bijou there were three in the street.

one was already dead, crushed by a passing motorist. the second one had a broken wing or was at least pretending, flapping around next to him. the last one was still okay.

i pulled into a driveway along third street; it was busy and the cars were flying past in all four lanes. i just looked for a moment, i didn't know quite what to do. if you save someone's life, you are responsible for it.

a toyota rav 4 drove by and hit the two remaining birds. their tiny bones and feathers and blood were strewn across the lane.

and god holds them in his hands.
ancient and terrible in the fountain playing and bathing

i wished i had a chameleon's tongue

i envy them their short lives and pity them over their chance to die at the hands of the falcon pair that lives atop the nearby bank building or by a stupid arbitrary chace encounter with a vehicle

i wanted to just snatch them out of the air and eat them - not for hunger

but for some perverse, conflicted sense of both mercy and spite
jinx Must you shoot them with a BB-gun? 020519
what's it to you?
who go