stork daddy
did you know that if you interpret C as being equal to 1+5 and N as equal to six, that CNN is actually the number of the beast. further more if you if put that number into a certain algorithm it ends up equaling LA's zip code? more proof that LA is the center of all evil.
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Death of a Rose
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You are making a terrible terrible mistake made by most who aren't familiar with the cabbala or the other ancient arcane arts. Do not make skepticism and your own ego into truth. You will find an elaboration here: http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000180.html Please stop, it pains me to watch you humiliate yourself this way. You're a good person and a smart man. You deserve to investigate before you continue with your victory dance.
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(What makes it all the more embarrassing is that you remind me of myself some 3 short years ago.)
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you can find meaning in everything.
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Death of a Rose
hey dafremen, my belief is that good ole storky was having a lark, thats why the smiley but i could be wrong, maybe his belief is deep rooted and fanatical.....nah...
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Until you have studied, you find Truth only in perception. The rules for numerological reduction are well established and haven't changed for thousands of years. stork daddy is assuming that the algorithm in question was invented to make the desired result. In fact, it is the lack of investigation on his part that has led to his misperception of the reality which is this: The standard numerological algorithm existed long before either of us was born. It is simply to add the digits together, and if the sum isn't 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11 or 22, to add them together again until it is one of those numbers. It's been that way for a VERY long time. He is looking at the solution to 666, regardless of what it signifies. He himself could discover that it IS the correct solution with very little effort, but he chooses not to. That amounts to a claim that ignorance trumps knowledge. Each of the influences mentioned in the above URL, are known by even the most amateur astrologers and have been for thousands of years. Noone, in this case, is fitting the facts to the desired result. The stated influences, whether they are accurate or not, are still what astrologers have stated them to be for millenia. You don't have to believe in astrology, only find out what astrologers say. The result is what it is, and it only takes investigation by a rational mind to realize that. It is those who say, "I do not know, but I'm sure it must be false, therefore why waste my time investigating?" who are blinded by their own skepticism. You don't understand numerological reduction, you haven't looked. (Whether you believe in numerology or not is unimportant. The algorithm is not subjective. It is set in stone.) If you did, you would find it described exactly the same way on every site. You also don't understand astrological influences, again, because you haven't looked into them. Yet if you were to look, you would find that the same influences are assigned to each of the house numbers by all astrologers and have been for thousands and thousands of years. These things are there, anyone could look them up and find them. They have been there for a very long time. They are all over the internet. They are in books. They are all set in stone. We aren't talking about the interpretation of human personality after all, but hard and fast ideas that have been assigned to numbers. Noone is tryng to make the facts of that equation fit. The facts fit. And you don't have to take ANYONE'S word for it. You only have to look it up. Instead, you jump up and down laughing, sneering and pointing with glee while ,in effect, stating: "I don't know a thing about what he is talking about, but it's obviously a bunch of nonsense." My daughter calculated the numerological value of the acronym "CNN" for you. It's 4. She's 13.
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lol, daf, you make me laugh
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It's so cute how daf lets storky get under his skin.
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smurfus rex
they must be brothers somehow.
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i like letting him under my skin. it's fun watching what he'll say next. : )
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a little hehe for ya!
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Death of a Rose
oh and dafremen, i have read quite enough of you to be sated for months. but it is hard for us 'little minds' to grasp your ranting and strife bearing without giving you nicely wrapped offerings in return. peace brah
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stork daddy
hey all i'm saying is that there's no rule that says that we had to use 10 as our primary unit of counting. it could've been twenty. so while 7+8 would've still been the same concept as 15...the number might've been its own number instead of adding up again to six. also, there wasn't even zero in most counting systems for a long time, so numbers are clearly something we make. my last point is this, even if the algorithm does add up to 666...who says that 666 is the number of this or that? the elders? maybe the people saying this knew the algorithm too. i didn't like 5's for a long time when i was a kid, but i didn't go and ruin it for everyone else.
