Rhin What in the hell are you smokin', and can I have some? You are so goddamn peppy, I want to slap you upside the head! It's like when I see that energizer bunny - I want to wring his furry little neck! Damn bunnies!!!
*Rhin winks & laughs*
Thyartshallshant Is it ok for me to take that as a complement? 001230
Rhin Do I know you?
Do you know me?
Barrett I second the motion, do we know you? 001230
Thyartshallshant Nope, not that i kno. Unless you kno some geeky kid that lives in the California mountains. 001230
j_blue what region of our great state? 001230
Thyartshallshant Sierra Navadas. Central/South type of thing. 001230
? A/S/L ? 001231
Thyartshallshant Dear ?,
If you must know this very second, 15/M/Cali-freakin-ornia. hehe... If you would like to learn more about the above topics, please point your blathering browser to "who_are_you" where you'll learn tons more about lil ol me.
Yours Truely,
? Thank you, but that won't be necessary. 15 tells me enough. 001231
silentbob so all you really want to know is if you can legally fuck him?
15 doesnt make a person
an AGE doesnt define what kind of personality someone will have
twenty year olds act a lot like the fifteen year olds i know, and vice versa

Dear Mister or Mrs Question Mark
you response was rather rude.
daxle I dunno, I have to say that my first response to finding out he was fifteen is that is does indeed explain a lot. 001231
j_blue hm 001231
Barrett Hey man,
We still love you...
just stop tripp'n us out!
? Rhin Bobby,
The inquiry regarding "Thy's" age, was made with the intention, of narrowing down a list of suspects, concerning his identity. By you assuming, that I was inquiring, if he was jailbait, or that I was making references to his age - in regards to his blathers', then you are the one, in fact, being rude to me.

I apologize if my inquiry was mis-leading to you also. I was just trying to get a simple answer (anonymously), with a simple question. You are not who I thought you were. Carry on...
silentbob hehe
that made me giggle out loud
Rhin Bobby,
You! You! You!
What am I going to do with you?!
Thyartshallshant *laughing in the background of the events unfolding before his eyes* 010101
Rhin You are certainly making your mark!
*Rhin laughs*
Presydent Barrett Thyart,
I have reviewed your application for the position of "Head of Masturbation."
You seem to have all the credentials we are looking for. I will nominate you for the position, will anyone second the nomination?
V. Pussydent Si-Rhin As the acting V.P. of the B.P.A., I second the nomination! Congratulations Thyartshallshant! Welcome to our realm of perversion! Make us proud!!! 010102
V. P. Si-Rhin *sniff* *sniff*
(sorry, just a little emotional)
el Presydente el syd as the Head of Masturbation your duties include self service, a minimum of 5 times a day 010102
V.P. Si-Rhin "Ahem!"
Thyart, please go down the hall (ummmmmmm...i believe it's the ninth door on the left), to the united_perverts_of_blathe, for your personal induction, into our kinky little ass (ociation)!
Thyartshallshant *scurries off down the hall with pants down* Thaaannnk Yoooouu! 010103
Thyartshallshant Opposite of: Thythoushallshant. 010120
... is he gone?
is he really really gone?!

she_knows_me Again.. Angie..

She fucks misery.. so that she can feel again.. the barbs of death's manhood ripping the insides of her so she can bleed.. just to know she's alive..

I don't know whether to cry for her.. or spit on her.

What a fucking waste.. what a fucking pathetic shame..
blue star I miss you, my beloved thy... 020428
lost gues what people thy is finally home. he isn't allowed to use the internet yet though. 020429
blue star tell him his blather_wife has been faithful... mostly cuz she hasn't got any other offers... 020429
lost69 wanna cheat huh? blue star 020808
deb ah, back in the day...
he used to plague us

but i hope he's ok-
he was just a kid,
after all
unhinged i miss you 101208
daxle I hope he has found the sort of unconditional acceptance I certainly wasn't offering.
What was I then, 19? 18/19 year olds know everything. It's amazing, really.
what's it to you?
who go