jusslissen2me Have any Sexual Autobiographies? Have a sexual experience and would like to share it with those thirsty readers who have none at all? Then post it hear and see what feed-back you get. 020803
rosemary why would we blathe about private sexual experiences just so a bunch of other people can read and drool over them? 020803
IKC 56-80 I don't know, after a little over a week of playing with the_go_button i've seen a few things here and there that might qualify. can't remember specifically but do a little looking around and it's pretty eye_opening what gets said around here.

I kind of like that.

I figure (and i'm assuming, tell me if you disagree) we are already a little exhibitionistic for saying anything personal here, and voyeuristic for reading what others write.

Sorry, i don't have any stories, though.
log burning fire passed out drunk, she exposes her naked body unawares, but i'm passed out next to her, not seeing the beauty. 020818
rosemary IKC 56-80:

i agree with you. i said the above comment mainly because i am sad that i don't have any stories either. :)
not so emotional masochist I was already naked, he wouldn't let me remove his jeans.
He pushed me back on to the bed,
and worked his magic with his tongue between my legs.
So damned sexy without a shirt but still wearing jeans.
It's a wonderful agony.
Too much please and I have to push him away, but he resists.
Eventually he lets up,
I try to take deep breaths to get my heart rate somewhere below 200 again.
But he kneels above me with a strange look in his eye. I feel my chest faltering as I begin to feel like the pet rabbit about to be cooked for sundays roast. My eyes widen, half hoping, half afraid.
He slides his belt off from around his waist, and comes at me, I'm not sure what he sees in my eyes, but I felt a mix of terror and delight.
He grabs my arms and twists them behind my head, he wraps the belt tightly around them, doing it up fast.
And now I am helpless,
forced to endure the agonising ecstasy.
The belt burns into my wrists, and I groan even louder.
Time losses all sight of me.

He eventually stopped, but I'm too far gone to take much notice,
and then the jeans are gone,
and there's just him holding me down and pounding me hard.
Exquisitely unbearable.

He moves away, and undoes my wrists, and gripping me tight moves me on top of him.
I do my thing, and I watch his face in awe as he does his.

is all I can think, but I don't say so, it might make him angry.

But he is.
a glint through the matt :) 020818
freakizh boo

misstree hates blushing to 'skites everywhere: story of a very private nature, if you think that this might possibly in any way offend you, stop reading now. i know i toss this disclaimer up a lot, but if you're not ready for it, god dammit don't have sex. things like this should only be attempted by a trained professional. this is written for me and no one else, but something told me i should put this here. there's more to it than narrative, if you know what you're looking at. anyhow...

I have a story that I need to get out.

Two, in a way, but i can still smell the one on me, so it shall emerge first...

looking in my other writings will find references to hxxxx in a few places... wtf? i have no need to explain him to myself. yes. hxxxx and i went out last night, along with pxxxxxx and sxxxx and some chickie. there has always been this delicious tension with hxxxx, this friggin gravity i keep stalking about. he brought it up first, that he was rather, um, disappointed, that pxxxxxx came up on us at [that place]. "pxxxxxx came up just when i was really starting to enjoy [that place]" were his words exactly, i believe. i'm shocked that my jaw didn't hit the floor when he said that. i had resigned myself to nothing from there, though i'm not 100% sure why. moral high ground, messiness, i guess. yeah. about that.

i was a shameless hussy. i really don't know what it is about him that draws me so, i don't know if it's the times back in the day that i said no (and i still don't know why for the life of me) or the time that i kind of said yes (and i don't remember what happened in my brain then)... but he has this draw for me, it's fucking insane and fucking frustrating. dear lord, his hands. they make me want to faint. they made me squirm like hell. oh, dear lord did i squirm.

yes. he has this special gravity that i don't often feel. there are people who would be acceptable lovers, and there are people that i am desperate to tumble. hxxxx sits squarely in the latter category.

all night the tension. all night the flirting. "someday i'm going to write a poem about you." the hidden torrents of scarlet rushing just beneath the skin. all night the dance was completely silent. all through the last. i wanted to make him blush so, but i know that i would have made myself blush as well.

