User24 a gift. 030627
jane wicked 030627
endless desire oh my gosh i love it. that is absolutely amazing.

thanks user24 for the gift.
nonprofit wow 030627
User24 is open to suggestions re: text color 030627

gwyllynne ::claps hands joyously::

very nicely done......yes indeed

(perhaps when the thoughts form better melodies a proper contribution to this gift will be made on my part......not that it matters)
User24 i know kung fu 030627
no reason eeeeee....

i likes it. text colour purple, perhaps? except on halloween, where orange would be nice and fitting.
no reason hey, user24, you're british, right?
how come you spell color without a U?
I tried purple, looked too dark. 030627
so there! good question, one one I'm surprised no-one asked yet.

I'm a programmer, and since most decent programming / scripting languages are developed in America, I spell color with no U because there's no U javascript and html color commands
can program cant speel. one one?? 030627
splinken WHOA 030627
no reason i have been told.

how bout green, then? light green, maybe?
endless desire i am disappointed.
that's my favourite.
birdmad a purple variant...magenta would show up quite nicely or lime, or cyan 030627
hmm, cyan.. yeah, I like the sound of that 030627
silentbob why are you fuckers constantly fucking with my head 030627
it's a conspiracy. 030627
jane i like the question mark cursor 030627
User24 glad y'all like it,
any improvements d'ya think?
or is it damn funky as is?
endless desire i also like the question mark.
i think the whole thing is genuis.
god i like this color scheme. 030627
pobodys nerfect oh this is sooooo pretty!I love it times 3! :D I like the aqua sort of colour,but "lightgreen" would be nice too ;) 030627
trying lightgreen.. 030627
nah, cyan is better. 030627
misstree I love it. I could roll around in it for years, but then I would end up feeling too goff, and nothing good would come of that.

Regardless, I love it, I love the green, it feels all soothing and wicked at the same time.
. 030627
misstree boo! me like green! me throw rock at stoopid magic box. ;) 030627
actually, you know, I think lightgreen was better.. 030627
. 030627
. 030627
erm.. 030627
ah. 030627
pobodys nerfect aw,you're no fun,24. :) You know, everytime I see you're name I think about that robot in the movie "short circut" called Johnny 5. Just thought you should know. hehe! 030627
pobodys nerfect curses! I wrote that before seeing your latest lightgreen comment. Now you'll probably never turn it green. arrrr!! 030627
User24 uh, I'm habing slight technical problems returning it to green.. please stay on the line, our engineers are rolling a quick fag before scratching their heads tryig to figure out why the damn thing won't turn back to green.

I liked green better, too.
pobodys nerfect 24--I bet it's the legion of little green men who are causing you problems. You insulted them by saying you like cyan better,so now they're having some fun with you! ;) 030627
User24 oh, crappity crap-crap.

I think there's a limit to the amount of <style> tags you can have.

I've just hit that limit. oh well, it still looks pretty phunky.
User24 lol, yeah I think the legion of green men had a say in it too. 030627
number 5 is alive 030627
pobodys nerfect hehe! well at least you've learned a valuable lession here--don't get the little green men angry. Especially their cousins--I hear THEY have what they call "probes". ;D 030627
User24 eek!

well at least that means I can't break it
User24 check out to see how it looked while green! 030627
&#032; 030627
pobodys nerfect haha! Well,I should get going. I'll be back Sunday or Monday,so if you DO get it green by chance,could you keep it that way until then? Pretty please,
Johnny 5? :o)
pobodys nerfect i get an error message 030627
User24 the only way I could do it would be through some weird javascript, which I have done once before, I'll see how hard it'll be and give it a go.

take care.
User24 when trying to access project2501? 030627

All style tags after the first 30 on an HTML page are not applied.
There is a limit of 30 style tags in Internet Explorer.
To work around this limitation, combine multiple classes into a single style tag.

perhaps netscape can see it as lightgreen. can anyone with netscape confirm this?
pobodys nerfect wait! I must've mis-typed something. I saw it. *whisper*(so the green men won't hear)I don't like it. =P It's not the pretty lightgreen I used to type with. :( 030627
User24 yeah, I would, 32, but blather strips commas, so I can't 030627
User24 pobody; yeah, I think the jpg screwed the colors a little, it was quite nice 030627
Üser32 sorry, i didn't mean to sound like that's what i was telling you to do, i was directly quoting from microsoft 030627
this could get confusing. it's ok, you didn't sound like that, sorry if I sounded like I thought you sounded like that. 030627
confÜser32 ok, sounds like what i thought 030627
User24 sounds good to me. 030627
karl the weed make the text red. try that. then try green for a matrix vibe 030627
silentbob i put it all on black
no color you're all dressed in
and a stab in the back
left you bleeding on the floor
and i'm mourning the death
the recent passing of your insides
i smile in regret
every time i think of how i spoke to you

