kingsuperspecial when I was about 3 or 4 years old I was reading this story book and there was a reference to a beat_egger and I checked over and over but it really said beat_egger and I wanted to ask my grandma if it really said that because it was a tough kick in the stomach for my tenious grasp on the meaning of the world as represented by the printed word but she was too busy stuffing a goat with hornets so I had to work it out for myself and to this day I'm never quite sure if what I think I see is that is real and it's been downhill from there, let me tell you, boy. 010808
paste! sympathy is simultaneously self-reflective.

that a voice just told me that is not important. the importance is that the voice came from the ass of my kitchen moose.
kingsuperspecial I wonder if this experience warped my perspective for the rest of my life. It was the start of a deterioration of my grasp on reality, my ability to trust what I saw as real.

of course, the mountain of drugs I polished off in college probably accelerated the process slightly. however, it's apparent to me that this was the seed of my demise, the LSD, shrooms, coke, meth, vicadin, and cheap scotch were just fertilizer.

:: peering into the gas tank to see how full it is with a lit match in hand to shed some light on the matter ::
celestias shadow hmmmm.....perhaps it means a person who throws eggs at a really bad drummer? 040112
egger yes please! 040112
what's it to you?
who go