who have blathed more than thirty times [an arbitrary number] god silentbob unhinged . ClairE birdmad jane stork daddy andru235 misstree phil kx21 paste! Death of a Rose Dafremen User24 minnesota_chris Syrope pete girl_jane sabbie Mahayana daxle ferret Doar x oldephebe typhoid no reason endless desire Casey Strideo sab amy u24 Aimee jennifer pipedream p2 megan blown cherry celestias shadow distorted tendencies notme nocturnal Q oren me sage@d ... ~gez~ ever dumbening grendel niska Toxic_Kisses kookaburra Piso Mojado kerry Lemon_Soda lost yummychuckle bethany whitechocolatewalrus cube werewolf freakizh squint z tourist Freak MollyGoLightly sameolme moonshine DannyH kingsuperspecial falling_alone mon anne-girl smurfus rex Rhin puredream Brad splinken florescent light dB fyn gula Borealis j_blue devalis Barrett Norm camille marjorie nom farmfish deb nomme yummyC white_wave magicforest Effingham Fish nomatter Arwyn ethereal reitoei realistic optimist Tank ? sweetheart of the song tra bong monee pobodys nerfect emmi bijou nah....! :) oE Yahoo! Search TK me? love & hate TalviFatin once again iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl whoknows dallas U.S. uow nemo miniver Teenage Jesus sphinxradio The Schleiffen Man shivers monadh screwing for virginity Deomis delial witchesrequiem startfires black-dyed gel product Annie111 kss karl the weed suicidalchinadoll peyton Sol Photophobe dosquatch a "point" yoink frAnk Quintessensual zeke angie pralines&cream An "amazing" newslink MollyCule rubydee Thyartshallshant psychobabe valis crimson three words kelli crane ilovepatsajak Jenna auto cross reference system mmm little wonder tonya * IKC 56-80 marked baby satan SuicidalAngel Kate pSyche Ariadani Chrity blue star sirflaccid a thimble in time hey now! The Truth psyki niki mon uow blah-ze lycanthrope randomly recent Sailor Jupiter Grievance girl burden Fire&Roses dudeinanigloo sixteen hsg mourninglight carne de metal nonlucid eklektic mikey twiggie For sure! Bizzar Inanna pushpins chanaka shiva emily Mateo spiffy neesh andrea Sonya thieums dandy ass facely mp21k Sintina nomme) egger Lila Pause pat sajak josie trixie Alexander Beetle johnny west Zoe her royal highness the quirk Glory Box cheer-up-emo-kid Aaron .fallen pipers joda *nat* klairchen lokkust newme jenny enny dots methinx Kristopher Joana. ashmanzhou Whitechocolatewalrus Shar good people REAListic optimIST nom) skinny a "Point" whirligirl Staind_And_Souless adam () Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge klarchen Daria ambermoon silent storm paranoid martyr Nathan88 satan satan satan lady lunchbox anomalous thunderbuck ram she .nom lovers lament reue rage Eowithien Raina lotusflower krimilda Iraq CheapVodka lou_la_belle not god emma bzzmel gwyllynne daf stupidpunkgirl ladybird Jess morphine. Tess ellen cherry charles oon Bespeckled Mahayana: Zakah: kill rhythm from now on dafremen squillo guitar_freak .. The Spork littleidiot ??? mt Given continuous ache unique butterfly scuzz One nameless Mister Brightside june *Ziima* Lilac Jeca f j imposter gay gizmo BoofPixie bloody potato chip quotree dreamer Miner bandersnatch 1 hour ago sahba hsgatincamail flo elimeny Becky ofsuch Google Search WoNDERGIRL birdmad carlita a{color:#10103f;} a {color:#9f9fff ;} kinkazoid the repeater . : * p s y b o r g * : . cpgurrl eyedream Nukemall globalfruitbat Flowers from Safeway xyz so fucking lost Shugarhi nanny kim JdAwG bird a chaotic gift to idealism *silent screams little fury bug Splinken IGG http like rain. Karma spider from mars icy splash of orange Persona wingedSerpent jessicafletcher :_) optic discretion vampers stan estarocks and sarah