gja Who shall you be?
Handle me with care.

Sure correct the spealling, and, scratch out the copious commas.
But remember where it all came from.
That it was all layed out in love.
That life was breathed into every word. That sentences consumed hours of consideration; endured evenings of undos; bike rides of reflection; troubled sleep; whole rewritten mornings.
Remember the gaps aren't just gaping chasms.(For me as much as anyone)
But might be places to dip a readers toe; space to add soil around seedlings; ledges from which to dive; caves to crawl into.
Who shall you be?
What do you offer?

Please don't use a red pen.
gja I may have nodded politely.
You will have interpreted this as collusion. Please know it was not.
I was ready to agree. But as you spoke words so at odds with my position it dawned on me I didn't have to take your offered service.
It was the dawning you were seeing; not the agreeing.

And no doubt it will be difficult to extricate myself from your interest.
We can play a game of thrust and parry if you like. Or I can obfuscate and cry reticence. But lets not make it painful. Lets get to an impasse quickly then move on - that way no one gets hurt.

For the record - readers need not be slapped in the face with some fucking formula. There is room for interpretation; imagination; subjugation. Its not a case of right or wrong. There is no moral outcome.

Thanks but no thanks.
ljr ? 150108
what's it to you?
who go