epitome of incomprehensibility As soon as I came back home from class, I heard that Queen Elizabeth II had died. It was a startling shift, and I found myself unexpectedly depressed when I was in the kitchen afterwards.

Why? I didn't know her, obviously. She seemed nice, but why does Canada still have a queen or king anyway? (which past pondered in "succession").

Self-honesty helped me along with the peppermint tea: I searched my thoughts and told myself it's normal to feel bad about an upheaval. That can happen even with overall happy changes. See also "current_worries."
e_o_i I've a funny story from Mom: the queen visited Montreal when my mother was a small kid. One street the royals would be visiting was decorated with banners and signs bearing the insignia ER for Elizabeth Regina. Those are also Mom's initials.

So my mom's mother told her the parade and the signs were for her. Mom believed her.
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