girl_jane What about us, Daf? 021011
Dafremen Oh dear, one mustn't forget the precious fiery babies of the bunch..huh? Tell you what jane, all of you wonderful Aries people are next. I'll try to get the cappies, sags and virgos too. With the single exception of Leo, for some reason, I find you Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sag) a bit hard to understand, ESPECIALLY Sagittarius. I'll bite the bullet and try to get yours done by Monday..I hope that'll be soon enough, although knowing how Fire folk like to do things NOW, it probably won't be. : ) 021012
nocturnal what I wanna know is, why weren't we first?!? 021012
girl_jane I agree-after all, we ARE the first sign in the zodiac :) 021012
nocturnal they had to put us first. otherwise, we all would have just bitched and moaned for all of eternity.

and there you have insight no. 1 into aries: we don't just think we deserve first choice, we know it and are generally pretty successful at getting others to see why we deserve it.
cancerian freakizh aries people always hurt me.
after that, they tend to forget about it. they have a very quick and sharp tongue.

they always expect me to forget it too, but certainly i don't.
i'm a freaking memory-collector, i travel with my home at my back.
nocturnal yeah, we don't get along with you people very well. you tend to be too sensitive. aries also have a habit of dropping in and out of people's lives without notice or explanation. you cancers get attached, so it's natural that you've been hurt by our kind. 021013
cancerian freakizh repeatingdacycle ;(

don't hurt me nocturnal.
i like you.

let's cuddle eternally.
minnesota_chris YEAH, Daf! Yeah! What about us?!?


ps. just kidding
bethany they're no good
good for some
but no good for me
and they're EVERYWHERE
hitler was an aries
Dafremen Oh my. What we have here is a blather_room full of screaming infants. That makes insight No...2(?) into Aries people. Well enough of this...on with the insights. 021013
girl_jane Hitler was born April 20th. He could be considered either an Aries or a Taurus. My mom's birthday is also April 20th. She goes by Taurus. I say Hitler was a Taurus.

Even if one says he's an Aries, Hitler was a great leader. Yes, he was an awful man, but he knew how to get his way.

I disagree that Aries drop in and out of people's lives. If they do, I don't fit my sign.
Dafremen "I guess by now you can take a hunch,
And find that I am the baby of the bunch
But that's ok, I still keep in time
Cuz all I'm here to do is just a-bo0gie your behind."

- Master Gee of the Sugarhill Gang
- from 'Rapper's Delight'

Oh and how most Aries fire babies LOOOVE to dance! In fact they tend to be drawn to excitement of all kinds, these Co-leaders of the Fire Trio. (More on that in a second.)

Aries is the first of the signs of the Zodiac and in Astrology, the order in which the signs fall gives us insight into their deepest motivations and in fact, into their personal perspective. From newborn infant Aries, to adolescent Cancer, to newlywed aged Libra, to old men Capricorn and Pisces, each of the signs feels the basic drives and perspectives of their counterpart's age-group.

Aries then is the newborn and we find Aries people to be brimming over with innocence and naivete (until experience kicks it out of them, but even then, it is never TRULY gone.) They are positive, enthusiastic and much more open than the rest of us. They are impulsive (all Fire signs are), competitive, and usually speak with a rashness that frequently leaves them with crow to eat. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to eat it though, you'll be holding your breath, and the catsup for a mighty long time, long after Aries has left the building. There is simply no room for their ego and yours in the same room, building, city or COUNTY, for that matter. Aries, you see, is a Cardinal sign of leadership(Leo being the Co-Leader of the Fire signs. Leos being 'royalty' and all and being the Fixed sign of the three, they simply feel it their DUTY to lead us commonfolk), which means that they will not be TOLD what to, or not to do, and as the newborn, very rarely consider or WANT to consider YOUR feelings, PARTICULARLY if it will make them feel bad about themselves. Aries people absolutely detest criticism and they absolutely adore words of praise (much like our symbolic newborn, who needs loving, cooing words of affection.)

Also in astrology, we are told that each sign rules a particular part of the body and that it is this part of the body that holds the most significance to that Sun sign. Aries rules the head, Pisces (last of the signs) rules the feet.
Perhaps it is for this reason that we often find that Aries people are late for dental appointments, they simply can't stand to have their heads messed with, physically OR figuratively. Try messing with an Aries person's opinion some time and see if YOU don't end up needing some dental work when they're done with you.

