a baby sparrow fell yesterday from it's nest on the balcony above ours.. i got out a stool and some rubber gloves so my scent wouldn't be on the poor thing, got it back in its nest, and everything so proud- but tonight i saw the sparrow again, on the deck, and it had died... now i wonder, did it fall again? did its mother kick it out from it smelling of rubber gloves? would it still be alive if i'd left it alone? sigh. didn't mean to kill you little bird
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red rackham
Fallen warbler, closely related to the Tit.
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mother birds can't really smell you, except vultures
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paranoid martyr
"His eyes are on the sparrow but i know He is watching me.." awesome song, specially when is Lauryn Hill's.
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story of eau
i'm in love with no one in particular. a modern magdalen.
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jane and garfunkel
Who will love a little Sparrow? Who's traveled far and cries for rest? "Not I," said the Oak Tree, "I won't share my branches with no sparrow's nest, And my blanket of leaves won't warm her cold breast." Who will love a little Sparrow And who will speak a kindly word? "Not I," said the Swan, "The entire idea is utterly absurd, I'd be laughed at and scorned if the other Swans heard." Who will take pity in his heart, And who will feed a starving sparrow? "Not I," said the Golden Wheat, "I would if I could but I cannot I know, I need all my grain to prosper and grow." Who will love a little Sparrow? Will no one write her eulogy? "I will," said the Earth, "For all I've created returns unto me, From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be."
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sing little bird sing you never know the hope you'll bring
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Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
what's it to you?