redneckk kan we hook up, baby?

i hears you quite the sexy shiznit

shit is "so damned sexy"
burden No. And don't touch my sink again. 010529
frankenfistkittten _o_w 010529
idiot come and find me then. 010530
dont burn that hut down. so he grabbed his stuff,
an ran as fast as he could,
he wanted to dive,
he likes studying sand flies,
and he's apopdid did you know!
c i've aways wanted to go to england.
but that beach is so god dam cool.
we had a fight
so i left,
went to aussie land
then a hliday in england
you were lookin' for me admit it.
Duncan Miller
How can i say....
I ony listened to Mr. Bad advice,
go alone its the best way.
yes but I'm ony 19,
so I did it when I was 20.
thanks sexy boy!
oh and the plankton,
we wee in that film too!
nice Jungle book,
where's that funny torch gone!
so when a friend wants to be ya friend don't answer!
cos Cilla Black lost it to my dads landlord in Boston!
do you like Whiskey or Rum honey?
2 times!
oh lets go for a swim then.
2 May be singers and swingers in my town!
Beatles v. Rollin Stones. then the elephant went in 2 by 2 hara
dittle dove send me a sign.
mes got many blind folds many times.
But its butter.
oh god lets go back to Manchester then!.
one Irish Dworf is lost then.
who is he?
question not Irish by any chance?
poor Poor buggers,
so we made a guitar.
fucking cool story in it James!
or is ya name Jimmy? 60s or 70s ?
I prefer double whipped cream myself.
thank you Urella
Have a Nice Day.
Wanna Hear a Funny Story?
maybe Zolas got one!
monee myalgic_encephalomyelitis 041222
what's it to you?
who go