broken_down girl Present company excluded, of course.

Its just not enough to be charming and intelligent, kind and caring, to have bright blue eyes and soft hair, but I really have to be skinny as a fucking rail as well?

Sorry, I'm bitter. I just want to cry all the time. Or drink. Or something.
cube Don't buy into the hype that women have to be skinny. Skinny is not sexy. Skinny looks unhealthy - bulimic. Smokers are skinny, not healthy, and definitely not sexy. You wouldn't want a smoker to bear your children. Stupid.

This skinny thing is a passing fad. Men will come to their senses in the, er, fullness of time ;-)
Teenage Jesus AND, the dudes who DO think that way aren't worth crying about, right? In a way, it's kind of a good thing that some cats are that shallow; it's like a built in creep_filter. 020627
.. .. 040526
please_shine_down_on_me i happen to be skinny.
and there is some discrimination gainst skinny people too.
justin's shallow about my lack of ass and tits.
it goes both ways, kay?
and im not unhealthy dammit.
minnesota_chris because women put up with it. 040526
megan there will never be an answer to that question, until we answer why we keep coming back for more and thinking "hey yes this time's going to be different than all the rest" 040526
unhinged you know what....i guess i feel more than a little pugnacious today.

'because women put up with it' hhhmmm....interesting view point, but somehow not quite accurate. it's hard to break down decades of societal conditioning. so we think we are so socially advanced? and we have t.v. shows like the swan turning 'ugly ducklings into swans' by some of the most drastic measures possible and then parading them across a stage in lingerie for all of america to see. and probably most of the world too since it was on fox. and these women all talked about how happy they were now because they had more self-confidence...which is pretty shitty that they had to go through something like that to get more self-confidence. but it's not just the women putting up with the shallowness of our man-based society. i drastically started losing weight about a year a half ago because of my drug problems and all of a sudden i was getting more attention from everyone not just men. my mom has been on a diet for as long as i can remember. i'm size 12. so was marilyn monroe. but society doesn't think that i'm beautiful anymore. but society noticed when i went from a size 18 to a size 12 and all of a sudden guys were all over my shit. guys that i liked for years before that that didn't want to have anything to do with me because i was 'fat.' and now all of a sudden i became an acceptable target to pick up and take home and fuck. which is not totally those guys' fault. yeah, guys can be shallow assholes, but our society trains all of us to be that way. people are nicer to skinny people. it's a documented fact. all those expose shows like 60 minutes and dateline have done pieces on taking one of their skinny anchors and dressing them up in a fat suit to see how people treat them. and they are always treated more poorly in the fat suit and when the confront people about it without the suit, they either try to be shocked or say 'hey, that's just the way it is.'

yeah, and skinny girls whether they are that way naturally or not are expected to have size d tits and a nice round ass. which i hate to break to most of america, but 90% of the time that's just not possible without cosmetic surgery. i know somebody who recently got liposuction to get rid of his man boobs. why not exercise?

i don't think it's men that are so fucking shallow. i think it's society. and you don't just let society treat you a certain way. no one person has the power to fight that. and i have even more shit to say about activist movements especially in this town that have become a way for people my age to be trendy and cool rather than to fight for rights of all people. the feminists in this town that would supposedly want to fight how society thinks of women don't want anything to do with me cause i don't identify myself as a feminist. so it doesn't look like men are the only ones that are so fucking shallow. who fucking cares what i or you label me as?

hold me up to a impossible standard and wonder why every couple of years i break down and put up with it rather than be alone. and will i spend hours a week in a gym to make it easier for you to look at me when i should be spending those hours practicing? will i eat a salad instead of a patty melt so that i can get skinny (sometimes)?

hell, i'm never gonna look like any of those fucking models. i have more important things to do with my life. but every now and then, i let a man treat me like shit by comparison because i don't want to be alone anymore. we take what we can get.
minnesota_chris mmm, society is a bitch, you're right, we gotta shoot the tv. And killing the Olsen twins, we still haven't gotten around to that yet.

