavour you may have. Sidenote: pssst...just don't have success in evil...k...that would be a good start. Whew.. thanks.. Happy blathing for the coming years. .
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I've done it. I've pulled it out of the blather_dustbin and no one else knows. It's like a quiet and tender room you can go to and relieve a headache. Away from the harsh_words.
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while passing through blather, of course I must stop and contribute. Wishing you all well my friends. Stay safe!
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pobodys nerfect
Stopping in to say hello! Hope everybody is safe and well, and continues to be so. What a year, eh?
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I guess I'm still around and alive! I don't find myself with much to say this year. I started painting again. Too hard to put things into words I guess.
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it's so good to see you here, everyone :0)
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words are cooling
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still kicking
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covid cleaning, memory sweeping.
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A reunion of sorts... Time passing A yellow tail of a cooling comet Belonging... still
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What a year. I guess its been one for reflection if nothing else.
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i love how i've drifted back here.
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howdy ❤
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A year where a decade happened.
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freakizh - paranoidmartyr
my heart never left.
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REAListic optimIST
I miss these blue walls and the people who inhabit them
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Not since high school
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Death of A Rose
Jebus Jumping Jack-off with a side of What the Fuck. Whew....had to get that out. I will not say anything beyond two things, maybe three. 1. Both of us wish you all well in this upcoming hopeful year, for an covfefe puddle left on the sidewalk & for being able to withstand the necessary reality of observing the science of the current pandemic. 2. Keep staying safe out there you crazy blatherskites. It's important. and the 3. Hippy Freakin X-mas you few, the only few.
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Love you all. Sorry you felt the need to politicize a roll call blathe, brother. Here's the inevitable response to media rhetoric echoed: Our immune systems have more thorough testing than anything coming out of Stanford. Millions of years tested against the harshest biological environment imaginable throughout all of our specious incarnations. If our resistance has been compromised AT ALL, it's been because of those who SHIELD themselves from infection, in order to avoid death. When the Black Death took out 2/3 of Europe's population, the peasants and working class had nothing but STRONG resistance left over to gift their children with. Then the rich came out of the hills, fucked the peasant girls and reinfected the working class with the immunological weakness they had sacrificed MILLIONS of their loved ones to be rid of. So Lysol isn't your friend. Neither is a mask unless you plan on doing surgery, robbing a bank or protesting corruption at a rally. All of these years chasing after Pasteur's paranoia have done NOTHING to strengthen our race's resistance to disease. We've only been handed a shield of dependency by those who profit off of shields sold to dependent people. So go get your bugs. 99% survival rate under 70 years old. That's better than flu. Flu kills kids too. Every non-lethal infection you survive, adds to your immune system's toolkit of antibodies. Those antibodies ALSO available to fight more lethal pathogens..because viruses are often very similar in their construction. Lessons learned from a mild infection help against more serious ones. Getting dirty keeps you SAFE. Go get dirty once a day and tell you kids to do so too. Count on medicine if they GET sick. And THAT'S the science. Oh and..still here.
