sabbie it must be odd, i think, to know people who blather here outside here too. to know their outsides as well as their insides, to see them every day and to see them here too..

to know their profane as well as their sacred sides must be a little weird sometimes.
sphinxradio i know two other infrequent blatherers, only because i recommended the site to them. surprisingly not that weird, but i know them both pretty well anyway. 011124
unhinged i'm only here because of them. things got weird shortly after i started here and they've never quite corrected themselves to the way things used to be, but we all three knew each other pretty well so there isn't much here that comes as much of a shock. 011125
florescent light I have proudly met 3 011125
silentbob i have met one. all the others i know in person because i introduced them to blather, or someone i introduced to blather introduced them to it. so there. 011125
lost i know one. good ol' thy. he introduced me to blather. 011125
yummyC i've met two. damn you sheryl, you're beating me. just wait til summer :) 011126
Aaron i know a whopping 3 off the top of my head.. soon to be four..

i have introduced 2 people that i know to blather.. and i have met one from blather.. this summer i am saposed to meet another...
natasha I don't know any of you, but I kind of like it that way. The beauty of speaking to complete strangers. 011127
whoknows i just met claire!
kinda awkward (did i spell that right) b/c i dont really know her.
but claire, youre still cool!
whoknows cool coo1

i just wanted to see how much an l looks like a 1
whoknows exactly the same!
what the fuck!
ClairE Same here! That was funny shit! 011128
ClairE It is oh_so_good, in my humble opinion. 011213
Persona I want to jump on the meet blather bandwagon! Who lives near Nova Scotia? 011213
Norm I'm going to Newfoundland this summer. 011213
ClairE Sometimes it is hard, when it seems like the only people you talk to are from blather. Like blather is saturating your existence. Seeping into your sheets. You can say things that are too forward or too flowery, because you're addressing it to a blue void, really. You're tacking your thoughts up to the barn wall, not mailing them in a neat package straight to them.

I can't imagine living without them.
kerry i know what you mean...
it's weird when i think more about my blather friends than my real friends...
pralines&cream I don't know anything blatherskites outside of blue (ahem, and red) bulletin boards. 020109
pralines&cream I meant to say *any, not anything ... I think I need to be on medication. Did i spell anything wrong in that sentence? 020109
Miffey You didn't capitalize your "I"... 020110
cralines&pream Bwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I do EVERYTHING wrong!!!!!! 020111
Arwyn I know bobby, and talvifatin... that's about it... okay fine.. i know logan too... 020111
DannyH You can make mistakes. New mistakes. Mistakes you hadn't thought of yet. Goodbye Flo... 020111
ClairE I was on the phone with him, and I heard his voice reading me. 020115
bethany i don't know no one but one who tours around as i do. anonymity de information i guess, dunno, but i still know no one 020212
ClairE ClairE: Imagine if blather didn't exist.

jon: hmm

ClairE: And even if we had met each other online somewhere else, we couldn't have been as honest.

jon: true
Dafremen Anyone that wants to meet me is free to do so. I´m in San Diego. Email me..we´ll schedule some time.

Anyone wishing to kill me, read above.
poetic_onslaught anyone here from austin or near-by? im moving there soon and i dont know nobody there. im actually pretty cool one you get to know me....thats if you dont mind getting into a little bit of trouble every now and then or doing something drastic. i like to have fun and i got a whole lot of catching up to do so i feel i might be getting a little intense when i find someone to kick it with. 020510
peyton arkansas.. see Daffy's instructions 020511
"Ancient Pagan" I'm the local eccentric at my University, which is in San Diego but is not U.C.S.D. I am a super-senior who switched majors in the middle of things but offended no one by doing so. I have been at University since Fall 1995! I still have a year or so left! I decided to officially be a History Major rather than keep over-dosing on history electives. No, I am not becoming a business man: I do not understand nor approve of Capitalism; but I need to read more before I seriously stand against it. I am of a partial Hindu/Sikh & Free Christian background. No, I am not a monotheist, nor even a polytheist but rather a polysyntheist (Godhead & many emenations). However, my mind is not closed to other religions and philosophies. The only blatherer I know is Pink Hamster Army Queen because I recommended this site to her. Now I want to know: where do Silentbob and MollyGoLightly come from? Doesn't Silentbob have his own "blather room" in 'Blather', or does my memory deceive me. How did he obtain his own blather room? Did the High Blatherer create it? Who runs blather? The Government.... 020511
j_b;ie none, noone 020511
silentbob i forgot where mollygolightly is from. some state. i on the other hand am from iowa. i have many blather rooms but i do not own any of them. i started many, but anyone is free to blather just as anyone is free to blather on any personal blathe. there's lots of anarchy on this site 020512
"Ancient Pagan" Therefore, Blather is the blueprint for the government of Enlightened Elders who will descend from the space-ship 'Araxis' on the date my spirit guide foresaw: c. July 7 2012. That date predicted by the Mayan wise-men before the white man arrived.