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I never said it was...and you keep saying EVEN if it does add up to that. When are you going to investigate and come back to the table with something meatier than.."I think that..."? : ) Oh and Doar...that would go for you as well. You should probably look at your page titled somebody else probably did this..and decide if you really know the difference between a rant...and a ramble. Rant is something you say in a veiled attempt to cover up your own ego and diregard a long something that you didn't care to read, or that your mind couldn't digest. Ramble is something that guys like I and phebe do when we wax philisophical. I think ego has had enough laps around the shallow end of the pool for this evening...good night gentlemen. : )
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stork daddy
a ramble is something intelligent people like me and those who agree with me do. right. my criticisms of the significance of the number 666 stand. if numerology claims them, then numerology has a gap. maybe that's my ego talking, or maybe it's your ego that won't let you see past this as an argument between two people and actually answer the criticisms.
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What significance? Whatever significance you have placed on the number is likely a result of YOUR conditioning, not numerology's flaws. Numerology says nothing about the number 666 except that it adds up to 9. You have been conditioned and are reacting to that conditioning. You have placed 666 in the context of religion because you have been conditioned to. You have also shut it out because you have been conditioned to shut out anything which smacks of religion. Whether you have been conditioned by an outer influence, or an inner one, you have been conditioned to shut your mind, your ears and your eyes to something. How can that be a good thing? How can that lead to wisdom? Behind every closed door, awaits a lesson. Every event is a teacher, even an encounter with a fool. Thank you for teaching me and for calling me teacher.
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smurfus rex
let us assume that: "Barney" is a CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR. now, let us convert those letters into Roman ones: CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR now, let us remove all letters that are not representative of Roman numerals: CV VL DIV now, let us convert these Roman numerals into Arabic ones: 100 5 5 50 500 1 5 now, let us add them together: 100+5+5+50+500+1+5 = 666 Therefore, we have numerological proof that Barney is Satan.
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iama foo king lid yo
i'm daffy i'm always right you're always wrong i'm leaving to write more great songs i'm not leaving because i have to enlighten all of you yap yap yap if you add up numbers they equal other numbers it's been that way for hundreds of years whoa
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Any perspective can be challenged by another, any fact can be challenged by another, no one is safe nor justified in their belief of a particular stance. Everyone thinks they are right because of this and that, we need to realize there are infinite reasonings and explanations.
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: ) It's fun to watch the dirt portion of humans go on and on trying to justify what it can't grasp. It's sad, in a way, but right now, it's just fun.
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I don't THINK this, nor do I BELIEVE this. It is. The numbers 0 through 9 have been in that order for a very long time. A math teacher taught them to me and his math teacher taught them to him. The fact that they add to 666 in both directions could just be a coincidence. You're right of course. However, that coincidence would NOT be the result of my manipulating the digits, or removing the non-Roman numeric portion. No that'd just be a fact of the coincidence of putting those numbers in their natural order, which just happens to coincidentally form a perfect triangle and coincidentally adding them up both vertically and horizonatally and having them come out to 666. Let's call it that. This is the coincidental arrangement of numbers upon which John based the mention of the number 666 (a pure product of coincidence with no actual significance)in the book Revelation. There, now everyone should be happy. : ) What we have here is just a very cool coincidence! When you put something in front of someone's face and they don't see it, we call that blindness. Again, that's not what I think. It just is.
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Ok, here's the fun part. See, in the lab, when little monkeys hit a button and get what they think is a reaction, they'll hit it again and again trying to get the same reaction. Babies do the same thing with those Sesame Street Push N Dial Beep N Bo0p things whatever they are called, where Ernie and Big Bird jump out and make them laugh. Same idea here! ; ) Having planted the seed in the monkey's brains, WE get to be entertained as they press and press the button, or scream and try other buttons, or walk away in a huff, or giggle and pretend like they weren't trying to push the buttons at all. : ) (Toldya this would be fun.) Now, let's REALLY show the monkeys something crazy and watch them justify their reaction to it. Half of them will believe what their ego is saying, the other half won't care, they'll just want to see if they can get a rise out of the ol geezer here. (Who, to be perfectly honest, is playing the part of monkey himself, cept he knows which buttons to push. Sometimes it's fun to let the old dirt (aka the material brain) think it's getting its way. Makes for interesting observations in human behavior. And as long as the subjects are playing the part of mean little munkeez and schoolyard bullies...eh? Just playdoh playing with playdoh..dirt messin with dirt. Here comes Cookie_monster!)
