So like... do you ever get mad at the fact that people assume you're bitches just because you're pretty? cuz i can imagine that getting annoying, i mean, if you weren't bitchy. i talked to a pretty girl today. and yes. she was a bitch. this automatically made me think, "i just shouldn't talk to attractive people." how does that make you non-bitchy pretty girls feel?
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Since I've been told I'm pretty, I'll answer your question. It's no good. I think I'm nice, not bitchy. Not so pretty people can be bitchy too. It's not fair to assume things about people by how they look...
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ok so...i'm a lifeguard, and while i'm not the baywatch type i meet quite a few who are like that yes they are bitchy, but i translate that as more self confident,mind you on a case by case basis, coz some girls i know eat it up and i have heard about how they love their bitchness, but never that they hate it since they're egtting ass since i too am a bitch and not as pretty we get on quite well but i do aggree that 'they' as in the pretty people have a hard time accepting the less pretty people...well until everyone grows up that is so so really bob, she hads't grown up enough to realate to a beau like yourself also i think this has a lot to do with that whole alpha female/male thing and the hierarchy of subconsciously looking for a mate, so you cant really blame them it's in their nature and the beta's focus on more sunstantial lifelong inner qualities...and if anyone thinks that's just a bunch of ugly scientists making excuses for their un-sex life then fuck, whatever makes you happy, but it's true i tell you true! personally, if they aren't personable, screw 'em, i got better friends to realte to with bigger and/or hotter asses i thought about this way too much
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it may be science it may be true but, oh i can blame them
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There are plenty of ugly bitches too. We just don't let them get under our skin because, honestly, we don't care about them. It's the beautiful people we want to like us.
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stork daddy
yes...obviously pretty is a nice good weapon...why should we be happy when we meet someone who doesn't know how to use it? People remember cleopatra not...well what's her name...see i forget...that's my point. Standards...they've got standards...it's just scientific. Oh sure..."choices" are made...sure they don't have to laugh hysterically when you suggest "coffee" or make weird faces at you when all you wanted to do was tell them they dropped their pen...sure they could ignore the pumping pounding message of their little black cricket heart saying prettiness is godliness prettiness is godliness in such an ugly tone, but i can't blame them when they do, anymore than i can blame the lion for ripping out the soft bleating throat of a gazelle (do gazelles bleat?) or a loser for blathering. That said...the test for a universal standard of beauty has come up a bit short, with the exception of proportion as an accepted feature of good health. I think what fucked it up was the llamas...who'd want to get with one of them. Yuck! If the llamas think i'm a bitch for that, fine...i don't care...they just don't know how to work it....uhhhh work it...uhhhh. Sorry. So to answer your question...no i'm not pretty, no i'm not a girl but speak not ill of womankind because they befuddle our own heart's weaknesses...perhaps it is their prison to do so just as it is our prison to lament it. So go on and blame them, but just think, if you can decide not to blame them, it is truly the most analagous to them being able to not be bitchy. So inspire us all and speak not ill of womankind...thank you...thank you...enough, hold or cut bowstrings. Love is for the young and the strong and maybe i should get me some. Turning my man bitchiness switch to.....ON. Later friends
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pretty people are not inehrently bitchy... it's when they think their meat is all-important that they tend to become so. it is true that pretty catches the eye. but pretty shiny things are a dime a dozen (or a dime for ten, if you count pennies as pretty and shiny ;) see also beauty's_curse
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sssssshhhhhhinnnneeeeeeeeeeey diiiiiiiiiiiiimee
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[wasnt going to contribute anything to this topic, for different reasons, however... i just had to add this lil tidbit] just wanted to say that actually cleopatra being beautiful/pretty is a false ideology upheld by Hollywood & the celluloid screens etc, in fact she was considered extremely homely, but however it was said that her abilities to persuade and rule deemed her alluring and beautiful
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Sailor Jupiter
There was a Cleopatra exhibit at the Field Museum in Chicago a few months ago that kicked all ass. Some of the coins w/her face on them were not very attractive. But Cleopatra is my hero! So strong.
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stork daddy
well they liked em different back then that's all....damn it...i knew i should've went with helen of troy...or hari kari...drats...you win this round low self monitoring individuals...and if internal things can make a person pretty, how come no one thought it was cute when i wore my heart on my sleeve? hmmm?
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because you wore your actual heart on your sleeve... people don't like blood..
