raze seconds after setting the gentle cycle in motion, i saw the water pooling around my feet. a black rubber hose that carries the hot water line we never use to clean our clothes sprang a pinhole leak. it took almost every towel in the house to mitigate the mess. a wound so small it was all but invisible, and it threatened to flood the basement. a quickblade knife hacked the damaged limb off at the elbow. a pipe wrench, a hammer, a screwdriver, and some spite took care of the rest. the shirts and socks and undergarments that drowned along the way were washed in the bathtub and wrung out by hand before taking a few trips through the dryer. we needed six hours to finish a job that's done in one on any other day. and all because a bit of colourful salad_dressing dribbled onto the right leg of my favourite pair of shorts while i was eating lunch. 230920
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