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Here then, is the breakdown of the meaning of the equation: The bottom level represents the basic building blocks of all things, living and non-living. The number 0 stands for God, for perfect potential unrealized. (It is for this reason that Linda Goodman equates it with Scorpio, the transformer.) It is the number of the nothingness from which sprang all. In terms of the material plane, it is the state of the universe before there was light. The number 1 stands for light which is energy. (Let there be Light!)(Aries the initiator) The number 2 stands for material, earth and water.(Taurus the materialist) The number 3 stands for air which is the medium of transmission of light energy to move water which in turn nourishes and moves earth.(Gemini the communicator.) The second level is the level of living material. This includes plants, animals and material man. 4 represents plant life.(Cancer the nurturer, also known as the gateway to the soul) 5 represents animal life.(Leo king of beasts and of children) 6 represents material man.(Virgo selfless servant of mankind, the skeptic) (in order to move to the next level, spirit must be found. This is what the way of God (represented by various Paths and teachings) attempts to lead us up to. The dirt in us (body, and brain, desire and ego) draws us away from that. If man cannot find spirit, it dissipates and thus ends the existence of that particular individual, back into the ground with the plants and the animals..back down to 2.) The next level represents the level of spiritual awareness. These are the levels of spirit reincarnated and spirit free of material restraint. 7 Represent spiritual man. This is a spirit reborn in material, but with identity intact. This is the eternal life spoken of. This continues for as long as one continues to find spirit(the partner.)(Libra the sign of partnerships and cooperative harmony) 8 represents angels, both fallen and otherwise. This is the level of spirit born outside of material restraint. This is the level of highest POWER achieveable by individual entities. The useless portion is discarded(the material) and the worthwhile portion is kept(the spiritual)(Scorpio the regenerator, sign of death and rebirth) The next level is composed of ALL in ONENESS. 9 This is God. Perfect potential realized. This is not a unification of all individual parts, but the oneness of which each individual is a component. We are not individuals, we are part of God. (Sagittarius being the first of the four signs of SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Also called the Philosopher) This chain of evolution is mirrored on many levels, perhaps infinite levels. Not only does it describe the cycle of the universe, and of the individual, but it describes the evolution of the human race.
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yes, but where does cat fit in? or fetus?
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5 is cat. Ask most Leos to describe their feelings about cats. See also the Leechlike Clot in the Qur'an for more information about fetus. : )
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name less
um, daf, just a quick question/comment. how, in defending numerology, do you go from stating facts to then making statements about how a certain number represents something? maybe you're not using the latter as a defense and instead just referring back to the blathe's original title. my point is that numbers don't represent _anything_ until we assign such meaning, and as such can only be arbitrary.
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If you'll look up the meanings of the 1st house, the 2nd house, the 3rd house..etc in astrology, you will find your answer. By the way..I agree with you too.
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p.s. no one was defending numerology. read for further details. "Whether you believe in numerology or not is unimportant. The algorithm is not subjective. It is set in stone."
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ah yes the irrefutablitiy of mathematical values and such..but what of the person who does not recognize those values..who does not ascribe any value to them nor it's concomittant extrapolations?..okay i did not read this page at all..i'm just piping in on the whole descatesian/existential/aristotlean and whatever phenomenological undeconstructed pyre to be continuum thingy..i'm outa here guys please resume your discussion.. the higher maths elude me..i must confess..anything beyond remedial pythagorean consructs.. peace..this is intriguing though the whole idea of articulating the metaphysical in the carraige of the empiric and mathematical
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"hard and fast ideas that have been assigned to numbers" uh, yeah
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Oooo Oooo Ahhh ahhh?
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same monkey as you
i'm daffy i have to get in the last word no matter what thats why i can't ever leave
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name less
"p.s. no one was defending numerology. read for further details." the following sounds like a defense to me: "You are making a terrible terrible mistake made by most who aren't familiar with the cabbala or the other ancient arcane arts. Do not make skepticism and your own ego into truth. You will find an elaboration here: http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000180.html Please stop, it pains me to watch you humiliate yourself this way. You're a good person and a smart man. You deserve to investigate before you continue with your victory dance."
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Dafremen, why are you cutting people down so hard for not understanding what you're saying? I could ramble on with some random load of shit and laugh at you for not understanding, but what's the point? What are you getting out of coming back here over and over? To prove yourself? Maybe just to (4) your pride.
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smurfus rex
I added up my first name and I got 6. 13+9+3+8+1+5+12=51 - 5+1=6 and "6 represents material man.(Virgo selfless servant of mankind, the skeptic)" kinda fits (mall security is roughly equivalent to customer service), but I'm a Capricorn, which isn't even on the list.
