Why is it illegal? I mean we got alchohol over here being one of the most dangerous drugs known, and THAT'S legal... hmmm. Duz it really make sense? I love getting high. I think if you abuse weed or ANY drug, you can easily lose responsability. But smokin reefer here and there, there's nothing wrong with THAT! I dunno, what do you think?
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Weed isnt bad. It's not all good. Cigarrettes are bad, Alcohol is bad. Flip a ciggarrette box over and read what it says. It has a Sergeon General message. BUt if you flip a dime bag of weed, it dont say all that. When you are driving under the infuence of drinking, you swirve and the road is swirvy-looking. But when you, high you become the road. My point is, weed aint bad.
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the fact that you can't spell marijuana correctly might be a hint.
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I would have to say that I love gettn' stoned. Its my nature. Some people can't except that. Its an every day activity...kind of like taking a SHOWER...I don't think I would be able to live without it...its MY savoir... meeh
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melissa luttrell
its not bad at all really but i think if ciggs and alcohol can be legal why cant it you concentrate better with it. i mean once you try it you are pretty much addicted i mean i know cops that do it but yeah mike i love you!
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tennis star of the 70s
leads to speling misakes
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sleepy stoner
pot isnt abad thing the only reason its illgal is cause they cant tax it yeah its addicing my friends cant live with out it
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I can't live without apostrophes.
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i smoke pot everyday and i am a hardworking, tax paying, basically law abiding citizen. pot is a relaxing, anti-anxiety type of drug that really isn't addicting. sure i want to smoke it everyday, but that doesn't mean that i have to have it. to put it another way, a bacon double cheeseburger sounds really good, i want it too... but i don't HAVE to have it.
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I've had roommates like you. Basically regular, hard working folk who smoke pot. But then there were the party people, who got crazy on the stuff. One of them punched out the coke machine. haha his name was Herb.
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I think mj is cool just as you use it casually. once or twices a day is straight it helps me to cope.
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it make sex so great too! always a plus
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Smokey McPot
I think marajuana is alright for occasional use, like a 1/4 ounce a week. However, I think that if it's used excesivley then it's bad. Just like most of the other pleasures in life it can cause harm if used in a 24/7 type lifestyle (except for sex, you can never get enough of that).
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san semilla
and marijuana's not bad either
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another spelling... it's not wrong
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I can't find mine.
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Meg S
it isn't cool and it can give you memory loose.
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and god forbid my memory comes loose
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stiffled guy chain smokin
MJ rulz i love it i do it all the time hell ya it makes you feel greatand makes u fee better so it shouldnt be illegal
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fuck you ass hole
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josh lolley 15
its not all bad I don't use it as much but it calmes me when im mad, and I would rather get high more than drink any day "no hangover"
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To each their own.
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heh... best piece of opinoin on here yet
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in my OPINION anyway (yessss! spelled it right for once!)
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marajauna is a very good plant. If you're not a pot smoker then u will never understand. Smoking pot isn't bad at all!! look at this world we are living in, full of chaos and war. Everyone needs to smoker some bud and chill out. I smoke I chill out and relax. I feel much more peaceful and best of all I can perform the same everyday activities.
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smurfus rex
just don't smoke it at my mall. I hate that. And I will ban you for it. One thing makes me curious, though, and it seems only the pot smokers will be able to tell me for sure... if you have a job, did you put down a true answer on your application if it asked about your use of marijuana? Another thing... if your job application didn't ask about your use of marijuana, would you answer truthfully if asked by your boss? And another thing... if your job decided to implement random drug testing, would you be nervous or would you just not care? And another thing... have you considered how your current and past use of marijuana could affect your chances of getting a better job in the future? And the last thing... do you currently have a job in the first place? I think if you listen to Afro Man's "Because I Got High" closely, you might agree that pot smoking isn't the greatest recreational activity you could engage in.
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this is all a joke. Plants shouldn't be against the law. that makes no sense. people are trying to supress facets of our humanity in the ultimate goal of supressing humanity entirely.
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oh and by the way mall guy. fuck off. I smoke in your bathrooms all the time. but i am careful i use a blow-tube, and i cap my bowl
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mark s.
oh and by the way mall guy. fuck off. I smoke in your bathrooms all the time. but i am careful i use a blow-tube, and i cap my bowl
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people will use any excuse to indulge in laziness. don't blame the plant for user tendencies. kind of goes to something i was saying over on coke_vs_weed drugs enhance a person's personality. weed will make you lazy IF you let it. for some, the pull takes over, but that's kind of a circular arguement so i'm not even going to go there right now....just take responsibility for your own actions people. you were the one that smoked the weed, you were the one that let it make you lazy....it's YOU, not the drugs you do. all those rightist commericals about the evils of pot and the need to legalize concealed weapons; i think an alteration of the nra slogan seems appropriate at this juncture: "marijuana doesn't kill people, people kill people"
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I've never touched the stuff but I don't see why it should be illegal. I've known plenty of friends who smoke or have smoked it. Most of them are productive citizens. None of them are criminals. By making it illegal the government has simply introduced a criminal element to the equation and created an increased value for what would be a reletively cheap drug because of the added risk of going to jail. Alcohol is in fact every bit if not more dangerous but it is socially acceptable to most of American society. If a citizen goes home for the evening and smokes some marijuana in private whose rights has he violated? How is the government protecting my rights by tracking this guy down because he bought some "fishy" botanical supplies and the D.A. obtains a search warrant to search his home to see if he is growing any marijuana? What a waste of my tax dollars! Of all the illegal activities going on in the United States, marijuana use is the least of my worries. If he gets in his car under the influence give him a DUI just like an alcohol user. ...