x twisted x shower singer jezabel ItGirl CJ The Graces from Heaven knot meat Tiffa sylphide carden Gollum dondeestanlosjaguares mood ring ivyducktwilightseto EECP /anon blather spell check vituperus Twitch MDogMA anti-social butterfly Moment_of_truth blueberries walrie meta BitterSweetDream whome acidshank why not Jane Doe erin *Amy* 2 hours ago zenfishsticks tr nocturnal at work ceorl amorfus mahayana i fairydust Ahmad vicious Smurf She Novice Irreverent Lovejoy Finger (z) the one mo Kleh Ver J 1) time_warp the spork G_wiz13 anonymous Quiggz palm old hick lo blamethesky beorn a "point". skyburst777 shorlove princess Mandijabster a girl with nothing to say - starjewel LS donaldson translucent pd IED a "M" Test .&. silentlybroken seventeen Moon the cheer-up kid person littel_elf kx21 must die coalition Rainer lucky 2) Special K not important Megan DavesHeroinGirl Sam Vaknin pontifier pinkish Laura hyena andrew 3) sarpedon Rotten77 rollins Princess Lola Mushroomman laced Zed ShnizelCheese nick cali j (_) Silent Bob myplasticmind kate gaudior akuma aoi you U.K. milo melissah lizard Lick divine madness splat Sparticus lobsterman jpg Erin doar cresentwhench jon Dosquatch somenom Lindsey dipperwell deathofarose cupcake WingedSerpent jestification grasshopper dean-bean akenbosche tennis star of the 70s tchiseen Rowbes Spare Change eric 852456 velvet spasm [.:..The SeeR ..:.] melvinwang Machiavelli70 factory reject Bush a sweet girl *_the missing link_* Ivory China poetic_onslaught mad madame mim Lint Lover daanuh becclebee 402_325_6058 walrus Rhinna Elzbieta 3 hours ago ;) s log burning fire jimmy GirlNamedLover d tyler waters Torch SomeoneElse shoccolo m21k little bug broken Wayne syringe somebody sim roger waters maria k firehunden Connecting..the.dots.. Thus have I read / heard. skiblu Rickster jessica a roxy ROFL nighean_siofra tortuous string redneckk Oops... micky jo metamantrg eddie monster art choke anon t CIA brain stew :..S e e d S.:...o f...:.L i g h T..: poet kaskarkaminski girlnamedlover ducky The Heretic skalix Reverend Lough katie gregg Grace Google News fritz drstrangelove dionysos zanna piercedjenny mr.bunnyrabbit hahaha The Graces From Heaven syd SA r1y9a6n4 oak barrel mikejohnson -{::EphemeralArcs::}- di luce yenaldlosi sugar Road Perspective_Of_Soul ...ooo... margaux kyree epitome_of_incomprehensibility counterentity CinnamonGirl charley tessa pat sajaks ghost MeKoy lisa_is_bionic Jen A 0^0 .... Splinty Snook sleepless lacunas coil jester IWishICouldGoWithDavid floralieca Evilair " ST sheryl not tonya Miffey margadant11 lola Lisa kelc Jacer Forming Mind epitome of incomprehensibility symphonic squigglybee RoXXXie pigeon pansy OTK OOps... oodles helly D y a n n e Dis CRO thea sprhrgrl keeper Tildan missionary MercynRe maruku if i could talk id tell you drew bespeckled "Ancient Pagan" Zantic Nate Higgins lilac_air god in milwaukee GibbyPhD eskimos friend enriquecito calliope Byrnes bryanfrbs (at least) 123 trakie stacey mcdougall kirstin emsie el chorizon czmember CrAzYpInKmOnKeY Zsiga who i am doesnt matter anymore The_missing_dot .sunshine. Sarah queen of darkness oppressed_youth nonsensical mous Marjorie heel turn ee beep peep datura COLDandBLUEkitty breygris _ sans nom Saint O_A marissa kitten on drugs sykoze soulesswanderer SCOTT poeticmisfit oh pee um mike Matt JustOnMonday illusionary_reality emo curious toys critic bob alora sylverquiklight superleni Sonya the sullen feline silentbob loves you scorpion heart pheather not you no magdalena kid andre kendra jem Fudge flexible eliza eddie cinzento call_me_lydea allie TROUBLESUM thorn Teddybear ShilohLives possessed angel pjork nancy