raze first dream of the young year:

a man sits in a car with his back to the steering wheel, driven by the great and terrible weight of love. another man is in the passenger seat. he chooses the same blindness. both of them stone-faced and staring into the grey cloth of their bucket seats.

while they speed down the highway, the woman the driver wants to spend the rest of his life with pilots a transport truck in the opposite lane.

the accident isn't shown. in the aftermath, the man who made this mess staggers from the wreckage. he steadies himself with the help of an empty shopping cart. no blood or broken bones, but his thoughts are as shattered as the tan sedan that brought him here. he babbles about a child that was never born, wild-eyed and wounded somewhere deep beneath the skin.

the passenger is gone. his love has moved on.
epitome of incomprehensibility In general:

This sounds trite
but I hope it's right
when I say hold fast,
hope it's better than the last.
what's it to you?
who go