i put it all in back
of my mind where i hold you
i'm just trying to keep track
how far back it really goes
and i'm living in lack
of the blood sent from the heavens
i'm just trying to relax
as a killer's waiting right outside my door

what's black and white what's
read all over?
this tired book this
organ donor

sweet blasphemy my giving tree
it hasn't rained in years
i bring to you this sacrificial offering of virgin ears
leave it to me i remain free from all the comforts of home
and where that is i'm pleased as piss to say
i'll never really know

i put them all in black
the four walls of my bedroom
and i trimmed them in red
peeled your picture off the wall
and i'm living in lack
of the blood sent from your heartbeat
that arrived in your neck
every time i salivated over you

what's upside down what's
coated in silver?
this crucifix is
my four leaf clover

sweet blasphemy my giving tree
it hasn't rained in years
i bring to you this sacrificial offering of virgin ears
leave it to me i'll remain free from all the comforts of home
and where that is i'm pleased as piss to say
i'll never really know

one of these days
it's gonna catch up to you
throwing looks like those around
one of these nights
i promise to you
i'll soon be sleeping sound
as soon as i leave town

User24 silentbob, that's beautifull.

karl, I can't change the color any more on this blathe; there's a limit to how many you can do, but I may make a blather_matrix later on.
karl the weed huh. weird. that sucks 030628
User24 ~paint it black~ 030628
User24 see also, blatrix 030628
ShilohLives Holly crap...This is awsome 030703
paranoid martyr how did you..?

how does karl changes his sn into a marquee?
sixteen I just needed to see my writing on here.

oooh so nifty...
sweetheart of the song tra bong I dig this thoroughly. It's such a shock to click on "blathe" and be brought back into the blue. 030703
User24 :) 030813
minnesota_chris Beautiful, you've outdone yourself again mr. 24.

It is pea soup colored on Mozilla.
delial speechless 030814
phil change the green to gray like the names, and we have a deal. 030814
simple I think 030815
forgot something hmmm. 030815
oldephebe pretty cool 030815
User24 can't change any of the styles any more. mr simple, as detailed above, MSIE limits it to 50 style tags per page, which I exceeded.. 030815
pipedream ooooooo
i feel like im in a spaceship :)

but the blathering this page is all normal, can't you tweak that too?
User24 afraid not. :( 030816
ferret oh my, so blue, or wait, is this what you call..... black? 030816
pipedream oh well :) the font's in perfect colour, though. *clap clap* 030816
trixie whoa
i like it
celestias shadow sweetness. rock on 030903
Toxic_Kisses Now -THIS- I like, this font color on black makes everything (or @ lest on my mind) look all techno! I don't much care for the names being dark gray cuz there hard to read but I -do- understand you cant change that, after all you've said it @ lest 3 times, you can't add more tags, you have reached the limit of tags you can have, you can no longer add anything bc if you do it goes over the limit of tags you can put in. Yea don't worry I got it, so don't think I'm asking you to change it, I'm just expressing what I'm thinkin about it, not lookin for change ^.^

Is it ok if I stalk you again for a lil while?
User24 I'd be overjoyed if you did.

missed you.
oldephebe this is so cool!
i am out of words
Shiny TK *Beems & Glows all happy like kuz User24 missed her* 030904
blathee well well 031009
blathee well 031009
bruceaisher test 031202
Little Lost Riding hood I feel like I am inside the brain of 'The Machines'.....

Mwuah ha haaaaaaaaa.....

This feels so naughtily right.

Love it.
whitechocolatewalrus black black black black oh so black black. i love it lovely love lovley lovey dovey doves can fly! oh so beautimous. 031216
falling_alone any other pages that are different?

user24 u are a genius...i love blatrix...that page rocks
lotuseater interesting... 031227
lotuseater interesting... 031227
u24 snowy_blather 040117
Happy TK but the ablity to blather in it is gone *pouts*

I really like it though!!! besides what I alreaddy stated and the fact' that ' even' if' you' ad' these' things' to' the' words' you' cant' klick' on' em' snowy is sooooo awsomely amzinly wow!! ok I better stop now, I'm startin to feel like an ass kisser *L*
d. m. I love its uniqueness
very nice...
pipedream woww, this feels like a disco! and the font colour is perfect, by the by...whee!
*grabs u24 and busts a move*
saturday night fever, night fever, we know how to do it :D

funnily enough, the fact that none of the words we type are links is an odd relief.
oldephebe yep. they are. Try clicking on them. Disregard the ? mark. 040127
pipers phooey, this didn't happen the FIRST time i tried! *pulls a face* but this is MUCH better than words being underlined...i quite likes very muches. 040128
u24 ahh! but yes you can blathe to the snowy land, TK. 040128
somebody [i]dark[/i] 040129
somebody dark 040129