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(early studies showed a very high percentage of people dying of covid are clinically vitamin d deficient...take at least 4000 IU daily. wear masks, wash hands, stay home if you feel safer that way. interferon has also been shown to help the lungs with covid infections, cuba once again on the cutting edge of lungs and their diseases, the plant astragalus increases the amount of interferon in the body...get some astragalus tincture. wear masks, wash hands, stay home if you think it makes you safer. mushrooms greens berries onions garlic all immune building foods. eat them everyday. wear masks, wash hands, stay home if it makes you feel safer. i've been going out at least three times per week to go to the store, get acupuncture, eat a meal and i have added vitamin d and astragalus to my immune regimen along with a mask and rigorous hand washing. i'm still fine) *knocksonwood*
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"clinically vitamin D decificient" = "doesn't go out much." Same people would tend to have weak immune systems for lack of exposure. I've been going out pretty much nonstop as a handyman. Like I said before, very few people seem to actually give a shit. Mostly they wear masks for ME..so I don't think that THEY are an inconsiderate asshole like the "experts", "smart" and "popular" people said non-mask wearers are on TV. See? "You're a dummy or a selfish asshole if you don't wear a mask." They sure knew which buttons to push with that psychological bullshit. (Thanks to daddy the Dr. and the orphanage psychs for betraying their nasty, brain-picking, control freak ways, early on in my life.) Once customers see I'm not worried, and that I'm a decent person who truly cares about helping them, the masks come off. They speak and breathe freely. One lady was soooo paranoid when I showed up. (To hang a flag on a brick wall for her. Little did I know: "Biden President 2020"..so I gave her the non-partisan flag price in my quote.) She's a real sweetheart and we've done a lot of work for her since. She has gotten to where she doesn't wear a mask around us..most of the time. I can always tell when some ridiculous death propaganda has been reinjected into the masses, because she'll be extra paranoid again that day. (And I'll go look up the mainstream news and..sure enough. A new angle on reinventing death news.) I don't wear a mask around her. When she feels the need to, she wears a mask around me. And I don't talk to her about it. I just talk to her. Like I talk to her without a mask. Anyone that doesn't see this "pandemic" as shitty leaders taking advantage of good, hopeful, trusting people..is either one of those foolish, trusting souls..or doesn't have a fucking soul at all. Said.
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i could go outside all day everyday and still be vitamin d deficient where I live once again everyone that doesn't agree with you is a brainwashed moron the rest of the world decided to take care of its citizens while also requiring them to lock down. our corrupt callous oligarchy does not negate the reality of covid but daf says covid is no big deal! everyone resume normal life tomorrow because daf said so! pandemic over! do you have preexisting lung conditions? doesn't matter...go take public transit today without a mask. daf says you are brainwashed idiot otherwise
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glad this is still kicking
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Well, you guessing what daf says based on your insecurities, relationship experiences and your own personal theory on why I am how I am and why I do what I do..doesn't amount to fuck all. All I know, blather homie, is that the minute my supervisor let me in on the dirty little secret that I was helping Caterpillar cheat the EPA, I didn't give af about my debt, the ten yeas I'd spent working my way up the ladder or ANYTHING I'd worked for. I left..conscience clean. And now, having grown up and chosen poverty over corrupt comfort..I've also chosen to bring my mind and my abilities back to my people instead of using it to DESTROY them through these elitist monsters who see them as chattel and tried to pump up my ego so I would see my working class people that way too. I bet my digging through dumpsters makes me MUCH more capable of taking on covid. As far as I can see, the "Lysol, bleach, antibacterial soap and college" set is afraid of what they haven't prepared for with their sterile lifestyles. C'mon, do0d...let's make it about me and not your cowardice because you were led into a coddled, lifelong childhood. Wow. You've been raised up and chosen to be better than the rest. How's it feel? Being terrified of homelessness, and so desperately sure of your bad life planning that you'll argue with obvious logic so flippantly? Why? Because you live in a crumbling Disneyland and are a disposable part of it. (I imagine you, my dear, but misguided friend, holding your Minnie Mouse head under your arm..because they got you to sell out that hard for a paycheck.) BTW.. They still call me. They don't NEED violin lessons, but they do need their roof to stop leaking. I ignore them unless I've got no business. The thought of their Lambos and Range Rovers rusting amuses me after what they've done to our people. Meanwhile, back in "let's wear a mask and make our immune systems even WEAKER land"..you want to pass on a legacy of forced vaccination and weakened immune systems caused by social isolation to generation after generation of babies who had NO say in the social weight of your cowardice. You would see the First Amendment diluted AS FUCK (notice I didn't abbreviate there) by isolating citizens, covering their mouths, curbing their opportunities to come together and compare notes on their opinions (like people do at, church, bars, restaurants) RIGHT as inequality has gotten to REVOLUTIONARY levels. And yet you don't see how that's a move by those in power to stave off OR ELIMINATE a revolution. Educated my ass. What was your GPA in history? You know better, but you pitched your tent in elitist country and now you're too stubborn, invested and TERRIFIED of the unknown to let go. That's monster level selfishness. Shame on you.
