look at him go.
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: ) That makes two of us. They've already seen me though. This is your debut, silly. You're the guest of honor.
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Ally of Zeke
Actually Daf, you are the guest of horror. You have most of us here disgusted. Learn to apologize and see the value in other people's stances.
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No. "I don't want to sail with this ship of fools" - World Party (1987)
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Temporary Enemy of Daf
But you are already aboard.
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No shit sherlock. This is seasickness tired of the endless worldwide_blah_blah_blah everyone's got an opinion no one can stop their reactions to actions and reactions and so the ship sails on and I thought about maybe leaning over the railing and vomiting into the ocean from the nausea but I soon realized that this crew was more deserving of the foul stench of my disillusion than the sea was and that perhaps maybe just maybe the stench of it might send folks overboard will we disembark or slide around in the puked up mewlings of the worldwide_blah_blah_blah? Should be quite a show either way.
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seriously, man...give this "show" bullshit a rest. for all your pretense of wisdom or whatever you think it might be, these little episodes tend to paint you as being antagonistic for no other purpose than your own entertainment (and self-validation, apparently) in short: you're being a bit of a douche-nozzle sorry, but that's how i'm seeing it from here
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we are all little people in his great eyes
no, no, birdmad, you are missing the point. until we allow him to be a dick we're not free (or something). and they're just words (or something). and he's not really a dick, he's just pretending to be a dick. he's actually really sweet (or something). and you can never know him (or something).
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actually its an ass-bong...but same difference.
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and yea anonymous detractor that's pretty much it...except for the great eyes thing. it's just lil 'ol me, near-sighted, ornery and not about to give a fuck about your poor, poor sensibilities and your strict expectations for "social behavior." do forgive me for writing what I will here. from now on..i'll try to confine my activities to poetry, word games, pleasant chit-fucking-chat and personal anecdotes. will that meet the blather_nazis requirements for today? will there be anything else sirs?
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They call me Truth
IS that what this is all about, not confirming to socials behavior? IS that what you think is going on here? Do you even value anyone on here? As a fried? As a person? Its not about confirming, its about respect. But nevermind, even if i am trying to speak to you from a place of friendship your going to still see it as another person telling you what to do and you don't give a shit about that, and you have to prove that constantly through your words and actions. Blather nazis? WHat? LOL WOW daf, really? So this is your holocaust then? Daf relax, calm down about this "i dont give a shit thing" and have some pizza. DO you like cheese? I got pepperoni as well.
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awww brother..you're spoiling the fun. this_is_a_test. it is only a test. we now return you to your NORMAL blathing activities.
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by the way. no...i dont know everyone around here. and how much respect would you like me to have for folks with "in-your-face" reactions to behavior they don't approve of? am i supposed to like that? am i supposed to admire that? should i get down on my knees and thank them for fueling the fire of conflict? you know what rumi used to say when someone tried to argue with or insult him? "You're right." he knew. the solution to human conflict is not fencing with words to convince, pressure or persuade change. the solution to stopping human conflict..is to refuse to engage it. that didnt mean not responding...and certainly rumi's reaction was extreme. i'd site your example as one that meets the bill..for the most part. you kept your energy from flipping over to the will-escalate-the-conflict side. what if i AM an unreasonable individual with severe emotional problems? how would screaming at me do anything except isolate me from you, making me less willing to hear anything you might have to say? not the best approach to solving a problem. not the best example of how to get the world a huggin. what i do is what i do..you can understand it, accept it, reject it...or whatever you want. dont presume to know why i do anything unless you're willing to let go and actually figure WHY it is that i'm doing whatever it is that i do. stress does not play into this..although i have been quitting_smoking for a few days now. thank gawd for weed...(contented sigh)
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They call me Truth
so you can be in people's face insulting them but they cant respond to that by telling you they don't like it? are they suppose to not tell you that they dont appreciate your insults or should they just assume that you are not human enough to understand? and are they not suppose to get upset when you respond to them with more insults, sarcasm, and attempts at being clever? your asking if you are suppose to admire or like people for their in your face behavior, but it doesn't seem to click to you that thats exactly what you have been doing to cause this behavior to be reflected back to you...all in the name of fun and show. daf, you don't know why i talk to you the way I do...but you already seem to decide for me why i am talking to you in the way that i do. its not because i dont want to antagonize you, its because i respect you as a person and the words you write when you are not insulting people. I understand that you have made up your mind about this, and i dont expect that anyone here is going to change it. you wont listen and you dont see any reason to. Thats okay.