Sorry, just had to do a New Age spoof! Ha-ha! Believe it or not I know a British lady who speaks like that--to each their own!
jessicafletcher when i am blathering, i often run across some extraordinary piece of blather that makes me wish i knew this wonderful person. i often ask "who are you", knowing that i will never really know. it makes me ing crazzzzzzy. perhaps i should just play pacman. if any of you wonder who the hell i am, as i often wonder who the hell you are, i am jessica, and it was lovely to blather with you. 020514
7xibalba actually the date on the mayan calendar is 12/21/12 020514
angie blue star and i go to the same school. little wonder used to attend that school with us but she switched. 020514
stork daddy and ye shall know them by their blaths 020514
qwerty and what of those that like to read but do not write, shall we call them blatherers as well? 020515
CJ knowing blatherers outside of blather can get you in trouble sometimes 020515
Sintina Yeah, I know peyton outside blather... imagine that!!
I promise, he's everything he's cracked up to be. He can be just as irratating as those of you who send "flaming death hatred" at him can imagine.
But he can also be just as soothing to the soul, as FRanK may think.
Oh, me? I come here now and again. I used to be addicted until blather got me fired from one of my old jobs...
Mahayana to date have met [[[3]]]
perhaps in the near future
it shall be [[[[4]]]]

[:: loved them all ::]
:there are no people as blather people]
eklektic i know someone outside blather : Kate. I'm the Tracee she sometimes mentions in her blathers. 020523
Kate Your identity has been revealed. Tracee is beautiful like a single iris. We'll have to learn how to pray incessantly, now that we've mastered inwards singing. 020523
good people i know one.

there is no way to describe the terror i felt
good people why the hell did i type that? 020523
eklektic i also know paul and jared outside of blather. 020529
misstree the only one i know is the one who introduced me, and gwyllynne has long since fled the world of blue.

i used to know half the people i irc's with, on channel #teensex. (the name was a joke, whenever we'd get bored we'd persecute the netsexers that wandered through and messed with them with the bots). the people that i met there, though, became some of my closest and longest-lasting friends, and one a boyfriend for a while.

this was in the middle of the "people you meet on the net are dangerous psychos" craze on all the talkshows.
Betwixt Does anybody realize that this is one of the most common blather subjects?
Is anybody tired of it yet?
kerry not yet.
but i'd like to meet someone, it would be cool except i'd probably act weird or something, feeling awkward, and kind of shocked at maybe how different people really are from the way i've imagined them.
still... i think it would be an interesting experience, at the least. i'm in atlanta. is anyone remotely close to me?
Mahayana to date have met [[[4]]] :]

[i lucked out though- i got to meet 3 at once]
ever dumbening chillin with uncle paste! in my house 020710
paste! umm, dude, what should i do about this fire that has already consumed the north wing??? 020710
squint wow thats super *Fucking* cool!
have fun with

g'bye now.
squint/yummychuckle p.s. I'm in Maryland, anyone want to meet me? the only two other maryland (ex) blatherers are aaron and yoink and neither wants to see me :-(... 020710
sickandtwistedfuck I know one blather quite personally... eh yummychuckles/pushpins/squint 020711
counterentity Fortunately not ... it would destroy the respect I had for them just from blather. 020810
Aimee you ever wonder how many times a day you walk by someone who blathes and don't even know it? 020810
josie no matter whomever sweeps in and out of here.. i surely will remain. 020810
D y a n n e that would be so weird meeting someone off blather I feel I dont know many well enough to meet them yet although many people seem quite interesting oh what the heck if anyone is in Iowa email me we can set something up 020810
blamethesky i've known silentbob, likkle wonder, and coldandbluekitty before i knew blather. i haven't met anyone off of blather though. 020811
the Queen of Hearts oh josie, how very mysterious. how very cool you sound.

blather doesn't need a rock of ages, it has josie instead. she will last, past all those whom come and go, outlasting all those too pathetic to stick it out. ages will pass, empires will crumble, but josie will still be here, posting her inane drivel occasionally.

