spacemanwithadeadbrain shot and killed. ran up the wall didn't. come back i saw the batman. when not was here? 050608
skyburst777 forget batman. 050608
mrhthepie this site is very wierd 050927
andru235 ///////////// :D ///////////


spacetravel is for smart souls and idiotic bodies. stay on your planet. if you want to go to another planet, die. much quicker. better for your health. less taxing on the planet's resources.
andru235 p.s. astronauts hardly do anything. almost all control is in the hands of those on the ground

(at least, thus far, with little prospect of change on the horizon)

most of the early astronaut 'heroes' immediately withdrew from the public and several expressed very critical disdain for NASA. i'm not sure about the russian scene, though.
HairThief astronaut is one of those professions that really never lives up to the childhood idealistic image. I always wanted it to be pulling large levels and blasting off all the time but apparently there's training to be done. Train driver is another job that should be a lot more fun that reality allows. 050927
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