djdown how it is that you have come to be where you find yourself right this moment. 980826
eric ...standing in the yellow glow... 980903
sarah i wish they could. 981021
s i don't understand it.

i guess that's why i'm here.
ang sometime wish i could... 981116
adam that i do not want to have sex with you, understand that i am not one male of 3 billion but i am one person of a human race, understand that i want to understand you. 990303
[marissa] i won't ever completely:

the rage that burrows deep.
ceorl why bother? our infinite perceptions of "reality" require so much less effort. 990418
Rainer You don't understand who I am or what I think or what I believe, you don't even _care_ about me! 990419
daxle understand that I can't explain anything 990430
ceorl i think i know, but i'm often mistaken 990807
jake enk. commanded . imperative establishment of an altered external pro-perceptoire , complete and utter mis-perceptoire of an element of the other-subjective . 990808
jennifer I hated you once
but I never meant it
not the way you thought
and now
when I am near you
I feel the cold distance
between us
that thin wall of indifference
that keeps us so far apart
we seem the same
but I know it will
never be the same again
so I live
I survive
meekly on my own
but I hope one day
we either sever each other
or grow back together as we were
because just as we are
is killing me
bob To reach a point, in your investigation of some subject, at which you cease to examine what is really present, and operate on the basis of your own internal model instead. 991221
loner me when I say abeagleburbblebablebabblebay. 000114
wesleann "Sorry - I don't understand."

"I know. I don't mean for you to. I just needed to say it out loud."

Well, I understood that.
power through passion Understand
It's a child's word
the closest we ever get to really understanding
is that we know we cannot understand
certainly not in the glorious entirety that it might offer us
we can thus only accept
learn to love our limitations
they cradle us and protect us
they allow us to truly love
let us not throw that away
amy i'm terribly sorry you can't understand a word i am saying, you see i have a speech impediment... 000317
::: i can. so u go a little crazy sometimes and u feel the need to hurt everyone around u just to b alone for a while, so u can die that way. it wasnt about sex, only pain. but because i understood there is nearly nothing left. 000326
Tink sure, you keep pretending you can. meanwhile some of us know what really matters 000405
Therese i never understand 000711
Jon you have to. That is Understand me. Understand why, and I'm sorry. I love you. 001005
sabbie and it seemed to me
he understood
and i fell into his words
they surrounded me
the comforting
and i cried

and the music took me
to somewhere i already was
achingly, so painfully familier
and i cried

and it seemed to me
he understood
and i fell into his arms
they surrounded me
the comforting
dizzying blackness
and i cried

and weeping, i clawed my way back out
Quiggz Methinks most of the time, "understanding" is what we do when we're afraid to admit, even to ourselves, that we don't know, or we aren't capable of knowing 010101
Agent008 that i cant forget you 010118
Sol never know
or you will never understand
never be ignorant
abms the stupidest thing anyone can ever say is say "i understand and know exactly how you feel." 010330
abms i wish my friends could understand what i went through what im going through i dont want to make a drastic change i just want someone to talk to when i need talk... someone to give me a hug 010331
Chrity go to:
melvinwang something we'll never do, no matter how hard we try, at least we try? 010504
Tybay she doesnt
shes perfect
in her mind

i cant make her understand what i feel
but maybe i can make myself understand
ladybird but she's trying really hard....and sometimes that might be almost enough...? 010514
Stephin Merritt Volume 2, No. 9

I will stay if you let me stay and I'll go if you let go but I won't go far away because you're my only home

I will hide what you want hidden and I'll roam if you say roam but I'd just as soon you didn't because you're my only home

When you cancel dinner plans

When you cross the street and you don't take my hand

When you make impossible demands I wish I didn't understand, but...
daydream believer please understand me.
redneckk i shit myself for fun at star trek conventions 010520
Allison Blather makes sense now. I get it. I udnerstand. I am sucked into a new realm of words, phrases, and feelings. It's like a whirlpool. I'm going down, down, down... I'm drowning in Blather. 010614
stars I wish I understood a lot of things. I pretend I do.. but I don't. I nod and smile and pretend I get it. I don't.. trust me, if I look slightly confused.. I'm VERY confused. I don't want to understand anymore.. I just what to pretend it never happened and go on with being naive. 010929
(understand me) "here is a plea
from my heart to you
nobody knows me
as well as you do
you know how hard it is
for me
to shake the disease
that takes hold of my tongue
in situations like these"
god confusion_is_next

pontifier I don't understand how I've gotten to this very spot. I never saw it coming way back when I'd walk that sandy path to 7-11 for a slurpee. 011211
little idiot knowledge.