test test 040129
reue green? 040129


you have much to learn, young jedi 'reue' 040129
oldephebe how did you make the letters a phospherous aqua green? what script or characters in the command set did you use and such? if you don't want to anwer that..i understand..tricks of the trade and all... 040129
zeke black is the new black 040130
u24 :) the non rollover colour is

and the rollover colour is
oldephebe oh okay.
thanks u24
see also 040201
jenny_enny_dots i feel like i uncovered a deeply hidden secret dimension. something that will forever change the way i view this thing called blather.... 040202
Teenage Jesus holy crap!! 040203
jenny enny dots yeah, but jesus have you seen blatrix? 040203
Teenage Jesus Holy Mackerel! That's even better!! I'd ask "how'd you/they/whoever do that;" but I'm sure the answer would be too technical, and therfore meaningless to me. Anyway- Holy Mackerel!! (again...) 040213
oldephebe mackerel...mmm canned mackerel, it was the staple of a summer spent in the hinterlands of maine..with very little money but great conversations back in the day...hung out with a kid who was attending exeter university..and some guys and girls from william and mary, bucknell a few other small but great schools..wooster..any way..we ate a lot of canned mackeral that summer and a lot of really cheap maine lobster..but we got sick of it after having it in eggs, salads of assorted viscosity and ah ..bantering eruditely with the locals who pretty much loathed we'd say..i want to live in a house.. a building an arhitectural/aesthetic context that balances a picturesque style with organic there a building like that with rooms for rent around here..? i mean not here in the hinterlands..but how about it portland?..and i am sure in the darkness their mouth formed a word..a wish..that molten hot iron rods were plunged into our rectums..or something their rustic imaginations could conjure that involved sodomy and then vivisection by a really skilled and enraged back woods bear...hee hee i was such an ass in those days..we all were..
oldephebe mackerel...mmm canned mackerel, it was the staple of a summer spent in the hinterlands of maine..with very little money but great conversations back in the day...hung out with a kid who was attending exeter university..and some guys and girls from william and mary, bucknell a few other small but great schools..wooster..any way..we ate a lot of canned mackeral that summer and a lot of really cheap maine lobster..but we got sick of it after having it in eggs, salads of assorted viscosity and ah ..bantering eruditely with the locals who pretty much loathed we'd say..i want to live in a house.. a building an arhitectural/aesthetic context that balances a picturesque style with organic there a building like that with rooms for rent around here..? i mean not here in the hinterlands..but how about it portland?..and i am sure in the darkness their mouth formed a word..a wish..that molten hot iron rods were plunged into our rectums..or something their rustic imaginations could conjure that involved sodomy and then vivisection by a really skilled and enraged back woods bear...hee hee i was such an ass in those days..we all were..
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ how did you make your name slide across the screen like that? (and talk slow, my programming skills are zip to the zilch degree) 040229
nemo how pretty 040324
░me clean. 040716
cpgurrl i like the green, too. anyway, this is awesome. i also luv blatrix--can u make more pages like that??? 040821
Lila Pause It makes me feel like a hacker. 040821
u24 hehehe.

I like this color scheme muchly. it is indeed very hackerly.
u24 man, this page looks totally screwed on a flatscreen. 041203
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i like the suicide page colourscheme - its like this but in my opinion i really prefer it.

just a suggestion, as i feel this text colour is a bit too bright.....

just my opinion though.
i cant do this myself so personally im awed by ppl who can, so im not gonna criticise too much lol.
z see: minimalism 050217
milo i love this, it matches my mood, i feel one with the blather. 050218
andru235 user24: he's the mack who brought us the blather_black shack! how very "whack"! blather got "back"! (help i can't stop) whack! whack, again! quack quack!


[someone strangles andru235 and he says:] ...*gack!*...
oren sacroiliac 051223
Twitch It's nice and dark...

A job well done!
u24 in firefox, the text is very dull grey. it's supposed to be bright blue.. 060524
poet do you know why? thats really weird. i mean, theyre different browsers, but they should read html the same way, right? 060525
u24 well, yes and no; they each use different html rendering engines so there are definately differences, and not just with 'odd' bits of html/css/javascript like this.

Internet explorer doesn't adhere to standards, firefox is better but still isn't perfect. If all browsers were standards-compliant then they would all render html in exactly the same way, but the people who write websites don't write them for standards, they write them to render OK in the common webbrowsers. Hence there's a catch-22 situation - when websites are written correctly, browsers will render correctly, but browsers won't be standards-compliant until websites are.
BLOOD BLOOD Blood red would be a great color for the text. it would totaly compleate blather black 070509
u24 can't change anything easily. Though red would look nice.

poet: in further less rambling answer to your question, even with the technical stuff I mentioned earlier: yes. they really should render it the same.
? where have the stars gone? 070510
a nice boy this is really cool also 070510
i want red i comand you to change the text to red!!!!!!

