why timeless yearning? 031126
Road simple word association


have fun 'why'.
Lemon_Soda Carbonated citrus libation? 031127
ah! i see. :) 031128
Death of a Rose more like sour fizzy liquid....

pvcpillow life of weeds? hehe 031129
fetal_musings why do people hate? 031130
Death of a Rose i do apologize fetal musing for the long wait for my answer.

people hate because it is so easy to do. it is easy to let hate place his hands on your bathroom towels, make a mess of your kitchen, smash his guitar up in your living room, etc.

hate is mudslide.

as for what reasons make a person or persons hate. pick a reason from the garbage heap.

pipedream "because to love is frightening we prefer
the freedom of our crimes"

f.t prince, 'soldiers bathing'

so true, so true.
Death of a Rose wow pillow, that was wonderful quote.

i'm going to have to get a hug from ya now, lass.

Doar i just reread what you typed earlier pipers...

"life of weeds"

clever juxtaposition luv.

pipedream thankyew
*curtseys modestly*

did someone say HUG?
*hug radar goes bling!*

heheheheheeee (evil laughter)

*pipers stalks doar and POUNCES*

i 'ave you now! moo hoo ha ha!
Death of a Rose pillow, you are, without a doubt, really trying hard to ruin my shallow valley (think about it).

you are pure life.

anytime you want to give me hugs is just fine by me.
pipedream vallow shalley

(of what, pray tell)

remember rolling down grassy hills when you were a kid, and then doing it again and again until you were breathless, sweaty, had grass stuck on your neck and really itchy? shallow valley reminds me of that...haven't rolled down a hill in years and years....*nostalgic for a good hill roll* the smell of grass, the short prickly feeling of it through your t-shirt (because its almost invariably summertime for hill rolling), the rush you get from whizzing down...wowza.
whitechocolatewalrus ok, life of weeds?

anyway... do you like butterflies, and why?
pipers can i answer? canicani?

i like butterflies because they are fragile shards of God's rainbow, flitting about to remind us how strong a thing can be and yet, at the same time, how very,very vulnerable...a fleeting happiness is a butterfly, a wish, a dream on wings...small, exquisite miracles, butterflies be.

(how come noone asked Me all the yummy questions on pipedream?)
walrus doar, you have to answer too, since it IS your page. 040110
Death of a Rose miss smallrus,

'life of weeds' is the exact opposite of 'Death of a Rose'.

and as for the butterflys, whenever i chance to see one, yes i will stop to watch it bob along it's way. fascinating and quite entrancing really.
Death of a Rose why is an answer, in all fairness, i don't think i can answer. maybe they represent a mystery of creation, that i don't want to solve. 040110
pipedream spoo...what is spoo...

*wanders off muttering incoherently*
whitechocolatewalrus whats a freezer and how does it work? 040205
smurfus rex who is keyser soze? 040205
Doar pipers....since I believe you have already fulfilled your knowledge tank on the 'whatsoever is spoo?' quest, I think I'm safe to withold my knowledge of spoo from you (at this moment).

Ms. Walrus (of the cavity causing kind)..a freezer is the gentleman the government calls to take care of those little black-ops missions. They are highly lethal up to and including 10ft. Unfortunately there are no physical descriptions of these so-called freezer men because of the appalling lack of witnesses. Pray that no freezer men are called to take care of you! :-) And their work hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm with frequent coffee breaks in between (union double time kicks in after 5:00pm).

