daf For those of you who haven't read meet_the_beast, you might want to before reading this piece as it provides important background material.

The purpose of this blathe will be to attempt to describe a process. This is an evolutionary process that one could probably describe fairly accurately as a filtration process.

Now this is not a process of judgement anymore than short necked giraffes were judged as being worthy of extinction. It is, as mentioned above, an evolutionary process.

Crisis and observation. That is the name of the game at this juncture in the evolutionary process.

The question: Are you more human than animal?

The test: Crisis

The passing grade: To have acted in a HUMAN manner in spite of said crisis.

The failing grade: To have given in to instinctual behaviors and the conditioning imposed upon us from a very early age by human animals..

What DOES it mean to be HUMAN? If you can think of an example, you must be able to demonstrate that there is no correlation between that behavior or trait and similar behaviors and attitudes on the part of animals.

In other words, if your example is a trait that is ALSO shared by animals, then it is NOT an example of a human trait, but an animal trait that humans exhibit. We are both animal, and something more. So we will, of course, have both natures. But those traits that DISTINGUISH us from animals define our evolutionary direction.

Now MANY will ACT as humans until it hits the fan. When crisis DOES hit though, we can observe the actions of those so called humans and determine which of their natures TRULY is stronger within them.

A human being will not brutalize another human being in order to ensure their own survival. A human animal WILL.

Just look at what's happening in New Orleans. Rape, murder, people looking for resources, preying on the weak and defnesless in order to stuff their own faces. If you put a stolen piece of bread in your child's mouth that you took from another...what have you made your child an accessory to?

Go ahead, say survival. You will have your answer..and so will those who have been observing your actions.

This is the nature of crisis and observation. This is the nature of the test and it is why New Orleans will not be the last. Not by a long shot.

The majority of human animals will converge on the places which provide them with the best material opportunities. These will be unconcerned with what those places do to them spiritually. They will be unconcerned with the tendency these places have to strengthen the brute in them and bury their truly human side.

These will or have converged upon the cities.

Has anyone noticed that the majority of our largest cities are located along water routes? Has anyone wondered not WHY that is, but what that might mean? Do you think there is not a purpose to it? That it was simply a natural choice for our predecessors to make?

Prepare for crisis. Prepare to observe and be observed. Prepare yourself, or become like the short-necked giraffe, an anachronism; an evolutionary failure.
ILove faith, belief, hope 050907
ILove Good Day...I was wanting more of your take on this evolutionary/spiritual path of human beings. I believe that my life is not over at death, and that on our journey we live many lives. Are you saying that none of us will really be gone forever, that only the ones not passing on the beasts conditioning to their children will survive in body? And then what? Will we all eventually have a second coming? What sort of crisis could be of this magnitude, that everyone would have a chance to prove the human in them? Is this crisis you talk of in everyday things or something bigger? I can't image not ever knowing my family? I thank you for these messages, and am on the path to observe and be observed. Best Regards to you daf. I love you too. 050908
daf Hello ILove,

It is imperative that I be very careful in what I am about to write here this morning. Part of the reason for this is, that I don't know all of the answers..just some of them. Secondly, I have been accused countless times of trying to start a cult, or having a messianic_complex, and so to do whatever answers I might give justice, it is crucial that these words be chosen very carefully.

Otherwise it is only a matter of time before the simplicity of this blathe is overrun with all sorts of mean, hateful, hurtful things.

Right now it is so beautiful, just the way it is. But such is the nature of blather. Those of us who have been here for awhile, have come to not only curse this trait, but embrace it as the one redeeming factor that all blatherskites can appreciate...absolute freedom of expression.

I will answer your question, the next blathe. Statements will be worded in the form of MY BELIEFS, not necessarily ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE, since that is what seems to rile up the folks around here more than anything.
marked . 050909
daf Let me address your points and questions one at a time.

My take on the spiritual/evolutionary path of human beings is this:

We began as clouds of dust and gas, evolved into solid planetary forms, which then evolved into primitive plant life, then more complex, then aquatic animal, land animal and mammals. I believe that all of this has led up to THIS particular point in the evolutionary cycle, where there is an animal, that is now capable of acting as a crossover between the material and spiritual planes. I believe that these are now born with SPIRIT beneath the flesh. (I assume that somewhere WAAAAY down the line, this will lead to the manifestation of a purely spiritual being, but cannot confirm this..only suspect based on a clue or two.)

What I feel has been happening throughout human history, what I feel is the PURPOSE of our long and bloody struggle, is to bring us to learn that the constructs our material brains cannot satisfy our spiritual selves.

