[that is, blathes that have not been replied to] [with people blathing under different names partially accounted for; 3 blathes minimum] [descending order] andru235 stork daddy Death of a Rose nomme paste! fyn gula sab Mahayana god typhoid birdmad oren silentbob Q kx21 auto cross reference system sabbie jennifer Strideo unhinged yummychuckle jane ~gez~ sameolme Dafremen phil . ClairE puredream pete misstree ever dumbening amy sphinxradio anne-girl x farmfish kingsuperspecial rubydee girl_jane art choke Piso Mojado yoink Effingham Fish u24 peyton p2 ferret User24 Tank no reason bijou splinken blown cherry moonshine bethany deb For sure! Toxic_Kisses megan blueberries Joana. sage@d pSyche helly me tonya endless desire dondeestanlosjaguares Quintessensual dafremen t emmi The Schleiffen Man 402_325_6058 me? daxle zeke skinny kss j_blue Ariadani REAListic optimIST kookaburra knot meat IKC 56-80 Bardolph whitechocolatewalrus starjewel sirflaccid DannyH distorted tendencies Bizzar klairchen Rhin Deomis minnesota_chris tennis star of the 70s splash of orange sixteen magicforest hsg a thimble in time The Prophet Syrope ST Mister Brightside vituperus oon morphine. Sam Vaknin Princess Lola Norm Irreverent Lovejoy DannyHq Aimee realistic optimist maria Borealis oren ♫ miniver freakizh devalis TalviFatin Dosquatch Casey whirligirl suicidalchinadoll reitoei mr.bunnyrabbit love & hate fritz dosquatch celestias shadow GibbyPhD Arwyn 852456 squillo not you neesh nah....! florescent light floralieca camille burden blueberries for you andrea The Words of Jesus of Nazareth AeonFlummox *_the missing link_* screwing for virginity psyki like rain. falling_alone a chaotic gift to idealism Twitch China .&. the repeater globalfruitbat Photophobe Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge whome sweetheart of the song tra bong startfires spiffy skalix quotree mikejohnson maruku mad madame mim factory reject Staind_And_Souless Nathan88 Kate Grievance wingedSerpent vicious trixie so fucking lost reue oldephebe not tonya nonlucid icy cube becclebee a torta Thyartshallshant Thoth Sparticus Jenna ofsuch nemo mourninglight methinx m21k kyree elimeny di luce dB cali j blue sky with clouds Twizlex Tess MercynRe Kleh Ver Fire&Roses Annie111 A -{::EphemeralArcs::}- (_) www.blackandredparty.de.vu white_wave wax tadpole walrie the void satan satan satan pat sajak palm not god love jimmy if i could talk id tell you farky the third black-dyed gel product Sintina Mahayana: Zakah: woin stan smurfus rex smile of a dog shower singer paranoid martyr otterpup once again mockingbird mahayana magdalena laced klarchen kerry kaskarkaminski hydrochloric puppy heavy water fierce_otterpup dipperwell deathofarose dandy cresentwhench blah-ze billy ray pirahna anonymous akuma aoi The Truth Teenage Jesus Raina MollyGoLightly Lila Pause Laura Keepsake Freak EECP Consequence Caxton Barrett zanna witchesrequiem unreal silly girl nore mmm milo micky jo log burning fire karl the weed just me jonh johnny west imposter her royal highness the quirk gull giff erin emo ducky colorful goth bzzmel broken bangaaeter ashmanzhou andrew Zantic Xeneth Sparda SuicidalAngel Sonya Shugarhi Perspectives_of_Soul Eva CheapVodka Brad :..S e e d S.:...o f...:.L i g h T..: 2 1/2 wise cracks zeke gordon whitney whisper_to_the_moon the cheer-up kid the Walrus tessa sylvia plath split droner spacemanwithadeadbrain shiva pralines&cream oo no nisus niska me? - typhoid littel_elf kipper king kong NINJA kendra joepriest hsgatincamail greatbigcuddle gay gizmo from now on fred hydrochloric etoiles estarocks emerald dudeinanigloo dallas coldmeshach cheerleaderslut bandaids angie [incantation] [.:..The SeeR ..:.] Zsiga Symphonic Splinty Somebody that I used to know Riva Quill Praxis Philifledermaus Mandida MDogMA Forming Mind Farool Dan Moyer Cuntess Tankula Blake Bespeckled Ben Alexander Beetle ? who i am doesnt matter anymore vichy velocipede rider of the 1890s twiggie syd sugar squint is insane squigglybee splat spiregrain spilt_milk somenom sevenmorethaneight scuzz sanguineous rage psychobabe poet pinkish not important nighean_siofra nanny mrbunnyrabbit mpayton misspelled words need blathes too missionary mahdi lovers lament lou_la_belle lost little wishes linker kim kill rhythm kate jon jenny enny dots jeffrey insane_child innocent insect gwyllynne glissade gimme gimme gertrude sting fyngula forlorad flexible finngwen farmer fairydust eskimos friend elisabeth42 eklektic drstrangelove divine madness delial december bird ass facely applegirl anomalous ani andie almost asleep alejandro