tender square "i want to be ready for all this when it comes." 210830
unhinged 'seattle is a good place for investment properties. mine have doubled in value really quickly. some of them are million dollar properties now.'

so people like me will never be able to own our housing. the neighborhood that used to be where all the artists and lgbtq+ from the surrounding areas would flock to when they came to the big city is being overrun by entitled asshole tech workers. i still go there very occasionally for one of the best sandwiches in the city (grilled cheese with egg) and art supplies and to check out the latest street art but overhearing stuff like that makes me want to hit people. the same people who can't stand to see all the tents everywhere are the ones causing the housing crisis here. housing SHOULD be a human right. not an investment opportunity.
nr it's the same in toronto. if i ever left my rent-controlled building in this city, i'd never be able to rent here again, let alone buy. 210831
unhinged rent control is illegal here

when i first moved into this apartment with my roommate it was $995/mo. Now it is $1600/mo and that is WITH a covid rent freeze
raze "out of all my grandmothers and aunts and sisters, i'm like the only daughter."

that ... doesn't seem possible. but carry on.
tender square at the at&t store:

"i don't want you to understand, i want you to fix it." (old lady trying to get a replacement pre-paid flip phone when they don't have them anymore)

employee to customer: "security question: who is your favorite actor?"
customer: "uh...i don't know. george clooney?"
(is he really your favorite?)

"i have all the power, but we allow dissension of opinion." (mother to her two young girls)
unhinged 'my girlfriend wants to hang out while I'm playing video games and gets mad when i want to be immersed in the experience' said an amazon sales guy to his friends near me at the bar last night.

you'd rather play video games than acknowledge the person you are presumably having sex with and SHE'S the unreasonable one...

the last guy i dated here was like that too. he would straight up ignore me if he was playing video games. so juvenile.
raze "why are you such a doubting thomas?"

"have you *met* her? that's why. that's why i'm a doubting thomas."

(i wanted to ask him if his name was thomas and it wasn't just a case of an archaic expression getting the old dusting-off. because that would have put it right over the top. but those two strangers were having a fun, playful moment, and i didn't want to step on it.)
raze "i'm sorry. shall i scream into my phone for you?" 210921
raze "gotta put in those specifics. gotta get those specifics. i don't even know if i'm saying that right."

"specifics? i don't know. you're asking the *wrong* person."
raze said sweetly, the same way you'd tell someone you love them:

"god, i_hate you so_much! just, like, as a person."
raze from innocuous:

"i was surrounded by a lot of people, and none of them spoke french."

to heartbreaking:

"you know i was following you. you can't tell me you didn't see me."

(this said by a woman in a wheelchair, talking to her father on the phone, her voice loud and struggling not to break)

all in the space of an afternoon.
tender square at a nearby table on the zingerman's roadhouse patio, the woman clarified to the server: "i want extra syrup, and when i say extra syrup, i mean like three of them." 211001
raze "now, when you say, 'dominique is my best_friend,' what you're really saying is, 'my other friends don't matter.'"

(a teacher said this to a group of first graders as she led them out of the park. one of the kids turned to look at me over her mask, and her eyes said, "can you believe this shit?")
raze "i was essentially there for three days."

(so . . . you weren't *really* there for three days. you were only kind of sort_of most of the way there.)
raze good_advice:

"if your shins are hurting, don't run on cement."

a universal truth:

"i don't think anyone ever looks good in their passport photos."

and this:

"oh, you're a fucking phoenix. i'm bowling with you guys."
raze a girl who looked about four, wearing shorts: "it's getting colder."

(it was in the mid fifties.)

her father, not looking at her: "well, i guess you should have worn pants then."

great job parenting, fella. way to knock it out of the park.
raze "is that french toast?"

"i made it this morning."

"oh my god. that's adorable."

raze "on a day to day basis, she's interacting with other souls." 211021
raze "this guy got jumped once, and i missed out on it."

"that's 'cause you came to my birthday party."
tender_square "you don't own the whole track," a teacher said to a kid on the playground. 211026
raze "your hair looks amazing! actually, kidding. it looks like crap." 211028
raze "stop putting leaves in my bag! you! and you! and you! i'm got a goddamn jedi." 211102
raze ("not", not "got". yeesh.) 211102
raze "it's such a singular day." 211104
tender_square i had a ton of paperclips and then they went flying.” 211105
raze "oh my god. did my phone just die? oh my god! my phone just died!"

"it's probably too cold."
tender_square "what is happening?! i was looking for a stapler earlier and now they're reproducing!" 211107
raze "if every negative act is 'acting black' and every positive act is 'acting white', who made us think this way?" 211109
raze "oh my fucking god, you wouldn't *believe* the shit i used to do around my boyfriend." 211110
raze "i like toronto."

"you like toronto?"

"i like toronto. i_like it."
tender_square "i see so many corgis in chicago, it's like corgi town." 211113
kerry how you think i feel, waiting here alone for weeks? and then you show up and you don't want to see me no more. fuck you. i don't know where you are, i don't know what you do, all of a sudden i'm smotherin you? 211114
raze "okay, stop! you're breaking the laws of physics!" 211116
raze "i tried to brush my hair this morning. i failed." 211117
raze "i just wanna play doctor. i don't even wanna eat." 211118
kerry "pete davison and flava flave are besties!" 211118
kerry flava flav, that is. as if it matters. 211118
raze (now laughing hysterically while imagining flava flav showing up on blather to correct the spelling of his name) 211118
raze "yeah, so, on an ideal basis i wear a corset twice a week." 211119
raze screamed: "yeah! i'm stupid!" 211123
raze "well, guess_what? that's a problem!"

"that's what being high is for."
raze a man talking about his dog (a red standard poodle named birdy):

"she doesn't really like gloves. she doesn't quite understand how they work."
raze "you're as dumb as your fuckin' jacket." 211127
raze "there's a tree that isn't ready to give up its leaves." 211130
tender_square "remember the wayne county sheriff? y'all had me on edge." 211130
raze "things could be worse. we're at a negative five right now." 211202
nr "just wash your fucking face and let's go." -woman in the bathroom to either the other woman or the toddler she was with, all in the same (handicap) stall

i wish canadians were as nice as people believed them to be.
tender_square while in a theater to watch a movie:

this is a theater theater, *not* a movie theater.”
raze "i have to go pee-pee." 211204
raze "it's a waste of your life!"

(i didn't hear what "it" was)
raze "i'm leaving soon." 211209
raze "do you lead with your left foot or your right?"

"that depends. am i walking to your mom's house?"
tender_square "two right's don't make a wrong, but three right's makes a left." 211211
tender_square woman to her dog: “eddie, you’re so weird. you always stop pooping when people walk by.” 211213
raze "i've never seen lesbians." 211214
e_o_i Does Dad to his Zoom class count? It was something like:

"I have to go visit the smallest room in the house, which you have to do more often at my age, but in the meantime you can tell each other about your back problems which almost everybody has at some point in their lives, unless you're a reptile."
e_o_i ...which could have been simply replaced by raze's overheard statement above, namely, "I have to go pee-pee." 211214
raze but your dad's was so much better! it made me guffaw. and you know how rare a guffaw is these days. 211214
raze "whatever her face was." 211216
tender_square it’s like the female orgasm; it just doesn’t exist” (spoken by a science bro who knows zilch about women) 211216
tender_square guy talking about other guy who is a conspiracy theorist: “he doesn’t believe death exists.”

(um, how does one go about rejecting death, exactly?)

he went to yale; he speaks 17 languages.”

(seems improbable, but okay)
raze "why don't you like me?"

"you're annoying."

"how am i annoying?"

"you just *are*!"

"no i'm not."

"yes you are! god!"

(continues talking to annoying person)
raze "time to find an activity that doesn't involve so much contact." 211221
raze "you lead the way." 211223
tender_square two small boys running outside, their winter coats hanging on their heads by their hoods. the smallest one said, “ahhhhhhh!” as i walked past. the older one said, “ma, could you unlock the door?” their mother was leaving the front stoop and turned to look at them standing in the cold, saying breathlessly. “what are you doing? get inside the car!” 211227
raze "you can walk. you don't need to be carried." 211228
raze a man to his lap dog after a much larger dog snapped and tried to take its head off:

"that's happened to you before. you're fine."
raze "ah, dog shit. happy_new_year." 220101
raze "did she just say 'foreskin'?"

"i said 'oh lordy'."

raze "and what congregation are you from?" 220111
raze "you know what i'd get if it was me? a coffee grinder. battery operated." 220113
raze "pick up the pace, my friend!" 220118
raze "are you fucking kidding me? they didn't have any filing cabinets?"

"they did not."

"who does that?"
raze "want some animal crackers? they're absolutely disgusting." 220120
raze "i had to get away from those kids. they make me cold just looking at them." 220121
raze "i could totally stay at home and take care of the house. all i'd do is clean all day, and feed the kids, and i'd go out and get groceries once in a while. it would be easy."

(so said a high_school student convinced he would make a great stay-at-home mom. somehow i doubt he's got what it takes.)
raze "don't yell at me. i got my airpods in, and i don't feel like getting a headache. are you watching me right now?" 220125
raze "my support group is mostly dead." 220127
raze "when he told me he was retiring, i told him, 'make sure you retire on the last day of the month.' you know why? no interruption of service." 220129
raze "you don't desert a sinking ship." 220201
raze "it isn't fun anymore."

"it never *was* fun in the first place."
raze a man to his dog, who was off the leash and exploring:

"you're going to lose your freedom!"
raze "you know how you get, like, that explosion?" 220208
tender_square the action of worry is to prevent you from feeling a feeling. when you have a fear of fear, you become afraid of what you’re afraid of; the worry prevents you from really emotionally experiencing these things and harder to create exposure.” 220208
raze "did you check the weather?"

"there's, like, an app for that, right?"
raze "we built a bobsled." 220212
raze "speaking of dormant cocks..." 220214
raze "i'm waiting for the right octopus." 220215
tender_square i don’t know what happened to my phone, it just faded.” 220215
tender_square while my coworkers were testing out an owl labs meeting camera:

we should use this and have rap battles. we could do it for the nextget psyched!’ event.”
raze "my cat never wants to cuddle with me. i don't understand it." 220217
past "that's completely unacceptable but you know what fuck those guys" even ice cream politics are heating up. 220217
raze "i had to stop a few times, 'cause that lactic acid builds up in your rear end."

"it does? i didn't know that."

"oh, you lead a sheltered life."
past "i really don't want to get into it on my the clock"

"you're not on the clock it's saturday of a long weekend"
raze "maybe your cough is breaking up with you." 220220
tender_square oh, please! i’m wearing short sleeves!” 220221
tender_square do you ever notice how people will be jealous of you when you're marginally better at something than they are? but if you’re, like, amazing at something, and there’s like no competition, they'll respect you for it?” 220222
raze "i do have to commend you for not giving up." 220222
raze "eat your hair!" 220223
raze "was he there when the big fire happened?"

"no. he died."

raze "you failure!" 220225
raze "ooh! shiny!" 220226
past "i'd go back to seattle in a heartbeat. you know i told bc guy if he was serious he'd meet me there." 220226
tender_square "put your hands in the air!"

"this is going to hurt a lot!"
raze "i get my ass whooped every time." 220301
raze "she used the r word! that's not very nice." 220302
raze "welcome to a new season of 'what if'." 220303
raze "okay, both of you, wipe your hands, wipe your face, and then ... yay! tomato!" 220305
raze "say bye, guys."

"bye guys."
raze "i don't! add people! online!" 220308
tender_square three gems today:

1. "i've read about amphibian obesity; i may need to lay off the crickets."

2. "i think possums can have some bad angles."

3. "he doesn't want to hold your hand! he doesn't want to hold your hand!"
tender_square it’s like you’re being constricted by a boa constrictor.” 220309
raze "get your own board."

"i can't afford one!"

"get a free one."
raze "have you been to sidebar? it's a bar." 220310
raze "i'm fucking shorter than erin!"

"you're a shortstop."
raze "maybe that's what happens to sparrows after they die."

"they come back as dragonflies."
raze "i don't have anything to write on."

"use the ground then."
tender_square "i heard you had a good day; why would you dispute that?" 220314
raze "that's the power of floss." 220315
raze "we had to be there, which really wasn't difficult at all." 220316
epitome of incomprehensibility "Those JMSB bros always sit together" in an annoyed tone. (JMSB = Concordia's business school)

Not that funny written down. It just amused me because I pictured every male business student with vaguely preppy-athletic clothes clumping together to sit in the middle of the library.
raze "you can't arrest me! you can't fucking stop me! you can't do shit!"

(said by a masked man to four police officers and a social worker who spent twenty minutes winding him up and then laughed and gossiped about him for another twenty after he walked away.)
tender_square "like, i don't know what his official title is." 220317
raze a woman to her barking dog, after giving him a treat:

"i'm sorry ... did you want *more*?"
raze one guy to another:

"you know when she's got that fucking smirk going, and you just want to bitchslap it right off her face?"

(pretty grateful i didn't hear any more of that conversation than i had to.)
raze "my teacher pulled me aside, and he was like, 'anna! are you okay?' and i was like, 'yeah?'" 220320
tender_square my father, lauhging: "it's like a kabal of women," (referring to my mother and me and my sisters) "you'll never meet the mark and you'll always be wrong." 220320
past "i told my friend back home what was happening and he couldn't believe somewhere was worse than there." 220320
past "the mud is eating the children." 220320
tender_square "so i'm a ballroom dancer, and there's this one move that i do better than all the other ballroom dancers..." 220321
raze "you gotta play some dodgeball, son!" 220322
raze "the research is remarkable." 220324
raze "they've always been closest to their maternal grandmother." 220325
past "no wonder the bridges to montreal are bull."

"bull moose!"

"wtf is that?"
kerry you wanna know why it’s so great?”
because i’m in charge of everything.”
tender_square you wouldn’t believe how different the attitude is there.” 220325
raze "and who could forget ... what the hell was his name?" 220326
past "i talk to teenagers all day. it's my job. i'm really good at it too. but" deep sigh "just not with my own teenagers." 220326
tender_square an irate man on a busy street corner in a admiral plastic poncho, yellingPEACE ALL THE TIME!” 220327
e_o_i Mom: Do you like chickpeas?
Dad: I'm not hostile to them.
tender_square our vibe was, like, tight in first year.” 220328
tender_square crying is allowed; we’re people after all.” 220329
raze "there are those two men again. what are they doing?" 220329
tender_square "creepers gonna creep." 220329
past related: "if he keeps gaslighting everyone he's either going to asphyxiate or explode." 220329
past "it's a fake ass walmart!" 220330
tender_square "you guys have been very consistent. but outside of that, i don't know who's been consistent." 220331
raze "i can't help feeling like the quarter of a million dollars they spent on that flag could have been put to better use elsewhere in the community."