All of this may make it sound like Aries people are selfish. Well, they are..but that doesn't mean that they aren't also some of the most GENEROUS, GIVING people one could ever meet (with perhaps the exception of Pisces and Taurus.) Because of their newborn-like tendency to trust, they are more generous with their love, loyalty, time and money than most people, and an Aries friend will almost ALWAYS come through for you in a pinch. Especially in a pinch, because like the newborn infant, Aries people are born fearless. They have absolutely the coolest, calmest heads that I have ever witnessed in a crisis, and no better person could be chosen to lead during a crisis than an Aries person.

Aries people are also normally incredibly open. It rarely, if ever, occurs to them to deceive, it is simply their natures to be very straightforward about what they want, and about what they will do. A true Aries person is NEVER sneaky, and if you meet a sneaky Aries, they either have a Moon sign or Ascendent with sneaky tendencies (like Scorpio for instance) or they were lied to about their birthdate. In fact, Aries people are usually so honest and open that there is practically NOTHING which angers (and hurts) them more than being mistrusted or suspected when they are innocent. With an Aries person, his word is bond and if he breaks his word, it is usually not intentional, but as a result of their tendency to get caught up in the excitement of new projects and new discoveries (like our symbolic baby.) The typical Aries person would be mortified to discover that he had broken a promise given. My father is an Aries Sun sign, and I'll vouch for this unequivocably.

Ok, enough of my amateur astrologer's ramblings. On to what the experts have to tell us about these innocently headstrong, aggressive children of Mars.
girl_jane So far, Daf, you've described me perfectly... 021013
Dafremen This sign stands as the Capstone of the twelve signs of the Zodiac and is also the head of the Fire Trinity; Mars, the ruling planet, gives to these subjects extraordinary character. They are highly noted for their executive ability, aggressiveness, quickness in thought and action, great push of energy, and for their enthusiasm, earnestness, originality, courage and determination they stand without equal. Aries people are absolutely fearless in opposition, and they go through life, overriding all obstacles as they march on to their goal; hence they rise to the emergency of every occasion. Like the Ram, Aries people desire to be in the lead, and are the natural commanders and rulers, feeling it their privileged duty to command all those about them, no matter whether it be in the business world, politics, love or religion.

They are inclined toward public life rather than private. In review of the world’s history, we find some of the greatest leaders, as well as some of the most revered and renowned people, born under this influence, of which the late J.P. Morgan is an excellent type; also Joseph Pulitzer and General Booth, Charles M. Schwab and Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst are also Aries subjects, as well as Dr. S. B. Hartman and ex-Governor James M. Cox of Ohio.

There are two types of people born under this sign. One is tall, with broad shoulders and a strong, well proportioned body of powerful frame, although many are inclined to slenderness, and usually have a high, broad, well rounded forehead. They have a fair complexion with sandy or dark hair. These people are usually drawn toward intellectual pursuits.

Being extremely generous, they are continually seeking to do good to others, but are not at all careful to discriminate between worthy and unworthy objects of charity; thus they do not amass wealth as easily as do the shorter ones.

The other type is short and of robust build, with dark hair and swarthy complexion. They have excellent business ability and are prolific in making money, and are successful in all commercial lines. They are somewhat headstrong, impatient of restraint or criticism and utterly heedless of advice.

While there are differences of temperament between tall and short Aries people, they are all subject to the same mental influence, and many characteristics are common in both.

The countenances of Aries people indicate a strong perceptive faculty. They have a clear, penetrating eye, heavy eyebrows, pointed features, and there will likely be found bumps, moles or warts on some part of the head, face or body. Their fingers are too thick for fine detail work.

Notwithstanding the natural desire of Aries people to rule and command, they are noble, charming and attractive; also sympathetic, tender and warm-hearted, magnetic and progressive.