*comanding politely of course*
aw-shucks life is a funny old thing 070522
mr song I can change the background colours, but I just can't seem to change the text. 070703
u24 please don't break my pages. 070704
pSyche I think a blather_vintage would be interesting. all black and white, or maybe a sepia kind of thing. With those fonts that are kind of like an old typewriter, and headlines that make you think of newspapers... hmm. 070705
ui24 yeah, sepia would be cool. 070705
spoken:) lather my blather with a smather of black
brighten my words with your green
here is a line no intention of rhyme
i just thought it was cool in between
ambermoon hanging on your every word i drop from hights so high 090426
oren Just chiming in. 090426
fixing in firefox? 090712
u24 I still got the magic :0) 090712
u24 that should do it, I hope.. 090712
hsg Reminds of that screen in the_matrix 090915
margaux hsg - you should check out the

tee hee
camille ooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhh 091018
Nobody Black Lather 091018
nemo i miss user24... i wonder if anyone here 5+ years ago ever comes back to check... i do, sometimes... 091121
minnesota_chris oh he's not dead. even dallas checks in once in a while.

U24 is easier to catch on facebook, however. an easier interface, a more popular medium. just like me and livejournal.

blather isn't dead, it's jsut got descendants that get all the attention.
h|s|g does this use the word meta? 110712
h|s|g blatrix is way cool


kinda funky....

but yes, i like....
. :-) 120228
rogue_romancer_212 ifeelthingsinandaroundyou
sometimesidontknowwhat is right and what is wrong
i know this feeling is intense i know it is wrong and i know you will destroy me again and again until there is nothing left, a stub of a person but i cant stop i cant stop i cant stop thinking about you or looking at you
i cant stop giving to you
feeding the fire
for a very long time i havent felt this way
and a very long time before i will stop.
oren So blackety. 140125
jenicor can i just curl in a corner
and feel around here
for a while?
gonna do that.
thanks. i needed
a friendly void to visit.
jenicor can i just curl in a corner
and feel around here
for a while?
gonna do that.
thanks. i needed
a friendly void to visit.
m fuck fuck everything.
fuck relationships that you're in because you think you need to be.
fuck jobs that make you hate yourself.
fuck your own self loathing.
fuck television.
fuck technology.
fuck anyone who hates other cultures.
fuck balls that squeek.
fuck stress..
fuck cancer.
fuck hiding behind a veil.
boobs win always wait...are boobs better than balls?

balls that squeek and again..

fuck you.
foreveraloneforever53234214123134 Am I crazy or are you an asshole?

By me

I can't tell if you are an asshole or I am insane. I know how I feel and what's on my brain, but you say it's nothing and for me to refrain.

I bubble over because I feel so strongly and you sit calmly saying good-bye to me.

Don't pretend like this isn't what you've wanted, making me feel inferior because you were too chicken shit to flaunt it.

I want to believe it's you, but what if it's me? I guess I have a tendancy to be over-the-top needy. But, this relationship isn't fleeting. I love you, we have been close since our first meeting.

When did this paradigm shift? Weren't you the one reacting in rage last time I started to drift? When I put my arm around a man while I was in your midst?

You need to focus now, and I am a distraction. Sorry if my love for you is too much of an infraction. A year ago you would have been knee-deep, eager for some mutual attraction.

And what about my life? My books and my strife?

Are they inferior to yours?

No, but somehow I'll be the only one thinking about this tous les jours.
boop bon iver tho eh 170515
H Po or kid likes this 171109
EM Hello!

it's been a while.

Life has been *weird*
Mama It's 6am, I've slept for a total of 5 minutes, plus the pathetic 4 hours in the afternoon. Before then, it's been long stretches of immobility or deep, necrotic bolts of sleep at inappropriate times of the day. It's been a week, I think. Time is flowing how it normally does during the holidays; like sticky molten candy poured over a steel table. They weren't days I enjoyed, the holi-days. I'm a parent now, nothing is as enjoyable as it used to be.
That's why I'm here. It's 6:16am, I've checked the baby's breathing 15 times in the last quarter of an hour. I'm depleted. It's blizzarding outside, that part I like, but I can't enjoy it, not to the depth that I used to. I can't touch the mystical anymore, I've been disillusioned. Or maybe I'm coiled by the fear that if I let go for even a moment I'll forget who I am (mama), and he will flip onto his belly and float off through the wind-whipped tree branches.
I can't tell how bad it's gotten in the light of day, I mostly just enjoy when he articulates or puts his tiny face too close to mine. In all honesty, I love him more than anything I've ever known, but that may be why I feel scooped-out. There's no room for anything else.
There's no more room.
old Why am I still here 250104
ego hum beats me 250105
ergo hum all life beats me and treats me 250105
* Text 250105
* body {
color: #ee573d;
what's it to you?
who go