"yeah, but where does it stop?"
raze "i think she's talking to her leg right now." 220401
raze a man introducing his two west highland terriers to a stranger:

"he's a little bastard. she's nice."
raze "the thing about living in an old house is it's always harder to breathe." 220403
raze "he's so fine, bro."
"my arm is so sore today, you guys."
raze "keith, are you seriously fucking climbing that tree to hang out with that squirrel right now?"

tender_square a owner to his dogs that were barking as they passed: "guys, it's their sidewalk too." 220406
past a man standing on a roof, with his head over a chimney: "james! where do you go? can you hear me?? jaaaaaammmmmmeeeessssssss!!!" 220406
raze "dogs are wise. they understand play is important. we need that." 220407
raze "i give up." 220408
past "i don't have sticky legs! that's disgusting!"

"stick legs, like a chicken, you weirdo."
past "i don't have sticky legs! that's disgusting!"

"stick legs, like a chicken, you weirdo."
raze a man to his young son:

"blaaaaaaaah! blaaaaaaaaaaah!"
raze "looks like we got a bit of company." 220410
raze "he got the hell beat out of him by sheldon." 220411
raze "all they did was buy me the same things *they* like." 220412
raze "well, she did say she slept for twelve hours straight last night."

"that's something, i guess."
kerry "i could eat a dozen of 'em, they're so good."

"no you couldn't."

"a half dozen, maybe."

tender_square my dominican neighbor, daisy, calling out to her wandering westie, “rrrrrrrrichard!” 220414
raze "you can walk in as, like, a person, not as, like, a car." 220414
raze after a high_school student wound up and threw a small inflatable ball that veered off course while his girlfriend or girl friend watched:

"you can't aim."

"it was wind. that was wind! you *saw* that!"
raze "god hates me." 220416
past scene: a man is being patted down a few blocks away. he is joking with the police, taking some of the edge off the interaction.

"what do we have here?"

"just a cigarette, sir."

the cop takes something out of it and shows it to his partner. "a thousand dollar cigarette if you ask me."

"yes sir!"

"you'll have to get in the back seat."

"sure boss, but can i have that back?"

"for a thousand bucks."

a few blocks later the two cruisers pass us. an ambulance with its silent signals on is coming up the other way. the cops wave it down, they talk, and the ambulance turns around and returns from whence it came.
raze "i've already embarrassed myself. because this is how i walk around at school trying to pick up girls. like this." 220417
raze "so, what's your favourite dish?"

raze "so you keep all of that in your mind?"

"that's where it grows."
raze "it's all about the long hair, the long hair." 220420
raze "how you doing?"

"eh, for an old_man, i'm still mobile."
tender_square "if someone is, like, serious vegetarian they may not want meat that's been rubbing against cheese for hours."

"please don't ever say that again."
past not really a conversation, but a shout in a heavy french accent: "ah! fucking eh!"

followed by a roofing crew belting out the words to "i will survive" as it plays on their radio.
raze "get the kleenex!" 220423
raze "let me go! let me go! let_me_go! i hate you!"

"i'm trying to be nice to you!"

"what do you want from me?"

"i want you to be nice!"
raze "watch out for the deep puddles. go around them." 220425
tender_square "is that a joke?"

"i don't think so; he's not a joking person."
raze "what are you afraid of?" 220426
raze "i couldn't find any that weren't, like, super flat. so i didn't buy a cake." 220427
tender_square "i have a pretty fucking basic opinion of myself." 220427
raze "she's been trying to get her name out there. she goes to everything, and she shakes everyone's hand." 220428
past a group of teenage girls took over the baby swings at the park:

"okay what about alice?"

"i like her hair. is that weird to say?"

"what's your answer?"

"she's my friend!"

"you can still have an answer."


"that's my girl!"
e_o_i Guys on the bus, early 20s:

I’m not great at geographyI didn’t even know where the fuck Greece was until two years ago.”

“Aren’t you half Greek?”

Yeah. So that’s a doozy.”

(No shade for not remembering places! I just said something about Indiana being "so far away" from Canada and it isn't - it's just under Michigan. But the word "doozy" coming from a kid ten years younger than me made me smile.)
raze "you're moving far away from me." 220429
tender_square "i can't believe this! it's my dentist calling!" 220429
tender_square it should’ve been me!”

summer couldn’t wait for her.”
raze "i literally just ran here."


"like, literally."

tender_square "do you have a weird relationship with organized sports?" 220501
past "that's a real nice purple sweater, but aren't you overdressed for the weather?"

"dad it's not purple."

"okay what colour is it then?"

"it's a mix of half red and half blue."

"what do you think purple is?"
raze "fire face!" 220502
tender_square i can’t believe he made you do the counting!” 220503
raze "you_know, i_don't_know. and that leads to a lot of ... uncertainty." 220505
raze "just don't break anything, and we'll be good." 220506
raze "this reminds me of 'girl meets world'." 220507
tender_square all i need is a car with white interior.”

it’s so easy to clean!”
raze "i come in peace!" 220509
raze "she mutilated me with my own phone." 220510
raze "nice breeze, but i'm still overdressed." 220511
raze "miss is gonna wash your mouth out with soap."

"she can't do that without my grandma's permission."
tender_square "some friends of ours came into some passive income."

(a euphemistic way to describe wealth, if ever i've heard one.)
raze "okay, the only person who should be talking right now is me." 220513
raze "please. don't look_at_me." 220514
raze "obviously, people over 35 have babies every day." 220515
tender_square "i wanna go to hawaii! I WANNA GO TO HAWAII!" 220515
raze "she doesn't have any interest in me sometimes." 220516
tender_square on decatur street, a wife asks her husband about getting beignets and he responds, “i am so full right now. give me 45 minutes.” 220516
raze "they were friendly with their neighbours, but they never had any real friends." 220517
past "i'm really into radiohead and weezer."

"oh man! that's old school!"
raze "it isn't much of a house, but it does have one point seven acres." 220518
raze "stop swearing at teachers!" 220519
tender_square two ten-year old boys talking at the aquarium.

boy one, holds up a cell phone camera to snap a shark and says, “this glass is so far back, i’m going to get glare.”

tell me about it,” boy two sighs, lifting his digital xlr to point-and-click.

both spoke with the seriousness of veteran national geographic photographers.
past two teenagers walking past the kindergarten pickup spot:

"shit that's funny!"

"for fucks sake stop fucking swearing in front of the small children!"

"jesus christ do you hear yourself? fuck me."
raze "where's papa? papa! he's all the way over there!" 220520
tender_square what’s that called—iron maiden? iron gate?—that sounds cool; i want to do that.”

(spoken by a white-haired business man who looked like he was a distant cousin of steve martin)
raze "the only way to move it this way is to move it that way." 220521
raze "girl, you live in windsor! how do you not remember the future shop?" 220522
raze "they don't use selected words, because selected words are a bannable offence." 220523
raze "i've been playing 'the sims' a lot lately. i have this goal right now. i'm trying to get my guy to knock up every woman in the sim-verse. it's going well." 220524
raze a man to his young daughter (who he was too busy texting to look at):

"whatcha doin'? playing in the sand? that's cool."
tender_square "the adrenaline has kicked in; both of my french-press glasses have broken." 220526
raze "like, i guess i'm glad i'm with her, but..." 220526
tender_square tonight’s artist is…temperamental.” (spoken by one security guard to another as they entered the back door of michigan theater. they were talking about tori amos. TORI FREAKING AMOS!) 220527
past "i can't have a dog or a cat at home"

"you should ask for an ocelot"
raze "grease the crank. tune the chain. tune me up. get me ready for the ride." 220528
tender_square i used to get hemorrhoids back in the day and they didn’t twilight you then, they just told you to wipe better.” 220528
raze "now? am i dead now?" 220529
raze "he doesn't go to school there." 220530
tender_square a woman talking about the lunacy of her roommates.

"they're fighting over a tub of butter!"
raze "stop riding my dick!"

(said by a teenage girl)
kerry man in the dry cleaners:
he don’t like youi’m pretty sure he don’t like you. i know i don’t like you!”
raze "do what you feel is best. try to make it pretty, if you can." 220602
tender_square a baby’s cries carried through an open window followed by a mother’s soft shush. 220603
raze "this way, big guy."

"dad . . .'this way' isn't the park."
raze "this is embarrassing. i have that same haircut." 220605
raze "that's the way they want it. but it drives me crazy." 220606
tender_square "oh, you're like a human; you're better now to me." 220606
raze "if you don't end up using all six, give one back. 'cause it's weird." 220607
raze "it's been getting more complicated for me."

"things are complicated for everyone now."
raze "shut the fuck up! i told you! i fucking told you! shut the fuck up!" 220609
raze "what about your 401(k)?"

"i don't *pay* my taxes."
raze "cheater! cheater! what the heck, dude? you wanna win so much you gotta cheat?" 220611
tender_square "i wear belts and still when i bend over, you see crack."

"yeah, your butt crack is so high it goes up to your shoulder blades."
raze "you're so much more irish than you are italian." 220612
past kid1: "what's on your shirt?"

kid2: "blood."

kid1: "the blood of your enemies?"

kid2: "no, i had a nose bleed."

kid3: "well if you have low self esteem then it is the blood of your enemy!"
raze "what kind of dog is that?"

"i don't really know. i call him a mystery husky."
past "turning_red is a bad movie."

"why? i liked it."

"it's about a girl who turns into a red panda. not even a great panda. besides i have red hair, it's not all that."
raze "i need to go higher." 220614
tender_square "today i might not get the job...of course they're going to oppose it." 220614
kerry "they call him hitler. i don't know why--he seems like a sweet guy!" 220615
raze "accept it." 220616
e_o_i Cardiff edition!

"No, no, I get the joke. I'm just responding...no."


"Get outta my fookin way!" from a man on a bicycle to another one walking. At first I thought they were having an argument, because I'd witnessed a street argument that morning, but the walking guy laughed and the bike guy dismounted to amble along with him.

It was oddly sweet. And I thought his accent sounded more Scottish than Welsh, but I'm not sure I can tell them apart from just a few words.
raze "you're like ... wow." 220617
tender_square during a conversation about butt sweat (or "swass" as i like to call it), laura, caught in the middle of a topic she didn't ask for, cried out, "i don't know what time of day is appropriate for this conversation but it can't be at 9:30 in the morning!" 220617
raze "stop! emerson, wait for me!"

"i can't! when i'm on this bike, i just can't stop!"
tender_square "i live a very boring and average life." 220618
raze "i knew you were close when i heard, 'i love the hair!'" 220619
tender_square a little girl singing "we are going fishing and daddy's coming too." 220619
raze "can we watch this without having to watch twenty other marvel movies first?" 220620
past "i'm the flame that never dies! i'll keep burning until-"

"until!? you said your flame never dies and now you say until?! pick a lane!"
raze "you can't just leave it in the pressure cooker." 220621
raze "you wanna have a play-over at grandpa and nana's?"

"at *their* house? NO!"
past "wow! i didn't realize everyone was tall! finally meeting in person is weird!" 220622
raze "does it hurt?"

"nah. it just bothers me."
past "no no no no no! i understand, i just don't care." 220623
e_o_i At a Glastonbury bookstore: "These are all about white magic. I want a book on black magic. Not evil. Just black. Like night magic."

Same town, on a bus: "And she said to me...'You're not doing Glastonbury right.'"

In a London theatre after The Phantom of the Opera: "I didn't understand that part. I think that's the point of opera: you pretend to understand it, and then you feel posh."
raze "you wanna borrow my car wash card?" 220624
raze "i'm trying to do it the right way. i'm trying hard to say what i need to say." 220625
raze "you might think falling in love was random. it wasn't. you were meant to meet and stand together." 220626
raze "for a minute there, i almost didn't exist anymore." 220627
raze "introducing ... masterpiece!" 220628
tender_square "where are we going?!" 220628
raze "follow me." 220629
raze "i'm more of a writer than a freestyler." 220630
raze "they were dancing salsa! and i was like, 'are you fucking kidding me?'" 220701
tender_square "meryl streep!" 220701
tender_square "i didn't sleep with priya's roommate; i slept with her roommate's roommate," he clarified.

"that's priya's roommate," she said.

"to be fair," he reasoned, "i've only known her for a year."
raze "what happens if i don't do that?"

"i'll break your arm."
raze "hey dudes! rush!" 220703
tender_square "you just rip it out; it doesn't matter if the head stays in." 220703
tender_square i will tell you when to stop.” 220704
raze "a little sticky today, isn't it?" 220705
tender_square "AHHHHHHHH! I JUST STABBED MYSELF!" 220705
raze "i'm a little confused right now." 220706
tender_square i don’t respond to dares.” 220706
e_o_i The woman sitting with a golden retriever at her feet is telling two other people, in a mild tone, "[X person] finds [Y person] difficult to work with." Then, "She's a PURELY EVIL bitch." 220706
raze "we're not gonna win any marathons, are we?" 220707
past "of course i know that, i'm a neurologist!" 220707
tender_square "this isn't iced coffee--there's no ice in it!" 220707
raze "he's a good dog. he just has gut issues. he eats everything." 220709
raze "she's mad at me 'cause i won't marry her. so she called the cops on me." 220710
raze "it just happened to be pride month, so i thought it was appropriate to have the bi flag in my hair. and now i match my cat. we call her 'kitten'. that's the only way she responds." 220711
raze "it's my own fault for going back to work." 220712
tender_square "slow down! muhahahaha!" 220712
raze "not now. maybe sometime in september." 220713
raze "he trimmed his beard. he just started cutting. it took him three hours." 220714
tender_square "you will not cry for cake." 220714
raze "i did it! i did it! okay, now i'm scared again." 220715
tender_square "where would we go if the forests were all gone? where would the rainbows go?" 220715
raze "she made me feel valued when i quit. but not before that." 220716
past two five year olds:

"what do you think of frozen 2?"

"i don't really like it."

"oh it is my favourite. why don't you like it?"

"it's complicated like cars 2."

"oh wow you are right."
raze "there were a lot of issues. a lot of communication problems." 220717
raze "i guess no one really gives a fuck about social_distancing anymore, huh?" 220718
raze "i think he likes your nuts better than mine."

