wow jane, you really impress me I was thinking, we should just commit double suicide (not really) and then have someone drag out bodies into public to show society what they did to two hot chicks. Or, we could set ousleves on fire like the buddists. I hate fucking Religion. I think maybe I will just drop off the face of the earth tmw. nobody understands me I am that loser chick that everyone thinks they know until I do something irrational and "out of character" I have lost my fire The world is going to end in 2012 anyway, shoudln't I be doing all the crazy stuff I want. But no... What do people ultimatly want. Besides money and unhappiness. "Love", which isn't real, and possible marriage. What is the main goal of people. I don't know...anyone wanna try to answer. We go throughout this life to: Make money? Have babies? Grow Spiritually? Fufill our destinies? Have faith? Smoke pot? Travel? aside from personal goals, havn't we lost sight of what humanity is? we have destroyed our earth, and now we are destroying ourselves. FUCK ME
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with pleasure. but you know, lydea dear, life can be enjoyable. i'm a hypocrite for saying this because i just told you on the phone that i was sad. but it's true. i said before, happiness is no expectations. and i stand by that. but denis leary was the one to say that happiness came in small portions. and above all, the_meaning_of_life is ultimately to learn and know. but that doesn't mean you can't smoke yourself out along the way... and don't forget, i_love_you although if i ever wanted to kill myself, setting myself on fire like in waking_life would fuckin kick
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and from the moon to the stars, and back again. And wonder, and wonder.. I once sat still and looked quite dreary, that was until the spark awoke
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how ironic, lydea: the first words in moby dick are call_me_ishmael and that alludes to that fuckin book ishmael blaise: craaaaaaaaaaaazy
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ya actually, and there's a band whos name is Call me Ishmael. I really wanna know why. But oh well, I guess it's another night home alone for me....ooo...woe to the people who love sympathy. Those who are antisocial because they are happy, not alone.
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beer bear beat feat peat peet pete pate fate fare fire fine nine none bone done dove love
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