we ended the night back at sxxxx's place. there were lines drawn and crossed and teeth bared with sxxxx, there will be more of those to come, but that is a much different matter. hxxxx and i lay down in the guest bedroom, a real mattress a joyous treat. we spooned, maximum flesh and warmth shared. his arm was slung over my waist, and desperate flesh traced fingertips over his hand. his own fingers inched up my stomach, my breathing my only expression of release. i whimpered ever so softly when his hand brushed against the curve of my breast, and he sshed me... the vents ran everywhere, the slightest sound would be heard. "go to sleep," he said. "yeah, like i can sleep right now," i answered. "go to sleep, and at 8am, once sxxxx's asleep, you'll wake up with my dick in you." the image hit me like a red flash, and i pressed myself back against him harder, my breath instantly faster. "go to sleep," he said, and draped his arm across me again.

i stirred my fingers on his arm slowly, keeping the awareness of friction fresh in his mind, like a supplicant wolf licking the muzzle of a superior. his hand slowly crept back to life, restarting the journey under my shirt, up to my breast.

i am not a quiet person. i scream like a banshee and evoke dieties i've never heard of. but i had to be absolutely dead silent all night. i writhed, the tension delicious and terrible, slave to his indifference. his hands eventually worked their way inside my shirt, and i thought that i could bear no more, that i would lose myself and, in an ozone-scented flash of overloaded circuits, be either dead or feral in a second. i was wrong--i could bear and be silent through much, much more.

with each gasp, his hand snapped back. my desperation, my desire, the sheer fucking pleasure this man was causing me made me silent, because the moment of undoing was loss felt as intensely as the pleasure a moment berfore. his hand caressed my breast gently, and i strained against it to draw every drop of sensation that i could. i finally put my hand over his, kneading his fingers deep into pliant flesh. when he sensed that i was beginning to get what i sought, he stopped. breathless, i pressed myself against him, small gyrations a near-begging attempt to draw his hand back.

all this and i had no idea just what his hand could do.

he reached down to my calf, started sliding the soft fabric of my skirt up my leg. such a simple movement, but still it had me tensing against writhing. he dallied, as i expected he would, drawing out the moments that carried the knowledge of the impending actions, but in my anticipation, i forgot the rule of silence. hand was snatched back again.

i whimpered slightly and he shushed me again. he laid his hand on my thigh. "will you be quiet?" he said, asking a question rather than making a demand. i bit my lip hard and nodded. his hand started up again.

when it finally found the peachfish after an interminable tour, his hand still teased, filling me with the fear that he might not posess the skill i had remembered from the curtailed encounter in the woods. but deft movements, exploratory, made me realize in an instant that this was nothing compared to what would come.

his hand leapt away that same moment. the tiniest moan had sounded in my throat. "go to sleep." he told me. he said it with convincing dispassion, but he had to know that was impossible at this point. once again it was back to the beginning, his arm draped across me. again my hips ground against his, desperate and insistent. and again he slowly slid his hand up my leg.

when his fingers finally met the proper place, every sensation that had come before was tripled at a single center, every inch of me alive. i was writhing instantly. though i have had many lovers, and many of those very skilled, i had never met anyone who had such a grasp of where and how to touch me. it was as if he were a violinist, that sweet center the strings, and the rest of my body resonating with the meeting. he played a symphony, occasionally interrupted by a moan, a gasp, or at times a heavy breath, which would still the torrents of sensation running through me. the result was a spiraling orbit, each pass bringing me closer to fulfillment.

when it finally came, i was biting the back of my hand so hard that the flesh was bruised the next morning. i had no control of my bucking hips, arching back, or clawing hands. my entire world was painted in a single blinding color. his hand was relentless, the first experience fading only to the inevitability of a second.

not long after the second orgasm, hxxxx shifted his hands a bit and brought another finger lower down. normally i was mostly neutral on such things, but my body was so desperate for his touch that it threw me further into the realm of pure sensation, driving all else out of mind entirely. hxxxx said to me, as i viviously ground my hips against his hand, "i almost think i could make you cum just like this." i smiled breathlessly and muttered back, "you already did." "excellent," he said, and intensified his motions until a third wave was upon me. once i was beginning to recover, he asked for the condom, and again the thrill of promise shivered through me.