They are fond of music and dancing, also love harmony, order and beauty in all things. Their tastes are likely to be luxurious, being at their best amidst elegant surroundings, and when leaders in social pleasures. They are generally considered wealthier than what they really are; perhaps the reason for this is that they are good dressers and have a commanding appearance.
- The Zodiac and Its Mysteries Aries Chapter
Believe it or not, I've met SEVERAL Aries folks that matched the physical descriptions that Professor Seward gives..EXACTLY. One guy's jaw absolutely dropped to the floor as I read the physical description, looking first at his face in the mirror (sharp features he had like gangbusters, moles too), then at his short stubby fingers, his fair skin and dark hair. Another friend was the short stocky (dare I say rotund? No I'd better not) type, with big bushy eyebrows, short stubby fingers and yes, moles on his face. Of course, I believe Professor Seward's physical description's are probably based upon a caucasian man's exposure to the masses and therefore may not be accurate for persons of all races. He's about 70% or so with many of the physical traits he describes which, considering what we're talking about here, is not bad at all!
Dafremen Scattered among the more typical extroverted Arians, are the not as common, Sheep-type Aries people, whose Mars egos have been, very sadly, crushed in childhood, and who therefore control their natural exuberance behind a most unnatural introversion. If two Aries people who are involved with one another belong to this group, they may not appear, on the surface, to be capable of arousing anger in each other, but appearances are deceptive. At some time, in some way, their horns are sure to lock.
When Mars clashes with Mars, the result can be full-scale war, with all flags flapping, bravely and colorfully. Occasional flare-ups are bound to occur when these two are thrown into close, daily proximity, without the relief of some separateness in their association. But there will also be some glorious Highs to offset these Lows.
Most of the time, the direct, forceful manner of Mars will create a wave of sympathy between two Aries people. It's when their mutual need for ego trips overlaps that they can expect the fireworks. Here's a possible solution to that problem: One Ram is permitted to have everything his way on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The other Ram gets to be Big Boss on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Saturdays, they can just fight it out, letting the Ram with the toughest horns win--and bind up the loser's wounds with typical Aries instant contriteness and warm generosity. It's a formula that should be successful in most cases, since neither Aries will mind taking a periodic fling at playing second glockenspiel, knowing that he--or she--will be allowed to be conductor again the next day.
It's been said that Aries people have a way about them. They do. Their own way. Yet, despite that sometimes antagonistic Martian exterior, they'll sense each other's desperate need to be appreciated and liked. When they get together, they may struggle for leadership, but the experience will supply some well-needed lessons. The shock of living with someone--or being around someone-- as innocently thoughtless, selfish and aggressive as one's self, is sure to soften any battering Ram, although their may be a few scars to show for the lessons in living thus mastered. Aries hearts always carry more scars than the Rams ever show, or openly discuss.
It will be necessary for both of them to realize that Aries is the Infant of the zodiac, symbolizing the dawn of personality awareness, or Sunrise. Aries represents the East, the Day Forces--which is why most of them fight sleep, tranquility, rest and resignation to Fate with such vigor. The negative intrusion of any degree of criticism or pessimism darkens a Ram's "Easter" horizon, and considerably dampens the Aries spirit, especially when the blow to innocence and Sunrise faith is delivered forcefully from another Ram. Yet, temporary resentment seldom remains long enough to become permanent bitterness, because Aries possesses a childlike faith that a quarrel can somehow be made up, a relationship can be repaired each time it's broken. It's unthinkable to a Ram that any given situation is anything but the way he (or she) sees it at the time. Nevertheless, no one (except Sag and Gemini) can switch a mistaken viewpoint more swiftly, or bury yesterday's unhappiness and hurt more completely, than an Aries man, woman or child who is handled gently. To a Ram of either sex, or any chronological age (barring a more pessimistic Moon Sign and/or Ascendent), each Sunrise brings a new covenant of resurrection--the resurrection of a shattered dream, idea, goal or friendship. Why look backward, or worry about what's past, and couldn't be helped, when today is so full of promise?
- from Love Signs Aries/Aries Chapter
Dafremen DISCLAIMER: As anyone who knows me is aware, I'm not into young folks doing stupid sh*t because they think they WANT each other in a loving way. Love comes with time and trial by fire and I think sex is just a stupid, shallow experience without love. Please hold off and get to know someone WELL before you decide to get sexually intimate with them. Knowing them well means seeing them at THEIR WORST within the confines of a romantic relationship as well as at their most attractive and enticing. It means knowing each other over the course of many months or, more likely, over the course of years. Sex without REAL love is like two people agreeing to be sex tools, objects for each other's mutual masturbations. Ok, enough of the disclaimer and the lecture...on to the good stuff. Daf

The nerve endings in the face and head are especially sensitive for Aries people, and gentle stroking of the hair and scalp is something they respond to favorably.
Aries woman loves to have her hair combed and played with. If you nibble Aries man's ear, you will send him a definite sexual message.