(hey! it was squirrel-related. get your mind out of the gutter.)
tender_square "she had a fascist tattoo." 220719
past "this takes me back to grade 8!" 220719
raze "you better control that. 'cause he'll get scared. and he bites." 220720
past "the russians are taking over everything. ukraine, the park --"

"hey that's not fair. the russians in the park are just kids from that daycare."

"sure but they're still jerks."
raze "i was like, 'you're flying flair, when they're the most unreliable airline on the planet right now. so really, what did you expect?'" 220721
tender_square "what do you think would happen if a sumo wrestler jumped in?" said one goggled boy to another as they cannonballed into the deep end. 220722
past "montreal is famous for their bagels."

"that's a really boring thing for a cool city to be known for."
raze "he's very current. his mom's stuck back in 2000." 220724
raze "you can't overestimate the need for tools like plastic wrap." 220725
raze "i can't do my makeup at seven in the morning when i wake up and have it stay on my face all through the reception. that's fucking impossible. any makeup artist who promises me that is a fucking liar." 220726
raze "that's someone who's gonna be upset for the rest of their life." 220727
raze "oh ... you got me." 220728
raze "dude, it's fucking forty! you're doing twenty! dude!" 220729
tender_square "hey, so...a ceiling tile just fell down on my head." 220729
raze "i love being american. it's so much more fun at the border." 220730
tender_square my daughter said that when i die, she wants to replace me a big lizard.” 220731
raze "sam is very open to whatever." 220801
tender_square "go around the table, jerk! c'mon!"

(a real-life instance of someone taking will ferrell's dissing your dog advice to heart.)
tender_square "he totally looked like a california skater bro. like, if you looked in the dictionary for that you would see his picture." 220802
raze "you look like you're having fun."


"are you happy?"

past "wait, you biked here?"


"but you use a cane!"

"it's easier to bike than walk, for sure."

"whoa. that's so cool."

"figuring it out that biking didn't hurt was liberating!"
tender_square "jimmy johns is closed because their air conditioning is broken! back in my day, we didn't even have air conditioning!" 220804
raze "it's not about being *right* all the time." 220805
raze "it's like ... yeah. yeah." 220806
raze "hey nora! where are you?"

(said through a phone to someone who was three feet away.)
raze "mom! it's too much! it's too much!" 220808
raze "we have our health. what more do we need?" 220809
tender_square i’ve realized that visiting florida is very different from living in florida.” 220809
raze "oh ... i'm in deep shit." 220810
past "on y up! on y up! prendre le shot! prendrrrrrre le shooooooot!"

("we're attacking! take the shot!" bilingual soccer yelling)
past you know it was probably "on est up" as "y" is not a verb, but an adjective meaning, more or less, "there". but the local french is unique in ways that would cause one to fail any job related french requirements in a hurry, so you never know. 220812
past (sighs) pronoun not adjective. 220812
tender_square "i'm not, like, an idea machine, you know?" 220812
raze "i don't understand your fascination with my butt. it isn't even that great."

"i know you don't like it. and that's how i get you."
raze "i'm just walking through the park! how do you know who i am?" 220814
raze "they have lunch in their office and take their cocks out. and my dad's like, 'fuck that. i'm not working fourteen hours a day.'"

(i'd be more concerned about random penis action than an overly long work day. but that's just me.)
raze "this is why i need to have access to pockets at all times." 220816
tender_square "i'm calling because i'm running for mayor."

(said by the guy working behind the counter at ontario central vacuums, talking into his cell)
raze "that's the gatehouse. it used to house cars. now it just houses old people who volunteer. it's sort of a living museum." 220817
tender_square "bella, you're going to get smacked." 220817
raze "i don't wanna be here!" 220818
tender_square yelled by a passerby across a restaurant courtyard to a server:

"did you try that medication i told you about?"
raze "that's my townhouse over there." 220819
raze "like ... why is it raining but *not* raining?" 220820
tender_square "can you still get nesquik at the store?"

"i don't know."
e_o_i Sue, about chickens: "We might end up eating one of the girls, which would be sad, but at least we'd have more room." 220820
kerry they can look, they can stare, but they can kiss my ass too.” 220820
raze "holy cow! that's a big one!" 220821
raze "she's always coughing. i mean, really giving 'er." 220822
tender_square "she was just trying to catch a snooze on a submerging boat." 220822
past "i keep thinking about all those stories about people who make a single bad decision that unravels your entire life."

"oh my god."

"and i ask myself did i just fucking do that."

"oh my god oh my god."

"*nervous laughter*"
tender_square "it's like the psychology building is messing with us." 220823
raze "take over the world. it'll be interesting." 220824
raze "what do you want? do you want to be completely without any sound in the car?" 220825
tender_square it was a blue toxic compound…” 220825
raze "hey. were you walking a puppy earlier?"

"nah. i had my daughter with me."
tender_square "white castle! jack-in-the-box!" 220827
raze "it all adds up." 220828
raze "i'm too small behind the bat." 220829
tender_square "hope's the first thing to die." 220829
raze "okay, kids. last one to the car, i'm leaving without you." 220830
nr "daddy, why do you like beer so much?" -a girl who looked about 6 years old

sadly they walked away too quickly for me to hear his answer.
raze "THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE." 220831
raze "i'm trying to save face, you know, as a small business owner." 220901
tender_square "it looks nice, but it's not perfect." 220902
past "ugh! you sound like my dad!"

"sorry...wait, uh, is that a bad thing? or a good thing?"

"i don't know! and i hate that i don't know!"
tender_square did i tell you i got my sun spots burned off with a laser?” 220903
e_o_i One kid to another, in mock-epic tones, "My reign of terror has only begun!"

They were playing basketball next door.
raze "i only have so much control." 220904
tender_square uh…and…like…”

(repeated about 150 times in the span of five minutes as i strolled behind someone who insisted on having a phone conversation while walking their dog).
raze "fuck, dude, like, your street is so far from your house!" 220904
e_o_i In the mall, a girl of about 8 said to her younger sibling with a tone of Mature Wisdom, "That's a mannequin. It's not real." 220904
raze "i don't care what you want. leave her alone." 220905
kerry "well, daddy's an idiot." 220905
raze "johnny! do you have a ramp?" 220906
raze "fuck the turtles. i just wanna drink properly." 220908
raze "you have to take care of yourself first if you want to be any good to anyone else." 220909
raze "i always wanted the air sucked out of a box of ritz crackers." 220910
past "do you want to know why the flag is at half_staff?"

"no mommy flags are boring."
past guy in his yard: "hey up there!"

guy on a roof nextdoor: "hi down there!"

yard guy: "i won't be able to catch you if you fall but i'll call 911!"

roof guy: "thanks bud!"
raze "when we made love." 220912
raze "it's a strange world out there." 220913
tender_square "your man is here!" 220913
raze "you're feeding the enemy." 220914
tender_square i’m going to gain 200 pounds working here.” 220914
raze "even when we were just friends, she never really saw me." 220915
tender_square "it's like you're just doing it because you want free stuff!" 220915
raze "he's like...he's got no sense of like..."

(the world still waits to learn what he's like and what he has no sense of)
tender_square "it's just so terrible...it's almost cruel." 220916
past at the allergist: "so this one will be slower and hurt more than the last one. plus there's three of them." 220916
nr look me in the eye right now and tell me you’re not fucked up.” 220916
tender_square "it was disgusting, it was filthy...i never see a light on in that place." 220917
raze "he can basically have any job he wants anywhere he wants and be like, 'oh, i don't feel like working here today.' it's great." 220918
tender_square "why are the clouds following us?"

"because they love following us."
raze "i started working in 1939. i used to get laid off every year." 220919
past "i was up coughing all night so i cancelled my shingles shot. oh and i finally sold the graves. yeah i know, it was hanging over me." 220919
tender_square "i'm always positive, until i'm not." 220919
raze sung more than spoken:

"take a laxative! take a laxative tonight!"
raze "she said a dollar raise sounded reasonable. she said we'd talk about it again in a month." 220921
e_o_i "Marketing is creative. It's not too hard. Anyone could really do marketing." 220921
tender_square i wonder if he refills it; he’s always using the same bottle, do you notice that?” 220922
raze "i keep telling them no. and they keep saying, 'when can we start?'" 220923
raze "i don't know how far along we are. i can't remember." 220924
raze "we're gonna walk right up to him. he's gonna be dead on the floor." 220925
raze "i love you! you're great! unless you cross me. then i will destroy you. (i'll probably destroy you in your dreams.)" 220926
tender_square "i found this on the floor; it was keeping the elevator doors from closing. and i thought it shouldn't be thrown in the garbage, but i need to get to class." and then the person proceeded to lay a used hypodermic needle on the desk. 220926
raze "you're too energized." 220927
raze "fuck_you, officer." 220928
tender_square "they weren't going 1,800 an hour, but yes, they were driving fast." 220928
raze "you *do* have a girlfriend, you know."

"yeah. i guess."
raze "my heart is as big as my imaginary dick." 220930
tender_square "my daughter doesn't like tacos; i feel like i've failed her, you guys." 220930
raze "there's only one way to know for_sure." 221001
raze "when i was a kid, i did a lot of gathering." 221002
past "everything is numbers!"

"what about poop?"

"especially poop!"
tender_square "i'm one hundred and three; when i had covid i was ninety-eight degrees." 221002
raze "it's weird when i'm used to walking alone." 221003
tender_square "i've heard enough insanity for one night." 221003
raze "how the fuck does anyone ever get ahead?" 221004
raze "you're nothing, man. you're nothing." 221005
tender_square "i'm like a benevolent overlord." 221005
past "is this squid games?"

"no, it's red light green light. good lord charlie, how do you even know about squid game? you're in kindergarten!"
past "i wish thanksgiving could be delayed this year!"


"i've seen my family too much recently. i mean, between rosh hashanah and yom kippur, and now thanksgiving this weekend, they're always over! it's too much!"
tender_square "my teeth are as sensitive as a fuckin'' elm!" 221007
past "i went to school with paul anka."


"well we weren't in the same grade, but my friend once found his report card in the garbage can."

"was he good at academics?"

"oh jesus no. but with a voice like that he didn't need to be."
tender_square you look happy.”

i am happy. though, i did do something stupid; i fell off a ladder in august, passed right out. my neighbour had to call an ambulance. last time i do that! i’m not twenty anymore.”
raze "why you always gotta be unhappy?" 221009
raze "i could have got in a car accident and broken my neck."

"i broke my neck once. it happened when i was on a trampoline. i tried to do a backflip. ended up doing a neck flip instead. it didn't go well."
raze "seniors boil hotdogs in my dreams." 221011
raze "i want to invite her over for dinner."

"why would you do that? it's not like you have anything in common."
tender_square "i'm going to have the best vocabulary to deal with this." 221012
Soma "oh my god, it will totally match my chickens!" 221013
raze "are you gonna share?" 221014
raze "are you gonna share?" 221014
tender_square "you bought rocks? you dummy!" 221014
raze "what the heck is wrong with me?" 221015
raze "you don't have dark skin. you can't sing."

"i'm not white!"
raze "we were chitchatting. it's been a while since we talked." 221017
raze "i can't swim." 221018
raze "how does a bastard happen?" 221019
tender_square upon leaving at the end of a horror movie, one moviegoer said to another:

"what did you think?"

"it was kind of sad," as in emotional.
raze "forget about tecumseh. just forget it." 221020
raze "she's scary ugly. she looks like an ogre." 221021
nr "all he ever wants from life is a potato. a nice, ripe baked potato." 221021
nr at the osgoode subway stop:

"how are you? osgoode [o's good? i's good?]!" she chuckled, and then i did too, and wonder how i'd never thought of this before.
nr *wondered 221021
tender_square i used to have a dress just like that, when i was young and skinny.” 221022
raze "i need to plan ahead. you know, it's a nice weekend. do i really want to spend it lugging around a pound of groceries?" 221023
e_o_i From the kitchen, my brother and dad (my brother starting):

"Did they (TV channel) say anything else about David Suzuki?"

"Not really, it was a just a feel-good..."

"'Feel-good'? What's wrong with that??"


Y: "I still feel David Suzuki is a very good person."

Dad: "Well, he tried very hard to educate people..."

Y: "You don't think it's all in vain, do you?"

Dad: "Oh no, he probably did more than most..."

(I think the issue in the middle was that Dad had repeated some criticism of others that Suzuki's house could be more modest and environmentally friendly, and Y. took that to mean Dad disapproved of the man. Conclusions, we jump to them! Me too, sadly.)
raze "you know what i mean? like a body with no head on it. so it looks like a headless swinger guy." 221024
tender_square "i thought mom once said to me that grandma wanted to be cremated." 221024
raze "i can't go on anymore. i can't run anymore." 221025
tender_square "i'm going to use the only sources of power i have: my vote and social media." 221025
tender_square "i'm not touching that case; i have no desire to be the most hated psychologist in the country. my mental health is more important." 221026
raze "you wanna go around the whole?"

"the perimeter?"


tender_square "it's like, join the other plebeians." 221027
raze "in a way, i guess i'm still looking." 221028
tender_square "she made design suggestions because that back hallway looks like a hospital." 221028
tender_square "do it!"

"i will!"


e_o_i At the dog park:

B'en trop mainstream, mon gars
e_o_i (translation: something like "way too mainstream, dude") 221029
raze "i told him about rehab and everything. he's gonna get a nutrition consult from my dad." 221030
raze "rob had me on the edge of my seat the whole time." 221031
raze "i want to go home." 221101
raze "listening to us is like biting into a glitter sandwich." 221102
past "we don't go to the other park anymore because the russians are bullies."

(different people than the people overheard in july.)
tender_square "once an individual's genes are set, they're set." 221102
raze "i'm trying to help. but i can't force the help on you." 221103
tender_square "i need to talk to someone about a member of my lab who committed a very serious violation." 221103
raze "tastes like shit." 221104
tender_square "could you imagine if we had weed in our brownies here? we’d be the most popular church ever." 221105
raze "your mother's calling." 221106
tender_square "i'm running after you! i'm gonna get you!" 221106
raze "yeah, when i think about people who are past the age of whatever..." 221107
tender_square "do not put your mouth around that!" 221107
past "holy shit, did he blink? he actually blinked!"

"yeah. he's a bully. bullies are cowards. they prey on those they think are weak. but we stood up and looks like he's sitting the fuck back down."
tender_square "it's like, i don't want her to think that i'm trying to act all like superior to her, you know?" 221108
e_o_i On a Concordia escalator: one guy, laughing, "What's the derivative of the function of one plus one?" 221108
raze "they looked for his pulse. they couldn't find it." 221109
past a group of teenagers.