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smurfus rex
Mark: Your time will come. It always does. Strideo: Good point. Seems like an awful wasted of gov't resources, doesn't it?
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It's funny, a study by the Rand Corporation in 1994 showed that the most cost effective way to reduce drug use is education and treatment. The least cost effective methods include seeking out and destroying crops and production facilities and jailing drug users. The study was commissioned by the Clinton administration which never really put the information to any use because the results weren't exactly what they were looking for at the time. Let me repeat though, the most cost effective, the most bang for the buck in reducing drug use is education and treatment. I understand that drugs offend many people's moral sensibilities but in this case I don't think the law makers have made the most logical approach. Oh, and if you must, get stoned in private kids, not in the mall restroom. ....
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strideo: indeed, but the problem with issuing duis, and one of the sticking points for legislation, is that marijuana in the system can't be tested for as easily as alcohol. but when i think of all the money being spent to keep pot dealers in jail... and i've had a number of friends go to jail for just that, no other charges, for up to two years... seems a silly thing to move to canada over, but it's more one of the last straws than anything else... i refuse to live under the rule of a government crazier than anyone i know. also, not only is the u.s. handling the whole concept of the drug war in a horrible way (from the average citizen's viewpoint, anyway), it's retarding research in a number of valuable areas... besides just the environmental advantages that hemp has in a number of areas (four times as much paper from an acre of hemp than from trees, and hemp is easily renewable), there's the medical field... marijuana has been connected to relief from glaucoma, arthritis, and nausea, but none of these can be confirmed by the medical community, because 1. "pot is illegal," making it illegal for its effects to be researched, and 2., since marijuana is an herbal substance, it can't be patented, and no one can make a fortune from it. heh. the cost of healthcare is going absolutely ballistic, and cancer patients are being charged $1000 for a month's supply of synthetic thc, when hosts of people have said that the real thing works better. and i won't even go into who exactly is turning the profit from the drug war, nor why it's in our government's interest to have some thumbscrews handy for people from the more actively anti-government demographics, who very often do indeed smoke marijuana. and smurfus, in answer to your questions before, the job that i have now drug tests. it doesn't make me nervous; if a random test comes up and i get dropped, that's acceptable. i never ever smoke pot at work here (though i have at other jobs), and i don't believe it to influence my performance. (getting drunk as hell on tuesdays sure does, though.) i see your point, and think that there are definitely cases where it applies, but it's by no means ubiquitous. slackers stand next to incredibly successful lawyers on this one. dammit. i try to keep my pot ranting to a minimum, look at what y'all went and did. oh well, you're the fools that have to read it. :P
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the U.S. government doesn't make a profit on the drug war despite police aquisitions. the entire thing is just an exspinsive mess and all to often an excuse to intrude on citizens lives. I couldn't agree with you more on marijauna's medical value. it has made many people with chronic or terminal illnesses much, much more comfortable especially considering that most perscription drugs issued by doctors pose more hazardous side effects and many simply knock the patient out. Its pretty bad when the police can knock down your door and force you at gun point to stop when marijauna is the only thing that allowes you to keep down a meal because of serious nausea. In my state you can get a perscription and a friend of mine has a sister whose life was improved greatly she used it to treat nausea for her chronic illness. If she didn't have a perscription though I must ask again, whose rights would she have violated? ...
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goverments only problem with marajuana is they can,t decide if they would clear more doe of of fines or taxes so here is what i think for the money they spend just to bust one pot smoker they coould have gave many steak dinners to our treoops over seas protecting our freedom. and why send a bomb when u could send a houch and have peace
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i tell ya you know the worlds getting pretty bad when a cop wants to bust ya for $25-200 worth of some good green when someone he may possible even know could be getting raped or killed but instead he wants to worry about something as stupid as what one man getting ready to go relax and smoke
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smurfus rex
in the police's defense, sticky: 1)police can use their own discretion when it comes to citing for possession. the officers I know will usually issue warnings for personal use amounts unless there are other things on NCIC. 2)police don't bust people for weed because they want to. really, it's not personal. they will bust you if you're smoking it in a public place or if you are suspected of trafficking. 3)police can only respond to what's reported to them. to say that they should leave you alone when there are so many violent crimes occurring is naive. it's equivalent to saying police should be staking out people who are *about* to commit a crime. they can't be everywhere at once. if you want to relax with a little bud, the police don't care...as long as you don't do it in public. if you need to buy some or maybe even sell some, I wouldn't encourage you to do it in public either. all around, you're safer in your house. but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. :)
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Good girl
Ok. Here's how it is. I would rather people smoke pot than drink cause drinking makes people violent. I mean come on have you ever heard of a violent stoner? All the same it's not good to do ANY drugs. They DO cause health problems though so it isn't good to do it. I myself do not do any drugs but I understand the effect desired by people who do. Drugs in general are erroneous but if you insist on doing them stay away from alcohol.
