water lillies last friday, I was trying on clothes at urban outfitters when I overheard two employees talking:

"it's my birthday today."

"really? happy birthday! how old are you?"

"um. I don't want to say. you'll laugh."

"oh, come on."

(insert dramatic pause, resigned-sounding exhalation from the birthday girl here)

"I'm... 24."

"hey, that's not too bad. really. now, if you'd said 29. or 30. well..."

people, as I stood in that dressing room half-naked and eavesdropping (ezra flinging lipstick from my purse in every direction), I did not know whether to laugh or to cry.
no reason and her 30-year-old self i think i would have facepalmed. and possibly thrown clothes. 121030
unhinged maybe that's why my interest in their clothes has subconciously waned... 121030
flowerock tourist_conversations

"You see? That's the new burger trend, In_n_out, it's more popular with the young people here than mc_donalds, yeah." -and older lady to a younger lady american_tourists
unhinged 'so i am actually like going to have to pretend that i like him now...let me put this on my moms credit card'

e_o_i "You need to reply to that as soon as possible."

"It's not that imminent."
nr something like, "it wasn't teleportation, but they made a double of the person in another place and killed the original."

"that makes you wonder, why would they need to kill the original?"
jane "nice teeth on your kid there"

it was just a co-worker complimenting another co-worker, but my_sick_brain immediately whirlwinded into his secret and insane double life wherein he kidnaps peoples children and keeps them in a dungeoun, pulling out their teeth to adorn himself with tooth jewelry.
jane (nr: see "the prestige") 151028
nr "we broke up two times. i can't remember why we broke up the first time." 161027
nr "we broke up two times. i can't remember why we broke up the first time." 161027
nr "hey! that wasn't supposed to post twice." -me (does it count as overhearing if you say the words yourself?) 161027
nr "it's like with food. if i'm enjoying a great meal, but then get the offer to eat that same meal for the rest of my life, i'm not as excited about it anymore." -guy who's telling the guy he's on a first date with why he's not so into marriage

"i think it's not so much about getting the same meal all the time, but having food to eat for the rest of your life." -other guy, who does want marriage (or at least, a long-term commitment)
nr i want to write a scene with people using only food-related relationship analogies. 161030
raze one of the city_workers singing what sounded like opera for a few seconds. too bad there hasn't been more of that, and less of this banging and beeping at seven at night when the sun is gone and some of us would kind of like to have at least a few moments of peace and quiet before we go to sleep. 161101
e_o_i On the train, two high school students:

Student 1: "If I had the money to spend on a house, I'd just buy my own train instead."

Student 2: "A train?"

Student 1: "Yeah."
epitome of incomprehensibility My mom on the phone, "I keep seeing goldendoodles around me," as if she's having mystical visions of these particular dogs.

Of course, she's talking about walking around the neighbourhood. She wants to get a goldendoodle - the hypoallergenic fur for Dad, the cute looks and friendly personality for her.

(But dogs are individuals. You might get a grumpy one. Anyway.)
raze mother to her son, while ignoring him so she could spend the entirety of their trip to the park with her face glued to her phone: "don't be a douche."

welcome to parenting in 2021.
nr "the bass player in the band is always the one you fall in love with." 210913
what's it to you?
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