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brother..click? i am getting in their faces on PURPOSE. that may be a VERY difficult concept for you to relate to. there's no need to point out the hypocrisy of it..i've already done so on at least 2 occasions during this entire episode. im expressing something here. something is being brought to the surface for examination...and hopefully if we can ever get past the "you have the right but WE don't?!!?!" phase..there might be something worth reflecting on..or at least worth enjoying..if and once the nuances of it are appreciated. who knows? I don't harbor any expectations for how this will come out. only a vague notion of what it is that i'm hoping to see when it's completed. now..you're getting redundant and a bit snippy. how should that be taken? (note slight escalation in aggressive energy toward the end..that's bait. hint hint)
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Temporary Enemy of Daf
Daf still seems to believe that others can be convinced he is in control. Perhaps if he reiterates for the thousandth time that he is behaving in such ways to [insert specious reasoning here], others will experience a volte-face and buy it. As usual, he presumes that this advanced concept of firestarting could possibly be too difficult for intelligent beings to grasp. He states this presumption quite openly, perhaps because the art of subtlety is lost on him, or perhaps because he realizes how transparent his words have become.
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They call me Truth
I have been talking for a while just to see your responses, which are always fun and predictable in their redundancy, but i am sure you knew that. You know everything. Guess we are both doing things on purpose.
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They call me Truth
But seriously daf, do you really think I haven't realized that you are doing it on purpose? Do you think you haven't made that clear? Maybe people just respond, and if they didn't it would just be because they are ignoring you. Perhaps, there is no mystery here. People respond for the same reason you taunt, because they entertain their silly whims. Perhaps they are not much different than you. they speak to see what will happen when you examine something interesting as well...about yourself. Or perhaps you are right.
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don't_feed_the_troll do_not_feed_the_trolls
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don't troll the feed either, you may not like what you find in there. ...
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Half of the wounded world cries its pain and receives relief. The other half YELLS its pain and receives more grief. Those cranky fucks have feelings under the scars that define their antisocial behavior. I grew up with them. Most had been yelled at, hurt, betrayed and had no stability in their lives as children. I knew them growing up, in orphanages and foster homes. I later knew them on the street and still know them today. These people were TRAUMATIZED from childhood and have no way out of their nightmare most days..just the lucky ones, who keep hold of their souls during the tumble dry of adulting as a human anomaly, in a society that grew up with baby bottles, breakfast, backpacks and bandaids for their boo-boos. For example, imagine being Richard. Lived alone with his dog in a trailer towed by a pickup. His attachment disorder was so thick, he squirted me in the face with a bottle of water when we were just sitting and talking. It was random, antisocial as fuk, and infuriated me. (Interesting side note: I recognized his disorder almost immediately, since it's my own.) I looked him in the face and said, "Why'd you do that bro? Are you ok? WTF?" I feel like that's an appropriate response in a wounded world. Their response after THAT determines whether I chuck them in my "judged an asshole" bin, or realize that I'm just dealing with another piece of fucked up human flotsam that's afraid of connecting anymore; someone that needs to know that they are accepted before they can give acceptance. Someone who has to push at people to test who's real. Or maybe Mike? The guy who's so sure everyone thinks he's stupid, that he once jumped up and started STRANGLING me for mentioning that sometimes an "orphan's eye can provide a different perspective." As we're lying there on the floor, his hands attempting to wring the life from me, I recognize all of the people who failed to recognize his intellect, whatever its level, and act as the scapegoat for their crimes saying (over his wife Maureen's freaked out screams), "Why are you doing this Mike? I've always got your back, bro. I don't understand this." And I didn't. As soon as I said it, neither did he, so he let go of my neck. Then finally..the MIKE of Mike appeared in his eyes again. Telling the difference between the horse & the rider is VERY important if you want to communicate with people who are temporarily(or chronically) lost. If you haven't the time or the taste to learn horse from rider, never mind those psychology classes. But back to the examples: Maybe the neighbor behind me? Nice guy. Worked his ass off, for his 2.5 kids (ok the .5 was 2 dogs, which makes me a heartless dog bigot, I suppose). Wife ended up leaving him because of all of the time he spent on the road..which she insisted on. She took the kids AND the fat, neglected, wheezy remainders of the aforementioned dogs, leaving him all alone after 16 years of marriage or more. He talks to himself now. I'm sure it started in the truck he drove..for them..because society told him to take care of that