tender_square we were a few blocks from my parents house. i was driving my mom and was about to pick up my sister so the three of us could travel across the city and visit with grandma in her county nursing home.

"so, how is my daughter?"

before i could answer, before i could even begin a sentence, my mother launched into a story she had forgotten she had started minutes prior.

"so as i was saying, i was on the phone with your aunt earlier and she wasn't feeling well and was supposed to clean houses for her clients and she'd never taken a covid test before and i said i could talk her through it..."

i wanted to call her out on what had happened in a direct way (as opposed to a passive-aggressive interruption from me: "so as i was saying, i'm fine, thanks for asking.") but thought better of it when i considered the amount of stress she's under. later i realized that's precisely the problem: the more stressed she is and out of control her life feels, the greater the frequency of her interruptions.
what's it to you?
who go