raze there are people who just leave their hand sitting there like a dead fish, and while you clasp your fingers around the lifeless thing, you wonder why they bothered offering it in the first place. there are those who look you in the eye and let their hand clamp down on yours like the jaws of life. and then there are all those handshakes that live somewhere between the extremes of "lame beyond belief" and "pulverizing intensity".

i still find a simple handshake is a pretty good litmus test when it comes to gauging someone's sincerity. from my experience, the people with above-average handshakes tend to be the ones you can count on when it comes right down to it. seems almost moronic in its simplicity, but more often than not it's proven to be true.

shaking your own hand...now that's tricky. and it probably won't tell you much about yourself, aside from how persistent you are.

shaking hands with an elephant is even more difficult. but you know an elephant will never let you down. that goes without saying.
raze there's also that shake where the other person holds their hand in an odd way. like they only give you half their hand to work with. so you end up doing all the work and nothing much happens. it's the hand-based equivalent of talking to you while their head is turned the other way, so when you talk, you're talking to an ear and some hair. 150404
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