josie, i wish i was you. you sound so Hard.
kerry i'd really like to meet people from blather. it would make me really nervous though. i always get really disappointed when people turn out to be not at all the way i pictured them to be. but still, i'd like to meet someone... 020811
0123456789 the Queen_of_Hearts is a real bitch 020811
Photophobe but she's apt 020811
little bug the Queen_of_Hearts is a real bitch but at least she puts her name to posts 020811
josie do you think for a second that any of my thought could more profound than anything i could ever word to you or to blather? glad you certainly don't know me then. I don't read for anyone else but myself. I don't write to VALIDATE any of my issues. I dribble, that's right, but if that's how i react when i read your posts well why the hell not then eh?
josie do you think for a second that any of my thought could more profound than anything i could ever word to you or to blather? glad you certainly don't know me then. I don't read for anyone else but myself. I don't write to VALIDATE any of my issues. I dribble, that's right, but if that's how i react when i read your posts well why the hell not then eh? 020814
werewolf i date someone who blathered once. or at least i think i do sometimes. 020814
the Queen of Hearts one: you clearly only have the one thought, you say so yourself. that coupled with the fact of the missing word(s) that i can only presume, if actually inclued, might have had the power to make that sentace make sence merely validates my theory. so thank you for that, and two: you are so moronic as to post this twice, once without the uber-kewlies natty little abbrivation.

did you think posting it twice would give it the necessary backbone that your words alone could not provide?

i fall back in the face of your two fold attack. you have overwhelmed me with your logical doubled up arguements. i retreat under a barrage of identical words. your dribbling reaction to my post has stunned me to silence.

i do so hate it when i am proved right over and over again. why cant you people surprise me for once? you can all obviously figure out a computer, surely you cant all be this dumb?
Photophobe I take it back she's not apt. That was the worst riposte I've ever seen, QoH. Your mocking of er logic is just a little hypocritical, when you can't even construct a coherent argument yourself. 020814
josie ..when technology fails the world, all i can do is laugh in the face of it and you.. or whoever you seem to be hiding under your name Quenn of Hearts.

If you think my caring for your words bring me ire then you're horribly mistaken my friend.

I may care enough to notate what i can express in words here on this blathe, but surely you see it is all to justify myself to the other more logical blather's than to yourself. I think i have the support from Photophobe here on this one, perhaps others as well.. i simply don't know and may never will.

Hmmm.. i'm pondering much more here though... you see maybe if you've taken the time to read into this sole blathe of mine, you've taken the time to read into my previous blathes? did you consider the fact i don't know you and i don't want anything to do with you and i never have slandered anyone on blather in the past deliberately? especially in the instance of not knowing them, where on earth is the respect in art for them and what they stand for as an individual. I take everyone for who they really are and not for their face value.

Perhaps this is who you are or whom you enjoy portraying yourself as to other blatherers? i don't know.

Perhaps this is how you enjoy filling your mindless minutes, surely it can't take you that long to think of something condescending to benefit your ego to the level that you feel escalates you from that of other beings whom have the urge to simply notate a reaction to a word.

And hey, if it's's fine by me.. then why don't you just email me? I certainly wouldn't take offence to it, who can turn away from constructive criticism? Did you notice, i never fail to enter in an email addie in link to my name?
I don't hide any shame in who i am and freely give away my identity to those who wish to contact me and perhaps express their disconent in my entries within the parameters of blather or otherwise.

So please, whoever you are, don't waste this beautifully lyrical, emotive, unique, provocative and intellectual space on blather. There's so much more to words than your silly slander.. if you want to take it seriously then email me. You know who i am and speaking of 'knowing blatherers outside of blather', so do many other people here. But don't waste this cyber-space on me.. i'm simply not worth it! Nor am i worth your time.

But i suppose that evidence can only come with your response.

sincerely yours Queen of Hearts,
josie oh, and another question,

why is it you only have criticism for my blathe's under this alias and not any other? to those too i add my identity.
gay gizmo I know one. and it just happens she intorduced it to me. sometimes i wonder of its just to get my dirt. Although I dont have much dirt, and she knows it all anyways.

But on the same token it is quite interesting to see how she works on paper. Very intriuging to see how her eccentricity is portrayed through text. and here, it all seems right
Lime Rider i tried to introduce quite a few people to blather. Two of them actually have one or two words. One of them doesn't have home i-net, the other... no time. I know no frequent blatherer personally 030115
megan i'm in love with one. 030116
lost i drove all the way across the damn country. i could have met a few more along the prolly. but didnt still i only know one. possibly the scariest of all... thy 030116
screwing for virginity i tryed to turn tow people on to blather. one kept it up for about a week, but then quit. and the other wont even go to the site.

