tanya (not tonya) rabbits_were_made_for_skydiving

especially the


they might be yopur aunt's Buick

but they are still NOT (i repeat myself)

your father's oldsmobile
hydrochloric puppy Your, i say Your...damn i hate when i misspell things 020207
ClairE kick_in_the_head 020207
silent storm I just want to talk to you.
mmmm, how you get to me...
paste! yesterday something fell off my roof and it was my grandfather. 020402
grandma squillo in her spinal tap shoes true, he has been dead for many years, but oddly enough that doesn't seem to stop him from going up there every morning and screaming at airplanes 020403
paste! he's got the bacon_grr down quite nicely, that undead feller, and his shoes are made of shredded wheat, frosted side down of course (for traction? HA!) 020403
squillo bacon_near_engine? 020409
billy ray pirahna mutual_of_omaha 020410
god ...and we had to train those dogs not to attack the goats. how's that for a summer job? 030624
suicidalchinadoll I feel alone today..
..maybe its because the only person who seems to want to talk to me is the dumbfuck from the art store...


I'd take a nap but I have a performance in an hour..why aren't I stoked? why?? maybe because I haven't rehearsed with the group yet..
oh're not off to a good start.

at least my bathrooms got cleaner today. one less unpleasant thing to do tomorrow..

*is peeling herself away from the computer thinking about making a pot of coffee...*
tonya we're_beatrice 060901
ivyducktwilightseto do I fucking hate myself and want to die.

Soma I_need_you... 060902
what's it to you?
who go