lies. deciet. devious hearts want to confuse, and i dont understand.
Lil J We can never understand, only awaken to ignorance. 011230
calypso calling we long to understand what we do not... leading to a quest that spans a lifetime. and how can they say that we're not meant to understand? blind faith is ignorance, and the blindly faithful are ignorant. and, in the same sense, i'm also ignorant in not believing, nor understanding, at all. 020104
ClairE What does this word mean? Under stand. I can't make head_or_tails of it. To stand behind something? Like underscore? To back up an idea, a thought, a friend? 020104
phil understand that you yourself are 1 of those people: who like the commercials I don't like & can't remember the details I need to know, but which I can't remember.
And you can't be stood by someone who is watching you be a complete *#%^*!e, something which they will do later. Understand that because they are
*#%^@!es themeselves, they never truly hated you for doing it.
And that this is why nothing could be done about it.
Understand I am a sick individual, who believes they will never get better, therefore am sick of never getting better, until I get better, then faithfully believe I will never get sick again, and feels good about it, until I get sick again...
Understand how the human mind can be related to studies conducted about evolution and the situations humans have had to develop abilities to overcome.
Underestand everything that you are in control of. Such as a microwave, or a car. Because the conspiracy theory would prove you do be an ass bent on destroying the world if your lack of understanding of these human devices caused you to use them incorectly, or combine items that could prove to be lethal. Jsut don't be a blind and stupid guinea pig for marketing analysts who try to decide just how dumb everyone is.
Understand what you try to teach.
Understand that nobody understand why things work the way that they do, and use your senses to see bovious truths around you everyday. That watch you're wearing might be so small and intricate, that it's very excistence is pinching time and space, causing you to have bad circulation.
Believe the crazy people, and don't talk to the kids.
Sarah understand the dream is over. 020117
rockstar that there's no turning back
that i'm not angry
that your going to break my heart
that you can't end up the good guy this time
that you need to get it over with
that you need to leave me
no reason to really understand, a word that ironically a lot don't understand. you do, though, you're so open and so smart and you really notice people and things, get to know them, their opinions, what they stand for, and yet you don't judge them. you can see through their eyes, and they know that, they need that, to know that their open hearts won't be rejected.

you understand, you really do, and i commend and admire and love you for it because it's so hard. and i'd be lucky to know at least a few others like you, or maybe i wouldn't know how to deal with it and it would fill me up and i'd just explode.
Tiffa I tend not to. But then I ask. 020510
jane i understand most people. so why can't i understand myself? 020520
TK you bissy your self w/ understanding others so that you don't have the time to understand yourself maybe? 020521
lizard she doesn't understand me. she doesn't comprehend. she doesn't get it. she's all lost on me, and won't ever wake. she can't really find me, and i won't let her know me. it frustrates her. she is angered in her frustration.

it's okay, i understand
phil being heartless is fine 020603
jane why won't he understand me?!
i'm about to give up on him
blaber mouth you dont understand me you dont love me you dont care about me you dont need me you dont want me. do i need you know. i dont. you dont feel me,you dont see me, you dont resept me,how i feel,how i walk how i talk how i see how i be,stop now while your still ahead 020709
blaber mouth you dont understand me you dont love me you dont care about me you dont need me you dont want me. do i need you know. i dont. you dont feel me,you dont see me, you dont resept me,how i feel,how i walk how i talk how i see how i be,stop now while your still ahead......... 020709
phil maybe, how you feel, sucks 020709
oak barrel what I wish my ex would do 020901
poeticmisfit some things are better left misunderstood. untouched, and left fr you to spend your entire life trying to understand...it keeps you busy.

what do you try to understand, but just can't?
blown cherry I don't remember feeling it,
but I feel like I understand it as though I have.

It will pass.
Whether I say that for your benfit or my own I don't know,
but I have to believe,
and I think I do,
it will pass.
jonh to understand it to know you have no fucking idea, as does everyone else. understanding is not knowing and being open-minded 030122
frank I will lay with you 030316
jess i understand that your an asshole! 030321
jane what the real situation is without my having to tell you 030604
ShilohLives understand that I can't explain my heart...my soul cries out for one and it is comforted by my God...my God who assures me that one on earth will be here but I must love the only one for me at the moment..My maket is the one..He can Understand...occassionally he lets me in on the understanding...I don't need to understand because he understands.. My Savior understands me so i don't need to explain to him ..I Love incapability and hate my incapability to understand...understand this...I never need to understand... 030607
maggie i will understand you, because you will let me in. i wish i could let you in, but i just cant. 031030
skye even if you knew me for a thousand years or more, you'd still never truly understand me. 031107
Kyle most important thing we must all do to survive in life 031109
maatsby in order to understand you have to want to.

we need all to understand everything we do and everything we don't but should.

i wish i understood.
goatse haha lame 040413
im just me and im beautiful i'd rather not understand. misconception is just more comforting. 040501
BitterSweetDream I've never understood you. I've tryed. Oh believe me I've tryed. I've looked from your point of view. Held your hand and caught every single one of your tears, kissed you gently and tried to fight your fears away.