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yep im a selfish uneducated asshole cause i don't agree with you and you somehow know better than i do what i should be doing with my life. you can have blather im sick of your fucking shit
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Apparently blather became facebook. Must be something about the color blue.
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epitome of incomprehensibility
The colour blue gets people to argue politics. The colour burgundy causes people to compose poems about pigeons (I know, I've tried it).
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But anyway, to argue politics! Or rather, that it shouldn't be politics to agree that some kind of virus is going around, whatever you want to call it, and that it's fair to want to minimize suffering (while being on the watch for government overreaches on freedom; the two aren't incompatible). And it's also true that overprotection from germs in general can lead to allergies and weaker immune systems. I know about a book called Let Them Eat Dirt that talks about this and I'm sure there are many more. But the problem with Carrying on As Usual now isn't just that more people will get sick and die from COVID-19. It's also that hospitals will be cluttered with COVID patients, so that people with other illnesses and injuries won't get the treatment they need. And, daf, this DOES impact the poor more than the rich. Look at the U.S. stats. But I agree there's a way to both strengthen the immune system and get back to normal sooner, so that people can go about their ways and be exposed to more germs again. Here it is: vaccination. Yes, in a sense vaccines aren't "natural" because people developed them (from natural substances, but anyway). Similar thing with chemotherapy. Not everything everything made by humans is bad. Of course, it's not all good, either - I don't like the way drug corporations seek to make profits at the expense of human health by putting patents on the (natural) chemicals they isolated and slapped a name like Xabitinib or Blorgovox on. But that's another discussion. Last, the part about physical/biological strength and adaptability: a) Neither thing equals moral rightness. b) You can be adaptable to Thing A and not Thing B. What about the Native Alaskan and Polynesian populations completely devastated by the so-called Spanish Flu in 1918-19? They were living closer to nature than others at the time. They probably did a lot of physical work, spent time outdoors. That didn't change the fact that they were particular susceptible to this NEW virus that people in their region hadn't experienced before.
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*particularly, not particular there Anyway, I'll take my own advice in triggering_spiders and get off this screen for a while. :) Although one of the things I like about blather is that it isn't FB or Twitter - fewer distractions. Good health to all and, again, Happy New Year!
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Gah, I repeated the word "everything." But nevertheless nevertheless :)
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First off..adios do0d. If you can't take being talked down to, don't bring it. E O I. Thanks for the reasonable tone. I think all of you are glossing over certain things, and after warning people for damned near 20 years about what these globalists are up to, it gets a little wearisome repeating myself..when I'm just stating what should be common sense..plain as the nose on your face. My grandfather warned people before that. He was dead right. I went so far as to leave my career to avoid helping them destroy the planet anymore.(Caterpillar was cheating the EPA, in my case.) I've lowered my spending, to try to curb their profits in any way I could, and refused to take corporate jobs..taking only one or two in the last twenty years, when necessity or emergency struck. Meanwhile, I can't get a single one of you to tell me why pollution is bad..overpopulation is bad but...we keep passing laws nd inventing technologies to keep even MORE folks alive..and that's not counterproductive? (Instead of the "insane" I was originally going to type.) 4,000 Covid deaths today. 385,000 new babies. Covid isn't the big problem..the pollution caused by overpopulation and irresponsible industry, is the big problem. And here's an interesting side note: the rich know this. They also know we're all getting fed up and, if history is any indicator, we will come for their stuff..and their heads. Now, can you explain to me..why we think billionaires are untrustworthy, but we trust their media to inform us, not divide us? (No one on the pro-mask side seems to want to answer that question.) Can you explain to me, how it is that we've been to the hospital 3 times in the last few months..Metro Area, it's not overflowing. In fact..it's crickets. People are afraid they're going to get injected or quarantined against their will. The nurses have patients lined up in the halls because they got tired of sanitizing the room after every patient. So now they all sit crowded in the halls..all 8 of the E-room patients we saw were out in the hall in a common area. Because..human