sphinxradio i needed my own blather room.

(looks around proudly)

needs a fishtank.
Annie111 Can I come in, I'll be your roommate.
NYU dude! We got in!
sphinxradio you must supply the nyu banners and other paraphenelia, as i don't have any
but i do have a lovely poster of the manhattan skyline
we can put that just next to the east window
welcome. have a cookie_on_a_stick.
cube The skyline poster is a great idea given the fact that there are no windows yet.

I like fish tanks too. I've had a few over the years and plan to get another. Bill not withstanding, fish are pretty daft creatures, no?
sweetheart of the song tra bong I never had a fish, but they'd be ideal in a blather room. No fuss, no mess. Very Martha Stewart.

My dorm room is too small to cram everything I want in, or to proporly decorate.
ClairE is lovely. 011220
sphinxradio winter begins, and i confess my love in a letter. how classic. and stupid.

but you saw me coming from all the way down the hall, then, and you couldn't stop smiling, and i couldn't look away but then i did anyway.

love songs in my head again, and so much confusion and wrapping paper.

(to be filed away in some corner of my room)
sphinxradio (throws two christmas sweaters into the closet)

has some returning to do.
sphinxradio realization of the day:
people are tricky and complicated.

realization #2:
people hear only what they want to hear.

things to remember.
ClairE I would like to give her a hug. 011231
sphinxradio hates everything sometimes. 020107
sphinxradio likes hugs :) thank you 020107
ClairE I wonder if the snow is getting her down. She should talk to me online. Then I could give her a better hug.

Thank you.
sphinxradio almost lost everything at once,
just like last year.
regained sanity, found love, in one monday-wednesday stretch.
back until further notice, i hope.
ClairE Hooray!

Hey, Sally! Where'd you get "sphinxradio" from?
sphinxradio new year's resolutions and their status:

1. (i've forgotten what it was.)
2. learn how to cook something besides easy mac. baked mom's birthday cake. used the wrong kind of oil but everyone was impressed anyway.
3. (forgotten that, too. i have this written down somewhere, i think).
4. be less obsessive about certain person. status: not broken, yet, although i've come close.
5-7: who knows.

well, that was pointless. i'm kind of proud about the cake, though.

sphinxradio: who knows. it found me one day when i needed an original internet identity. product of my dadaist days: it doesn't mean anything at all.

how ideal, then, to have a name no one recognizes. it means they have to accept whatever is presented to them, since they have no preconceptions to work off of. blank slate.
oren pyramidTV 020113
sphinxradio oh, no, i'm stupid, now the names are next to each other and taunting me...

fate works out in true romantic comedy fashion. they go to duke together.

the demanding new york girlfriend is kicked out. audience cheers.

new york girl vanishes from face of the earth. no one notices.

i hate these nightmares.
sphinxradio i feel young today, in a good way.

it's spring.
sphinxradio i am the worst person in the world.

hate me.

stay away.

i am mean, malicious.

i don't deserve the luck i have.

karma, kill me now.
ClairE I would feel that way about me but I am selfish enough to gather my friends around me.

Don't give up on yourself.
sphinxradio oh, no.
can't talk anymore.
get thee to a nunnery...
sphinxradio ps to claire: thank you for your concern, but i'd like to make it clear that here, you only see my extreme moods.
blank slate. blank slate.
sphinxradio things are just so biological. what else is there to believe. 020117
sphinxradio ...has gone insane. 020125
sphinxradio ...has lost a boyfriend. this just isn't my year. 020125
sphinxradio i think things are not so bad as they seemed to be. maybe they never are.

my birthday is in less than a month. i woke up this morning and thought it was here already.

i was almost disappointed to be wrong. but not really.
sphinxradio i don't remember why i made my own room anymore.
it feels like i've cluttered it up, somehow.
what i really need is a big karmic trash can.
sphinxradio this is who i wish i was --
middle sister with an older and younger brother.
a dancer, or faithful participant in a sport like basketball. maybe both.
graceful, eloquent, and in turn able to impress adults.
magnetic. never jealous.
i'd still like to be able to write well and take pictures.
maybe the only change i'd really want is the addition of two brothers. i've always liked the idea of being part of a family of five or six, so long as i'm not the oldest one.
what's it to you?
who go