shit. And he's not that bright, but a great guy. So trucking and divorce for him. And somehow, it's impossible for me to just leave him talking to himself like that. So now I'm sorting through a bag of junk he gave me, because (as I've spent a few years ascertaining) he doesn't know HOW to socialize, other than gift giving. And he has been socially isolated by this parental oversight. Anyone here feel for him? What if you didn't know his story and he was aggressively defensive, and overtly trying to cover his lack of self esteem with an exaggerated ego? Would you feel for him them? Characters serve a purpose. (Let's not get into how short sighted it is not to realize that. Just enjoy the show..moving on.) What would AID the situation? What would calm these distraught human beings who cannot, will not or do not know to ask for help? To beg the kindness they seek, with a coin they have not been given..the coin of kindness? Their's is a dilemma. Ours isn't. We can assume that they aren't handicapped because we don't see an arm missing, or a wheelchair in sight..and berate them for their handicap and their curse. Shame them for not "dealing with it in a sociable manner." I've watched so many people pat themselves on the back for "being kind and accepting" when they chose to, and when the human beings behaved in a manner they found..pitiable or relatable. I've found a very rare few, who are besieged by humanity's wailing wounded, and managed to deliver healing instead of more hurt. Isn't it funny how we'll see a snarling dog in a shelter, or on an SPCA video and somehow divine that it must've been traumatized, but don't even consider that when it comes to hurt, snarling (or snarky) people? Or if we do, our own emotional scars refuse to admit it, for fear of playing kind sucker to another clowning asshole. (Ahhh the immense power of the minority to control the majority with bullshit, mirrors and carefully cultivated conditioning.) Meanwhile, we passively admit (through our insistence on sociable behavior, respect and kindness), that these hurt ones probably only need love and understanding for an extended period of time to get over their trauma. Here's what's toxic: Going back to mom's(or dad's) house for a reset after the world slaps you shitless, then pretending that you're an expert on how people should cope with society. Shakespeare said that all the world's a stage..with most shoved off into a dark corner; waiting for humanity to re-emerge. And what'd some blatherskites have (exceptions revealed upon request), even after seeing a stranger's best...when faced with an antisocial mood, phase or situation? The usual: they fell into their own conditioning and rejected them if they couldn't CORRECT them. Inclusive doesn't mean "as long as they agree with you or speak the way you want them to." Inclusive means, "I see you through your scars, and experiences and despite our differences, see myself there." When we stop waiting for the world to meet our expectations, we will find ourselves..everywhere. Found most of you a long time ago. Tag. Still your turn.
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That was fantastic. I get it.
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The natives are restless again. "Seems to me the reason you love this place so much is because it's the only one that will have you. If this were a moderated forum, you would have been banned a long time ago and branded an abusive troll." I'm surrounded by folks getting 30 day, 60 day and 90 day bans, and yet the worst I've received is a 3 day ban. Why? Because you don't have to use abusive language to tell someone the truth and use hit them twice as hard. I love blather because it doesn't let you tell it what to be. Thank gawd for the neutrality around here. You folks are a mob that borders on cult sometimes. And your elitist bullshit is completely off of the charts. Yay for blather wanting to see what happens instead of steer what happens. You should take notes. "The fundamental difference between you and almost everyone else who's passed through here is that you view all of this as a "show" and a performance, while most of the rest of us have always been more interested in expressing something meaningful and real and leaving behind something of our true selves, hoping to make this place more beautiful than it was when we found it." No you don't. Actions always speak louder than words. The last couple of blathes in this blather speak of your "beautiful". Beautiful on your terms and hide the homeless behind a dumpster. Or the loudmouths. Or the mentally ill. Or whoever doesn't speak to you in the manner to whch you've grown accustomed. Me too. And unfortunately, you don't even know HOW to pass muster. Meanwhile, the blob of molecules being tossed around by energy doesn't even know its on a stage in the middle of a show formed of light, matter, energy and impulse. Sorry you got lost in your OWN bullshit, if you weren't so clueless about the nature of your existence, you'd be laughing your ass off rght now. Anyhow, just so you know..if I kept my mouth shut, you'd get the full brunt of what you have coming from the universe for throwing shit out there. Trust me, I know..I surf karma all of the time. You're too precocious for a brother to just let the wrath of God hit you like a hot shit pie.. I got love, dontcha know? Enjoy the show, you're soaking in it.
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Oh, and your Nietzsche observation was spot on. He was a kid I knew from high school that I outgrew. Now he's just another character to call up on demand in public. Got plenty of them. The human race is a great character study.
what's it to you?