life matters.dangerous...blah blah..fear hype..terrorist..ZIKA..war on drugs..communist threat..H1N1..nuclear war...etc. etc. fear fear fear. That's all Covid is. Is it a real virus? Absolutely. Should we be afraid of it? Not unless you've been living in a sterile environment for most of your life. Then whose fault is that? Take it up with them, but leave the rest of us out of it. We did our work, ate our dirt, got our bugs..did our immunological homework. It's not worth giving up control of our lives to people we know are sociopaths. Shrinkflation? Planned obsolescence? Banker Bailout scam? Outsourcing? The Covid Relief Richie Giveaway $7.25/hr minimum wage for 11 years? Vioxx, transvaginal mesh drug lawsuit after drug lawsuit..for undertested or hardly tested drugs? (Bring on the brand new mRNA technology wrapped up in a vaccine with 6 months of testing! Boy howdy!) Reduce hours to just below full time in order to avoid paying benefits? The housing theft of 2008? Enron? The 401K for pensions scam? Any of this sound to you like the people who control the media, the laws, and the markets care about you? I'll keep going, maybe we'll find them trustworthy and concerned with the quality of our lives yet. "We must stop the terrorist threat for the sake of freedom and democracy" - George W. Bush - NEXT UP: Frisked in the airport for freedom and democracy, national facial recognition databases..for freedom and democracy.(see also: eagles_and_wolves) "We'll get the troops out of Iraq" - Barak Obama - NEXT UP - We'll send them to Afghanistan instead. Then sign off on the banker bailout AND a fat check for the Big Three to retool in Mexico so they can put more Americans out of work, and make more profits. And these are the people you think we should trust with our veins and our lives? How did that happen? Was it all of the media hype? Remember who owns the media? This disease isn't Nearly as deadly as they are. Cases aren't the same as deaths. And we had 8,709 deaths today worldwide with a population of 7,800,000,000 people. That's like 0.00011% of the population. I wrote about the dangers of covid. It has no intent. It is 95% survivable, in the age group where it is most lethal. it can infect humans and animals and can be spread. Finally, it can mutate..like most if not all pathogens Now those who want to put us under their complete control? The powers-that-be? Not only have they not been responsive to the plight of their people for DECADES, but they also have a history of callous, arrogant, sadism. I won't even get into how they just got caught screwing little kids, sexually harassing both men AND women AND breaking most of the laws they are asking us to follow. You seriously think it's a good idea to let them suspend the Constitution and take complete control? Out of nowhere? Right as they got caught, literally..with their pants down? What's wrong with us uniting, getting elitists out of office, billionaires under control, THEN we can talk about increasing the rate of overpopulation a little more by saving every life. Sound good?
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jpsears in the house!
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epitome of incomprehensibility
"Meanwhile, I can't get a single one of you to tell me why pollution is bad..overpopulation is bad but...we keep passing laws nd inventing technologies to keep even MORE folks alive..and that's not counterproductive?" OK, I'll bite. It's not counterproductive or insane in itself because what you mention isn't a huge factor in overpopulation, as far as I know. People will die eventually, so helping them live longer won't mess things up too much. Plus, technologies can add onto ways population growth can be reduced, too (e.g. adding to already existing methods of contraception). But you're right that longer life shouldn't be our huge goal. In a way that's sort of denying death. (And then there's those who think people can live forever by uploading their brains into robots or something.) But anyway. I would put living well over just living longer, cliche as that may be. Or, rather, trying to make others' lives better. And learn things from culture and nature and help others to do so. And to try to undo inequalities created by other people. We may disagree in some ways on how to go about that, but that's normal.
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wow, i didn't think a blather roll call could make me shake my head so hard and sigh so much (credit to dafremen). also, here occasionally. hi all.
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ego hum
Barely here Barely anywhere everywhere half stop, listening I, may be said to mostly not listen but I do selective to a fault When I hear joyful noises my head turns a glance the world is both unbearably beautiful and tragically brutal
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3 ego hum ego hum
Drunk old and still watching listening doing?
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everyone was here too early or they were here too late. ...
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ego hum
I won't say...
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ego hum
I lied
what's it to you?