Smurfus Rex:

"The Tale of Keyser Soze"
written by Christopher McQuarrie

Verbal Kint: He's supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody ever believed he was real. Nobody ever knew him or saw anybody that ever worked directly for him. But to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew; that was his power. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
One story the guys told me, the story I believe, was from his days in Turkey. There was a gang of Hungarians that wanted their own mob. They realized that to be in power, you didn't need guns or money or even numbers. You just needed the will to do what the other guy wouldn't. After a while, they come into power and then they come after Soze. He was small-time then, just running dope, they say. (We see all of this in flashback) They come to his home in the afternoon, looking for his business. They find his wife and kids in the house and decide to wait for Soze. He comes home to find his wife raped and children screaming. The Hungarians knew Soze was tough, not to be trifled with, so they let him know they meant business.
(Flashback: Hungarian cuts one of the children's throats)
They tell him they want his territory, all his business. Soze looks over the faces of his family. Then he showed these men of will what will really was.
(Soze shoots two Hungarians, then shoots his children and his wife as the last Hungarian watches in surprised horror)
He tells him he would rather see his family dead than live another day after this. He lets the last Hungarian go, waits until his wife and kids are in the ground, and then he goes after the rest of the mob. He kills their kids. He kills their wives. He kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in, the stores they work in. He kills people that owe them money. And like that, he's gone. Underground. Nobody's ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop and Keyser Soze will get you." But no one ever really believes.
(We see a shadow-encased figure of Keyser Soze walking towards the camera in front of a huge tower of flame as Verbal speaks about the process of revenge.)
Agent Kujon: Do you believe in him, Verbal?
Verbal Kint: Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well, I believe in God -- and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.

I hope this puts your identity confusion to a rest. :-)
pipers most disappointed yeth...a nasty version of what spoo is has been divulged. nuts! why does everything boil down to bodily fluid? 040207
Doar Ignore the depravity pipers.

spoo is only oops said someone else stated once somewhere other than here.
pipers yeth...but what a boring esplana-shun, spoo should be the word you have to say in front of mount rushmore to make lincoln waggle his nose or something interesting like that...i shall think of something, methinks :D

okay question time: d'you have stripey rainbow toe-socks?
Death of a Rose pipers:

I must admit with much abasement (is that a word? Oops, I shouldn't be asking questions on my page), I do not own and have never owned any toe socks. If at some point someone were to make me stripey toe socks, I would run screaming into the woods....with maybe some mad giggling thrown in for good measure (everyone loves a little mad giggling every once in awhile).
pipers yes, but after the running and WOULD wear them, wouldn't you? *blinks innocently* 040210
Doar only in my secret batman'who'wears'twirly'toe'socks cave.

*wink wink nudge nudge*
smurfus rex is mathematics the language of nature? 040210
zeke nature has no language, math is the language of mathamaticians. 040210
Death of a Rose hey...this is ask_doar, not ask_zeke....grumble grumble.... :-) 040210
pipers 1:04 a.m quicky quicky rosie- what's the time right now? 040210
z sorry. 040210
Doar it is 3 mintues to 2:00pm 040210
doar no worries zeke. 040210
Doar smurfus, give me 4 years and a degree in mathematical biology and I'll get back to you.

Have patience......
smurfus rex right-o. waiting... :) 040210
smurfus rex while I'm waiting, I'd like to ask:

who's your ace?
Doar are we talking card designations?

If so, I would pick ace of diamonds.

If your talking about my go - to - person, then hmmm.....I don't have one....dammit.....I will rectify that unbearable situation as soon as the authorities let me out of prison.
slothisily do roses smell good when they die? 040211
darknight so, was there a certain spot that you were driving to in your car, or just random driving?
where did you stop?
what color is it?
is it yellow with black spots?
do you own a jaguar?
Doar roses are always as sweet even in death,
leaving dried husks ready for hanging upon the door or pressed between pages of sweetness remembered.

Doar I was driving to that garden path meant to give me thoughts of repentant weeping.

I stopped at the intersection where the sonata's sing, coloured sporadically with delight and sound,
triteness and charity.

Spotted sunshine as the leaves shadows wavered upon my chest, watching my pet jaguar pacing on the grass.
smurfus rex can you smell colors?
can you hear tastes?
can you see thoughts?
pipey whywhywhywhywhwyhwyhwyyhhyyyyyyy 040215
unhinged will you be my belated valentine? 040216
Death of a Rose Smurfes Rex:

1. You know what? I had this whole arguement set out for and against the smell of colours and whether or not it could be true. But after much typing and reflection my answer to this one is no.