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awww thats cute
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oh people like everything...if there's something out there...there's somebody who likes it...that's for sure
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this is only a test
testing, testing
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Hey, I find blood quite attractive. It must have been that you were dead, i dont go for dead guys. or ghosts.
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what about us ugly ones? my boyfriend despises when i say i'm ugly. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. no one tell him!
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I wouldn't know, I'm not a pretty girl. I try to be attractive, but I don't go out of my way to appeal to the general population. Since you left, my makeup has been on the shelf, for the most part. Alicia and I agree that we gave up on being cute once we hit 5'11. I don't discriminate against pretty girls though, I have a secret reverence for them. Their nail murals fascinate me.
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ugly girls need more love
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in 6th grade i was told that i was plain. when i got titties soon there after i was curvy... or sexy.... god dammit. would one of you dicks call me pretty?
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I've never been one of the pretty girls. My ex boyfriend called me beautiful. But I could not believe him. How could I-----180 pounds on a 5'5 frame be beautiful? So I dismissed his claim. And now my boyfriend, the light of my life always tells me I have such a pretty face. Constantly reminding me how unacceptable the rest of my body is.
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laura, your stats aren't too far off from mine. it's all in how you work it, how you carry yourself. "pretty" may be in the meat, but beauty is in the attitude. i have a friend who, by numbers, is of a heavier build--and she is one of the most beautiful creatures i have ever seen, both physically and mentally. work as a bartender for a while, without having a barbie doll body. you'll think you're the prettiest and ugliest thing ever to hit the streets--all these drunk customers drooling all over you, and all these primped and preened barbies sitting next to them. i repeat, in the end, it's the attitude that matters.
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i've been working out, and gaining weight. i look damned good, too. LAURA,who cares, man. just look in the mirror and say hot damn, i am a sex goddess. walk into a room like you own the place, but don't be full of yourself. some days i look in the mirror and i'm like holy shit i'm a fat ass. but when it comes down to it and i pull my size 15/16 or 17/18 jeans on, damn i look good. so nevermind the numbers. fuck the numbers. i always sucked at math. i just look at me and i'm like, yeah that's right i'm the short fatty that s your boyfriend called pretty! see, i'm shorter and heavier than you (email me if you want to know the actual numbers). i bet you look twice as good as me, so worry not. i bet you're gorgeous. it took me 18 years to be able to look at myself and feel pretty and somedays, (a lot of days) it still doesn't happen. just know who you are, and you'll be perfect. be perfect to yourself, chick.
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i'm only bitchy when i'm pissed or really really tired and haven't slept for two days. pretty girls aren't bitchy all the time. some aren't at all.its just a stereotype. just because you look a certain way doesn't mean you have to act a certain way. fat people aren't dumb, for example, or people with glasses geeks.
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I know Laura, and can speak from experience, that you are beautiful... I think you have a great body. Its not size that matters. You are the only person I love to photograph, because you are gorgeous!
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yo......come ask me about my music.
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Bitchy pretty girls aren't pretty anymore because they are showing that they represent something I find disgusting. "Its not who loves you, its who you love." -adaptation
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Little Lost Riding Hood
I totally agree with what someone said above - too drunk to go back and look who (apologis). if you walk into a room like you own it, confident, strong and happy in yourself, people are attracted to that. You can be attractive without being beautiful, pretty without being attractive, and beautiful without being pretty. Either way, its the spirit and confidence that exudes and magnetises people to you. I would say I am confident in how I look, I am happy, and strong - yet I DEFINITELY do not love myself. Narcissistic and egotystical people detract from their beauty...I hate bitchy girls who love themselves yet am proud of those who are proud of themselves. I can be a bitch but it sure isnt coz of how I look, its will be because you deserve it!! drunk more now and am going to shut up! Peace out.
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endless desire
i hate how i find myself and so many others trying to please attractive people. i would swear forever and ever that i don't...that i treat everyone equally...that i don't judge people by their outer qualties, but im still superficial like the rest. i think the attractive people then feel as though they have control over the less attractive masses. the world is trying to please them. i can relate this all back to an episode of CSI Law Vegas from last week. (tv teaches me so much hah) this beautiful skinny white girl was missing in las vegas and the entire city's focus was shifted to finding her, dead or alive...off duty police running to search, all wanting to be the next hero rescuing the damsel in distress. so often, we are willing to run marathons for a pretty face but we don't even bother step foward and look at the rest of us, all so beautiful in our own unique way. im not winning any beauty contests but i hope there is an inner quality in me that sets me apart. i hope that i can find that inner quality in everyone else. my new goal.
