kerry i need so many of them. sometimes i am sweating and burning up in my bed but i need more blankets and then, finally, the heat goes away. 011223
erin. pseudo-safety, indeed. 020305
Sensory heavy on my body, immobile and secure 021011
Syrope im not sure if i'm addicted to the feel of them on my skin or just the sheer weight and pressure they add, but i can't get enough. perfect = freezing room & sleeping naked under all my blankets :) 030404
minnesota_chris mmm, sleeping naked under your blankets. Umm, my blankets. Yes, my blankets.

I used to sleep under about 5 -7 blankets. That got odious, then I went with an electric blanket on a Christmas lights timer (crawl into a hot bed, mmm) then, after a trip to Norway, I bought a huge feather tick, and now I sleep under that. It's 8 inches of goose feathers. Yummy. Couldn't live without it. Someone told me that when I'm under it, you can't see if there's someone in bed or not!
Saxifrage Purple chenille on white. She writes. 031026
opti i wish my bed was large enough for four or five blankets. or more. i pile them on, and then one falls off, it pulls the rest, and i'm shivering naked without covers.

so i make do with one or two.
emmi we just need magic and blankets

we just need a birdsong
apocalypse hiding in the warmth
with lit candles melting
what's it to you?
who go