epitome of incomprehensibility This didn't go in "queen," because I am a lowly commoner, but this afternoon I was also mulling over various complaints:

a) Headache and tiredness

b) Dog being sick; maybe it's some non-GERMy germ that I've got too but didn't make me throw up?

c) I can't get my online German textbook (the credit card got fixed, but other things went wrong and the site automatically refused my payment, even with Dad's card). Should I tell the prof? It's not her problem, but I want to prove I'm not lazy.

d) I started crying in German class today because I felt overwhelmed, even though I wasn't terribly sad or feeling like a failure. I don't know who noticed. It's just that I didn't have time to write down a table of adjective endings and didn't pay attention when she was telling us about the next speaking-out-loud task, so I was in no state of mind to form a sentence in a third language. I slipped out to blow my nose in the bathroom, conveniently missing that part of a part of the lesson.

e) The prof wrote on her lesson plan to tell her if you have problems that might need accommodations. Should I write her about the textbook problems AND having trouble with the fast-paced speaking and listening parts because of ADHD? But what do I hope to accomplish? The ADHD part is sort of there already, in that my name is somewhere on a list she got and it says I can have up to 33% more time with final exams, which I probably don't need unless I get to an exam late (cough, cough, Indo-European midterm). I'm good with most exams. Oral exams, no, but everyone has their weak points, and my language ones are probably more because of introversion. I don't really want or expect her to slow down certain parts the lesson for me. I just want to be BETTER at it. But the hard part: I have to accept that, as an introvert with certain problems as well as certain talents, I simply have to work harder at the listening and speaking parts of learning a new language than many other people do.

f) Can I avoid setting up the new computer for a couple more days? Yes, because this week I don't have to make a quiz for Socio. Okay, but I'm avoiding things. Okay, but so what.
epitome of incomprehensibility If I'd gotten the online textbook earlier, though, I could have started on the exercises there already. That part is just bad luck.

What the fuck is wrong with BlinkLearningOrWhatever's ordering system? First they tell me to enter a tracking number that they didn't give me, then they refuse my payment outright (probably some automatic thing) but say "You have no orders," THEN they don't answer an email I sent last night except with a stupid automatic response.
e_o_i Pah, I shouldn't be platching over automatic blobberations and blothering up blather with them. But I'm more gruntled now because I was finally able to order the damn online textbook. Calloo callay!

(I was afraid I'd have to use my international calling card to contact the company in Spain, but phew at the payment finally working.)
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