god black oak arkansas or doris day? 011220
god or... will a yeast be worm? 011220
ever dumbening tangram pudding


whittled willow whistle, as taught by a man from Wiesbaden

ClairE yum 011220
paste! in this day and age, for me, the answer is always yak. unless its ditch related. 011221
god i got a ditch full of pudding in my mind. this is not a "physically real" ditch, so does yak apply, or is this something else entirely?
paste you'd have to refer to the phantasmogggical yak chapter in Dr. Godus' Blend of Jai Alai/Medicine Chapbook, which is not in my possession at this time. i mean, which is not in my pants, which makes me sad. otherwise god, just go dirt-biking.
kerry yak? 020103
paste! yak? yak's not the question, it's the answer. like bloody mary's on a sunday. 020103
tonya when the pine tar goes stomping through vast fields of rabbits, are plastic bag flypaper motor oil?
and if yak, then whither?
paste! the quality of pine tar is key here. if viscous and shouting obscenities, then gravy, you're in! and rabbits get selective about what they eat; usually strawberry flypaper, grains, and engineered moths. so get that on film on a shivering moonless prarie, if you can. y fin, whither logically follows yak except after bathing in parsley, so to cover ALL territory, i'd have to say: if yak, then adhesive. 020103
tonya thanks man, may the flonto be with you and may your graphite_salsa never congeal 020103
DannyH Where do babies come from? 020103
paste! weaved silk and fucking mostly. sometimes by accident. i'd probably make a good dad. 020103
KermitTheFrog Why are there so many songs about rainbows? What's on the other side? 020103
paste! people tend to nurture their delusions.

at the other end of a rainbow, which i've found thrice, rests a grumpy old man trying to sell a bunch of walking sticks. sometimes though, if you're lucky, you'll find the idyllic endgame of your searching and that'll halt gravity for a few milliseconds when you realize it. rarely, there'll be ham. but lots of good quality hardwood smoked ham served on fresh rye with the greatest mustard.
yummyC where have all the marshmallows gone? 020103
paste! well yummy, i know that some of marshmallows have gone to my colleagues, who are in the midst of creating seventy five life-size rice krispies treat replicas of the eiffel tower out here in the middle of the Sonoran desert. that's a lot of marshmallows, hey hey! but snap, crackle, shit...they're runnin' outta butter. (never use margarine) 020104
yummyC that lying peice of shit leprechaun!!
this is the last straw. this is it. that goddamn "lucky" fellow is gonna get it for lying to me so often.
"into me lucky charms!" he says!
in that prepubescent boyish voice of his.

goddamn em all!

i want some marshmallows.

and while we're at it, some powdered sugar.

corn syrup

other sweet goodness.

(hey wait, i saved peeps from last easter...)
DannyH Can you give me some Fatherly advice? 020104
paste! well i'm not much of a priest, but i can tell you one thing: always look for the negative spaces. 020105
beck i'm tired of fighting for a lost cause.

what the hell should i do?
paste! the people you're with
are all scared and stiff
3rd base say: DOUBLE DOWN did the parlays hit? 020923
paste! fuck yeah! second straight week! 100 i don't have to get a job for a few more days. 020923
kingsuperspecial what should I say to let people know my hotcakes are selling well? 021004
paste! no need to say anything. just pour of troughful of extra batter all over your naked body and run through the streets of oakland. and if anyone asks then you can say you're going duck hunting. 021005
Jeca Language has a structure, otherwise noone would be able to understand what other people were saying. You are making Language feel violated. 021005
squint *punches jeca*

Jeca ow.

no need for violence!
squint i dind't mean fist just slipped.


*does best I'm sorry face*
squint didn't* 021005
paste! haha. is that a question jeca? what don't you understand specifically? you almost hurt my lack of feeling.

are you asking me to justify my use of Language? sometimes i'm trying expand her idea of herself. (i could go on and on.) she's so much more than what you think. i feel sorry for people like you, unless that was a joke. in which i congratulate you for making me laugh at your inadequacies!
just shoot me how would one go about going on and on to another? on shared terms? is meaning a process of elimination? if the signifier is devoid of the signified is it nonsensical automatically? intensely unpragmatic? or a shift in arbitrary meanings? and isn't the start of that shift an awkward moment when things aren't arbitrary and waffle means waffle and spaceship means spaceship? and seeing as they define each other via their position on some scale, they cannot switch positions without us also bringing the word switch into it and we don't want to hurt innocent words? and did you understand? or do i have to say, when building with legos what happens when you find two pieces already stuck together in a field of spiny pointy broken up pieces...

and some people have nothing to say? just haven't learned their language. and neither have they. should i hold it against them? i warm body. and finally so i can get an answer i can use. see compromise? :

if the dillapidated charm factor can't lead the curry puppets to luckily swelter, does the berry flavor really spoil the how?
Jeca no offense meant, paste-- i enjoyed it. 021005
squint james,

I'm his........cripes. what do you want?

nothing is impossible so quit lying...
squint I'm his cripes.

paste! maybe eventually we'd both find some truth through differences or even similarities if we're lucky. (forced)conversation is supposed to be progressive right? unlikely.