1: where did you get that?
2: i think santa brought it to me.
1: wait, you don't still believe in santa?
2: shut up!
3: both of you shut up, there's little kids right there!
raze "you smell like cheese!" 221111
tender_square "your kids don't want to follow in your footsteps, they want to take their own path." 221112
past "are you a mennonite?"


"you're so bad at technology!"
raze "he's a pretty good leader guy." 221113
tender_square "how's that cheese plate treating you?" 221113
raze "what day was that, though?" 221114
raze "don't take your coat off. you'll get sick."

"i don't care about the fall."
raze "that's miss cherry's part." 221116
tender_square "if it works that's what matters." 221116
raze "my cardio isn't what it used to be." 221117
nr "i respect a good bus ride." 221117
raze "we did rice." 221118
raze "he told me he loved me. can you believe that?" 221119
raze "how do you find will smith in the snow? you follow the fresh prints." 221120
raze "no, i'm not gonna let you chase the squirrels. forget about it, buddy." 221121
raze "he was like, 'how do you see me?'" 221122
raze "in geography class, i always have to sit on the right." 221123
tender_square "did you get a mohawk?" 221123
tender_square i got my dogs some duck hearts.” 221124
past "hey! stop! you don't need a helmet in class!" 221124
raze "let's head over there where we can see the sun." 221125
tender_square after two hockey players slid on the rink and into the boards together, a kid in the stands yelled, "ice is slippery!" 221126
raze "i'm more worried for my son." 221127
raze "i'm gonna stand you up, bro." 221128
raze "it's not fair. i can't wait a year." 221129
raze "like, fucking hands. literally." 221130
past "i'm the janitor. I literally clean their shit. why do they seem to think i don't know where the skeletons are hidden?" 221201
tender_square "relax. relax. relax." 221201
raze "that won't happen again in his lifetime. certainly not in mine." 221202
raze "i'm bad. i'm dangerous." 221203
raze "you're a squirrel! you're a squirrel! you're a squirrel!" 221204
raze "like, i had to blink, and i didn't want to blink, because i was afraid i would die." 221206
past "my husband isn't really good with kids so i do most of it."


"i know i know, why did we have 6? i just love babies too much, but they grow out of it so fast."
raze "he spent the entirety of the winter break at my place." 221207
raze "i turned my back. and you ran away from me." 221208
raze "have you ever seen a lizard demolish a hamburger? because i have. and it was strange." 221209
raze "i'm not sure. i mean, i don't know." 221210
tender_square "all i have is a bedside table and some kitchen stuff." 221211
raze "shut the fuck up! are you so fucking stupid you can't understand that no one was making fun of you?" 221212
raze "hold on a minute. i'm just gonna kill this squirrel over here." 221213
raze "and my one friend, i don't even understand why we're friends, because all he does is talk about sports." 221215
past "the pandemic is supposedly over. that doesn't mean we're safe, it just means people are being stupid about other diseases instead." 221215
past "nothing makes sense! if i can't make it make sense i won't be ready for grade 11!"

"i'm not even ready for grade 10 and it's almost halfway over."
raze "let me take some of that off your plate." 221216
past "the difference between ottawa and toronto is that in ottawa you actually work and in toronto they want you to schmooze and play office politics." 221216
raze "'frozen' is my favourite movie of all time."

"i hate 'frozen'!"
raze "i'm ready to see some more action." 221218
raze "i'm only trying to understand some people's behaviour." 221219
tender_square "ugh, you know there are going to be those people who are like, 'i need this by christmas!' " 221220
raze "it goes well with a pasta." 221221
raze "you had glitter all over your back." 221222
past "no one is returning my calls or emails!"

"chill. i_think_they're_just_overwhelmed. everyone is running_on_empty and burned_out."
raze "you'd literally be spending so much money. i feel bad for you." 221223
raze "if you go on the internet, and i mean on anything at all, it buffers for a good thirty minutes." 221226
tender_square said one middle-aged stoner to another modeling a jacket in goodwill:

"see man, you put on a blazer like that and you look fuckin' professional."
raze "yes, i've seen those wrinkles." 221229
raze "it's like my parents said when i was a kid: tecumseh road is the end of the world." 221230
past "daddy. no! why daddy! no no no daddy! daddy no no no! stop daddy!"

(a 5 year old clearly done with shopping being dragged into children's place at the mall.)
past "my wife is a gay icon online apparently."

"whoa, what's that like?"

"i wish she'd spend some of the sexual energy on me."
raze "no. you're not eating a mask." 230101
raze "we spent half a year on those projects in shop class and never finished any of them." 230102
past "your friend, whats_her_name, she's really good with office politics bullshit. why don't you call her?"

"oh man, it's true but it also means she's always a fucking wreck. i love her, but no i can't do that to her."
raze "i go poop in the park." 230105
tender_square "you know how people use the term snot-nosed kids? well, i call my grandkids 'snotty kids,' because they are." 230105
raze "you guys should hug them. real quick." 230106
tender_square "oh, that's interesting! so you changed it?" 230106
past "this isn't inflation! this is gouging!" 230107
raze "he's still got that puppy bum wiggle." 230108
raze "what kind of winter is this?" 230109
raze "yeah, it was an ortho appointment, so ... i_don't_know." 230112
raze "i figure we just post it and say, 'well, rick, if you want it, come and get it." 230113
raze a girl who looked about eight, to her friend:

"i don't give a shit. anyways."
raze "we've reached the point where's she's like, 'it's been fun, you guys, but now i'm gonna start treating you like butt.'" 230115
tender_square "i'm 71 and i'm at the top of the class—or is it the bottom of the class?" 230118
past "i'm not saying child cadavers are best or worst for this, i'm just saying we should talk about this later."

(less creepy in context, i swear.)
tender_square "well, i guess it doesn't really matter then, does it?" 230121
raze "she showed me a picture of something that looked like a vulture. it wasn't a vulture. it was an immature bald eagle." 230122
raze "everything i thought it would be, it was. or everything i hoped it *wouldn't* be, it was." 230123
raze "i'm going after brayden. he can't get away from me that easy." 230124
raze a woman:

"don't fucking test me. let's go."

her daughter (who looked to be about six):

raze "this snow is weaker. i'm too strong." 230126
raze "it's more work than we were expecting. it's too much. but we can't turn it down." 230127
raze "that wasn't epic." 230128
past "you know this place is good because it's packed and there's only one other group of people speaking english." 230129
tender_square "have them call me so they can yell at me some time." 230129
raze "i wasn't like we weren't like allowed to watch it." 230130
past "i'm not busy, i just have lots of meetings." 230131
raze "he's smart as a whip. she told me that." 230201
tender_square "we went to college together and i thought something was going to happen between us, but..." 230201
tender_square one young woman remarked to another as they walked through the bitter cold:

"i should’ve gone to school in florida."
raze "i was in the construction section, with all the *real* fucking men." 230204
tender_square "the doctor asked if she worked out and she said, 'yoga' and the doctor was like 'that's not working out.' " 230204
raze "he was the boat. that's a boy goat." 230205
tender_square "i'm so high right now." 230205
raze "i've been sober for three years. i mean, it's not like i never drink wine or anything. i'm not one of *those* people." 230206
tender_square "she was asking me if i was from amherstburg, even as i was servicing her." 230206
raze "don't change what you want to do for someone else." 230207
raze "it's early. it's obviously still early." 230208
tender_square "hurry up, you little monkeys." 230208
raze "i'm flipping you off!" 230210
raze "okay. now you can get out." 230212
past a man talking loudly into his phone" you should be breaking up not getting married! hello? hello? she hung up on me!" 230212
raze "maybe you should try it too."

"i *will* try it."
tender_square "they ended up getting scammed with the super bowl; they bought tickets and when they arrived at the game, found out they were counterfeit. so he turned to her and said, 'vegas is only four hours from here; wanna get married?'" 230214
raze "i'm walking backwards." 230215
tender_square "isabelle, what do you have in this backpack? it feels like there's four bricks in here!" 230215
tender_square "i don't even ask, 'how are you' anymore, it's a rhetorical question." 230216
e_o_i "No. I can't do it. You couldn't pay_me_to_read. You actually couldn't." 230216
raze "that month is lost now." 230217
raze "stop fucking ray gun!" 230218
e_o_i "My uncle, apparently, at Lollapalooza, lost one Birkenstock. And he crawled on the ground to find it."

(Lessons: pricier sandal brands get verbally singularized when parted from each other. Lollapalooza is fun to say.)
e_o_i ...oh, the brand name itself is singular. I learn things while I'm avoiding work. 230221
tender_square "oh, i know that girl in the next car but i'm not going to wave to her. i'm gonna wait like 10 minutes and then text her and say that i saw her."

(teenagers are so weird.)
raze "yeah, well, turn the corner." 230222
tender_square "best to let her sweat it out until monday." 230224
raze "i was going to talk about the weather. but i won't." 230301
raze "i can see it! i can see it now!" 230302
raze "i'm trying to teach him manners." 230305
raze "how do squirrels even drink water? i don't get it." 230307
tender_square "i give people one chance; if you're inappropriate with me, you're blocked online. and if you come into the store, i'm going to pretend i don't know you." 230309
raze "forty below? i can do that. no problem." 230310
tender_square "yeah, it's a lot of california people moving there who are tired of the rates; tennessee doesn't charge any income tax."

(this was spoken in a canadian coffee shop.)
tender_square "it was suggested i take a bath and drink a glass of wine before bed as a way of winding down. but now that glass has turned into a bottle and i asked the doc, 'does this mean you're sending me to brentwood'? hahahaha." 230311
raze "that's why i won't go to the mall with my cousin molly anymore. she's too bossy." 230312
raze "it doesn't take much snow or salt to screw up our day." 230313
e_o_i Two men exiting the bus, saying goodbyes:

"...And remember, the more you give, the more you get."

"Sure! Whatever that means."
raze "how's your baby?"

"too much crawling."
raze "i mean, if your only reasons for doing that are blah blah blah..." 230317
tender_square "you're interested in a filing cabinet?" 230317
raze two people talking over each other, their monologues overlapping to the point that i couldn't make out one word of what was being said. 230318
raze screamed by a man who sounded like he was auditioning for the lead vocalist spot in a death metal band:

past "before the pandemic i didn't think i liked working from home, but i never tried. now i never want to have to go back in to an office building again, but if it's an option and my friends are there then that would be nice." 230321
raze "he did it. the *other* kid. there's more than one, you know." 230322
raze "how do i even get back in?" 230323
raze "i've met some cool people, for sure. but a lot of people are clearly lost." 230324
tender_square "awwww. you're not a fucking kicker!" 230324
raze "it's pretty stupid to pay someone else to fax something for you. i mean, it's pretty fucked up." 230325
past "they make you try it three times and if that doesn't work they drug you up."

(i think this was about fertility treatments.)
raze "you've got some skinny legs there. what the hell are you gonna do with those skinny legs?" 230327
raze "where are you going? what are you looking for?"

"i don't know. where are *you* going? what are *you* looking for?"
raze "are you ready to go for lunch, or do you want to wait?" 230330
raze "keep looking at me like that and you'll get fucking dropped, man." 230331
tender_square "taylor swift has a stranglehold on this generation." 230331
tender_square "so, is that going to be enough at the meadowlands?" 230401
raze "that's bird food. not dog food." 230402
raze "it's almost like a perfect day." 230403
raze "there he is! oh my god! he's so cute!" 230404
past "can you tell me one way you are dissatisfied with bell?"

"yeah, that they send poor schmucks like you around to sell their shit door to door."
raze "even getting up takes so much energy." 230407
tender_square a kid cycling with a chipotle bag clutched in his hand, singing, "i'm a bur-ri-to! i'm a bur-ri-to!" 230408
raze "anyway, it started with feeding coyotes. now you're not supposed to feed squirrels either. i don't see what one has to do with the other."

"maybe if you feed a squirrel and it bites you, you get the flu, and that's the connection."
raze "i just caught me off guard." 230410
raze "it was david. he did it. i caught him. but i'm the one you yelled at." 230411
past "i finally have things under control."

"why did you say that? you're fucked now!"
raze "i know. he's like, 'i'm gonna do what you *don't* want me to do.'" 230413
raze "i'm trying to give him space." 230414
raze "it's over. it's over." 230415
raze "you've got a hell of a handshake. what do you do for a living?"

"i stay the fuck away from my wife."
e_o_i (On the train, a group of young women - maybe still in college, maybe not - were cycling through topics of space travel, friends, and celebrities; I was supposed to be grading, but got distracted and eavesdroppingly typed some notes based on their talk)

When you’re an astronaut, you don’t come from the streets, you know?
But career astronauts...I don’t know.
I mean private astronauts...“I have so much disposable income, I can go to space. For fun.”
[talking about some neighbours]
With two doctor salaries, they can afford, hmm...their kids can go to space!
I’ll be like the cool gay aunt. [something like] They can tell me about it!
[...] People are also getting married at our age.
Just people.
[...] What about Billie Eilish and like her pedo boyfriend?
Side-eye. Like, SIDE-EYE.
raze "it doesn't matter to me if you're right ... even though i know you're wrong." 230417
tender_square "oh, go away!" 230417
past "mommy look future_perfect 's dad got hurt!"

"he sure did hunny."
e_o_i "I'm getting fatter by the minute." 230418
raze "that blueberry balsamic sauce ... whaaaa!" 230419
raze "looks like the regular weather's coming back." 230420
past "oh god, that's too bougie even for us." 230421
raze "there are no dogs here." 230422
raze "maybe they forgot." 230423
past "meltdowns don't matter. everyone meltsdown. it's how you get back up that's important." 230423
raze "i need help." 230424
raze "which one wins?" 230427
raze "it was the most beautiful thing." 230428
past "i wish my union was on strike."

"no you don't. being on strike sucks. people don't like being on strike. you wish you were on vacation, but your kids still in school."
tender_square "drop the tough-guy act." 230428
tender_square "i saw harbaugh; he's a nice guy." 230429
raze "your dad's seen a lot of leafs wins, hasn't he?"

"well, yeah. but not since the sixties."
raze "you can be playing sports or doing something else, and then something stupid happens." 230501
raze "oh my god!"

"don't say that."

"oh my ... lord!"

"that's better."
raze "being delusional is not sexy, sir." 230504
tender_square screamed outside: "take it off!" 230504
raze "i know you're putting your whole heart and soul into it." 230505
tender_square "were you boys born in a barn?!" 230505
past "i knew it was over when i saw there was only three dollars and seventeen fucking cents in the joint account." 230506
tender_square "who is it? ha! it's dave!" 230506
raze "i think i have more than you, bart."

