x 415 269 7464
endless desire 714 403 0183
free nights and weekends
call_me. when people say that
i never assume they mean me.
well i mean you and you and you.
if you're a skite, i want to hear from you.
i guess it's because i forget they are real.
x i mean anyone, as well 031130
seventeen 808 990 3035 031130
jane 646 825 1776
would be nice to hear from someone
devalis 216 544 7601
it's been a long damn time since anyone called my cell... I think it'd be amusing if it were someone I didn't know.
minnesota_chris hee hee I called daxle. Miss X at the top. I prattled like an idiot, she must have thought I was stoned.

It's hard to make small talk with a blatherperson!
that person over there this page tempts me every time, but i hate talking on phones as it is, and i don't think i could force any small talk past the ball of astonishment in m'throat if someone called. or i would babble frantically and distractedly. i'm good at that. 031208
minnesota_chris anybody, call me at 651-295-0092. Tell me about your week. Or weekend, if it's monday or Tuesday. 031208
aliaschick its the one on a prison door.
not mine. I obey the law.
Long live Uncle Sam.
Do the crime do the time.
How's that cell number now?
stork daddy well go ahead...please call me...i obviously crave novelty. aren't we all reaching out? but it doesn't have to be lonely right? 650 438 5639....that's my cell, but one day i'll escape it. please call. go on. right now...what are you doing that's so important? don't you want to hear my voice? i know i do. want to hear yours that is. 031217
misstree if someone calls and hangs up, it might be me.
i want to hear voices, but i hate talking on phones.
i'm still a little scared of the concept that there is potential proof that you all actually exist, though.
but, here's where i get brave... my number is (217) 721-7770... i often can't don't answer my phone, so be prepared to leave me a message...
Nukemall yeah...okay....whatever....yeah...what she/he they said.

i'll be the heavy breather on the other end.

start your screaming after the beep.


(of course i rarely remember my cell phone, but hey, do some gambling, because you just never know)
LLRH Mistree I confess I called your phone then hung up - I wanted to hear what you sounded like! Then I bottled it.

I think I may have woken you up...I am sorry for that.

Apologies my dear!

Feel free to call me in the middle of the night - I wont shout I promise!
misstree you did indeed wake me up; quite alright, it was a bizarre interlude this morning... my roommate startled me by going for my phone at the same time ('specially since i was nekkid), and my halfdream state decided that both the call was some way of an outside source changing my voicemail setup, and my mother calling to say she'll be through town late. 's good to know who it was, though--curiosity filled the cat and all that. *smile* i think i answered just at the very moment you hung up, because all i got for my trouble were a few loud beeps. 's a shame, i would have liked to have heard your voice as well.

and i have a small piece of chris's soul forever saved in my voicemail! muahahahaha... ;) and i knew who it was before he identified himself; his voice just fits him.
Nirvanic Blind 214-476-0104. I'll be Anthony. 031218
Nirvanic Blind no, scratch that. Just call me Nirvanic. If I'm using a fake name then I might as well use this one. 031218
LLRH Mistree I heard your voice - very melodic and sultry...hmmmmm....sorry i hung up - bottled it....pathetic eh?

My cell is on the blather - bell me sometime...

...Though in some ways I want to keep you all in my secret world - have my illusions of you - pictures in my mind - keep you alive in my imagination - scared that you will be aside from my thoughts...
color my cell phone is gone... gone.... 031223
Doar i'm actually not surprised at the amount of people not phoning me. 031224
Nukemall aka Doar well, to whomever just gave me a call for x-mas, i thank you!

that was way cool.

peace bro.
oldephebe part of me really wants to put my cell here..if only like mtree listen to the messages..the voice with the name..well maybe if i had a few swallows of peach schnopps (a room full of musicians and theatre types listing ever so precariously..good times..yeah)

but for stinkin' way..Cancer Crab issues.. and i'll be over here shelacking my shell vigorously..
oE Oh and any self sexual gratification inferance is inadvertant and incidental.
I'm literally fastidiously polishing my paranoid tendancies..pointlessly polysyllabic and "the funny" do not mix.
endless desire thanks for the holiday call. i don't know which skite it was but he sure was laughing a lot. merry_christmas 031225
Nirvanic Blind of course he was laughing alot. it wouldn't be holiday cheer without laughs. besides, he was probably a lil nervous 031225
jane i got two holiday calls! thanks to both of you & merry christmas 031225
Death of a Rose in the two times i've called misstree, i've always found myself tongue tied and frantically scrabbling for some sage and connecting words. unfortunately i usually wind up wrapping up the conversation early (premonitions mre?) or talking insanely boring trivialities.

and jane, your voice had hints of trepidation in it last night and i would have liked to talk longer but i was on the road and well....see the above shyness statements.