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I'm still waiting for an answer to the barney conumdrum, we could make a whole book out of that..
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ha.. whaddaya know, my number is 11. (unless my maths is wrong) oops! no, I'm number 9.
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wow.. I'm god. yup, I can beleive that.
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just looked at www.astrology-numerology.com/num-lifepath.html I fit in with 1,2,3,4,5,7,9 and 11, and for each number, there's one point that doesn't fit me. I'm actually number 1 (I worked it out after I'd read all the descriptions), but reading the explanations of all the others, i found myself on each of the numbers listed, thinking that that could be me. This is why I cannot believe in numerology or horoscopes. they are so vague that i think they are useless, and most of the time could apply to anyone. Sorry Daf, i'm not convinced. you know my life number, and my name number is the smae as u24s one [if he worked it out right *lol*] so, daffy, tell me some stuff about me.
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smurfus rex
isn't the barney conundrum answer obvious? Barney is the Beast. And a damned tricky one at that.
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no more math errors: http://puremango.co.uk/cm_numerology_57.php
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stork daddy
well if i go by jim i'm neat and orderly, and if i go by jimbo i'm on an advanced spiritual path.
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stork daddy
it's just an easy equation to come up with, with meaning read into the results. the math isn't where the error is being made, it's the attribution of meaning to that math which is questionable. as if the numbers represent real world concepts rather than numbers.
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42 usc 1983
With my first name alone or with my first and last name, I've got a master number! But with my middle name I'm a crappy old 6. Pleasant, Peaceful, Friendly, Refined. That's really not me. If I were to pick a number, I'd have a hard time deciding which best suits me or which I would like to be perceived as. There are aspects of each number's suposed attributes to which I can sort of relate. I kind of think of myself as sort of a bit of a 1 3 8 9 combo. But even that reduces me to too much of a formula. I mean, I actually know myself, so why resort to a generalization? Jesus Christ = 7. Introvert, Psychic, Interested in the cosmos. Well, kind of, but shouldn't he be a master number? I mean, at least more than me? Or does this just show that Jesus was a fraud? Oh, ok, minus the Christ and you get a master number. Jehovah is a master number, too! I guess that proves that Jesus' last name wasn't Christ. That's what it proves, right? I'm still new to this numerology thing. Buddha = 22! Master number again. Wow. Martin Luther king = 11! Another master number. I think I'm just about converted! Adolf Hitler = 11. Oh. Damn. Master number. Higher spiritual path. Same as Jesus and Martin Luther King. Well, maybe those Holocaust deniers were right, then? Richard Nixon = 11. What the fuck, is everyone a master number? Oh, wait, Richard Milhouse Nixon = 5. Friendly, Orderly, Active, Methodical. Well, except for friendly, I guess. By the way, Fred Flintstone is also a 5. Donald Trump = 3. Shouldn't he be an 8? But you know who is an 8? Madonna! Score. She is a material girl, you know. But wait, what about, you know, that other Madonna? It doesn't really fit her, does it. Oh well. You know who likes numerology? Louis Farrakhan. He's a 1. And he probably had Malcolm X killed. Malcolm is, by the way, a 3 whether you use X or his birth surname Little. 3 isn't a terrible fit, but shouldn't he have a master number? Dustin Diamond, otherwise known as Bayside High's Samuel "Screech" Powers, is also a 3. Hey, if I abbreviate my first name and keep the middle name, I've got a master number again! Never mind, this is a great system.
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Oh, and Romeo = 3, Romeo Montague = 9. So Juliet, What's in a name, you ask? Apparently a whole hell of a lot.