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that whole "pretty face" deal IS loaded with insinuations, though... intended or not. i feel pretty around certain people...its just... nowadays, i'm a lot better at judging whether or not i'll feel pretty around someone before they get a chance to hurt me... so in general i feel prettier than i used to. but i'm not a 'pretty girl'
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I am not a pretty girl that is not what I do I ain't no damsel in distess and I don't need to be rescued so put me down punk maybe you'd prefer a maiden fair isn't there a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere I am not an angry girl but it seems like I've got everyone fooled every time I say something they find hard to hear they chalk it up to my anger and never to their own fear and imagine you're a girl just trying to finally come clean knowing full well they'd prefer you were dirty and smiling and I am sorry I am not a maiden fair and I am not a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere and generally my generation wouldn't be caught dead working for the man and generally I agree with them trouble is you gotta have youself an alternate plan and I have earned my disillusionment I have been working all of my life and I am a patriot I have been fighting the good fight and what if there are no damsels in distress what if I knew that and I called your bluff? don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down whether or not you ever show up I am not a pretty girl I don't want to be a pretty girl no I want to be more than a pretty girl ani_difranco tralalas
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ani di franco rocks. She's the only one who gets it...
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she is far from the only one who "gets it" and this is probably the third or fourth time that the lyrics for that song have been posted.
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If you don't like Ani, that's fine, Dot. But please give us blatherskites the permission to post freely what we see fit without getting criticized simply for posting it. If you can't do that, then if I may be so rude to ask, what are you doing at this site anyway?
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disagreeing with someone. expressing my opinion. didn't know things were so strict. and for the record, i like ani difranco.
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I don't understand why it's a bad thing to post something multiple times. That is all. I'm not running around with sparklers trying to preserve blather. But really, Dot, why not just post things over and over? There can be beauty in repetition, right?
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I don't understand why it's a bad thing to post something multiple times. That is all. I'm not running around with sparklers trying to preserve blather. But really, Dot, why not just post things over and over? There can be beauty in repetition, right?
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I don't understand why it's a bad thing to post something multiple times. That is all. I'm not running around with sparklers trying to preserve blather. But really, Dot, why not just post things over and over? There can be beauty in repetition, right?
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beauty, annoyance. all a matter of opinion.
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I think you're beautiful.
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celestias shadow
It's true, beauty is the first attraction. But everyone I know and respect, all of my friends, we all have figured out that yes, first you see what's on the surface, but if there's nothing else under there, it's not worth it. Sometimes it takes a while to realize this because you want so badly for them to be a good person. But then when you finally meet a beautiful person- maybe not beautiful physically, but beautiful in personality-, then you know why people always say 'beauty is only skin-deep.' Now that I got the encouragement out of the way..... I am not pretty. I was cute when I was little, and I have some remaining hope that I may be pretty in a few years. This is doubtful at best, but a girl can dream, right? Like someone said already, when I'm with certain people I feel pretty *begins singing West Side Story* Anyways, sometimes I feel pretty and sometimes I feel like if I leave the house I will inflict something awful on the rest of humanity. The funny thing is, half of beauty is a mental thing. If you walk into a room FEELING sexy, then you look sexy. Really. I've noticed it before. try it sometime.
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endless desire
shadow, i think you're pretty. i didn't remember you being particularly unattractive when i saw your pictures so i went back and checked. and i thought, well if she isn't pretty, i won't contradict her statement. but if she is, well then, everyone can use a compliment now and then. so for the record, you are pretty. espcially covered in shaving cream and hand tattoos.
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I can't believe how judgemental and wrong you people are being. The truth is, "pretty girls" are just like everyone else. Everyone in he world loves to take out their frustrations on others. Appearance is everything to most guys, but it is good when you don't have to have a man in your life that you must be "perfect" for, day in, day out. Pretty girls also have to live with the fact that the real, caring men don't want them because they believe them to be sluts based only on the fact that they are pretty. That's just as bad as men assuming that when they are fat, they know how to give good head because no one wants to have actual intercourse with them. My boyfriend assumes that I know how attracted he is to me. Being extremely insecure and so afraid that if I a whole meal or feel ugly one day, I stay indoors, alone. I ignore people who come to my door. Itakes me sick, but it does not have anything to do with superficiality. I will tell the truth unlike most people about this topic. How beauty is regarded today, I am lucky my esophagus is not sitting in a jar, collapsed at the morgue. So I say, never be jealous of the beautiful people and hate only for justified reasons.