and nirvanic...was that you last night?

peace all.
x i've deduced that it was nirvanic who called us all and didn't say who :)
and i'm sorry i missed your call doar.
someone else called who didn't leave their name, saying they were on the SFSU campus. i haven't guessed that one. but they said something assy in their message so i don't care much to find out.
MNX called twice but i haven't gotten to talk much. he has that minnesotan accent that i love.
Nirvanic Blind yup, that was me. i was going to remain anonymous because i somehow figured it would mean more. that way it wouldn't be a call from me but a call from blather. get it? i talked about that "blather unity" with chris. by the way, thanx for the call. id've talked more if i wasn't giving a present to my dad at that exact moment. i was hoping for a call during one of our uncomfortable silences (between me and my dad) but, it was still appreciated. 031225
misstree yay! doar mentioned he suspected you when he called, and i knew you were on the east coast (i think?). thanky for the call, Nirvanic, it made me grin_lots. 031225
jane yeah nirvanic i would have talked to you longer but i was driving my manual car & trying to turn left & shift into second at the same time...

& doar you can call me again if you want when youre less busy or somethin
whitechocolatewalrus hmmm, i like getting calls, but i hate i don't know. my cell phone has been in my possession for at least a year and has a total lifetime usage of 45 minutes. wow. anyway, if anyone wants to hear randomness about walruses and sheep and cows and such, my number would be 208-841-7099. sorry, i don't think i would call anyone first, but if you called, i might, just might, call you back some time later in the future and stuff. 031225
endless desire werewolf called me and he is really very nice. we had a semi intelligent conversation about life. imagine that. 031226
Death of a Rose i think nirvanic blind set something off on x-mas eve. good on him (although bud, i must admit, and this is more than likely my fault, i couldn't understand all you said, but it gave me a good feeling nevertheless.)

devalis, sorry i didn't call ya, because you blathed earlier a lonely thought. i will call you before the new year is out.

misstree, i have admitted ackwardness and i don't know if that will change, but what the fook, me is me is me (and it's all about the lovin of me, hehehe, BOOBIES).

jane, i will give you a shout before the new year as well. hopefully i can summon up something more than the inane chatter reserved for old people on swings in front of the general that you say sonny?...why in my day......hehe

oE...send me an e-mail with your number my brother in words (if you can summon the courage). I would dearly like to hear your meandering loquaciousness (sp?), and I mean that (did you notice I actually used proper capitilization, that's a sign right there). Peace to you heart brother.

ED, lass, I apologize for not calling you and wishing you wishes and dreams. my only defense is that i feel it is a bit ackward, for me to be calling a youngun. feel free to send me a lambasting e-mail derailing me from my middleaged repetoire.

i've probably missed people, oh....

x...sorry i missed you too. i was looking forward to hearing your voice. another time perhaps?

again...peace to you all.
minnesota_chris that's funny. I would never call Nukemall, probably wouldn't call DOAR (isn't that some kind of video game?) but I would call Death_of_a_Rose. And it's all the same person. 031227
Death of a Rose you would call only one of my personalties MC?

Why not Doar?

Hell, why not Nukemall?

scratching his head.
minnesota_chris I didn't know it was the same person. DOAR sounds like a video game, or a weapon (42 caliber DOAR with rocket launcher modification!!)

And nukemall always sounded like a punk to me, I'm not sure why.
minnesota_chris it's all contextual 031229
oE where is pd? 031229
oldephebe oh and yeah Doar, yeah I'll see what i can do..I assume you still haven't recieved the mp3file..maybe it's a server problem..

if anyone has i could forward them a meandering air headed message..

"i drove..impelled towards that dark intensity of feeling..a malevolence that shouldn't be gleaned in the eyes of ones mOTHER.." okay that souldn't be here.."it just flung itself out of the fathoms of my fractured soul..still recovering from time spent in her dark shadow..and yeah staring with hooded brow into opaque eyes which held back with some effort a derisive and malicious sneer, squint..the mouth subtly curled..these are the faces shaped as my own but whose hearts are inflamed against someone put poison in their veins..and they ME..siblings and nephews..the imperial matriarch presiding over it all..i don't think i will be taking my son over there anymore..the sting of distaste that contorted thier features is a slowly subsiding chafe..this is the wrong page to put this.."