We all should try to be as attractive as we can be, both men and women. It's not shallowness, not a character flaw, but just doing a favor to the people who are around us. And nobody should be size 18.

is a lardie who still does his situps
pete i find women to be very shallow too 040526
p2 shallow?
maybe, maybe not.
consider the birds
who select their males
by the colors of their plumage
or the crickets
who find love at first chirp
is it that they are shallow
or simply more in tune with nature?
these are signs of their ability to survive
perhaps a louder chirp indicates a stronger male
and the more colorful plumage
indicates a better sense of style
useful for their interior decorating skills for the nest
the classic hourglass figure
seems to be another one of nature's beacons
the large breasts for nursing
the slim waist indicating good general health
the large hips for giving birth
i saw somewhere that there was a study done
and it found that while the size of a woman
that is considered attractive
has decreased
the proportions have remained the same
it must have been while i was flipping past the discovery channel
to get to comedy central or cartoon network or something
p2 and yes
women are just as shallow as men
minnesota_chris read what misstree wrote under "boobs"

(I can't believe I just did a Google search of 'misstree chest butts')
unhinged *shakeshead*

"We all should try to be as attractive as we can be, both men and women. It's not shallowness, not a character flaw, but just doing a favor to the people who are around us. And nobody should be size 18."


what exactly do you mean by attractive? cause i have a feeling you have just indirectly proven the point of this page. *winks* *gags*
unhinged 'it found that while the size of a woman
that is considered attractive
has decreased
the proportions have remained the same'

yeah, and how exactly is that realistic?
if we want to talk about nature and picking 'mates' on their ensured survival, 400 or 500 years ago all the skinny waifs would have been thrown to the curb because they would be the first ones to catch the plague and die. *shrugs* this really is a pointless arguement. i know the skinnier i am, the more attractive i am to the rest of the world. period. but being 'fat' gives me a certain amount of insulation from the so-called shallow assholes, male and female. i make myself attractive for the world; when i wake up i brush my teeth and wash my face and change my underwear everyday and do all those other things so that i don't smell. most days i put makeup on. but that's about as far as i would go to 'make myself attractive for others' because i owe them that or whatever as a common courtesy. i don't see how developing complexes about myself and being so skinny that my reproductive system no longer functions (cause women are supposed to have a MINIMUM of 18% body fat for their reproductive systems to work) is a common courtesy to the rest of the world.

hell, fuck it. look look look at me and you won't even know half the shit you see. i'm really good at hiding most of it behind my fat ass.
minnesota_chris Ok, I'm fucking shallow. I do care about appearance.

I care about the soul, about languages, about pottery and art and beauty and ideas and music and food and wood carving and flowers and love. And physical appearances.
dosquatch Not all men are shallow, but women keep going for the ones that are. Gross generalization, sure but to wit: I am a lost cause in a bar. I have never had a date from a bar, I've never left with a phone number. Why? I'm average looking, I'm only an average dancer, I'm only so-so at small talk, but I'm warm and caring and sincere. That'll get me a few minutes of conversation if I pop for a drink. But the whole time I'm talking, I'm painfully aware that my conversation partner is scouting for "him", the cuter one, the one with the tighter ass, the faster car, the thicker wallet.

I can spot him, too, just as soon as he hits the door. I've become good at it, because as soon as "he", whoever he might be, shows up, I'm lonely for the rest of the night.

You know the one. If you're a guy, you've resented him. If you're a girl, you've drooled over him. You know, the one with the piercing eyes, with the smooth "hey, gorgeous", the one looks at you like a flank of beef, and whispers in your ear all the hot and kinky stuff that makes you blush and go gooey, (all the stuff that'd get me slapped if I said it), the one who talks to your cleavage, the one who stares at your ass and flutters his eyebrows whenever you turn around, the one who looks over your shoulder the entire time he's talking to you in case there's a cuter flank of beef to be had, the one who DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU beyond whether or not you're in the running to go home with him that evening.

And y'all FLOCK to this prick. Standing in line, just waiting your turn to be the one to get a dance or a game of pool or two minutes of mock sincere chit-chat over a beer.