mareberry lenore josh Insat fall of a sparrow Equin0x elisabeth42 cheetah 4 hours ago Why not tyger troy tricky Subterranean Visions secret4185 imaskitzo highanddry freedom elisabeth when darkness falls Webley trin Sunnis stephen somedaysam slothisily sara Lime Rider kat flowerbed on a cloud Fierce charlie blueberries for you the hogfather shinya onna owko oren ♫ Ivonna H. Free e.g. Colleen Christy cheerleaderslut cazzi bobthebumb A Viking In Peru WMD wax tadpole the void starved someone Somebody that I used to know ice FloydianSlip farky the third evolutionending closet ballerina catherine bandaids Andrew Sier 6am ! zavyman Yahoo! News Weed Eater tombe_seul tit Suicide Snowman pipey nisus naive artist mj major tom go toot g h o s t frankenfistkitten djstar damn a torta as applegirl alkalinepixie 5 hours ago 1570 wish~ taojones sad_bitch rhin neverender m_e jeff HairThief elegance aM i DiStUrBeD? spoons sotto voce sage Prediction pobody oblivionmachine Nirvanic Blind monkey out in space Me kipper JD -{::ephemeral_arcs::}- billy ray pirahna Alfred Agent008 911 white_light ubliss shilohlives rip ninecat myriadmoods MisterFunkadelic Little Lost Riding Hood king kai jen jake giff FireNRoses DannyHq click ?x www.blackandredparty.de.vu whitney body{background:white} a{color:white} Seed RIC meg Just a thought jg je5icafletcher fyngula claudia chrysalid bill bixby bane Allie alicia AeonFlummox xle viciousmissfit td{background:white} Squalidangel silent bob sEth pepperdrinks no one Neal Boortz mona loves you Logan leslie ♥ gif djdown daydream believer cole captain_subtext Boymansonbowie BonTon Alex 555 :-* young pretender The Words of Jesus of Nazareth Symphonic body{color:white} spikey-ho Rainer Krauss onlyme nore mushroomman kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ jessica fletcher forever doggy constance briefly Chris Caine Bardolph bangaaeter And Afro Yahoo Search tori the eye that sean retartedkidnameddamian oops nullspace Nikita Midnight Bliss [marissa] m laurah just me jonh flipchrist Elmo coldmeshach celestias_shadow autumn Ambience 916 2 1/2 wise cracks ??????? thespacebetween story of eau spathic somepeoplesmile reenz Rachel News Stories Moe innocent insect indie.chickadee Human Behavior danielle blaber mouth angelita ang alice 6 hours ago unreal the Walrus sting sigma Rae Pythagorus Pope PEACELOVESHEEP my little secret mister mourning lizbet kronoman jimc green_tenedril green eyes elana *Colleen* coldtea Christine calypso calling barnaclebill Anna_Began velvetdesire Tjousk thenestor tazfab sylvia plath Skalar silentbobfuckyou searching sad girl ricmariem psycho insomniac power through passion OuT noname NinNy Nu Nu mpayton Morelen matt Katie Rose How can gatorbabe e distilled mouse Destination? Definition chris anne_jumps andie yeah What Bush said trazlo *spoons* since Perplexlypuzzled painted marbles Pacia otterpup on the road mulder mourningstars meggie Liz Jon is it french? hoodrat fred hydrochloric flippo erin. eighteen clementine blue sky with clouds bloodjetpoetry blah Alden ....... ..... WTF vix the two smileygirl seeker opie . oh no not me luminesence little wishes Japan Harlequin glenn Gilraen (s.h.o.t.h) gertrude sting forever endeavor fairbecca End Is Forever eep! Cherry_Springwater book of eris Blair ...AntiqueClocks... angela yes Tybay Tink shutter-bug satan sanguineous ravensfears quinn pathwrat nootme next to Nobody meli lizzy Keemeers jules jade in gull Grendel fanta dizzy DaMon. concha Claire chiefnewo cherise caty blather Betwixt allaboutme Adriana
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Are these listed from highest number to lowest number of blathes?