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for everyone's info, there are, in fact, various 'numerologies'. there is no 'one true numerology' unless one sides with ethnocentricity! for instance: the mayans, who used base 20 and had a functioning zero concept, had a 'numerologic' system that we don't fully understand, but seems to have favored numbers at the center of a series (i.e. in the series 1-19, 10 is better than 1 or 19); those who are inclined towards seeking numerologic 'truths' are most likely to succeed if they base their numerology off of their own associations and not someone elses. perhaps for dafreman, the electronic herd, and various bygone persons, the number 9 symbolizes god. super for you, but to me, gods and goddesses are only suitably symbolized by infinity. it would be an insult to claim them a mere '9'!!! perhaps daf and the rest of the absurd 1-9/11/22 cult are freemasons, with their reverence for 33? for 9 = 3 x 3, and 11 + 22 = 33... at any rate, as someone who has found illumination via his own numerologic path, i must fully reject the notion that there is a numerology "set in stone". how long will it be before humans stop making such inane, short-sighted claims?!? the only thing possibly "set in stone" is that no things are "set in stone". hasn't the past eight millennia of religion, science, art, craftsmanship, philosophy, math, humor, gargling, and tightrope-walking illustrated that yet?!? as a final point, if someone thinks numerology is a pile of gobbledegook, then for that person numerology will be - quite truly - a pile of gobbledegook. if someone believes that math is useless, for them, math will remain useless: they are as correct as the reverse!!! [p.s. for the record, taking delight in the confusions of 'monkeys' (humans) crazed from pressed-buttons is no mark of superiority! frankly, it is sadism, which outside of the bedroom contains nothing noble. indeed, it reeks of a mind buried beneath anger.]
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a mirror for you that does not move
i wonder why the condescending tone? with so much invented distance between us and you...how close, I wonder, have you come to the truth? separation is an invention of the ego and the mind as are sarcasm and criticisms. perhaps one day, when we have ceased to hold such faith in the selfish fantasies of our egos.....perhaps.
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oooooo how very coincidental! yesterday i met a really cool guy who introduced me to the topic of numerology and discussed the significance of the different numbers etc and letters, and how if you wanted it to you could make numerology the answer to everything, because you can in fact manipulate everything to do that. also with the 666 thing, it apparently also comes from the fact that the numbers associated with the letters in the name 'jesus christ' add up to 9 in each name, so when you add the two they become 18 and hence 9, so his body-soul-mind numbers are 999: evil is associated with the wrong way round, therefore 666 = number of the beast. that was just a thing he showed me as i burned slowly in the mid-afternoon sun and reorganised my thoughts due to the calm and very moving philosophies of a strange, otherworldly man. he said that people meet other pivotal people in their lives when they need to move into other directions and expand themselves. it makes me wonder if he was an example of that, because some of the things he said were very bizarre but so well-fitting into my reality but not the perception of the general world that i have had contact with. seriously inspirational. he did my name for me in numerology, and it did seem to represent me when he explained the astrological references and the numbers. we both have the cool double thing going on with the numbers in the circles thing, which made me feel speshul *grins* as a comment on what i just wrote; i enjoy having my secret information to associate with the experience i had, with any experiences i have. i feel that if i give all the information away then the experience will be dulled, diluted by my giving away the components of it. hence i'm sorry, but i shall have to remain vague. to say more, anyway, would invite ridicule, sarcasm or plain abuse. i've read some of the attitudes on this page and quite frankly i don't wish to make myself an easy target for such negative comments. *sighs* isn't it always the way.
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okay. used my "real" name and got 6. used my alter ego "death of a rose" and got 9. used my abbreviated alter ego "doar" and got a 2. I agree with the 2.
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dude! I have a "master number", said to be indicative of a higher spiritual path! can i have fries with that?
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how are we counting, anyway? are we using the vague and arbitrary method of counting where a-i = 1-9, j-r = 1-9, and s-z = 1-8? or are we using a-z = 1-26? or are we using a,e,i,o,u=1,2,3,4,5 and b-z = 1-21? or are we using a-m = 1-13 and n,o,p...z = 2,4,6...26? since i was apparently 'condescending' to suggest you venture out and find the path that is right for you, i will now adopt a more humble, socially useless attitude and suggest that you get approval from a superior before making any numerological in/de-ductions
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or how about ASCII, where A
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hmm. blight not working properly... ahem: or how about ASCII, where A is 65, B is 66, etc (upper and lower case matter, too or how about unicode? or how about a_bunch_of_crap ?
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I`ve got an 8 in fashion design the 8th and my collection was named 8. 8 is the fire and The Fire was what the I-Ching told me a week before. What does it means? any idea?
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I`ve got an 8 in fashion design the 8th and my collection was named 8. 8 is the fire and The Fire was what the I-Ching told me a week before. What does it means? any idea?
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no clue Amy...
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Blather Reporter
Some people argued about trivial shit.
what's it to you?