"i think you have the same amount."
tender_square "i'm too busy for sex." 230507
past two small children at the park:

"it's better to be the last one to get to the party."

"yeah because then you don't have to wait for people to have fun."
past "that's the problem! one week is short enough people save all their bullshit for you to get back. take at least two at a time and magically people learn how to solve their own problems." 230508
tender_square yelled by a middle-aged straight man:

"you go girl!"
raze "stop sending me fucking emails!" 230510
tender_square the tenant yelling "at the zoooo! at the zoooo!" to his bluetooth speaker, which then blared simon and garfunkel as protest for me sitting beneath his window outside. 230510
raze "stop sending me fucking emails!" 230511
tender_square a schoolchild reciting "one, two, buckle my shoe. three, four, shut the front door." 230512
raze "you're reading my letter. you're not reading the letter that was sent to me saying you didn't receive my letter." 230513
raze "i'm tired. my feet are sore." 230514
tender_square "oh, my dad is the worst." 230514
past "c'est tempered."

"mais... how?!"

"je ne sais pas. quelque chose le busté."

raze "this flower has no scent." 230516
raze "it wasn't that hot."

"the whole bag melted."

raze "i feel bad. i never even knew about it." 230518
raze "what the fuck kind of fucking tree is this?"

"i don't fucking know. fuck."
tender_square "you planted the seed and that's what's important. now, you've got to give it time to get roots and grow."

(i don't know if the women in this conversation were literally discussing plants or metaphorically speaking about life.)
raze "i'll tell you what. here's a side business for you." 230520
raze "oh. the tree is grey." 230521
past two women walking.

woman one: "i don't know why you're asking me and not him. i have no way of knowing that."

woman two: "i don't want to waste his time."

woman one, stops walking and scoffs: "but you don't care about wasting mine?!"
raze "i know what i'm doing, dad. i can see where i'm going." 230523
raze "she's the middle child, and she wanted an orange, so i dug one out of the cooler." 230524
past "sometimes a girl just needs a damn muffin." 230525
raze "it had some sauce." 230526
raze "i can hear all the crunching." 230527
raze "how's she holding it?"

"just like a lady."
raze "i'm gonna turn away from you, okay? i'm gonna take the long way around." 230529
raze "nice car."

"hey, thanks. it's black."
raze "what did you see?"

"a big fat mama with two kids."
raze "baby dead cow." 230601
raze "was it like this last year?"

"i don't know. i wasn't here then."
raze "i never said that."

"you literally just did."

"no. what i said was, 'that's what she said.'"
raze "he said, 'i'm gonna come back and kill you.'" 230604
tender_square "i'm going to look so sexy for you, you're gonna drop to your knees." 230605
past a small boy: "my shirt is like the sky!"

his shirt is yellow.
tender_square "love thy neighbour as thyself; you clearly don't love yourself." 230606
raze "where'd it go? i threw my shoe." 230607
raze "some serious wind is on the way." 230608
tender_square "now you're going home naked!" 230608
raze "i flew on a rocket ship."

"you did?"

"yeah. but i didn't wear a helmet."
raze "levi! it's leo!" 230610
raze "you haven't moved since last night."

"oh, i moved."
past "look at the little ones! they're so cute and fluffy!"

"fucking assholes is what they are."

(they were talking about canada geese.)
raze "i don't hear you playing!" 230613
past "i might be naive, but i have hope." 230613
raze "i'm broke. i'm broke." 230614
tender_square "it's a dog and pony show and i don't pay any attention to it." 230614
raze "it's free because i pay for it." 230615
past "oh come on! fighter jets? i'm trying to play soccer here but these planes are too fucking cool!" 230615
raze "i thought you were mr. gadget. huh? aren't you mr. gadget?" 230616
tender_square "it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for." 230616
tender_square "if you're going to his air bnb after, don't sniff the sheets." 230617
raze "hands off the blanket, david." 230618
past a visibly distraught teenager to a stoic woman, perhaps her mother?: "how dare you!" 230618
raze a young girl talking to a friend about her pink scooter:

"the first time i did it, i actually did it. the first time i did it, i already knew how to do it. you know when i got this? i got this at easter. the easter bunny gave it to me."
tender_square a mother shouting to her kid. "essel! essel! essel!" then, as an aside to her partner while watching me pass. "they think i'm calling my kid an asshole." 230619
raze "now i won't have any place to put it." 230621
raze "hey, old_man. you think you're tough, old_man?"

"i do."
past "you need constant direct supervision." 230622
tender_square "she's a fucking bitch." 230622
raze "why you always gotta show up at four in the morning?" 230623
tender_square "if it ain't done-done, don't call it fucking done." 230623
tender_square you didn’t do as bad as you thought.” 230624
raze "they're brand new for twelve dollars."

"i have dyslexia."
tender_square "i drive like a pimp now, i ain't scared anymore." 230625
tender_square it’s fucking monday morning, don’t get on my fucking ass already.” 230626
raze "it takes a lot of work to look this stupid." 230627
tender_square "you'll hear me say it to the grave that you put my security at risk!" 230627
raze "it took me a lot of therapy before i was able to have a conversation with her ... a productive conversation." 230628
tender_square i’ve never met a sober roofer.” 230628
raze "i wanna buy you some cooler glasses. those are pretty cool, but i wanna buy you a cooler pair." 230629
raze "...and that's how i went from science to the music industry after studying communications in college, shattering all preconceived notions." 230630
raze "i went down the slide! i slid!" 230701
past "what? you don't know stan rogers? he sang the american pirate song! oh come on. you know 'the year was 17 uh 17 whatever, i wish i was in sherbrooke' uh hey do you think stan went to bishop's?" 230703
raze "you look like you got hit by a semi-truck." 230704
tender_square "do your worst and i'll do my best. christians, are we?" 230704
raze "wait for dad to finish his turn. then you can go down the slide." 230705
tender_square "he makes four peanut butter toasts in the kitchen at three o'clock. like, dude, you know you're going home to a roast beef dinner that your mom made." 230706
raze "i want my water!" 230707
raze "that's really funny."

"no it isn't."
tender_square "he's one of two trustworthy people in this city."

"there's two trusted people you need in your life: a mechanic and a doctor."
raze "people leave the house and go to the grocery store. they don't plan on getting in an accident. it just happens." 230710
past "loblaws? bien non, je vais pas là. c'est too damn expensive." 230710
raze "you guys are really lucky to have a pool." 230711
raze "stop bothering me. just play." 230712
past "i did it. i went up to him, said hi how are you, walked away and got over my trauma. now i don't have to worry about all the shit he put me through on his power trips. i am free." 230712
raze "sounds like a case of extreme memory loss." 230713
tender_square "how's your day going?"

raze "can i have that?"

"food colouring, sugar, and additives. not gonna happen."
raze "muffins, muffins, muffins."

"you keep eating muffins and you'll turn into one."

raze sung: "i believe i can fly."

spoken: "no, i can't."
tender_square "my wife's not pregnant. unless it's one of those she's-knocked-up-and-still-getting-her-period kind of scenarios." 230717
raze "i'm hungry."

"wait a minute."

"mom, i'm hungry."

raze "stop arguing or you're going back inside." 230719
past "oh man, if my kid had a shit like that at daycare my phone would already be ringing to come pick him up " 230720
raze "i have muddy hands. leave me alone." 230721
tender_square "i'm not a professional mouse." 230721
past a woman at a playground with a dog but no kids: "he hates children." 230722
e_o_i A young man on a bus explaining a character in a screenplay he's writing: "He lives in a world of shitty people with shitty cars." 230723
tender_square a kid swimming in the e-coli tainted waters of sandpoint beach:

"i'm gonna keep my mouth closed and stop swallowing."
raze "why don't we pretend nothing happened?" 230724
raze "you always say i'm weak." 230725
tender_square "i'm entitled to a break! you wanna take this outside?!" 230725
raze "he did that to you? what kind of friend is that?" 230726
raze "i do not deserve this game's pity." 230727
past "i'd be more comfortable if there was a clear line between alive and dead." 230727
raze "we are young adults." 230728
raze "believe it or not, there were wax figures." 230729
tender_square "i'm no farmer; i don't hang out with cows..." 230729
raze "can we play in the grass?"

"you'll get wet. but i'm okay with it if you are."
raze "i hate little kids. i really do." 230731
tender_square "i'm not staying here!!!" 230731
raze "i hate him!"

"excuse me? i would have done the same thing. stop bothering him."
past "i hate doing ANYTHING alone." 230801
raze "she's married."

"so? we can still talk nice to her."
tender_square "i fucking love trees!" 230802
raze "well, i can't carry you *and* the bike at the same time. so what are we gonna do?" 230803
raze "stop hitting your mom in the head." 230804
raze "i'd like four hundred dollars from my spending account."

"what do you need it for?"

"none of your goddamn business."
past "wow c'est vraiment fucked up" 230805
nr "i just love the act of eating. i could eat all day." 230805
nr "you need to be able to communicate, even with... a BIRD." 230805
raze "dad! you can shake the car? i didn't know you could shake the car!" 230806
past "right on! bacon's cheap!" 230806
raze "no one called me, 'cause it's like." 230807
tender_square "we are closing in, like, two minutes. use this door." 230807
tender_square if you’re going to patch that wall it has to be to the balls.” 230808
raze "you're not a baby. you don't need to ride in a buggy. you have legs." 230809
raze "where's the water fountain? i'm so thirsty!" 230810
tender_square "remind me to show you a picture of my dildo." 230812
raze "didn't i just say yes?" 230813
raze "i'm gonna get you."

"well, you can't get me underwater."
past "oh shit i forgot my daughter!" 230814
tender_square "i wrote a story from the tree's perspective." 230814
raze "i'm spinning like crazy, man." 230815
raze "it was a good time. we had some laughs." 230816
raze "hey motherfucker."

(said by a boy who looked to be about six, to his friend of the same age.)
past (they're sponges, raze, so that definitely checks out! one of my littles likes to tell people to "get your shit together bro" because it's lyrics to a catchy song.) 230818
raze (it's both hilarious and a little scary to me what they can pick up at such a young age. i'll never forget my sister, who was just learning to speak, yelling, "aaaaaaaaah bitch!" and doing it over and over again, delighted when the adults couldn't help cracking up.) 230818
raze "why can't we have that?"

"it doesn't matter."

"no. i really need you to explain it to me."
tender_square "i am not irrational!" 230820
raze "what happened?"

"he tried to drown me!"

"next one who does that is out of the pool."
past "no blueberries on the plane? we're not terrorists!"

"that's not it at all, it's about agricultural import rules."
raze "would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?" 230822
tender_square "have you ever seen a left-handed third baseman? no! because they have to turn their body in order to throw the ball!" 230822
raze "they made a documentary about the making of it, which was more interesting than the film itself." 230823
tender_square "see, when i hear 'kid' i think, like, kid-kid." 230823
raze "i escaped the house, just barely." 230824
raze "even if we don't end up getting it, that we went out for it still counts. it still counts." 230825
tender_square "you're not fucking coming in here. fucking die." 230825
tender_square "when are these fans and this dehumidifier getting here? i need to dry my clothes." 230826
tender_square "you think i'm going to steal your fucking mirror? you're such a fucking weirdo!" 230827
past "you have allergies? in the desert?" 230827
raze "wanna buy some drugs? i got weed and whatever you need." 230828
raze "that's the worst hiding place ever! i already saw you!" 230829
raze "it's okay. the dogs aren't scared." 230830
raze "pick your towel up! now!" 230831
tender_square "why do i need to shower?!" 230831
raze "the building itself looks really nice. quite impressive." 230901
tender_square "tell my friends at bin 7 that i sent you." 230901
raze "be quiet. no one wants to hear that." 230902
raze "throw it in the back seat on the righthand side." 230903
raze "i got a face on my head." 230904
tender_square "yes, because i have shit to do." 230904
raze "jesus."

"that's what i just said."
raze "i'll have to try that. i should misbehave sometimes."

"my cat crawls up my furniture."
tender_square "i have every right to stand here, you fucking slut!" 230906
raze "my grandmother isn't doing well. she keeps attacking the staff at the nursing home. she was never like that before."

"maybe she'll give them all covid."
raze "i haven't bought flowers for a lady in about thirty years now." 230909
Scarlet photos "This is not how we behave, as adults! In fact, I'd be pretty passed if my cat acted this way!" 230910
tender_square "as my mom says, 'make yourself slim'!" (spoken by a woman attempting to let another person pass by narrowly) 230910
past "britney spears came out when i was your age."

"man, mom, you are old."
raze "bubba, move your butt." 230912
raze "don't worry. i'm here all week." 230913
e_o_i In the TA office, two women talking about their work and backgrounds:

1st: "I'm Jewish."

2nd: "That's so cool!"

1st: laughs, then as if to apologize for laughing, "Sorry, I don't know what to say."

(the 2nd one's grandmother was Jewish and also from South America; from my eavesdropping I think they're TAs in the modern languages part of the department, one for a Spanish class)
raze "when i said fuck_you, i wasn't actually hating." 230915
raze "don't go over there. it smells like poo." 230916
raze "it's your mom's sister, right?"

"no. sister in *law*."

raze "internalize." 230918
tender_square between two teenage boys:

"i don't understand; where in the united states is mexico?"

"mexico isn't in the united states!"

"where is it then?"

"in mexico!"
raze "come here right now! don't you ever ... let go!" 230919
raze "i suffered for a year and a half." 230920
raze "everyone's important. but you can't feed everyone." 230921
raze "darlene was pretty pissed when she got a bill for eight hundred dollars because of my daughter's texting. she told her, 'you're paying for this,' and my daughter started crying." 230922
raze "mom needs to find the plug." 230923
raze "you cannot waste time. time is precious." 230924
raze "i'm not trying to start an argument with you. i'm just trying to explain something to you. why don't you listen to me?" 230925
raze "stop it. you'll break the wood."

"well, i can't hit it slow like this. it won't be loud enough."
past "i want to see this."

"i don't want to see it. i NEED to see it."
tender_square "okay, girls."

(spoken by the ceo, to his adult daughter and her female coworker during a meeting.)
raze "she gave me a dirty look in the library." 230927
tender_square "alright, mother. let's fart." 230928
raze "the diagnosis was osteoarthritis. now, 'arthritis' means it's been there for a long time. and 'osteo', well, that means something too." 230929
raze "popsicles! get your popsicles!" 230930
tender_square "then i smashed my face." 230930
raze "grandpa! grandpa, over here!"

