tonya the mammal that zigs

they were made for downhill skiing

jack god llamas make me horny. 020827
celestias shadow oh man I had a great conversation with my friend about llamas. Details shall remain private to protect the innocent and/or insance. Suffice it to say that if I didn't know him as well as I do, I would be very, very worried. Then again, I started it. 030706
velocipede rider of the 1890s bring_llamas
the mall

Murray had a litte llam
no reason and i say, even if there comes to be a day where i claim to hate everything, i will never truly be able to hate headless llamas. 030717
ferret honda rhymes with fonda

there was this kid in my sixth grade class named yama. he didn't speak very good english so everything he said was really funny. we kinda made fun of him for it tho :(

yama quotes!

"is that his meat?"

"ok, this is a story about a guy who got dead in a well" (and then there was something about crayons too)

Dafremen We had a girl named Phuc Ngo.
The mean kids called her "F*ck N Go" even though, almost ironically, it's properly pronounced "Puck no."
Strideo everyone's favorite dromedary!
Doar jesus, mary and the donkey that wrote one liners.

That was great.
spiffy nothing, and i mean NOTHING is cooler than a blue fuzzy llama. 040612
smurfus rex somebody actually tried to walk a llama through my mall one time.

didn't get too far, though.
Just a thought An emu with four legs and a spit gland the size of my prostate. 040913
what's it to you?
who go