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if you account for people having more than one name, the list shuffles a bit (i think nom ends up at the top, followed by kx21 and god)
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wow, i'm surprised i'm so high up.. my only other (long abandoned) name is in the top half too.. tis the way of blather.
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wow.... could there possibly be that many? and think of all of us who went unaccounted for....
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someone remind me to add a blathe-count to the_new_blatherskite_directory
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seriously? no way...! me? at the top?
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how can that be?
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I demand a re-count
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theres no way i've out-blathed stork daddy
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i guess five years adds up
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jane: technically, if you count stork daddy's aliases [assuming i got them all right] as one, 'e outblathes you fairly significantly nom: yup. (the revised list goes something like this, incidentally) nom god silentbob unhinged kx21 Death of a Rose stork daddy birdmad . Dafremen misstree ClairE jane andru235 yummychuckle phil paste! minnesota_chris User24 Syrope ... and so on
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Is it possible to compile a list based on which 'skites have been the most prolific blathe_creators?
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short of grabbing all blathes and parsing them? I can't think of anything at the moment... i could tell you how which skites have created blathes which have never been replied to the most, though
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that would be interesting.
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see: creatorsoflonelyblathes
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yes... i have aliases too - not that i've been even a smidgen as prolific as s.d. & his pseudonyms put together.. but i wonder where i would be on that list... well i'm just honored to be near the top.
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Questions Questions.
Does this list count the total number of blathes posted, or merely the number of words blathed under? For instance one might blathe repeatedly under a word. Is there a handy mechanism to figure out who has blathed how much, word for word? How do you know what Stork Daddy's aliases are? Is there an internal IP tracker or something?
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you sure you got the right nom?
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Questions Questions: all_of_the_aliases_ive_ever_used_on_blather i might have gotten some aliases wrong It doesn't account for people blathing to a blathe twice there's no easy way to count, word for word so really it's just an estimate, hopefully a half-decent one
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Questions Questions.
You do realize that I appreciate your having responded, don't you?
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there is an ip field defined in the db, but i don't think it's used.
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(plus of course only newdream have access to the db) so no-one could read the field even it was being used. always kinda bugged me that my IP migt be being logged. dives into the code.
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fyi. upper caps vs. lower caps. my index page is longer under 'rhin' than it is under 'Rhin' (which you have listed). also, i have quite a few aliases.
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mockingbird, considering you or anyone else here may never know each and every alias belonging to a particular blatherskite, you did an amazing job.
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rhin.. are you sure? I checked your page: http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?who;name=rhin there seem to be many more entries under Rhin than rhin and thanks :)... I did my best.
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i think i meant the url http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?who;name=rhin, which includes both rhin & Rhin, as opposed to the url http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?who;name=Rhin, which is not quite as lengthy. i assumed that you looked at the Rhin url only. my mistake. :) p.s. i'm never sure about anything ;)
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Hmm. My spidey sense is telling me that those two pages are really the same thing (I d/led both of them, and "diff" tells me that only one line is different). Perhaps you're right though But... it actually doesn't matter, 'cause I didn't look at who pages at all to compile the list :)
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(i'm never sure about anything either)
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good job man, good job.
what's it to you?