2. Same goes for this one. No.

3. This is a trickier question. See thoughts. If you take the brainwaves shown on medical equipment as seeing them, then yes we can see thoughts. We just can't interpret them accurately. If you mean that actual images directly in relation to images we see everyday, then I believe we only really see thought in our dreams and in interpreting the facial and body gestures of others. Guesses at thoughts. Hmmm.....well....that's my 5 cent thought. Hope you could see it. :-)
Death of a Rose My pipey pillow wifey.

Because, becausebecausebecausebecause.

Or why not.
Death of a Rose Unginged, I would be your belated valentine, just because you asked me to be and you were the first to do so.

I am honoured that you would ask.

What do I have to do fill said position?

Death of a Rose being cynical unless of course you are just looking to break my heart in two, stomp on it a bit, chew on it, they pour gasoline over it and light it on fire, then I would have to respectfully decline your offer. 040217
Doar shite.....unhinged....unhinged....damn coffee........... :-) 040217
unhinged i'm not about stepping on people and lighting them on fire. i try to tread as lightly as possible and maybe hopefully positively sometimes.

you can just whisper in my ear sometimes 'maybe tomorrow something cool will happen' and i'll squeeze your hand and give you thoughts of a flower.

i need to be reminded sometimes that i won't always be alone. the request seems a little shallow and selfish now but i honestly didn't mean it that way.
Death of a Rose then I will hold you close, whisper in your ear that tomorrow will still come, when the oppression of loneliness overwhelms you, my shoulder is here. all you have to do is call. 040218
no reason what made you think nom and i were one and the same? 040310
pipers it isn't that hard to, y'know...i think i did too at some point :)

who ya gonna call...ghostbustersss!
*too roo roo roo roo roo roo roo roo roo*
nomme ogh! i see no_reason asked already
but just for good measure..
what was it that made you think we were the same skite?
i guess my non-nessmess is similar in a way to being reason-lessness
nomme oh, forgot to ask..
do you like popcorn?
has anyone asked you that in blather yet?
did somebody ask me that? i'm not sure myself, but it seemed like a question to ask..

Death of a Rose is Prostrate Before You Both I apologize to both no_reason and to nonme/notme. I think this harkens back to the early years of Doar's blather, when I stalked and blathed without thinking. I guess I got it into my head that I had read somewhere about the aliases of nonme stating that no_reason was one of them. My bad and I do sincerely apologize.

Death of a Rose Yes, I do like popcorn. Very much so.

pipedream i like popcorn too!

*shrieks like my three-year old nephew does and jumps on sofa*

im feeling a bit weird these days. could you tell me why? i don't have enough answers these days either.
The Blather Police You are feeling weird because of the severe lack of supportive people in your life. This could be caused by a lack of deorderant, or by your mad giggling. We now have detectives assigned to your weirdness and will corner the cause of said feelings. A report will be forwarded once this has been resolved.

Thank you for your cooperation.

concerned citizen i always smell good and i don't giggle much any more. however, the police will be fully cooperated with and given oatmeal macaroons to eat. 040312
oldephebe uh..yeah man could you..allay some of my anxiety regarding the amount of CO2 that is being expelled into the world at night? 040312
oldephebe have you ever been borne aloft upon the eddies of your own rage and taken the utilitarian bic pen and lodged it deeply into your advesaries ocular cavity? know because he made some snide remark..but he makes it every day during lunch and you've exhausted ALL of your enlghtened coping mechanisms..short of an intravenous opiate into your left arm... 040312
oldephebe *enlightened coping blah blah

and by intravenous opiate..i mean the bag and pole you know being anchored to and or by intravenous opiate bag drip..delivering an appropriate ameliorative to your seismic instability or at least really contumelious rage from the good folks at phizer...several bags are used throughout the course of said day..and by golly that's a not too flagrant embellishment of what my days are actually like..yessir.
Death of a Rose Holy matching drumsticks Batman!

