It occurred to me the other night while talking with the one I love that it doesn't matter how redeeming in value or despicable the content may be its all the same with these words its all the same these are skyscrapers these are paved roads and automobiles we're building here these are governments and armies we're constructing this is war we are waging just more of the same if not physical then intellectual and it's ALL the same just pink blips on the landscape engaging themselves building their mental creations here in the worldwide blah blah blah the endless cacophony of self importance self immolation self denial self hate self love self must be seen self must have meat and sometimes blood or pain or gentleness or shame retracted then repaved and as was said its all the same blah blah blah we construct our names out of thin air some would call us magicians others might say insane but we oh we've got our own opinions we got something to say always something to say because you gotta shout loud and often if you don't want the words to simply mark your grave gotta keep up construction say what we'll say do what we'll do pave what we'll pave and assume that it matters that it really matters what we say (or attempt to change) but its never enough there is never a day that the breath of the wind or of nature's play can be heard too well over the din of this thing this foolish tower this mass grave the litany of we "blah blah blah" we say.
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They call me Truth
I am a human being, with enough words left over after a long day, swimming in my head, that can no doubt corrupt me or bring me comfort and hope for tomorrow. Some nights I find peace, embracing me like a warm rain and i can rest, feeling like i have done all I could do, and if tomorrow gives me another chance at life, I may be able to do more. No doubt the world is insane, and we all struggle to make our voices heard amongst the constant verboseness that creeps under the crevices and folds of our skin and smothers the air around us. We breathe it in. We exhale. We breathe it in again. We may even give our last breath to sending more words into the world to be heard. We struggle. We try to understand. We attack. We abuse. We light fires that burn our own entrails in our stomach and feed our passions. We fight wars. We disagree and claim to be individuals while forming an endless sea of drones. We sometimes become existentialists, some of us adopt religion, some of us believe in nothing at all and live empty lives and wait for their deaths. Some of us join the circus of monotonous and perpetual disorder that engulfs and sustains itself on diseased bodies and collapsed and painful ideologies that breathe death into the mouth of newly born babies, infecting them with the same plague. It may be human nature, or the endless waltz that we dance, the drama that continues to unfold as our lips tighten and our blood crawls as we desperately try to find freedom from it, while continuing to entertain it and follow its laws. But this is our humanity. This is our flaws and our strengths. This is our relationship with the world and each other, and ultimately we must face it, endure, live with it, find beauty in it, or spiral into oblivion or collapse under its wheels screaming hatred at the randomness of it all. This is the reality we have created and the reality we have been casted into We feed our egos sometimes, and some of us have the audacity to believe that we can indeed change this world, that we can bring this entire entity together and find harmony and peace. some of us are idealistic enough to dream Utopia and that we may be the voice that brings it into existence. Some of us try to impact as much as we can so we can change something, bring people together and find love in all the mess. Some of us just enjoy the sound of our own voices. We lie. We cheat. we kill. We struggle. We live. We live. And we die. Sometimes a million times in one day. But some do hope. That they live long enough and gain enough wisdom to stop dying while they are living.
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or perhaps this is all wankery on these blue screens, however erudite and entertaining
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: ) Chris..shhh you're gunna spoil everything!
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you and your 'show' (sigh)
what's it to you?