In other words, I believe that we have been going through all of this misery, suffering and pain in order to teach us as a race to stop relying on the guidance of our ANIMAL brain (which allows us to interface with the PHYSICAL plane) and start relying on the intuition and guidance of our SPIRITUAL brain (which alows us to inteface with the SPIRITUAL plane.)

Was it the Police that said..."We are a material world"? Indeed this is what I believe.

I do believe, to that end, that our spirits are practically immortal, but I also believe, that just as neanderthal, gave way to cro-magnon, those whose spiritual self is not strong enough to wade through the DIRT of the material brain, are considered weak by evolutionary standards, and are so returned to the pool of stuff after a number of increasingly unsuccessful incarnations.

What that means is that YES, I do believe we come back. I believe that we've been here many times, waiting for our race and our society to evolve to that point where we no longer teach our children through the filter of an ANIMAL brain, but through the guidance of a spiritual self.

Then I believe that all of this misery will eventually vanish. I don't believe Spirits don't go around vanqishing each other. They don't go around controlling each other. I believe that they don't go around exploiting each other, because spirits realize the truth behind it all: that we are all of us one single organism in the process of becoming what it was meant to be.

I believe that we are approaching a major event. The Earth's own "swimming pool strainer", which will remove LARGE quantities of the predominantly ANIMAL portions of our populations, allowing those who have managed to escape the confines of their own thoughts, to continue evolving, not just on an individual level, but on a racewide scale as well.

I feel that when those that are lost in this catastrophe return, they will have a much easier time of it...because the society that they are reborn into will have changed significantly.

It will not impose ANIMAL conditioning nor an animal system upon them. Then even THESE who cannot see easily through that which is around them, will be able to find their spiritual self and allow it to take control.

I do not believe in Hell. In my believe system, Hell is simply the ground, where all of the heavier elements tend to congregate. If you are more dirt than light, more material than spiritual, then you head in the direction of the "Lake of Fire" (read: molten core) at the center of the Earth. Material things attract more material things to them. They attract more subatomic particles, resulting in heavier and heavier matter. At the center of the Earth are the heaviest of these. Noone wants to go there, for that is certainly evolutionary extinction.

I do believe in heaven. But I believe that heaven is all around us, right now, and it is ONLY because we insist on relying upon the perceptions of our material brain for perspective, that we do not see what is there. Once the spirit is in control, the material brain and its material thoughts set aside, the REALITY of a combined material/spiritual perspective can be achieved. Then I believe that things can be seen as they truly are.

That is enough for now. Let's hope I haven't riled up an intellectual or a skeptic. (cross your fingers)

Love to you. And to you all...
daf Correction:

"don't believe spirits don't go around vanquishing each other"

should read

"don't believe spirits go around vanquishing each other."
DannyH I may be proved wrong, but I genuinely believe that once the smoke clears the truth will reveal that humanity prevailed to a much greater extent than the media and the authorities would like you to believe. Stories of rape, murder and looting are largely unsubstantiated and to the extent that they do exist represent a tiny unrepresentative part of the whole. If you're looking for non-humans, look further up the food chain. There you will find them, predatory, paranoid, detectable by the growth of a long or a short metal tube from the end of the right or left arm. 050909
ILove Yes, it is beautiful daf. Is it your wish that I add nothing more to your blathe? I for one think the world would not be evolved this far without the words of men and women everywhere who challenged and continue to. I think of Jesus, L. Ron Hubbard, Kahlil Gibran, your local pastor, and many many more, and you daf. I think that if anyone decides to covet your works all the better for humankind, because I see no evil as the word cult intones. So, as for me I will continue to seek what others have to give and give what I can. Love to you. 050909
daf ILove,

Absolutely your thoughts are welcome here. Welcome to blather. You may speak freely here what you will. Most everyone here will defend your right to do so.

I am always pleased to read the words of gentle souls expressing themselves.

You are certainly correct, the answers lie not with daf, nor with Jesus, nor with stork daddy, nor with Kalihl Gibran, nor with misstree, nor with dannyh, nor with Buddha...but with them pieces and steps..we walk, run or crawl toward our own conclusions and beliefs.

Those who refuse to look around, but focus their attentions in one place or person, usually end up missing the very pieces that would have catapulted them into the next change of perspective...the evolution of their beliefs.

My point was simply that those who take to posturing and arguing and making a point of being snide and domineering would be doing this blathe a great service by staying away.

There is a very positive energy here. Even DannyH has added a very positive message to this thread, even though he may be diametrically opposed to the notions presented here.

Danny.. You are right. But the prevalence of animal nature goes much deeper than the mere physical imposition of one human's will against another. They take many guises, my friend, some intellectual, some emotional, many physical.