"hold_on. grandpa needs to drink his coffee first."
raze "you always pull away from me. every motherfucking time." 231002
raze "there's only room for one person on the play center."

raze "i think it's a beautiful country. i did want to go back, just to explore." 231004
raze "the heat is getting to me." 231005
raze "time to go pick up some leaves."

"i wanna pick up yellow leaves."
raze "i'll buy you that cereal *if* you can commit to eating it." 231008
raze "we're only a block away. let's go, ladies." 231009
raze "how deep inside were you?" 231010
raze "victoria, i have something i need to tell you." 231011
raze "there's a bee after me." 231013
raze "he makes new music under his last name." 231015
raze "i'm five foot five. five-five and a half on a good day." 231016
raze "don't waste your time trying to figure out what other people think. that's a fool's game." 231017
raze "so, i need an email from my employer verifying my employment." 231018
raze "if i see him, i'm gonna kill him." 231020
raze "good job. i'm proud of you." 231022
raze "i love this. i love this. yeah. i love it." 231025
raze "not worth it." 231026
raze "i think i'm gonna call it a night so i can get to bed on time." 231027
raze "this is the first year of your new career, right? you're only getting started." 231029
raze "i will eat you like a monster." 231030
Soma I thought if you left it longer it just seared more.” 231031
raze "does a bear shit in the woods?"

"i hope so."
raze "potatoes?"



raze "we're here for another twenty or so." 231103
raze "when i met that little prick jeff, i was still in grad school." 231104
raze "can i see your other watch, victor?" 231105
raze "you might fit in. you might not. i_don't_know." 231106
raze "he's not gonna spit on my bum. i promise."

"...why would he spit on your bum?"
raze "stay calm." 231108
raze "if there's something for me to work on or fix, i want to do it." 231109
raze "she was eating birdseed. i think she'd eat her own feet if she could." 231110
past "my marriage is over. dead. but we can't afford to split up with rent what it is. it's the worst of every world." 231111
raze "we're leaving, okay? you stay here by yourself. that's what you want. we're leaving." 231112
raze "stop_it!"

"i'm not doing anything!"

"yes you are!"
raze "i can't believe you fucked up the order. you're an asshole." 231114
raze "do something. like ... go volunteer. take a class. *something*." 231115
raze "i know i'm a pain in the ass. just ask my mother." 231116
raze "it's never gonna be okay." 231117
raze "you wanna help, jordy? go ahead." 231118
raze "you just saw the stubborn hound at its best. ten commands to perform one task." 231119
raze "here comes lucy. she's the queen." 231120
raze "all she ever does is call me to complain. it's all negative, negative, negative. i don't know why i bother picking up when i see her number." 231122
raze "what i heard was a very loud sound." 231124
raze "i've known him since i was ten. we dated when i was thirteen. for, like, a month. which doesn't count. then i broke his heart." 231126
raze "i had to wait three months."

"that's a long time."
raze "bam. bam. thrifted it. these cost fourteen dollars." 231128
raze "you know the eighties sucked, right?" 231129
raze "he can just go fuck himself." 231130
Soma "I've seen that guy's instagram. He doesn't have a fucking visa. If they can do it, I can do it. I'm not 'working.' I can just buy the fucking house and figure out how to get a visa later." 231130
raze "like, what are you doing?" 231201
raze "i actually don't smoke weed. or anything, for that matter. i used to, but then i got anxious and paranoid all the time. it wasn't good." 231203
raze "goodnight. sweet_dreams." 231204
raze "i want to say people in russia not very friendly. so i'm not sure you will be talk a lot with russian people. yes, me friendly. i expection." 231205
raze "she hasn't been getting out much lately." 231206
raze "what does low mean? what is that?" 231207
raze "this is where i live." 231210
raze "now exchanging the men's collection." 231211
raze "you wouldn't even know. how would they know?" 231212
raze "that never happens. you know why? i'll show you why." 231213
raze "bullseye. well, it *could* have been a bullseye." 231214
raze "panties are dangerous." 231215
raze "here i am. ta-da. like a rabbit out of a hat." 231216
raze "i don't bring cookies. i show off things." 231217
raze "and_also, my boyfriend is from wisconsin, so being with him makes me speak with a different accent." 231218
raze "no. it's not true. it's like all the rest, so it doesn't matter." 231219
raze "it's like ... how do you do that?" 231220
raze "merry_christmas? fuck_you. happy_new_year? fucking bullshit." 231222
raze "this is so dangerous, but i'm doing it anyway." 231223
raze "i want my teacher! i need my teacher! i'll see you in a bit." 231224
raze "it's christmastime." 231225
raze "i'm loving the mood tonight." 231226
raze "how about twenty-eight hours of company time?" 231227
raze "oh jesus. i can't do anything anymore." 231228
raze "i wonder where that mind of yours travels." 231229
e_o_i There's a file on my computer called this, and I can't remember if I ever posted these train conversations from October or November:

Person 1: The worst are the anime boys.
Person 2: Where did you meet one? Like on Tinder? In person?
Person 1: No, just like floating...randomly.

When you’re an astronaut, you don’t come from the streets, you know?
But career astronauts...I don’t know.
I mean private astronauts...“I have so much disposable income, I can go to space. For fun.”
[talking about some neighbours]
With two doctor salaries, they can afford, hmm...their kids can go to space!
I’ll be like the cool gay aunt. [something like] They can tell me about it!
[...] People are also getting married at our age.
Just people.
[...] What about Billie Eilish and like her pedo boyfriend?
Side-eye. Like, SIDE-EYE.
raze "there's a gap back here." 231230
raze "sometimes in this life i get courageous enough to look for something more romantic." 231231
raze "you can spy if you want." 240101
raze "i was actually debating selling things off of this website. like, not *through* the website, but on my own." 240102
raze "i think it's not raining," a woman said, while being pelted. 240103
raze "we just kissed. what are you talking about?" 240104
raze "it's so boring in here." 240105
raze "you should call your_mom_." 240106
raze "don't let the ball hit me, okay?" 240108
raze "you're sexy." 240109
raze "i can kick myself in the head." 240110
raze "okay. that was a weird question." 240111
raze "what the hell, mr. dressup?" 240112
raze "you can stay, and maybe you'll see." 240113
raze "she's loving it. humbug." 240114
raze "you have bad taste in music, and i don't like it. or maybe i'm just pretentious. but either way." 240115
raze "also, no. i have not tried battery acid. not actually." 240116
raze "what am i gonna do with ten million dollars worth of heroin? make poppy seed bagels?" 240117
raze "that is priced appropriately for how much it annoys me." 240118
raze "would you rather everyone under twenty or everyone over forty die?"

"for the good of the population, probably everyone over forty, because sperm quality decreases with age, lessening the chance of pregnancy for both sexes."
raze "it feels a bit weird on camera, but it's a really cute colour." 240120
raze "the universe has decided that we can't hear 'she bangs'. i'm sorry." 240121
raze "i still feel a little shocked." 240122
raze "i think we should cover all the parks with concrete. i have a tree in my back yard, so we don't need them anymore." 240123
raze "i bought this laptop last february. it hasn't been that long, so it shouldn't be freaking out just yet." 240124
raze "it's getting late, so i'm gonna wrap this up." 240125
raze "i changed my major. i was doing criminal justice with a minor in psych. now i'm doing business with a minor in fitness." 240126
raze "you should see my fridge. it's full of energy drinks." 240127
e_o_i On the train:

She’s 80% not-joking.
No, she’s like 15% not-joking.

I’m not drunk enough to remember.

I need to hydrate first. Responsibility and shit.
raze "what are they doing?"

"feeding the squirrels."

"i wanna do that."

"yeah? and i want pizza."
raze "do that again."

"no. i'm tired."
raze "i'm still thinking about that hardware." 240130
raze "i won't see him tonight. he works seven days a week. i think six is enough."

"well, sunday should be a day of rest. even my friend won't do yard work on a sunday."

"yeah. i know. but he has no hobbies. so he works seven days a week."
raze "you sound like you smell wonderful." 240202
raze "i'm just a little blind. i'll just blink really hard. it's fine." 240203
raze "you gotta tell me about building fires." 240204
raze "i hope someone does a water bottle count for me on this trip." 240205
raze "i told you to stop dragging your feet!" 240206
raze "i did everything i was supposed to. it doesn't work." 240207
raze "her ears always go back when she sees those two."

"my ears go back when i see them too. they're lovely people."
raze "i don't feel the need to do that again, ever." 240210
raze "i had a really peaceful morning this morning. i mean, other than being really hungover." 240211
raze "i know, i know, i know. but goddamn, girl ... don't you wanna be happy?" 240212
raze "my bass is nice to me. i don't slap it." 240213
raze "i should move to scotland. canada's boring." 240214
raze "i'm very anxious. and i can't breathe." 240215
raze "why do pumpkins sit on porches? they have no hands to open the door." 240216
raze "i want my bike back! give me my bike back!" 240217
raze "dude, this actually hurts so bad. dude, it's, like, welting." 240218
raze "i'm gonna pretend not to be cold right now. i'm not cold at all. i'm feeling really comfortable." 240219
raze "a little common sense goes a long way." 240220
raze "suicide is legal." 240221
raze "who knows why anything's happening, or not happening." 240222
raze "should i write something cheesy in my friend's card and say his awesome level is over nine thousand?" 240224
raze "i can hold a handstand for ten seconds without support. i've tried to do it in the middle of the room too, but i don't trust myself to stay completely straight yet without the wall to fall back on." 240225
raze "fabuloso." 240226
raze "if at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do suck seed."

(someone's a three stooges fan)
kerry "you know how it is... when you're trying to get pregnant you can't, and when you're trying not to, you do." 240227
pony (speaking from profound experience, that is exactly how it is.) 240227
raze "if you're wondering where a bass player comes from, it comes from, probably, a musical father." 240228
pony L: "I wanna have a job, like a post man, or a pizza shop" ---
M: "I wanna have some kids, and work for babies; I'll probably need to find a wife, and my wife will be Mama, or no, it'll be you, L, so you'll have to be a girl when you grow up - if you wanna be my wife."
(bedtime conversations of 6 year old brothers)
raze "fancy pantsy." 240229
e_o_i Woman's voice: "This is horrible! What HAPPENED?!"

Man's voice: "Welcome to Quebec."

(Overheard last night when I was waiting to get off the train. I came to the door, saw the people whose voices I'd just heard, and pieced together what they meant: they were train workers who'd just stepped outside to make sure people got on and off okay. Nothing terrible had happened; the first one was just unhappy that it was so cold and windy.)
raze "i think that it's time. but if we make that goal ... even happier." 240301
raze "tell the doctor: send to herbicide pharmacy." 240302
raze "you sick, buddy?"

"oh, fuck yeah. everyone in my building's fucking sick."
raze "i love it. i really love it." 240304
raze "i don't consider 'baby' to be my name." 240305
raze "i'll admit that i've been on apple music for some time now. the interface is still not my favourite." 240306
raze "i can't make that decision for you." 240307
raze "i like green bananas more 'cause of the fiber." 240308
raze "i went to see the doctor and he said, 'you're in great shape. you can expect to live a long time. whatever you're doing, keep doing it.' i'm seventy-two years old. you know what my secret is? i eat good food." 240309
raze "you're underpaid and overworked." 240310
raze "i can't sleep because of my adhd medication. i don't know what to do." 240311
raze "i should be the one handling that assessment." 240312
raze "okay. go this way."

"this way?"

"that way."
raze "you're being so good. you waited your turn." 240314
raze "you tired now? that was a lot of walking." 240315
raze "yeah, millennials are something else. but i will say they did a lot for culture. now, gen z is not the shiznit. they've got their own set of issues. i'm unfortunately a part of that generation, and i can tell you gen z is very anti-comedy and anti-humour. we get offended really easily." 240316
raze "i'm serious, mom. michael has done everything for these kids. so either you went wrong somewhere, or i don't know what to tell you." 240317
raze "i've got a scarf if you want it." 240318
raze "you don't have to play with them." 240319
raze "when i wake up, as long as i'm on the other side of the dirt, i'm having a good day." 240321
raze "daddy, look. what's that store?"

"that's winners. that's your mom's *favourite* store."
raze "we need to stop letting my dad go to the grocery store alone. he's getting to the age where he keeps coming back with things we don't eat."

"my dad does that too."
raze "i cut my hand open with a flathead screwdriver."

"shit, man! that's so cool!"
raze "can you believe it, diane? i don't understand what's going on." 240325
raze "i can't just stand around doing nothing." 240326
raze "it's really quite nice. it tastes good, too." 240327
raze "i could be here all day, honey." 240328
raze "i definitely feel most emotionally provoked by spanish. i can easily be transported to my family and specific instances in which spanish was spoken, in good and bad ways. but in terms of comfort and familiarity, i feel english has been my home base, so to speak." 240329
raze "hey, whose idea was it to play basketball?" 240330
raze "oh, it's dark!" 240331
raze "i don't get how the internet was created. like, what? we're so technologically advanced now, but who came up with it, and why did they give it that name? where do names come from in general? why is this called lip balm? why are my lips called lips? why is this a phone? why is this foil?" 240401
raze "music is amazing. people just create it, and then everyone listens to it." 240402
e_o_i Concordia library (probably not exact but close)

1st person: "...those hyphenated French names, they're the like standard. If you walk into a store and yell 'Jean-Luc Tremblay,' someone is going to answer."

"This place isn't real."

"It is real. It's like...Mont Real."
raze a woman talking to her camera:

"i know what i'll do. i'll just hold you."
raze "well, the alpha thing isn't even correct. it's based on something prematurely released about wolves. the guy who came up with the idea admitted he messed up, but by then it was already too late. everyone had latched onto the mistake. and the alpha wolf isn't even really about being dominant. they get that status from mating with other wolves and producing pups. so that's what the alpha wolf basically is: top parent. top daddy." 240405
raze "it's okay to consider yourself a dom. but to spring that into a conversation so early and expect someone to be submissive to you ... that's *totally* wild." 240406
raze "that's what i'm trying to do. i've been trying to make money all week." 240407
raze "i_hate you! i hate your guts!" 240408
raze "am i flexible? you haven't seen me do yoga." 240409
raze "what should the new goal be? we can make a new goal." 240410
raze "i love julia roberts. did you know my grandmother met her back in the eighties when she was famous? she used to be kind of a celebrity too back then. she definitely fell off, though. nobody remembers her now." 240411
raze "i'm obsessed with layers." 240412
raze "it's very well taken care of, my hair." 240413
raze "is there somewhere around here where you can take a crap?" 240414
raze "all right. we're gonna wiggle." 240415
raze "they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. they failed." 240416
raze "it's about a serial killer."