the subconscious is the only true indicator yadda yadda. discard if you like, but i'll hold onto my boots.

it's just insufficient when we attach directness to language. like how can you blatantly try to express something completely? it's easy to give up on. i think it has to come through in bite-sized waves, a little push here a little shove there. there's always a context missing or an out of place tone; someone's abstraction is always different from another's idea of the intention; pound's chasms, the decay of the universal, the chaos of lost signifiers. what to do, what to do. cynicism motherfuckers! the only progress! does it mean i'm cold that i don't wish to reorganize the common abstractions into something that connects, sacrificially regular and mass produced-ish? hope not.

sometimes it seems like it's working, this shite i write so trite not bright. it's a lifelong project, maybe something worthwhile will come of it one day.
just keep trying but what works has never pretended to be anything but an approximation. of course hello doesn't mean the same thing any time it''s said. but it holds to an ideal neural pattern within all of our brains. mass produced...shoot. that just means social...language is mass produced, and the individual permutations, they're only interesting in how they change the masses. but some bridge is necessary for that to be accomplished. and you never answered my other friggin question. cynicism isn't a reply by the by. 021005
just addendum and of course something has to be sacrificed. this is the nature of all order. cost. at what cost do we exist? at the cost of being directly the rest of the world. blah blah...but you still never answered my question. 021005
paste! i didn't answer a lot of your questions, mamsir cloaky. 021005
paste! they're only interesting in how they change the masses? ooh hypnotism. see, now that's a totally different aesthetic. to me, anything influential came through invisibility or continuous restart, not from milking the current psychological profile. sure there's some standards out there that warrant some kind of sacrfice but it's not a battle of self-worth, being directly inclusive with the rest, not if you really care about the limits of art. what are you in it for mamsir?

(i probably missed your point.)
just kidd ing well extreme changes in context affect the mean appraisal of a word in an extreme way, since the mean is so sensitive. but we weight it thank god. but why not in french? or jibberish? i mean...why not in french? for a word to change meaning, there needs to at least be a context understood surrounding it to ferry it over. using words to understand words, a word gains new meaning only when the words surrounding it use their own associations to appropriate the old word's meaning. if both of the meanings of both of the words are unmoored, then there is nothing but nonsense, which i admit can be used in a purposeful way, or presented in one, but if so, the point has been made since so many on blather speak like this. but what's a rebellion without a regime change? see, i used regime change but in a way where the context surrounding it appropriated its meaning in an approximate way. i didn't say regime changing pumpkins, in which neither of the accepted meanings are used and there is no use of common words surrounding it to give a clue as to what the association between the words are, or even what the original words themselves mean. asdkl;jf alasfkj adkjrw blank choice adlj? i apologize if you feel this conversation is forced. i feel it's inevitable if one attempts to talk. to say there's no meaning is just as immoderate though as saying there's exact meaning. and to admit there is an approximate meaning, is to realize that the only way we can appreciate nuances is through the ferrying of cheap tundry used and reused nailed down words. but certainly becoming aware of the possibilities and impossibilities of a word in its arbitrary position and necessary if ephemeral consistency within a language is a useful thing, but even to do this, for one word to change, the rest must stay at least for a moment consistent enough to make that change meaningful. or just tear the house down, what do i care? i believe that there are things that are needed to be said in language both spoken and written, and i believe that what can be said isn't always as interesting as what must be said. of course possibilities are amazing, endless combinations, but what's even more impressive is that there are endless combinations that work within the accepted system of context. slight mutations are what keep a thing stable enough to change without compromising the function of the system. we all start with nonsense and a highly personal set of symbols, and unfortunately it is something we are always trapped with, since no one can ever communicate their whole mind to another due to bandwidth issues, but that doesn't mean we don't have words averaged out to nice useful meanings which must be used if a point is to be made other than the possibilties of subjective interpretations increasing anytime vague words with multiple implications or hitherto unused word combinations are used. so maybe your phrases are just cliches minus the meaning they lost. however, that presupposes that the only meaningful interchange is between words and words. even online, a word like waffle is most interesting when used in the sense, give me that waffle smothered in syrup. sorry for all the waffle examples, i'm just very hungry. of course using waffle as a place or a state of mind, or not allowing any exact description of the way the word is used by simultaneously removing context from the surrounding words as well can be interesting, it doesn't allow anything more than silence, since silence has as many if not more interpretations. that is, words being used are already choices, they already carry implications, so trying to be as random as possible is only denying the very nature of what you're doing. unless of course you just point your finger at random pages on a dictionary. so since there are all these possible meanings, the least that can be done is to include the necessary well understood combinations which we use to find even the secrets in a word. there must be some truth for secrets to reveal themselves. that is, i'm most grateful for that fact that secrets are possible in not only the words of others but my own. it means i'm alive, it means there is other, but at the same time, it is only in what i understand that i can at all reach out to what i don't. earlier in ask paste you said you'd make a good dad, i can't wait to see when you teach your kid to talk. beauty like this dies. ah well. effervescent charcoal strobe on, auger helmet check, nutrition tattoo check, salamanca forgotten check, words separate from situation check. and when you use dragon it's different than when i read it in kanji. a secret though is always hidden within truths that point to it, that do not contradict it, but allow it to emerge. and what's most interesting about all this is how lies can be true depending on whether inside or outside of a system that depends on other systems for its qualifications but depends on consistency within itself in an abstract way...oh...enough i know enough. and you can just question. 021005
just another day at the office oh yeah, and in the last blathe the one that got cut off at page 152 when my internet connection unsigned. poignant i know...well it i meant what's interesting is the way the individual relates to the masses within an individual, in this case the masses is the average of any given words range of meaning. so what's interesting is the way an individual's appraisal of a word is affected by anothers given that the meeting point of both can only be the average, since that is the meaning both are most familiar with. i mean using common words uncommonly is interesting only in how it keeps the individual from becoming the masses by involving them in the masses. and no, i don't think things need direct meaning, i merely advocate that being social, the masses is who we yearn for with these words. i mean sure it's sweet when two people have such a language of their own, but it's not the language we need for...i think art was the word you used? 021005
just chiselling and no, it's not about self worth...but it is about the value of self expression. since there has to be a value to our expressions if we're to make them. whether internal or external there has to be some value. or one could take a loss in some aspect for the selfish pleasure of being...exclusive. but all i'm saying is that it is in the end a loss if no meaning is exchanged. language is wasted. 021005
just injust look. i'm not saying i completely understand my point, or that words don't present problems. it's just, i did this experiment in high school, and i'm starting to understand why i hated myself then. haha, i regurgitate, elasticize well lapdog, young hearts rod stewart, beat matters, treble trembles, and there's not always a base. 021005
paste! jesus christ, you must play the didgeridoo (sic).