"but i do have a choice..i can continue to look back upon my wound or rise off of my knees from the mud and squalor of disconsolation..for these people decency, tenderness, familial it relates to me lie dead in the anthracitic alkaline will not be ressurected with eloquence, the flame of passion pouring from eyes..testaments infire written in the heavens..none of this..not even my acts of charity towards them..nothing will bring to life what never was...and so this is how it will end..esau spurned and turned toward the dark..only the dark will not inhabit will merely frame the contours of this..bah..what have the flames of this internecine rancor written upon my heart? i twisted steel..screaming into an artic abyss of oblivion?..not yet..not yet..not...yet

god i hope not yet..
endless desire oh doar! i am offended! just because im young? *rolls eyes and laughs* well, when you get over your complex, give me a call. it's my cell. i promise my mummy won't pick up and give you a lecture or anything. i also promise i won't assume you are some child-chasing-michae-jackson-freak-o-maniac just because you give me a ring. 031229
death of a rose yeah...your right chris, he is a punk.

don't worry though, he's been sent to juvey.

i apologize profusely Endless Desire, but i still feel ackward and well, anyways....hmmm....have ta think aboot this.
devalis I've spoken to minnestoa_chris twice, and they were all very nice conversations with more teasing than was needed I'm sure. You can hear his accent, which is cute and I would talk to him more but for the fact that he's always calling me when he's at work!

I talked to Death of a Rose today too. He's got this nice deep voice... sexy. He wished me a happy new year. Blatherers are so nice!
death of a rose and i would have chatted more banalities with devalis, but our phone connection was spotty at best. and did i notice a hint of accent in her voice as well? now its her turn to chat me up some time. maybe we can get better connection.

and i chatted it up with MC (master madman chef, way too cool and misstree was right, his voice matched the picture).
death of a rose oh....and she said i had a sexy voice...that's a first....and it's quite pleasant....thanks Devalis, i found your voice to be bubbly, of what phrases that manaaged to get through to mine ear.

minnesota_chris devalis is all that, and a viola to boot. And yes, you teased me way too much. Thanks for calling me everyone! 031230
whitechocolatewalrus gah!
someone called me!
i'm sorry i didn't answer, twice, but it's been so long since someone called me:)
i don't know who it was, but i have your number, so there.
tomorrow, maybe it i have time i will return your call.

Unfortunately she actually answered her phone, I was so prepared to get some sort of answering service message that when I got her on the phone I totally went blank as to what to say!! How awfully dreadful!!! Bla! I am so never going to do anything like that again! *LoL* never never never! Hope she has a happy new years though!
Death of a Rose WCW, it was more than likely me, as i can only remember chatting with Nirvanic (hope ya found some brewskis m'man), and RO, maybe misstree?, jane?, WCW?, devalis?, and others. As I was completely snockered last night before 6'oclock pm, and I'm going to have to some home renovations as i have punched a hole in the wall of my bathroom.

I apologize to any that I offended or rambled to last night, except for Nirvanic and RO (that was way too cool for mere words, ya slobbering madman... :-)) -Mr. DoubleChin.
Death of a Rose endless, did i ring you last night as well?

karl the wee damn you all with your cell phones... bah humbug. maybe i'll call someone 040101
karl the W-E-E-D lol 040101
Nirvanic Blind i guess i would apologize for rambling but you didn't seem to mind anyway. that last shot of crown royal seemed to do it for me. we didn't get any more beer but we did get some...other stuff. anyway, it was real cool talking to ya, even though i dont remember everything we talked about. good times man. i think i partied a little harder than i thought because now i cant talk. my voice went away this morning while i tried to order something at jack-in-the-box. i think it's karma trying to keep me from talking about the events of last night. 040101
fuck my gaping anus cell phones are for whores 040101
magicforest sometimes people have no choice but to have someone else answer the phone especially if people call whom they don't like if it's in the middle of the night i would answer because i would know it wasn't one of them and anyways i thought everyone was able to easily get my number or even address

but i can sleep good
and anyway if you're so smart and know everything
no reason well...ok.
i kept almost putting my number up here, but haven't, because...well, as it's been mentioned, it's hard to think of blatherers as real people, and to break that illusion is kind of scary... as well as the fact i'm not much of a phone person sometimes.

but anyway, regardless of the fact that i haven't really talked to most of you too much, feel free to call.

and i also don't leave the phone on all the time, but feel free to leave a message. annnnnd i also probably won't call first, cuz...i'm kinda shy...'specially with the phone... but..yeah. if ya like, go for it. :)
unhinged 414-467-3545

my only number
girl_jane My mom kept saying how she was a bad mother because she hadn't gotten me a cell phone. She thinks it'll save me from being killed or raped and all that other jolly shit.

So now I have one.

Bizzar Man it sucks that I was gone for so long and missed all this!