"i thought it was about seth."

"it goes deeper than i think any documentary could."

"so, wait ... is it a documentary? or is it fiction?"
raze "i'll put you down once we get inside." 240418
raze "we're gonna hang the rainbow in the back yard, just for funsies." 240419
raze "how many cards are in a deck of cards? fifty-two?" 240420
raze "he told me something i think he thought was funny. i don't want to get him fired or anything." 240421
raze "now, watch out for motorcycles. it's spring outside." 240422
raze "thanks for explaining that to me. i never would have understood it otherwise." 240423
raze "i've been telling the same story since day one." 240424
raze "i'm not authorized to approve that." 240425
raze "i don't wanna scream. sorry." 240426
raze "so now we have, like, eye and ear fetishes. y'all do that? that's crazy." 240427
e_o_i Kid: Dad, are these etible?
Dad: Pardon?
Kid: E-dhi-ble.
Dad: Yeah, but I prefer you don't "et" 'em.
raze "they rushed everything, 'cause they had to, and they just made themselves look like assholes." 240428
raze "you don't usually get an oscar until you do a nude scene. and she did it in the most disturbing fucking movie i've seen in a long time." 240429
raze "i like horror movies. i'm really tired of all the possession type movies, though." 240430
raze "so, you're going to make a decision without any input from me? is that what you're telling me?" 240501
raze "i'm the ceo of some bullshit." 240502
raze "let me not say the wrong thing." 240503
raze "four thousand dollars. gone." 240504
raze "mom! mommy! mom! look_at_me!" 240505
raze "get some korean food. such soulful food." 240506
raze "nine years of music school wasn't wasted, i think." 240507
raze "i kinda wish i could have done prom, because i have so many dresses for it. i have so many fits. i'm so fucking ready." 240508
raze "i kind of regret that, because i showed you my decadent ass." 240509
raze "we don't really have much to unload." 240510
raze "you know what's crazy, though? if someone makes an ai of me, technically i'll still be working." 240511
raze "this is awesome."

"is it, though?"
raze "i don't know. i guess it depends on how cool everyone's being." 240513
raze "naruto was bigger than yu-gi-oh."

"he was *not*."

"he's still alive, without reboots."
raze "the stinky cheese man survived." 240515
raze "my older brother was obsessed with that guy. it was so cringey. he was like emo girl justin bieber. i stay far away from that, man." 240516
raze "i wasn't talking to you, mr. penis." 240517
raze "dad?"

"i'm on the phone!"

"you're *always* on the phone!"
raze "they're saying all these different things. and nothing is working." 240519
raze "i know what thirty percent is." 240520
raze "whatever rocks your socks, you know?" 240521
e_o_i A man yelling into his phone over the metro noise: "Strong women emasculate men. Feminists emasculate men!"

(Does one have to be either or both? Say you're feminist but weak, plus you don't have any interest in either decreasing or augmenting men's collective level of masculinity even if you knew how to quantify such a thing...?)
raze "for what he did to me, he's a pig." 240522
raze "i was like trying to like figure out like what the like base is." 240523
raze "i'm just ... i'm so friggin' anxious. it's her." 240524
raze "don't you ever wish you had the opposite genitalia?" 240525
raze "is that a mouse?"

"i think it's a squirrel that doesn't have a tail."

"no. that's a mouse."
raze "they're all trying to fool us." 240527
raze "just don't say it. it's nothing." 240528
raze "you're a zombie movie? in what way? are you eating people? 'cause that's the only part that's not socially acceptable. but you can be decaying, and that's okay." 240529
raze "i don't know why i couldn't read that in my head." 240530
raze "it's supposed to be mandated. i'm very fucking upset right now, you know?" 240531
e_o_i In the Art Gallery of Ontario, something like, "The Jesus room is that way."

(It *was* a room full of religious paintings; some displays were arranged by theme as well as time period.)
raze "you know how high-maintenance going blonde is? you have to get your hair done every six weeks. and it's expensive." 240601
raze "you shouldn't do that."

"why not?"

raze "i thought i ripped it all up." 240603
e_o_i "There's a whole matrix system in our solar system where they take the energy and feed the dark...it's a huge part of what we're cleaning up."

Blathing_on_a_train and eavesdropping: see Mount_Shasta.
raze "you wanna talk about that, bestie?"

raze "stop asking about my wiener! love *me*!" 240605
raze "be careful. those swings are for little kids." 240606
raze "i was like, 'oh no! somebody call the cops!'" 240607
raze "i'm just worried about how much shorter these are than boxers. they're not like short pants." 240608
raze "i almost got in an accident on the expressway one day on my way to michael's 'cause some asshole in a tesla cut me off." 240609
raze "would you like some coffee?"

"why not? there aren't any flies in the mug."
raze "exams were terrible."

"they were fine. *studying* for them was terrible."
e_o_i When I sat on the train behind the four-seat section populated by junior high kids:

Boy 1: Why are you staring into the void?

Boy 2: At least I know how to entertain myself.

Boy 1: I'm entertaining myself.

Boy 2: No, you're letting a machine do it for you.
e_o_i (Pah, I think it was "abyss" instead of "void." It was something surprisingly mature-sounding from both sides, anyway.) 240611
raze "i won't let her smoke reefer. my husband calls it marijuana. i call it reefer. dumb fuck. she's a dumb fuck." 240612
raze "you're in high demand." 240613
raze "you'll need to replace some of your estrogen." 240614
raze "battlin'! oh-oh-oh!" 240615
raze "you need to apply a little_star beside your name." 240616
raze "i wish i could be a stripper. i would rock that shit. i'm not sure what's stopping me. maybe it's the fear of seeing someone i know out in the wild." 240617
raze "you want some of that sensodyne?"

"my teeth don't feel clean after using that. i'm getting arm and hammer."
raze "i wouldn't be mad if i threw away a seven-dollar jacket every once in a while. i wouldn't want to have to throw one away every single day." 240619
raze "i'm not giving them my email address. i bet they send so much spam." 240620
raze "let's have a staring contest. if you look away, you lose. if you blink, you lose. three, two, one, go. i think i blinked like three times already, but eh." 240621
raze "i ordered three carbonated waters. they were all just normal water." 240622
raze "your dad was like, 'okay, do this,' and i was like, 'no, i got this.'" 240623
raze "you're not a very nice cowboy." 240624
raze "if i had a story to go with your name, i might remember you." 240625
raze "oh my god. no. that always makes me cry. did i cry for you?" 240626
raze "my grandpa's gonna stop paying for the car. you can fucking have it." 240627
raze "maybe there's tricks and ways you're supposed to do it that we aren't hip to." 240628
raze "me? i don't give a fuck." 240629
raze "she didn't become popular because she was making good art and people loved it. she was heavily branded. i appreciate what she's doing. it's pretty fun. but i feel like it's there to sell me a way out of unhappiness." 240630
raze "the funny thing is he prefaced all of those insults by saying he really appreciated what i was doing." 240701
raze "i wouldn't say i'm paranoid, but i *am* a woman living alone. and i have dogs. but if i ever hear anything in the night hours, i always grab a gun. you just don't know." 240702
raze "i'm too big for a happy meal!" 240703
raze "it could be people setting off fireworks, but it's a sound that's coming from the ground." 240704
raze "when it does, like, the vibration thing, is it safe to hit it?" 240705
raze "i don't know about you guys, but i can't eat in front of other people." 240706
raze "go get it! it's fire!" 240707
raze "dad, you know what happened yesterday?"

raze "i signed a rental agreement today, so it's official." 240709
raze "we're not on good terms. we'll never see each other again. i'm pretty sure. i'm a hundred percent sure, actually." 240710
raze "any time i'm talking about my worries, it's pretty isolated. i'm always talking about some other me while trying to get my shit together. to make progress, i would have to just really let myself experience sadness, and i can't imagine having that. i'm trying to seem like such a grown-up girl. like, 'yes, yes doctor.'" 240711
raze "we just blasted the furnace upstairs." 240712
raze "it's not really a skill. it's just an exercise. it's being the loving adult that you wanted to have when you were a kid, kind of. also, therapy is a thing." 240713
raze "i'm a big believer in not commenting on things until you have all the information. most people don't share that belief." 240714
raze "collect all your buddies, and watch 'sixteen wishes'." 240715
raze "his career seems like some horrible fever_dream." 240716
raze "i like zombie movies. i've seen a lot of 'em. you ever watch 'zombie strippers'? it's a beautiful piece of american film." 240717
raze "you're playing with fire." 240718
raze "leave the dogs alone. don't give the dogs your problems." 240719
raze "i think everyone feels this way, but we're not in a place where we're supposed to say it." 240720
Soma "They should’ve made that Frog movie a musical." 240720
raze "i warned you! now this is your life!" 240721
raze "maybe some people don't wanna hear about ice spice at a party. imagine that." 240722
raze "were we not diving head-first into the craziest shit possible?" 240723
raze "yeah ... running people off the road isn't very nice." 240724
raze "nothing i've seen about her in the press has made me like her." 240725
raze "if there's something i did to someone that might have traumatized them, i don't get to write a book about that and make money off of it." 240726
raze "the banana song never reached me. this was my first time hearing it." 240727
raze "am i really better than some horny guy? i guess not so much." 240728
Soma "his name is Apollo, and he's already living up to being a beautiful asshole." 240728
raze "you know what? no one's kidnapped a famous baby in a really long time." 240729
raze "i watched this show on hbo max. i know it's just called max now. i'm not gonna do that. i'm gonna keep calling it hbo max." 240730
raze "i wasn't trying to say that you're boring. i was just saying that *i'm* not." 240731
raze "how do you even climb up there?"

"i'll show you."
e_o_i "Shut up! Just because of KFC?"

...Here, "shut up" meant more "I don't believe you"; a woman sitting on the train behind me was saying how an older woman she knows went to KFC and had a heart attack four days later. She thought these things were related; the man she's talking to didn't.
raze "she's a forgetful gary sometimes." 240802
Soma "It's called an incentive spirometer."
"So what's the incentive?"
"Not getting pneumonia."
raze "you can continue to think things like this only happen in movies. cool. i'm not living like that. the government does crazy shit." 240803
raze "i'm new. i'm still learning the lingo." 240804
raze "i'm facing this way. i'm looking forward." 240806
Soma "aren't you like, a drummer, man? Don't I know you?"
"No I've never met you. I don't play any instruments."
"But you look like you could man, and that's like, what matters."
e_o_i "I remember people walking across the street to correct my pronunciation."

(a man talking to the woman on the train seat beside him about his visit to Germany - coincidentally while I'm organizing my photos from there)
raze "her legs were so much longer than the rest of her." 240808
raze "maybe he hides his nipples, or whatever." 240809
raze "you're not a dentist? well, *become* one." 240810
raze "i have polynesian in me. i have italian in me. and then some irish." 240811
raze "i'll leave it to you." 240812
raze "there's a *lot* of nudity in this show."

"and you never warned me!"

"i'm sorry!"
e_o_i I have a file of "overheard on the train" things and this is from early spring:

One teenage girl to another on the trainafter saying the beginning of March was unusually warm – “That’s when you know global warming is going to be a bitch.”

And from just last week:

That one, like, familiar text is now so unfamiliar.” I don’t know whether the person meanttextin the phone way or in the literature way.
e_o_i (I think it was also two girls that time but probably older. They switched between English and French with a fluidity that made me slightly jealous, but I didn't listen enough to retain any specific phrases.) 240813
e_o_i (I mean, any of the franglais phrases. Or fraises. Phrases to sentences, sentences to strawberries. That's the danger of Montreal.) 240813
raze "don't ever think you're better than anyone else." 240814
raze "i still have the same tires. they have ninety-six thousand miles on them." 240815
raze "i need soft skin my entire life." 240816
raze "i don't think that's the truly asian way, my friend." 240817
raze "mom. i lost the car keys." 240818
Soma Yeah when they kept telling me to catch-up i thought they were talking, um, about tomatoes and, um, that is why I was late. yeah.” 240818
raze "are teeth whitening things bad for your teeth? do things break down?" 240819
raze "daddy!"



raze "i'm almost close to finishing that poetry book." 240821
raze "what i'm not understanding about this is *that* might be how it started, but it obviously escalated into something else." 240822
raze "i wouldn't get any closer than that. you gotta be crazy." 240823
Soma I used to own like two pairs of shoes when I moved here from Costa Rica, now I own about 30.” 240823
raze "okay. i'm starved." 240824
raze "hey. i'm in the back yard. the hose doesn't seem to be connected." 240825
raze "this is not fun." 240826
raze "okay stop. okay go. okay stop. okay go." 240827
raze "need nine to know." 240828
raze "i can't find the button."

"it's right there. under the beep."
raze "this is a good pillow to have a plate on, because it's a stable pillow and it won't fall." 240830
raze "i don't know if it's there anymore, but there was a spider hanging out in my window for the longest time." 240831
past "vancouver is basically beirut, but classier."

"much, much classier."

"sure, but less cool though."
raze "i sleep comfortable. that's what i can say." 240901
raze "they didn't want a patio door. i had to try and talk them out of that." 240902
raze "thinking about how to end this conversation. i'm not gonna give away many details or anything." 240903
raze "he was never fond of me talking about him." 240904
raze "i don't remember exactly how i started." 240905
e_o_i "I wish I had the courage to wear sandals." 240905
raze "the english are just very, like ... i don't know." 240906
raze "the red bull is acidic enough that it hides all the horrors of this soup." 240907
raze at the tim hortons drive-thru:

"yeah, i'll have a wildberry cheesecake donut."

"we don't have those."

"you had them yesterday."

"we don't have them today."

"why not?"

"because we don't."
raze "welcome to fucking canada. look at this shit. self-checkout? whoever heard of such a thing? i'm glad i don't fucking live here." 240909
Soma "ah yes, and nobody will poop in my mouth anymore!"

(I had so many questions from this one.)
raze "you know someone like this? she just took a vacation, and the whole time she was just go go go go go." 240910
raze "life is more fun when you don't ask questions." 240911
raze "i never promised you anything. i never promise anyone anything. i always tell my son: don't ever make a promise unless it's something you know you can actually do." 240912
raze "oh god. that would be so perfect for him." 240913
raze "it's getting late? it's eight in the morning! it's getting early!" 240914
raze "you have to wait ten seconds. you have to wait thirty seconds before climbing the ladder. i'm taking a five-second break." 240915
raze "honestly, she looks like a cat. her face is, like, feline." 240916
raze "he was probably an asshole anyway." 240917
raze "tim walz is everything i could ever want." 240918
raze "is it this thing? what's it called?"