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stork daddy
my question is...what makes you pretty?
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I'm not, "pretty", I'm gorgous. Aqua maroon scales radiate petal like from my shockingly lifelike visage. As I turn, notice the iridescent quality..............Oh,oh? you were addressing me,wern't you?
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Not the Daddy
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hahahahahahaha.... sameolme, i'd do ya... i got a thing for iridescence...
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ok, my story... so i had a traumatic childhood, and after that i was bullied in school. for an already-insecure girl this was the death of all self esteem. then i was 16, 17, 18...but still same confused, shy, bruised child i was before. the only difference was, people were starting to say things- 'you're pretty' sorta things. the boys liked me and i usually didn't even believe it. now i'm nineteen, and the wounds have healed- but the scars are still there. i'm insecure, and the shyness is partly incurable. i'm scared of relationships. i know the importance of being kind. i hate the fact that people seem to assume life has been a picnic for all the 'pretty' girls and that this has made us all conceited snobs. couldn't be further from the truth.
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it's hard you know. sometimes i feel like slashing my face with razors just so people well leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to get in my pants. i go to the mall and all i get is stares or people whispering and pointing about my boobs. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
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screw you guys i'm going home
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miss nonchalant
The question is: Why is it a compliment to be a pretty girl and an insult to be a pretty boy?
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I can only read about 1/4 of the pages b4 getting bored and skipping 2 the bottom. Im off 2 play slime volleyball
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Want a date Annie???
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anon the one with all the best quotes
can you all go away? because then i would be gorgeous...
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anon the one with all the best quotes
and doesnt your argument fall apart if i would like people to stare at me and want to get in pants? would i then be qualified to want to be pretty? how about if i wanted wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and see something beautiful? what if i dont want to have to work extra hard to it in because i dont look good enough?
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*fit in
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ummm....Mta Hari??? not hari kari...not many people think of ceremonic suicide as either pretty OR bitchy. And I would agree that labeling the 'pretty girls' as bitchy is detrimental to all involved. I love to get all glammed up and go out to the clubs and dance and feel like I look good (aw hell, KNOW that I look good) and flirt with boys who are flirting with me, but would I really want to be with someone whom i met somewhere where I was decked out to the nines in my Bar Star clothes, with my heels and earrings on, whose sole attraction to me is through my physical appearance? nope, not so much. ANYone can be a big pumped guy or a pretty boy or what have you but if you can't carry ona conversation or if you have no idea what irony is or if you don't READ then I have no truck with you. Takes more'n a pretty face to get me interested. And if you are moaning about the so-called "pretty people' being "bitchy" (ie shallow or strong, depending on what you find more deplorable in a woman, well, look at yourself and what you therefore feel towards women. Hmm, threatend much?)
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anon the one with all the best quotes
wow. the pretty girls ignore me even on blather.
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smurfus rex
I think this argument should be taken on a case-by-case basis. There are pretty girls who are just as bitchy to other pretty girls as they are to the rest of us. And there are pretty girls who are just as nice to the rest of us as they are to, well, everyone. I know at least four category 1 pretty girls and eight category 2 pretty girls. And I think that 'pretty', as it is being discussed in this context, is a sliding-scale product of physique vs. attitude. One measure can balance out the other and extremes at either end are equally unpleasant.
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I find that the whole bitchy assumption is from the fact that some people feel jelous or intimidated by anothers looks....So they want to dislike that person from the start. But I think it has been that way since citys began and it's always going to be unfortunatly so.
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I find that the whole bitchy assumption is from the fact that some people feel jelous or intimidated by anothers looks....So they want to dislike that person from the start. But I think it has been that way since citys began and it's always going to be unfortunatly so.
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not so pretty girls get judged on their looks all the time, why shouldn't the pretty ones?
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Iraq_Muslim_cemetery_becomes_battlefield What's_next?
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B/c Sleepy* People are A**holes and will judge you on looks, color, social status etc... regards... I have tried... yet I still get judged... Even if you are A Saint...people will still judge, hate and loath you b/c you are...good..and stone you any fucking way.... look at Jesus... and I'm not even Christian!
what's it to you?