The animal intent is there, the animal urge is there, the animal lack of control is there. The signs are there, old friend.

No doubt you are right. No doubt New Orleans contains many humans...and some animals.. And the humans, as vounteers, keep right on arriving.

Still, there it is..New Orleans, site of one of the most animalistic, urge driven, hedonistic displays on the face of the planet..Mardi Gras.

Perhaps this crisis has planted seeds in the minds of many residents...those who had been attached to their material possessions, their property, their jobs. Perhaps this disaster planted seeds that will send many to other parts of the country, far from the reach of what I, and many others BELIEVE is coming. (Without the slightest bit of exaggeration, I can honestly say I'd give up my own life to keep all of these people from dying like that. What do you think I'm doing right now? But it's not up to me.)

Still, that is neither here nor there. I'm sorry Danny, I simply do not see how we disagree. And I really don't want to, if you understand what I mean.

I would rather focus on what you and I agree on, for the simple reason, that focusing on differences RARELY brings people together and there is no time to continue promoting division.
ILove A big part of division stems from identity crisis, and it not always but tends to be patriarchal. I have heard many people in my life ask who's the dad? The mother has a baby out of wedlock, and people say who is the father. What I never hear is, who is the mother, it is just understood, and without question. Why all the attention I have put on who or what put us here, has disolved with this insight, and why the power struggle will end with this conclusion. I am. This has brought much peace to my evolution today. I am not questioning identity anymore. I am not questioning my urge to evolve as a being. There is no question that I want to be a better person, you could say. It is understood. I do not take credit for all of my beliefs, it is a wonderful thing to seek and to find. Much love to you daf. 050909
ILove And then what? Will we be done then? I am really not trying to set you up, although this thought is leading somewhere, but as always I stand next to you, not against you. 050910
Arwyn 'twould be best to sit this one out methinks. Is it better to die than fade away? I've no desire to see this to its end. The world going to hell in a handbasket, and I, I am forced to watch these people die. death suffering agony Fear leading to anger. Anger leading to hate. Hate leading to suffering. a vicious cycle. I am forced to watch and spout my beliefs that this isn't the way to go. no one listens. Not even you. You'll pick this apart saying "nice point... but....." there is no but here. All you need is love. All you get is pain and hate.

People are afraid. They blame Bush, and get angry. Most people actually hate him, and because of that, people suffer for it. It's wrong. it's unfair. just LOVE someone without expecting something in return.
ILove Not fair, but then my patience is thin today. Here is what I have been thinking. I understand there is an urge in me to evolve. I have been looking it in the face everyday since being a teenager. I have understood the laws of cause and effect, and knew joy when my heart was in the right place. We discussed in private my need to turn the other cheek, but on a daily basis, I wake up with those intentions and continue to re-act. I mean re-act as in how I handled a similar situation in the past. We have our mind, and then there is the brain. I think of the brain like a computer, not as good as our mind, but still part of the mental process. The brain stores this information and in similar situation causes the re-action. This is a hinderance to my evolution. What if the technology exsisted to look at those triggers in our past, and when we look at, examine, and confront and bring into exsistance and the re-action would disappear upon looking. I have been saying, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be open, ask and it shall be given, and the love come a tricklin down down down. I know it's a church song, but it rings true in my heart. Have you thought about this daf. I know of a technology that exsists. If you would like me to share this let me know. I think I am going to look at it more closely myself and see where it leads. You said get off my butt and prepare. Love to ya, as always, these are my beliefs, hey daf, do we still need to justify this between ourselves? 050910
daf We never did. Whatever justifications you, I or anyone else feels the need to give, were never required.

I learned something about myself today. I say, learned, but in fact, it was a lesson learned many years ago that had been forgotten, or ignored.

I will share that lesson with you. Look for a blathe called: circle_and_cross.

Thank you ladies..Danny, all of you. This is beginning to make even more sense now. Don't worry about Bush, don't worry about the politicians, don't worry about the corporations, don't worry about the Beast.

They are the nightmare. Where is the dream? Until you can you head in the direction of that dream?
ILove As you could probably see, I was heading back to my roots, back where my spiritaul quest began. I was looking for exactly what you say, the dream, so to speak. Daf you are such a elf, or maybe a word druid of some sort. Anyway, I found my dream and the nightmare should go away. There are some very important truths to be discovered back at my roots. I will share one with you too. God is love and love is all. Could this be the reason for the season? I will miss you if you don't come back to visit soon:-) 050913
daf I would never leave you behind forever my friend. 050919
daf I have added some mroe material on another site. Any and all are welcome to read and ponder...or disregard. 070129
www.thezodiac. tk 070129
what's it to you?
who go