"a leaf blower?"

"yeah. that thing."
raze "i don't remember currently. it was some time ago." 240920
raze "i would love to be able to speak another language. but i can't now." 240921
raze "there's a lot of squirrels in this area." 240922
raze "my hands look so pale compared to the rest of my body." 240923
raze "i'll stand up for what i believe in every day of the week. every day of the fucking week." 240924
raze "when you're in the entertainment industry, your job is to cater to as many people as possible. so you go with what's popular. it might not even be your opinion. you might not even like that sport, that movie, that genre of music, whatever. but you'll go with what's popular, because it makes you more liked by people." 240925
Soma Person 1: “We can mutually suck at -“
Person 2:“Yeah we can -”
In unison: “We can mutually suck at basketball
raze "i'm even afraid of injections." 240926
raze "i thought we'd been through the whole mauve thing. like, my lips are mauve. right? yes." 240927
raze "i'm not good at it. i'm not good at real_life. i don't take myself too seriously." 240928
raze "i do talk a lot. i'm sorry. i've always wanted to be a motivational speaker." 240929
raze "i'm exhausted, i'm hungry, and i have a horrible headache. i need to sleep." 240930
raze "yeah, you can eat dog food. it's human-safe. it just doesn't have any spices." 241001
raze "why was i heartbroken when i was ten? what did i have to be heartbroken about then?" 241002
raze "everyone thinks they're so important. they all have main character syndrome. there's like ten thousand million people here. no one cares." 241003
raze "don't fucking lie to me, motherfucker!" 241004
raze "you know how everyone hates their birthday? i love my birthday. it's 'me day'. but it's still four months away." 241005
raze "i think bands are cute when you're less than twenty_one." 241006
raze "you're making me nervous." 241007
raze "um, what is gum chick?" 241008
raze "i've gotta get back in the gym. i'm losing my abs." 241009
raze "my grandkids call me meemaw. have you ever heard that? do you know what it means?"

"i've heard of bubi. i don't really like that one. i've heard of mimi. but not meemaw."

"maybe it means they don't respect me."
raze "it's kind of like a light grey-purple." 241011
raze "sometimes haters are funny." 241012

"happy thanksgiving"

"thank you. i would be more thankful if the war ended and you could go back to ukraine."

"are you sick of me?"

"not quite yet."

"well i wish the dictator falls and you can go back to belarus. then i would be truly thankful."

"at home, at peace. nothing would make me more thankful for both of us. until then we are here, with peace at least."
raze "contemplate the girth of my tokens." 241013
raze "how could they have messed that up so badly?" 241014
nr "put everything in a fuckin' wagon and get on the metro."

(i'd accidentally almost put this in more_half_asleep_thoughts because of how absurd it sounds)
nr "i have a degree in limericks." 241014
raze "sue me. arrest me." 241015
raze "the problem is ... i don't know how to explain." 241016
raze "i scroll through the apartments for rent. it's livable. it isn't comfortable, but it's livable." 241017
raze "no, i hated myself when i did it." 241018
raze "oh. my knees." 241019
raze "yeah, i think it was 'cause i'm high. i'll be honest, though. it happens when i'm sober once in a blue_moon." 241020
raze "i *am* clumsy. i won't lie. usually not that bad, though." 241021
raze "how was that? a six point five?! fuck you. that shit's hard. you try." 241022
raze "if you don't start listening, we're going home." 241023
e_o_i Overheard at a bus stop. Two youngish men were talking about speaking both French and English and said something like this:

Guy 1: I only swear in English. Not in French. Because most of the swear words in French come from religion.

Guy 2: Why, are you religious?

Guy 1: Nah, it's just that it's cringe.

(Hostie de tabarnak, I say! OK, and I'll throw in a "merde" to counter the generalization.)
raze "hey! you forgot your keys!" 241024
raze "i make dog food at least once a week. sometimes two times a week." 241025
raze "the people that have birthdays near holidays i feel so bad for. especially christmas." 241026
raze "i cannot get that name right to save my life." 241027
raze "sometimes it's nice to just do something for yourself." 241028
raze "i mean ... again, if we're going with style is a lie and do what you want, he's not wrong." 241029
raze "i just find it fascinating. how are our eyebrows like this? how do everyone's eyebrows grow into the same shape?" 241030
raze "i was at this outdoor festival. i kept seeing people who i am not in contact with anymore, and i was like, 'why are you here?' it was fucking weird. so many people in my dream. that weird subconscious shit freaks me out." 241031
raze "what? does your nose always grow your entire life? if you got a nose job, would your nose still keep growing?" 241101
raze "if i see another one of those ... no. i can't. i can't." 241102
raze "what does he do for a living? he doesn't really say. he just says he goes to work at six in the morning and he comes home at six at night." 241103
raze "why are you actually talking about elements?" 241104
raze "i don't hate sheep. i just don't like wool." 241105
raze "hair's like a little crazy." 241106
raze "yes, i will let you call her." 241107
kerry "it feels like christmas eve but you don't know if there will be gifts or bombs under the tree" 241107
raze "it goes beyond discrimination. they're gonna push us back into sex work. i think they think they're just gonna put us back in our place, and in all actuality, it's gonna be a full extermination. look at how bold they're getting. they're already telling people to go back to picking cotton." 241108
raze "different schools specialize in different things. that's where i went to study violin." 241109
raze "whoever they are, they're far fucked. you can't fix those people. they're fucked." 241110
raze "i look like a lot of things. a disney princess isn't one of them." 241111
raze "i love linen, but linen wrinkles." 241112
raze "i'm too sensitive for him." 241113
raze "can i search for somebody if they're not online?" 241114
raze "he was wearing rings all the time. he would always put his hand like this on the gear stick. dad's car. none of it was his. it was all his dad's. a few years ago, he was like, 'i love you so much. i'll pay you twenty thousand dollars to meet me in a house in the netherlands.' i was like, 'last time i saw you, you were arrested with a restraining order. you tried to kill me. what, you want me to meet you so you can finish the job?' and he was like, 'i just hate the way it ended. i want to see you again.'" 241115
raze "just 'cause i have brown hair, don't let it fool you. i'm blonde in the head." 241116
raze "i didn't even know they made them that big. it was insane." 241117
raze "stop_it. no. you're being clingy." 241118
raze "you keep changing the plan. just keep your mouth shut." 241119
raze "he was an asshole." 241120
raze "let me open up another tab and see if that's where it is." 241121
raze "okay, hush for a sec. it just makes it so much more boring when i'm not the one talking." 241122
raze "i don't think it's a good or bad idea. it depends if you're interested in something serious or something not serious." 241123
raze "you've got skittles? if they're sour skittles, i'm sold. and coffee to sweeten the deal. i could maybe live on that." 241124
raze "can i keep you in a jar like a little fairy?" 241125
raze "what are you gonna feed me, scooby snacks? is that your specialty?" 241126
raze "like, trust me. i have a personality. my eyes are up here, motherfucker." 241127
e_o_i On the train yesterday: "I don't think I've ever eaten a piece of celery in my life." 241127
raze "now i understand why he warned me." 241128
raze "well, that's a good answer. at least you're honest." 241129
raze "as soon as i stand up, everything goes black. dizzy." 241130
raze "i need more iron." 241201
raze "god, her eye is split open. i don't wanna ... i can't look at it." 241202
raze "i'm pretty sure it's more efficient to use a power plant that doesn't make power." 241203
raze "do you like my cup? i couldn't pass it up. it's like a starbucks cup, but it's pink. i love pink." 241204
raze "hopefully my teeth don't hurt that bad when i come out tomorrow." 241205
raze "read the manual, read the manual, read the manual." 241206
raze "i'm willing to find out." 241207
raze "fuck. i love lettuce. i fucking love lettuce!" 241208
raze "actually, i get the meaning. i translated. it's nice. thank you." 241209
raze "you need to tell me about my mistakes. what the hell?" 241210
raze "in my top songs, i've literally got ... you know that movie with that little purple guy? i've got a song from that movie in there. it's my fifth top song. it's a good song. it's dancing in the dark." 241211
raze "i wanna go skating this weekend. like, without falling." 241212
raze "seven foot? you think i'm seven foot? that's wild. i should be playing basketball or something." 241213
raze "i have news. i just got it right now." 241214
raze "i have used aspercreme. it works. you gotta marinate. you gotta baste yourself in it for a few hours." 241215
raze "obviously i've had sex in a car, but that's not the craziest place." 241216
raze "nope. wrong. keep guessing." 241217
raze "could you hold on a second? i've just got something in the oven." 241218
raze "you asked me to say this. i'm not this mean, okay?" 241219
raze "you can explain whatever you want in the air." 241220
raze "i'm gonna be real with you. this is the only clean underwear i've got right now." 241221
raze "too hectic." 241222
raze "i feel like i need to take getting flexible seriously." 241223
raze "i'm a fidgeter." 241224
raze "ae? this is ai." 241225
raze "what should i try? let me know." 241226
raze "it's winter. it's not a secret. and my lips are so crusty." 241227
raze "i was thinking about my plans. you know, i became older, and i really want to make my life better in different ways." 241228
raze "oh wow. sounds like a nice festive time of year for you." 241229
raze "we are just another disaster life has to survive." 241230
raze "let's all have a new year's resolution of reading. then we can talk about what we read." 241231
raze "i still can't believe that it's 2025. like, what?" 250101
raze "i better get ready for my evening, 'cause i have to wash my hair, i have to scrub my face, i have to do my makeup..." 250102
raze "what is that? a birthmark? i feel like that's been there forever." 250103
raze "being a parent is a commitment to being disappointed." 250104
raze "here i go, richard. here i go." 250105
raze "this is unacceptable." 250106
raze "i'd be a good mom, yeah." 250107
raze "this generation? economically, things just don't work out. things are so chaotic these_days." 250108
raze "ideally. but that rarely happens in real_life." 250109
raze "don't ever call_me again." 250110
raze "i've got a collective nine hours of sleep in the past four days. i'll tell you my life story at some point." 250111
raze "you know what? i can't judge. you're a baller, and ballers ball." 250112
raze "maybe just tell me your name so i can say your name properly." 250113
e_o_i From my notebook, snippets of a conversation between college-aged guys on a train. Cynicism, enthusiasm, gossip, retail jobs...

"You know Aritzia? It has a boyfriend couch. Like, if you're there with your girlfriend, you can just chill."

"We were like in fucking Saskatoon, drunk one night."

"But that's what it is, you know. You do your time in places."

"But this place, they like fired 90% of their employees."

"It started going a bit south in a way. I don't know the details."

"...busting your ass here and there..."

"For sure, it's going to be a competitive process."
raze "now i understand how jokes work. i really do." 250114
raze "she called me, and all she did was complain. i told her, 'i don't have time for this. i need to do laundry.'" 250115
raze "such a gentleman." 250116
raze "i will add that to the queue. i'm glad i'm your little radio station today." 250117
raze "it's like seven point something. it's not only seven. but i don't know if it's seven and a half or less." 250118
raze "i don't think grades or education necessarily dictate intelligence. in most cases they don't. i've met people at college where i'm shocked they got in." 250119
raze "i had coffee, but the coffee wasn't very good. the coffee where i live is much, much better. so i was happy to be home for that reason." 250120
raze "okay. what was i saying? there was something i was about to say." 250121
raze "her manic party girl ways were like ... i could feel her energy. i'm describing your best friend? oh my god! is she tall?" 250122
raze "they looked fine. but if you're crazy about feet and pay attention to detail, they were a monstrosity. and at that price point, i was like, 'bitch, i'm gonna fucking fight you guys.' i do like used shoes. but if i'm buying or gifted new shoes, i don't want them to look used." 250123
raze "what do you mean you're out? that's crazy." 250124
raze "i don't need a beluga with abs. what_the_fuck?" 250125
raze "what were we supposed to be doing? i think we had just turned twenty_one." 250126
raze "okay. let me think." 250127
raze "my snake tattoos? they're called betty and white. because they're the best thing since sliced bread." 250128
raze "i'm trying. i am trying to learn how to do this." 250129
raze "oh, i *do* crave you, cheddar bun." 250130
raze "remember that skateboard that says 'razor guns'?" 250131
Soma "No, I didn't wear my blood. I kept it inside me." 250131
raze "i always shake things up. literally. pun intended." 250201
raze "i feel like ... why is the light moving?" 250202
raze "see, frank also just sucks. he's such a bad person." 250203
raze "someone told me i look like one of the characters in 'dexter', but i don't know which one it was, and i don't agree." 250204
raze "i'm not random." 250205
raze "i'm setting my limits. i'll just do what i'm comfortable with." 250206
raze "i haven't played fortnight in ages. i don't know if i'm any good anymore." 250207
raze "did you know if you mix sodium and waternot normal salt, but if you have something like celtic saltit's likely to help with migraines? random fun fact. but lets not talk about sodium. we're likely to get into a whole spiel, knowing me. random facts no one gives a shit about is my niche." 250208
raze "i was trying to slow down my speed there. i don't know if it made me sound robotic or not, though." 250209
raze "maybe the issue is that australia is not paying their employees a livable wage." 250210
raze "i have an objectified accomplice." 250211
raze "i'm still trying to sort out friday. friday is the day."

"i don't have a plan 'cause i don't have a boyfriend anymore."
raze "you're a little fetus. you go wah, wah, wah." 250213
e_o_i "People don't usually die in my job." 250213
raze "it's been a while. have i evolved?" 250214
raze "i'm glad you are familiar with the inventory." 250215
raze "you're making me want lunchables." 250216
raze "basically, i used to live with this girl. she used to steal money off me but deny it while i literally watched her. fast-forward. she did a payment. i sent her rent money. she spent it on a tattoo. we got an email saying we were getting evicted. then she expected me to pay the rent. and then she stole my keys so i couldn't get into the house. so i called the police on her. the moral of the story is i got all my shit out and she's insane. i wanted her to get fired from the place we both work at because she's a dumb dog, but it hasn't happened yet. that's my story of the day. any questions?" 250217
raze "i'll buy you a hotel."

"that's cute."
raze "i think there is some bias there, todd." 250219
raze "why don't you just move here?" 250220
raze "oh my gosh. where are my cranberries? i lost my cranberries. what is this? it's a travesty." 250221
raze "i know today's been a little bit slow, but let's try to hype it up." 250222
raze "she stole my last doughnut." 250223
what's it to you?
who go