if anyone here is going to the kerrville_folk_festival tell me and we can hook up there in may.
three words knowing_blatherers_outside_blather round_here the_experiment_is_never_over 050223
12 xk 050224
bethany i drove 9 hours to meet one
a couplea years ago

one day there was a drunk man delivered to his front step

and he brought him inside

and i drove 9 hours home

i dont deny that i'm a freak
but freaky is what freaky does
Ouroboros wish i knew more 060406
ever dumbening what, i don't fill your need?

shocked and offended.
meta meta 060407
Ouroboros it is possible
you could fill my knowing blatherer need
but for the terrible distance of geography

(btw, how is the pacific treating these days? have you read Ken Wilbur?)
gay gizmo i know 1. shes amazing 060524
misstree my tribe has a thing for words, apparently.

add to the board not only the one the guided me here, but two other tribelings that sniffed and stayed. you can't *make* someone like blather, you know. the hook either punches through their cheek and sets firmly against their jawbone or they are infernal unloquacious heretics. my boys are good boys, they caught the hook.

i've wondered about meeting a few different skites in person sometimes. with sabbiue, there's no question, but that's a different rant, involving chocolate cake and a grandiose european invasion.

but, to momentarily address my audience more directly, i wonder what it would be like to meet you. i have these composites formed of the person behind the words, if the words have been telling enough, but i know they're just rippled reflections.

it's not so much that i want to meet you, as that i awnt to see you in your natural habitat. strange creatures that haunt this blue, i'd want my dose to be unadulterated, full force. some of you would putter, some of you would dance. some would appear to the outside world to be very normal. others walk on the ouside ledge.

but if i coudl ride on your shoulder, i would take teh greatest delight in watching how your gaze goes, knowing the flavor of the words inside as you pause to regard a rose, and having a fuller taste of the creature i share this mental fluid soup with.
jane i would like to know more.

i would like to see them again.
yummychuckle huh.
Its funny, to see this today, after a full day of family life with paste! and our daughter. Things change. Things stay the same.
henceforth known as twenty-one
unhinged how is the little birdie doing? how old is she? is she babbling, talking, toddling, walking? i want to see more pictures now that she's surely bloomed into complete adorableness. i love that age between like 12 and 24 months when a child discovers all the cool stuff like walking and talking for the first time.

it has been a strangely wonderful thing knowing skites outside of blather. when god's band came to youngstown and i recited entropy_paste on stage at the nyabinghi would definitely have to be the highlight of all.
u24 by far my biggest blather-regret is not meeting jane when I had the chance. 080505
tourist To Be Truthful, I Rather Enjoy The Ability To Pour Out My Random Thoughts Without Being Encumbered By Familiarity With The Audience.
I Mean I Kinda Know Y'all, But Then Again I Don't.
It's Not That I Would Be Opposed To Meeting Any Of UsBut I Don't Feel Any Driving Need To Seek Anyone Out.
If I Ever Get To Take Any Long Distance Trips, I Might Be Inclined To Meet Someone, But With The Rising Cost Of Fuel Most Of My Encounters Would Have To Be In About A 20 Mile Radius Of Jacksonville Florida.
unhinged or
the other time with the other skite that was the perfectness i imagined as a teenage girl; that time was really high up there too.
jane i still have west coast blathercon dreams. 080505
Doar As do I Jane. 080505
suicidalchinadoll I still know many of you in my dreams. does that count? 080523
sameolme Yes, And this transcends counting altogether.
"and that fire will dance through my house, in my eyes..and I will know peace in the eyes of her storm."
thank you
Doar dreams are pulse driven.

spoken i don't know any of you outside of here or at least i don't know if i know you
i'm from maryland
just thought i'd drop that little tidbit
anyone read my stuff
i tend to just blathe whatever comes to mind at the sight of the intro word or latch onto something someone else has blathed and insert my two cents

i really like some of you
solely based on your blathes
i have no idea if we'd get on
in reality but here in blather land
i think we can be friends
i'm relatively new here but i am quickly becoming addicted this place

blathering gives me an outlet for my creativity and helps me feel connected to others who share love of poetic expression and contrast of different view points
looking forward to feedback if any one has any
i will gladly give my opinion of your blathes to
if you are so inclined to listen
(z) (welcome, spoken. you might want to look at welcome_to_blather and meta.) 090423
Lemon_Soda I've spoken or met face to face about 6 people here. 090423
In_Bloom I don't have a clue 090423
Doar I married a blatherbabe. I also transported her across state lines. I'm sure I broke a few international laws when I didn't declare her fruits and veggies at the border.

crediblehulk Do you want invasive species? Because that's how you get invasive species. 160322
what's it to you?
who go