i reached down and fumbled to retrieve it, then waited impatiently as he put it on, our lips tangling as they had many times when i was struggling for silence. as he moved towards me, he said, "you have a choice of where you want this to go." two things flashed through my mind in an instant. he had mentioned earlier that he was less well endowed than most, which was confirmed both by memory and my grinding hips. the other was that earlier, he had asked if i had ever tried having anal sex before. it had been truly accomplished twice, and enjoyed thoroughly both times, but it was rare that i was in the proper mood or with the proper person for such things to work. i distinctly had both right at that moment, and there was never a question what my choice was. whereas my experiences before had been experiments, this was a need. i guided him towards me, and with a solid thrust it was begun. it took a bit of work for him to completely enter me, but spooning as we were, i was thrusting myself back at him through pure animal instinct, the only thoughts left to me.

this telling would be incomplete without describing the sensations tearing through me, but words fail me. i could concieve of nothing but drowning in physical input and pleasure. i know that at one point i asked if he wanted me on all fours, and he aquiesced. i kept my teeth gripped around my arm, the only way i could keep from crying out, and though the next day i was bruised to being swollen, i don't remember feeling my own teeth. he told me to touch myself, and i somehow managed the coordination to reach between my legs, my fingers sliding against sopping swollen folds. within seconds i had reached a state of orgasm, not a single action but a continuing process. he said he was going to cum and slowed his hips, but i threw myself against him harder, desperate and feral, balancing his attempts to step down a bit. he matched me for a few moments, then again said he was going to cum and tried to slow, but i was thrusting against him in a frenzy, and he finally aquiesced and allowed himself to meet my pace.

the culmination was worthy of all the intensity and desperation that preceded it. my body was acting against my will, and as he came inside me, the intensity of my orgasm doubled. even once hxxxx's hips had stopped and my spinning mind was starting to slow, my hips were working against his as if reluctant to give up the experience. finally, sated, we collapsed next to eachother, spooning once more. "go to sleep," he said, and a minute later was faintly snoring.

so that's my story. why does it matter? why did i write this out, if no one else will ever read it? because it was the most exquisite lay i've had in a long time, easily the best since coming back from new orleans. between his skill, the silence, the desperate gravity between us, and his aloof ways, it was legendary. i wrote this to keep every delicious detail i could fit preserved somewhere. there are many that i didn't include, like when, just after his hand went up my skirt for the first time, i told him, "this may make you blush a little, but it will make me blush a lot... no matter what else happens tonight, i want to drink your cum... that's all i want..." which was just about the only desire left unmet.

i don't know what will happen into the future. i'm fairly certain it won't ruin hxxxx and i's friendship, and word should be able to be kept concealed from wxxx. those are the really important issues. whether or not i will have a chance to drink him, or to do this again, remains to be seen. i desperately hope so; finding a lover of not only such skill but also with such instant easy power over me is horrifically rare. that's got to be it, it's got to be the take it or leave it attitude, whether it's true or not. infuriating.
magicforest Remind me to direct you to my erolit site, you have talent, my dear girl. 031106
x after reading that i found myself looking around the room, puzzled that i had suddenly been kicked out of the story i thought i was standing in. 031106
..... i want to be fucked like a girl 061005
penischan i want to sink my strapon deep into a boy's ass 061006
. i fuck girly boys just like girls. one dot into five dots? 061006
..... it's not a question of who's doing the fucking, it's a question of who's being fucked. 061007
in a silent way i want you to sink your teeth into the soft flesh of my neck, until i'm overcome with ecstatic blindness. i want your tongue in my mouth. i want to kiss the sweat from your back. the smile on your face. i want to read your body with my hands like braille. i want to taste your sweet nectar. i want to make you scream. 130130
unhinged being allowed to have feelings about sex again would be the most erotic thing ive felt in a long time 150519
what's it to you?
who go