kss th Sorry, but I have to bitch a tiny bit about the marquee text that's popping up all over the pace. I understand HTML is fun, and being creative is allowed, and anyone can do whatever the hell they want. that's all frosty cool. But for me, it's a bit much. What's next, banner ads? Maybe I'm a stick in the mud (or a stick up the ass?) but the marquee text doesn't seem to fit in with blather, the placid blue blather I've come to find so peaceful. It's just weird to have words hopping all over the place.

I'm not trying to piss on the parade, just offering my opinion, which is that the marquee text is a little irritating. The least you could do is use the custom properties to make it less noisey. Set the loop to 3, or maybe increase the delay, and slow the text down some?
Wilcam has a good reference on the tag, if you’re interested.

I guess I could always switch to Netscape ...
kss eep - looks like those scroll and delay properties didn't take for some reason.

xxxxx i'm in agreement there 021031
Rhin it makes me dizzy, which is why i kept mine to the test2 page. it's a sweet little trick though, p2. :) 021031

blah blah blah blah


you can't control this place just because you know a thing or two about computers, kss
argh see: you're a selish little kid 021031
User24 thank god MSIE doesn't support the blink tag, that's all I can say. 030730
Not Saying just a stroll to the left 040324
flo uhmmm 040324
misstree is starting to drive me batshit.
no offense or nothing, but it's god damned annoying as hell, not to mention distracting. ugh. plus it makes me nauseous when i'm hung over.
☺ without marquee im sorry, i didnt know it pissed people off so much

*creeps away*
misstree is uppity now that's right. you'd damn well better bow down to my opinoin, or i will insult you straightaway. 040407
kookaburra i just want to know how you make the teeny little smiley face. not the moving one.

says "dont hate me, i loooove you!"
u24 what's funny is that this was started 2 years ago. 040408
kookaburra, hover your mouse over my name, it shows how.

to misstree - i get scared easily, lol.
kookaburra ohhhhhhh, thank you!! ☺ 040408
no problem 040408
misstree actually got sleep last night! didn't mean to be a bitch (for once), just kinda came out that way. don't let my stomping and arm waving and hollering scare you. i do it a lot.

do not fear the tree... the tree will not hurt you... ignore the tree... *whap! whappity whap whap!* (sorry, got the swordfighting bug in me now)
what's it to you?
who go