413 885 0963

feel free!
Bizzar If I dont answer it means Im working 040108
girl_jane Thanks for the call, minnesota_chris :) 040109
silentlybroken +447870526776, text, call, to your lonely hearts content... 040109
Alfred Hey fmy gapng anus - when and where? 040109
whitechocolatewalrus Okay, so I got a new phone,
because, well, my old one
doesn't work anymore.
I feel sooo bad because,
now there are going to be two of my numbers up here and that will
probably confuse people
but oh well, i am sorry.

okay, i feel better now.
Everyone should call me,
although, i guessing, most probably
identificationless an electronic leash i carry willingly because the thought of being disconnected from my world of friends is far more scary than being constantly hassled by my paranoid overprotective anxiety ridden mother. 040128
bird i am composed of trilions of cells, and depressingly, when i am not at work, i have nothing but the kind of free time it takes to assigne numbers to them

Lemon_Soda (217)841-2705 040129
u24 boo! 040129
andie interesting...i don't talk to nearly enough people

no reason thanks for the call, death_of_a_rose! sorry i couldn't answer, but it was nice to get a call. 040222
Death of a Rose I'm glad you listened to it Nom.

Feel free to return the call.
no reason nom?
or me?
or both?
pardon my confuzzlement...
little wonder 507-990-7174

Death of a Rose oops, no reason!

caw...grr...hahahahhaha 6 0 2 7 4 1 3 2 8 3 040406
SoulessWanderer no one ever calls my cellphone. Except my parents. And my counsin texts me. And one monthish, I had a man from the states calling me. But thats it. None of my friends ever do, even tho they have the number. Damn long distance. 040607
kookaburra i wish for a call (not right now tho)
I cant promise to be interesting but i can promise to be awake.
and isnt that what life is all about?
bring on the crazy stalker people!
kookaburra oh, PS:
the only with the obsessively perky and irritating voice on the answering machine?
thats me.
I find it very interesting that my voice sounds completely different to me than to other people...
laced 678 - 592 - 9861
always awake, just might not answer.
laced 678 - 372 - 9861
always awake, just might not answer.
laced ignore that first one 040817
kookaburra i just realized that i made my voice sound horrifying.
it isnt.
dont be afraid.
however, if you happen to call and here a southern sounding voice on the other end-thats still me.
and i will leave the page alone now.
dudeinanigloo Um, why is everyone giving their cell numbers to people they don't know? 040818
kookaburra cuz we're stupid 040818
Shrugs I think it's because we all wish to be able to ignore another ringing of the phone.

sahba 91 - 9815979423 040819
eklektic 330-289-6176 040819
blah-ze 0428 537 632 040820
kookaburra ok, who played me the daisy sour cream commercial?
'a dollop, a dollop of daisy'
hmmmm, that might have been one of my weird friends though
soulesswanderer/no-one/strawberryxgash 905 220 3981
I go by nicole in normal circles.
daxle yay yay, i now can call outside of the tristate area (CA, NV, AZ), but still only within the US 040903
Ivory I just randomly called x ( the originator of this thread ) and asked her if she remembered starting up this topic.


She probably thinks that I am insane. But yah, that was funny. And interesting.
jane doar, got your call - it was recently but i don't remember when - thank you - sorry i don't call you back, but every time i did before there was a problem with the number - nevertheless, good to hear your voice walking through the lower_east_side 040928
monika 240-217-2660

I love love love love prank phone calls....
twitch wow...the honesty is touching 050504
Death of a Rose jane, the problem with the number was the fact that I lost my cell phone after I called you. I don't recall whether it was on purpose or not. 050505
jennifer 4026390633

but I religiously screen my calls... so leave a message (and make it sexy)
Death of a Rose well, my old number is going bye bye.

new number is


for anyone interested.

i don't have call display or voice mail and i frequently leave the phone in my vehicle at night.

by day though i carry it with me religiously.

jess_sprout 07913886994
English number, so if anyone here has a triband phone (in other words can call me here in rainy ole England) please, PLEASE feel free to do so. I'm bored stiff and would love to investigate- oops, meant tALK to- peoples. :D
Call mes Jess, as if i was to go by a fake name Jess would be the one, babes.
. It's number 9, on B block. But I'm getting out soon. Be afraid. Be very afraid. 050804
birdmad finally replaced my old phone, which tonya killed

six zero two four three zero three nine two two
Isaou My number, tis 027 388 5308
and i believe that my country code is 64, or something like that?

txt me?
Sandman I was looking at this page and i thought about calling or texting someone. i prefer texts, but you can call me as well though i might not answer if im at work. my fake name will be Sandman
805 215 3128
unhinged not my number anymore. currently, i think maybe it isn't such a hot idea to put my cell phone number up on the internet but if you want to talk, send me an email. i can email it to you. 070812
s.a.h.b.a +61-423949189 080523
Doar ok blatherskites.

a free for all is about to not happen.


let all of the hilarity not commence.

what's it to you?
who go