But I never understood enough to make that happen
Syrope my_smile is an open_wound without_you

i don't smile the same way i used to
it hurts, so i changed. it's hard to feel beautiful when you feel like a fake.
_alone & lost_ You don't understand..... you think i've made this all up by myself. That i'm just pretending. Well I'm not. I'm not, okay? I'm not sad just for the sake of being sad. I actually have reasons, believe it or not! my life is not perfect! not nearly as perfect as you think it is. You think that it can;t get any worse than your life, which is probably true, but that does not mean that i'm making this up! I have feelings! I have emotion! i'm just very very good at hiding them..... today.... i couldn't hide them. they were too strong..... and what hurts me is that i can't tell you. I just can't. and everyone thinks its all pretend. they think i'm wrong. but what the hell do they know?!!! They don't know anything! Nothing of my real life. What they don;t undertsand is that ive been hiding this whole time....... and they know the pretend person that i used to be. before i finally broke down and couldnt take it anymore. now im about to fall away completely, and no one will ever know the truth..... that i'll pass without them ever knowing the truth. You, all of you. You just don't understand! 040522
Eblues I don't understand me. How is it that everyone else seems to know who you are, but you yourself have no idea? Why do you leave to be by yourself... why do you push yourself away? Why do you intentionally hurt yourself... why do you like the feeling of being depressed? How is it that I suffer so much from things that you say and don't say, and not tell anyone? I lose sleep and I wonder who I am, I wonder which me to trust because there are so many. If you dig deep enough, the motives are always wrong. dont think... turn off your brain... dont think of the past... I want to leave this world I am tired of others and the pain I have inside. I want you to hate me or love me not ambiguity. I want to never talk again, only talk through music, the purest language of them all. Is this me? Can you tell? 040525
Splinty You understood me. How was that? But you never loved me... I suppose the two don't go hand in hand... 040722
Deomis "You don't understand!" she screamed at him, as a tear slipped down her cheek.

He lifted his head and stared her in the eyes. He looked at her as she stood there, her eyes red, her hair messy, and her lips trembling.

"Do I really need to understand?" he said quietly. "Isn't it enough that I am always here for you?"

His eyes searched hers for the answer. But found only a look of shame.

damn he understands me almost perfectly
understands what words are needed to make me be okay again
understands why I do this
he's got the insecurity bit right

but he still doesn't know that I "love" him
and that's why I cry
love & hate understand, that i wont give up, i will not stop trying, i will not walk away from our love, i will not forget about you. Understand that i am not leaving you Katie, i promised eternity, understand that that is what i mean. Understand that i love you and it cant be stopped. Understand that this is real, and i believe it and feel it. Understand that i'm not giving up for that i promised. 040723
Snik SrL.i lOve yOu with all of my heart, and I will always love you no matter what!!!You mean so f'n much to me, and that will never change....eeeewah!Please try to understand that I would never really truly try to hurt you in anyway.ever 050115

i finally understand nate
i can say it here because youre not here
im so sorry
TragedyTrousers believe me, i do 050628
TragedyTrousers understand, that is
and most of all, i wanted you to understand something - that it's fine, it truly is

nobody is bulletproof
we like you more when you're just you

so please relax, honey, and give us a glimpse of that million carat smile

trust me when i say that we're here with you: all you ever had to do was let us know you were suffering
kariann fjuysgrvjuysgvjyugjuhgjhugsjh 051011
jlymry327@yahoo.com i met tragedy late one night, 1997....came home from school and my mother wasnt there. i looked all over for her, i called everyone. i found her. she was at a friends house. she tried to kill herself. it didnt work. damnit. i didnt meet the tragedy you met. yours was worse, but still, a mother willing to kill herself sucks. 2 weeks later she took me to perkins. fucking perkins. she told me, with the theme song from stupid celin dion and titanic playing from the stero above, i thought you would be better off without me. bitch. but your tragedy is worse. tragedy, hmmmm....who are you 051204
z to decide. to freeze the process of observation. to describe. 051205
sarah some people just dont understand...its hard sometimes it feels like no one does understand. i wish someone did, it would be great 051208
jakoala words are just words. 061005
Level head Shit....This entire stream is so melodramatic i'm prepared to beat all of you in to a crushed redened heap with a frozen ham (it's christmas).A definition of understanding in far less dramtically indulgent lingo would be: contmeplating the workings of a given function or principle..... so shuddup you cantz!!!(it's christmas) 061211
Cheer injection I had a great time being really critical of this pages sickening angsty vibe five minutes ago so i'll DO IT SUM MORE. Here is me writing in a way that clearly inderlines why you should all switch off your computers and try to pull yourself out of the self centered emotionly indulgent shit holes you've comfortably settled into....

This is a succesion of bullshit metaphores to help you UNDERSTAND that your blathering could do with a little prozac. (gulp-swallow) See...it's really not that bad! (itz fackin chrstmasss you packatwats!!!)
andrew ya ne ponemayu 071007
jane oh, now i get it. 071107
Anja Mielonen i wish i could understand you.
it would split my head in two.
i know
i know
raevyn it's our hope, that one day we will understand.
to live by the wishes people have set upon us. to fulfill their rules, and limits.
understanding brings us closer to our demise.
ignorance is bliss, they say.
i think i'd like to stay there.
In_Bloom Sometimes there is no explanation and you go with your gut 090205
nit To: Lisa

do you need to grow a dick?
sig why do we need to know you surname if everything isn't about you? 100824
haha did your father not get married when he fucked your mother? 100824
what's it to you?
who go