a girl with nothing to say a "Point" WTF Vylsefter Vaz Utah TK Squalidangel Spare Change SomeoneElse Sol Smurf Shar Saorise Prediction Neal Boortz Morbius Madame Justine Kristopher JustOnMonday Jennifer Bethke JdAwG Ivory Erin Emberghost Dredge Clark Nova BitterSweetDream Andrew Sier Alejandro Ahmad .x. .fallen 4 3133 ztupid yes? xyphoid xhellyx weege? vinny vexx2.0 traditional thunderbuck ram the_dark_knight taojones spider from mars slothisily slipperyonetimelover sleepless sixfingers simon sigma shinya onna sheryl sarpedon sappy tree sahba roxy ren reenz ravensfears ragueneau plumbrook pipedream pigeon peachy paul oon (farky) oh nora oak barrel nonsensical mytwohands moi miss me mikey m_"bop". m lovelark loopo lola lokkust lizard little wonder little bug larla lady lunchbox lacunas coil kork kiwibird kamui k jthemo joda jimmyjoe corndog jimmy ray lungfish illusionary_reality identificationless ice iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl iMay232004 highanddry good people flo flippo experimenting erin. ee beep peep drzeus draugHrafn dis daydream believer d christopher levesque christina agui-llama charlie cfork carne de metal bryanfrbs blueberries and raspberries blaber mouth binx bill bixby belly fire armando antisocialbehaviour androgynous amorfus amillio afrika a [~SLAYER~] Zippo Zeke Zactin Thus have I read / heard. The Spork The Graces from Heaven The Blackest of The Black Sheep Ter Sundari Raine Splinken Snook Seed Pixle Stix Perspective_Of_Soul Pam OuT Nirvanic Blind Nerbus Maximus NekoBaka Mushroomman Mokita Mateo Master X Marian Kulak Lisa Lemon_Soda Kaskarkaminski Juve Jeca J ItGirl Iraq Grace Glory Box End Is Forever Dreamer Definition Death of a rose Coleen Kepner Cole Bill Ambience Alex Alden Afro Adams ??? Xeneth Sparda -{::ephemeral_arcs::}- *Ziima* !
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no reason to reply
i don't blather to be replied to; therefore my blathers aren't lonely. thankyouverymuch!
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good point perhaps it was a badly chosen nameforablathe lonelyblathes blathesthatneednoreply blathesthatstandalone blathesthatarecompleteinthemselves it's merely a trivial curiosity, these lists and lists and lists (quote) If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumber'd here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream,
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otto pilate
heh. nice.
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i think all of us have lonely blathes *shrugs*
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sweet...a list where I could find my name!
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sweet...a list where I could find my name!
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pissy IGG finds an outlet
aww. poor me and my lonely blathes. clearly i must have posted on the wrong site, i meant to post on blather. i appear to have posted on a message forum instead.
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i think its a perfect name. how did you create the list?
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i grabbed the blather?who;num=(verylargenumber) list && counted all the blathes which only appeared once blathes which were blathed to exclusively by one person were counted too, inadvertently
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interesting to be so full of loneliness blather sure does kill mine
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woo! i outrank myself! (that is to say u24 beats User24) if being lonely is a good thing. if not... woo! i inrank myself! (User24 is lower than u24) hehe.
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could you find out the oldest lonely blathe? I'm pretty sure that'd take some serious number crunching though..
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not necessarily... if i knew the total amount of blathes [max num=], then I could probably grab that page and reduce the number gradually until the amount of lonely blathes decreased by 1 with a couple of good guesses, it probably wouldn't take too long at all *adds to to-do list*
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crunching the data's fast, it's waiting for blather's servers to deliver it that takes time :)
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I wonder if they are more "crabby blatherskites with sharp elbows"
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i knew i'd be on this list
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what's it to you?