oE, first question first. No I can't as I don't have super powers that would allow me to squash like bugs the auto makers, oil producers and etc., etc. I can always pat you on the head and say trivialities until my lungs burst from lack of well intentioned meaning. I wouldn't like myself afterward though. Blind them with the truth, don't buy them blankets for their ignorance.

second question:

ocular cavity stabbing with plain old bic pens huh? Drugs to help control that murderous rage? Oops, didn't mean to ask questions on my question page.

Just say no. But if it makes you feel better I can put a contract out on said nemesis.
newme so how was your vacation?
do you feel vacated now?
newme ha! i'm silly
that last question was dumb
vacation, vacated

*shaking her silly 'ead*
Death of a Rose Well, I'm going to answer your question anyways. Tough tata's and all.

The vacation was great, some boating, some swimming, camp fires, barbeques and general relaxing. Too damn short is all (I realize this is a common reaction to the ending of a vacation). I'm thinking of heading back in September for another week. We'll see.
jane whatever happened with the canadian flag tattoo experiment thingy? 070731
Doar well, by the time I actually thought about doing the collage work, it so happened that someone decided to destroy the rehtalb pictures. And this last 2 years has been topsy turvy for moi. I've moved 3 times and have lost/misplaced stuff.

It was still nice of everyone to put the tatt's on and take photos of them.

If I ever run across another idea on the road I'll be sure to report it to the blather_highway_patrol pronto.
jane i would be willing to do it again, just to let you know. 070731
Doar you will always be on the list of participants Jane.

Beauty and extroadinary personality....

Plus the belly shot kept me up for several nights....

Doar ah crap, I misspelled that there word...the long winded one.



Death of a Rose oh and by the way jane....or anyone else that is tuning in....

I'd be willing to do the legwork to do another temp tattoo experiment...

so.....hmm....let me know.


I've been spammed......lights are dimming.......heartbeat failing.......Mom....Mom.....I don't want to die Mom.....


Doar Christ...I haven't been here in a very long time...

I'll make a question....

Why does a long time seem like a short time in one's mind?

I've been looking at my life recently and all that these fingers have typed hasn't brought me any sort of closure.

Am I cursed to just think about life without experiencing it? A flesh touch of a woman, the smile of a first glance?
It seems I am. I'm still searching for her, that endless gathering of the senses.

And I am still breathing. And with each breathe I am still the rose.

rhin How does it feel knowing that I skipped merrily out of the rat race today, whereas you did not?

Do you really harbor affection for that monstrous recliner of yours? ;)
Strideo hey Doar, what will you do in that inevitable situation that we all encounter where one day you reach for something . . . but it isn't there?!

dun dun dunn!

Doar go on....rub it in...cruel Rhin...:)
Well you know the reclininator 3500 and I are in love....It's the only thing in my life that will hold me so close...allow me to do naughty things on it...listen to me when I need to talk...and even accepts my farting with quietness...but I do febreeze it...because I love it...oh my are the best you fabric covered lover!


Doar well Strideo...that's what happens when she won't let me take the blindfold off.

rhin i cannot compete with the reclininator ;) apparently 'she' has you covered in all areas, so...

care to recant? :)
Doar No...but I will Recline and Cant at an angle. :)


That sweet green reclininator 3500 means nothing to me I swear!


rhin d o g h o u s e . 130713
rhin how quickly you roll over Doar. ;) ::scratches your belly:: 130713
Doar the left a bit more....little bit to the right now...little bit down...
left...down...right down....

Shite too far!!!

your 'anatagraphy' (new word) directions were amazingly accurate. however you did overshoot a bit ;)
D Always winking. 240520
D Always winking. 240520
what's it to you?
who go