(Ok I don't normally interject into these quotes, because I feel that it's inappropriate and disrespectful to an author whose work I am using...but cmon..DUH! Nibble my ear and I'll get the message too. Nuff said..sorry Ms. Woolfolk, please continue. Daf)

Other stimulations that people of this sign respond to are feather-light strokes of the lips with your fingertips, and gentle kisses on their closed eyelids.

One technique that will relax Aries and put him or her in the mood for love is to travel a path with your fingertips from the base of the hairline at the back of the neck all the way to the top of the skull. Your fingers should move in small circles to vibrate the scalp. Use a light but firm pressure. Repeat this pathway from neck to top of the crown until the entire head has been massaged. This technique is also extremely useful for relieving the headaches due to nervous tension that Aries is subject to.

- from The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need / Astrology and Health Chapter / Aries Section
girl_jane You lost me at the physical description... 021013
girl_jane mmm-I love it when people play with curly-urly pixie hair... 021013
cancerian freakizh yada yada.
where's the cancerian stuff? huh?

most of the aries are kinda whitey on their skin,..
nocturnal yeah, I'm thinkin that physical stuff's all wrong. I'm short, but I'm a size 4, thank you! AND my fingers may not be all that long, but they're proportionate and they CERTAINLY aren't stubby. several people have actually complimented my hands (yes, I know. it's strange but true). I'm pasty white, this is true, but aren't most red heads? yes, I think so.

funny how we aries found it necessary to tell you where you were right or wrong, isn't it? you know we can't help ourselves.
cancerian freakizh i like you anyway, nocturnal.

don't you get *extremely* red when mad, blushing or excited?
that's something i discovered myself.
minnesota_chris drawn to excitement, check;
dropping in and out, check;
open, positive, enthusiastic, maybe;
impulsive and competitive, check;
loves approval, check;
friend in a pinch, check;
incredibly open, check;
powerfully built, check;
high forehead, it gets higher every day;
generous, check;
thick fingers, maybe;

hmmm, I'm starting to see the point in all this horoscoping stuff...
Dafremen Professor Seward was speaking of MEN at the front of the chapter. He has a SMALL section in the BACK of the chapter devoted exclusively to describing Aries women. You the BACK...where they belong. (Ok guys..outta my way! I just punched a hornet's nest!! Coming through! Out of my way!! Ohh sheeeit!!) 021014
girl_jane Why on earth would you say that Daf? You don't seem the type to agree with such poo. 021014
nocturnal he's just saying that to piss us off cuz he thinks it's soooo easy...which it can be unless we know that's what he's trying to do. I'd say something mean in return if it wasn't the geezer's birthday. guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow. 021014
girl_jane indeed.

Or we could surprise him and not do anything back...
Dafremen Yea. Like THAT'S going to happen.

Jane, I apologize for one thing, you may find some major transformations that my writing is going to make a bit disorienting.

Noc, you should find them familiar, being an old timer and all.

Never you mind Jane, it's all good and I hope you enjoy the sh*t that rolls off of my fingertips regardless of how UNDaf-like it may appear. I assure you that it is VERY Daffy, just like the philosophy and the poetry and all of the other stuff. Sit back and enjoy the show. Oh, after punching me in the face of course.
(Gotta catch me first.)
nocturnal and gotta wait till your day is over. never accost someone on their birthday, it's just disrespectful. 021014
Casey Yes...I am a hardcore Aries. Although I feel really bad afterwards if I try to be a leader of something. It makes me feel bad. 021025
GirlNamedLover Im an aries.
Im not positive, open, or enthusiastic.
and Im shy.
Dafremen you're welcome to email your birth stats for a more personal of charge of course.

day month year time of birth and city of birth (or at least state if you're paranoid like me)
what's it to you?
who go