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read my blathe above, about the guy named Herb who punched out the pop machine. why is it the same thing if you punch something in, as if you punch something out?
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Pot is stupid. Maybe it's because it makes me antisocial, but I don't like it. At all. I did at some point, but now I don't. "Look at me, I can stare at a wall for an hour. Woopty fuck!" It's become a trend. I don't like trends. I'm not the type to do what the cool kids are doing. The cool kids do what I do, then it becomes cool, and I hate doing it. Pot sucks
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Hey dudes I'm going to tell you about stuff. I go surfing everyday and see big waves.I have three christian brothers.I use to be a marajuana user through high school and collage.Then I was caught by the cops when I was smoking in my car with my collage friends or fake friends.The cops took me to jail and then my mom took me out.After that my mom kept an eye on me. I then was depressed.After one year I meant this girl and she told me about jesus christ and later died of skin cancer. I have now learned to believe in Jesus an dI know he forgave me forevery sin I have made.I then be came a paster. I feel accepted now more then ever. Dudes don't make the same mistake.
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Hey dudes I'm going to tell you about stuff. I go surfing everyday and see big waves.I have three christian brothers.I use to be a marajuana user through high school and collage.Then I was caught by the cops when I was smoking in my car with my collage friends or fake friends.The cops took me to jail and then my mom took me out.After that my mom kept an eye on me. I then was depressed.After one year I meant this girl and she told me about Jesus christ and later died of skin cancer. I have now learned to believe in Jesus and I know he forgave me forevery sin I have made.I then be came a paster. I feel accepted now more then ever. Dudes don't make the same mistake.
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Jesus rocks
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i smoke weed it is really good it dont hurt me it cures me im in the 8th grade and i pass all my test and do good grades wise and i have been smoking a long time so how does it hurt you im still living and doing good with my grades and you see that no ones hasnt died from marajauna yet but people have from alcohol and cigarrets
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marajauna is just an effect and that is all it dint harm you at all god please forgive me for smoking weed but it is what helps me
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kalese aka roo
it is fun but its not harmless cause itr does have effects! and it could hurt u when your high cause u dont know wasup!
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Tenebrous Earth
I know "Whasup" when I am high. I'm actually rather coherent, thank you, and think lucidly. I hate you Smurfus. I hate you with a burning passion. Smoking marijuana does not impair my ability at work. I am often frustrated by my authority's lack of intelligent thought and turn to marijuana to endure such painful conflict. I would rather be high, mellow, and able to ignore blatantly imbecile instructions from my boss than sober. I would get irritated quickly by his stupidity. Example: Boss tells me to go do some maintenence thing on the building NOW and I go and do it as he says and once I return I find him angry at ME because I wasn't able to attend to customers *at the same time* as fixing the damn building... When I'm high I would says "Eh.. I'll take care of it. No worries." When I'm sober I would be confounded by the idiocy and yell out "FUCK YOU, STUPID MAN!!! I DO WHAT YOU SAY AND YOU TELL ME I'M WRONG?! I CAN'T DO *BOTH* OUR GOD-BE-DAMNED JOBS! YOU DIE NOW~" /unrelenting stabbity death ensues/
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I know allot of people who smoke, and most of them consider themselves hard working. But, 95 percent of the "Potheads" that I know are "stuck in neutral", and going nowhere. That is not to say they aren’t cool to hang around with sometimes. I’m not shure if "POT" takes away your ambition or if people that are just naturally lazy are attracted to it, So they can try and forget there often meager and wasted lives. I believe that overall no one should smoke cigarettes, pot, or do any kind of drugs because of the damage it causes to the body.
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Study: Smoking Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer "Marijuana smoking -"even heavy longterm use"- does not cause cancer of the lung, upper airwaves, or esophagus..." Independence Day Weekend Edition July 2 / 4, 2005 http://www.counterpunch.org/gardner07022005.html
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a thimble in time
Mary wanna marry me?
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a thimble in time
Mary wanna marry me?
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great big sea
mari mac's mother's making mari mac marry me
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I know somebody who was a stoner for like 10 months. He's been clean for 2. I wan to get stoned. I will. He or his mate will get some for me. I need it to get away from my family. Maybe I'll be caught and sent away. Only thing I will miss is my friends and my hott, sexy, wonderful boyfriend. Is there something wrong if you really want to get stoned and you're only almost 15?
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i love weed. its my best friend. it gets me through alot. its a everyday thing for me. i dont know what i would do without it. it keeps my head just right!!!!!!!!
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does anybody know how to grow the shit?
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love the stuff, love the high, love 2 smoke, but only after work.
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love the stuff, love the high, love 2 smoke, but only after work & powwows, cops are bad man.
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alex miossec
whats so bad about marajauna i love it its awsome but not when you get caoght by your mom
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it's spelled... ah, never mind, it's not like you were going to be much of a writer anyways
what's it to you?