where's the gold, mr. textbook?

regime changing pumpkins makes perfect sense! especially considering where this is all going.

oh, and paste! would probably be a strange pops, but john, in my entirety, would be very keen to the attentive raising of a child. note difference in here and here.
just leave me alone ironically okay okay...well here...let's finish with a zen demoralizer. only a fool stares at a finger which points to the sky. that's all i really wanted to say. now since all the meaning was in where this is all going and not really in regime changing pumpkins, i'm going to have to say there was a concession. either way. i was hoping you would just rock on. oh well. 021006
Absolute Nero A question:

Which is (physiologically and epidemiologically) the wisest way to rid oneself of throne-usurpers?
paste! who wants the throne? you need a trombone!

in this day and age, the answer is always wose than the question. unless it's yak related.
Absolute Nero Now, I'm paraphrasing here, but your answer doesn't redress the issue of artificial lite. Onions or fireflies--with which should I fill my lantern? Yaks or none, you possess a capacity for sagacity. 021007
kingsuperspecial can I borrow your beat_egger? 021007
god i'll have second the yak answer, but i won't mention ditches, just to keep things in order. i hope this helps. 021007
paste! i have surplus beat eggers back in the walrus tank, but you'll have to bribe the hanky_chef to get through.

(all: anyone know who 'not you' is?)
Absolute Nero "Not Me" is my father/lawyer (sp?). 021007
not you i am not you. i am the spider who splashes orange all over the place saying "nah....!"

disappointed, mr. paste! ?
not you ...and nero dude:
wot art thou talking about?

i think you need to climb a staircase of eep. wot be dat sheeeeeit about yo fathah? i've got nuh-een to do wid dat.
but splark and oh_yeah, you were talkin bout "not me", not "not you".

sorry bout dat.
paste! it's the supah spidah! i'm a'pointed, like a buck. (not dollar, not owens) 021007
not you younty scrambled and a [t]ad revised:
not you
spidah from mahs since when do you think i'm supah?! 021007
nah....! pissibly ever since the horp decided to go flarky. 021007
paste! since the flonto rebellion of the late 1800's 021007
Absolute Nero Kraditor indeed... that you claim not to be my father only incriminates you further (to that end), "Not Me." You will receive little remuneration for your outrage, so my advice is that you phile your complaint with the chrysanthemums.

But now to the exhortation: What do you like better, theology or idolatry? Specifically, what is your velocity philosophy? Personally I prefer the ladder, if only to AID in ascension.
god gum? 021008
paste! it's in my belly button, alaskan style 021008
sixteen Will you really wait?

Do you really want to?

Am I really that much?

How was the cursive concert?
paste! yes
incredible, as was appleseed_cast, who opened.
sixteen ell if you dont want to wait, then don't. i think it would be easier on everyone 030428
minnesota_chris Dear Paste. I got an email today which was titled "We Are Altogether Ahead Of You Toward Be Told From You." Do I want this?

ps. it was about Russian women. Mmmm, kasha.
paste! kasha is one y away from having yak in her name, so there's a 66% chance that whatever happens is for the beast. 030501
god sprite or pepsi for my new waterbed? 041003
paste! if your waterbed is ditch related, i would go with a 50/50 of champagne and fat. 050121
twenty-three Will you please bring me my toothbrush charger and my copy of Guns, Germs, and Steel? Have you seen my camera charger? I have Oh Brother Where Art Thou, if you'd like it back. 091121
fghio fghio 101116
what's it to you?
who go