tildan What, so you're going to just completely drop the Daffy persona? I don't know, I'm not sure if the experiment will ever really be over. Conscious coping mechanism or no, I reckon that radically dropping out a behavioural pattern will be difficult.

I take different personas, but only as they strike me, and they really are part of each other. Unless, of course, you were putting a lot more consideration into everything you wrote than we all previously imagined. Who knows? Maybe the daffy we know is complete fabrication, but surely there must be a lot of the persona that is the real you.

I don't buy Barthes' "Death of the Author" - This fake daffy must contain much of the real daffy anyway.

I'm not sure the experiment is ever over.
stork daddy certainly the death of the author has always been only in the reader. it is the reader's own interpretations which murder the author. the intentions remain whether the author likes it or not. if the intention is to escape intention, well that intention exists plain as day. as readers we can either keep the author's intentions alive or bring new life to the words in the author's "death" either way it doesn't matter, the words themselves only remain. this is the author's death. of course this works best with works of fiction in which there is no outside world being correlated to and what matters most is consistency within the created world and only the most bare minimal connection to the outside world necessary if the words used in the creation of this fictional world are to have any meaning at all. yeah but daffy hasn't done it all as an experiment i'm willing to wager. if it was an experiment, i feel it was the act of a reckless scientist looking for results with no hypothesis. throwing variables together with no consequences in mind, no predictions, and only hindsight judgements which may or may not have been the correct assesment of the raw data. haha...i can talk forever and say so little. that's an art form ain't it? 021205
Dafremen You both make excellent points. The experiment IS over. As for whether or not the real me ever came through...yes.



Read my poetry (much of which is on DAF_INDEX)

Read my answer to trazlo under SUICIDE



You'll find pieces of me all over. It was really these clues that led many to email me and/or attempt to see through the charade.

You too stork, of course you're right, interpretation exists on the other side,the reader's side. It's why what I did was so heinous in many ways. It's also why, until you meet me, or until the end of my blathering days, there will always be doubt in the minds of many of you as to whether the cynical monster was a creation, a phase, or a facet of my personality. It was a creation based upon my younger years, and a few people that I've known along the way. Please don't mistake my tone for one of pride, as I will continue to reiterate, I'm NOT proud of the result of this ill-conceived experiment, I'm just trying to be honest. You folks deserve that LEAST.
partially coherent x i think that you're just a person screaming for attention. regardless of what "character" you are trying to play, i think the point was only to get reaction. you've said yourself that it's what you try for. so i believe that this whole revelation of the experiment being over is just another cry, and when this gets old there will be something new. if you want to look at that as the true experiment, then it isn't ever over. 021205
stork daddy the lady was lucid man...very very lucid. 021205
Dafremen Like I said, you will never know. I apologize for that. It's too bad really, and ironic as hell that a man who wants nothing more in this world than to bring us all closer should drive such a wedge between himself and so many of you. It is a consequence that I will have to live with for the rest of my days. Let's hope that everything else I am now doing will somehow come around your way and have beneficial, positive effects in your life. I would like that very much. Perhaps then, I will have undone in some very small way, everything that my curiosity and quest for a better understanding of human nature has created here. Again, I'm sincerely sorry that you still feel that way about me. Both of you. 021207
what's it to you?
who go