This guy is scum, I can watch the pheromes dripping off of him like green neon from across the room. This is the guy that has you crying to your girlfriends the next day about how all men are so fucking shallow.

And I can't even get your number.
phil men appear shallow because they want so many things. 040529
phil shallow 040529
phil machismo 040529
stork daddy shallow is the new deep 040530
globalfruitbat that's awesome.
ten points!
and I'd even make 'em gold ifn I could darlin'.
well done you!
FloydianSlip I hate sitting in class, having lunch, going to a bar, going to the movies, walking in the park...anything that involves other people and hear 2, 3, or more guys talking about "Hey check out the tits on that chick. Boy I'd hit that! Oh wait, look at the ass on that chick...I'd like to fuck that." It makes me sick.

I don't like being looked at as an object and drooled over. I want to be stared in the eyes and not the boobs. I want someone to see me for me...and not how big my tits are and how tight my ass is. At least I don't go for those guys...you can always see them coming from a mile away. I'm not that desperate.

Women are sometimes just as bad...looking for the muscles, the money, the cute face, 6 pack abs...whatever the flavor of the week may be. Some of the shallow women are actually looking for someone to love and to be loved in return...which makes them less shallow. Others are just looking for someone to use. And in my experience the shallow men are just looking for a fuck buddy for a while until something better comes along.

Society sucks.
Zantic dosquatch hit it in one. 040716
thunderbuck ram I don't know, but I love any woman who sucks my dick with enthusiasm and a modicum of expertise. So, it's a dick sucking thing, obviously. 040825
thunderbuck ram Shallow? Moi? 040825
thunderbuck ram I'm fucking shallow because I've only got a 2" dick - I thank you. 040907
Elmo I'm sorry, i hate to be a bastard but this is how it is.
You won't look at an ugly guy twice will you?
The thing that attracts people to each other, at first, is their physical appearance. If someone doesn't look good, then neither women nor men will even entertain the thought of a relationship. Doesn't matter how great their personality is.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule.
The other thing is, you don't have to be skinny as a rake. I personally don't like girls that are skinny, i like a girl with a good figure, meat on the bones, that sort of thing.
But what can you do if that's not your thing? It's not something that you can force yourself to change, it's a hard-wired part of your personality what kind of people you are attracted to.
I could say the same! Why_are_women_so_fucking_shallow?
Just because i don't have huge rippling muscles, a 24" cock and less brains than a glass of water and i don't walk around acting like a complete prick, insulting as many people as i can and getting into fights all the time, it's nigh on impossible for me to find a girl that'll even think about looking my way.
So don't single out men for this, women are just as bad but in different ways.
Elmo And while i'm on a roll, i'll continue!
I get so pissed off with women always moaning about how "this guy treated me bad" or "this guy fucked me then fucked someone else the day after" and blah blah fucking blah. I'm sorry ladies, but you bring it upon yourself.
Untold numbers of my female friends are always telling me about how guys have treated em bad, and i'm always asking them why they go for these people. Day after day after day women go for the type of guys who'll treat em bad, on the premise that "they like the thrill of the chase" and they "like to have to work to make a guy like them." What. The. Fuck? That's what i ask. What the fuck?
Do you have any idea what it's like for a guy like to me to have to watch my friends constantly going back to guys like that, while i'm sat here thinking, "i wouldn't do that for shit. I couldn't do that to someone. It's just not me." etc etc. It's torture. A living hell.
So maybe if you don't wanna be treated bad, don't jump straight into bed with the first guy who walks up to you talking dirty and acting like a prick. Try finding yourself someone who actually gives a shit about other people.
Rant ends...
karyn They are, because it'd be too much of a mental complex to even attempt to understand the irrational, emotional wreck of the female mind! 060203
guy who doesnt like generalizations conversely, could you just imagine the speed with which i would be handed my freshly severed berries if i had blathed

z see: why_are_all_guys_stupid 060203
unhinged ah_blather

I don't even know what to say now that I'm a size 4/6
unhinged he was entranced with my (somewhat) big ass. it didn't really feel like a compliment. 180527
what's it to you?
who go